Learn Japanese!

Discussion in 'The STAGE48 Lobby' started by Shin, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. rka

    rka Senbatsu Stage48 Donor

    Jan 19, 2013
    can you recommend me a custom vocabulary trainer for android and/or windows?
    Ideally i would add vocab lists by myself, and the trainer quizzes me then.
  2. Humbucker

    Humbucker Next Girls

    Jun 19, 2014
    Fortune Cookie Palace
    Sashihara Rino
    I don't know any useful apps but what I've been doing to train to read Japanese, considering I also have to practice English, is to try to read any text of my interest and search for the words in weblio. It's a better option than relying only on Google Translate imo, with various examples of how to use the word.


    In addition I keep a self vocabulary in hands, always adding new words and fixing others for better meanings.

    煽る(あおる)- stir up, instigate, incite
    明らかに(あきらかに)- unveiled
    粗削り(あらけずり)- unrefined
    争い(あらそい)- battle, fight, conflict, struggle
    淡い(あわい)- light, light-colored, pastel, weak, faint

    勢い(いきおい)- power, force, momentum
    勢いを増す(いきおいをます)- gather strength (momentum), grow stronger
    生き様(いきざま)- way of life
    勢いがある(いきおいがある)- be fresh and lively, be energetic, have vigor and power,
    意見(いけん)- opinion, suggestion, view
    意見が合う(いけんがある)- agree
    意見が合わない(いけんがあわない)- disagree
    一部始終(いちぶしじゅう)- whole story, all the details, everything (about),
    否めない(いなめない)- cannot deny, undeniable,
    一向に(いっこうに)- completely, absolutely, totally. (in a negative sentence)(not) at all, (not) a bit, (not) in the least
    意図する(いとする)- intend to do, aim at something, aim to do
    いわゆる- the so-called, what is called, what you/they call
    言わんばかり(いわんばかり)- as if to say, as much as to say, as if sb was/were saying

    打ち合わせ(うちあわせ)- avdance arrangement, preparatory meeting, briefing session

    演出する(えんしゅつする)- to perform, to play, to represent, to produce, to direct
    縁遠い(えんとおい)- far, distant, unconnected, weakly related.

    怖気付く(おじけづく)- to be seized with fear, to be intimidated, to be frightened
    怖気付かない(おじけづかない)- not shrinking, fearless
    驚き(おどろき)- amazement
    思い描く(おもえがく)- conceptualize, conceive, visualize, image, figure
    穏便に(おんびに)- peaceably, amicable
    帯番組(おびばんぐみ)- a weekdays program, strip


    開校(かいこう)- opening of school
    解消(かいしょう)- cancellation, dissolution, resolution
    格差(かくさ)- difference, gap
    拡大(かくだい)- extension, magnification, amplification, augmentation, expansion, enlargement, dilatation
    獲得する(かくとくする)- acquire
    過激(かげき)- radical, violent
    肩書き(かたがき)- title
    語り継ぐ(かたりつぐ)- transmit, hand down
    兼ねる(かねる)- embrace, combine, serve for
    カメラマン - cameraman, photographer
    絡む(からむ)- get involved
    -側(-がわ)- on -'s side
    監修(かんしゅう)- supervision
    観点(かんてん)- point of view, standpoint, viewpoint
    感動する(かんどうする)- be impressed

    機会(きかい)- chance, opportunity
    危機感(ききかん)- sense of crisis, sense of danger, sense of impending
    記者(きしゃ)- reporter, writer, journalist
    起訴猶予(きそゆうよ)- indictment suspension, s
    器物損壊(きぶつそんかい)- destrictions of things , damage of property, material damage, material loss
    疑問(ぎもん)- interrogation, query, doubt, problem, question
    疑問点(ぎもんてん)- question, point of uncertainty, unclarified issue, doubt
    疑問を呈する(ぎもんをていする)- cast a doubt on, question
    キャリア - career, experience
    起用(きょう)- appointment
    脅迫される(きょうはくされる)- be intimidated, threatened
    局地的(きょくちてき)- local, regional
    緊急事態(きんきゅうじたい)- emergency
    近年(きんねん)- in recent years

    暗い(くらい)- gloomy
    件(くらり)- issue, passage, paragraph
    苦言を呈する(くげんをていする)- give a candid advice, give unpleasant but wholesome advice, present a compliance

    形式(けいしき)- form, format, type
    警視庁(けいしちょう)- Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
    経由する(けいゆする)- go through
    激化する(げきかする)- get violent/serious, intensify
    激高する(げっこうする)- be enraged, be incensed, become indignant
    -権(-けん)- right of
    嫌悪感(けんおかん)- disgust, aversion, dislike
    謙虚(けんきょ)- modesty, humbly, humility
    謙虚な(けんきょな)- modest, humble
    原稿(げんこう)- manuscript
    現行犯逮捕(げんこうはんたいほ)- in flagrante delicto, arrest of flagrant offender, arrest of a flagrant offender
    現在(げんざい)- presently, currently, now, at present
    検察側(けんさつがわ)- prosecutors side
    現状(げんしょう)- current condition, present state, present situation
    限定(げんてい)- restriction, limitation

    公益(こうえき)- public welfare
    豪華(ごうか)- gorgeous
    好感を持つ(こうかんをもつ)- like, to fell friendly, have a good impression
    後世(こうせい)- future generations, posterity
    購入(こうにゅう)- buying, purchase
    心掛ける(こころがける)- strive, endeavor, be careful to do, take care to do, try to do
    古参(こさん)- senior, veteran
    混乱(こんらん)- chaos, confusion 


    才覚(さいかく)- wit
    最前線(さいぜんせん)- forefront
    削除する(さくじょう)- delete
    散見する(さけんする)- be found here and there, various places or situations
    雑然(ざつせん)- disorder, mess, confusion
    殺到する(さっとうする)- to flood (of comments, for example)
    さる事ながら(さることながら)- that goes without saying but also, not only that but also

    司会をする(しかいをする)- to preside over sth
    仕掛ける(しかける)- begin to do, begin doing, start,
    時間を割く(じかんをさく)- to spare time
    事件取材(じけんしゅざい)- incident reporting
    事後報告(じごほうこうく)- report after the fact, post fact report
    支持する(しじする)- to support, to give a support
    自粛(じしゅく)- self-control
    姿勢(しせい)- attitude, posture
    実績(じせき)- performance, development, results, achievement, experience
    視線(しせん)- gaze, glance, look
    次第に(しだいに)- more and more, gradually
    親しみやすい(したしみやすい)- friendly, favorable, well-disposed, companionable
    視聴者(しちょうしゃ)- audience, viewer, public
    実際(じっさい)- really, genuinely, truly, in fact
    実態(じったい)- actual condition/situation /state, reality
    始末(しまつ)- result, management
    -氏(-し)- Mr. ***, The *** Family
    尺(しゃく)- the limit of time speech should be within
    写真雑誌(しゃしんざっし)- photographical magazine, tabloid magazine
    取材(しゅざい)- interview
    取材陣(しゅざいじん)- press corps, group of reporters
    周知の事実(しゅうちのじじつ)- well-known fact
    手腕(しゅわん)- skill, dexterity, ability
    使用(しよう)- usage, use
    昇華(しょうか)- sublimation
    昇華する(しょうかする)- to sublimate
    称賛(しょうさん)- praise, admire, applaud, speak highly
    招集(しょうしゅう)- call, summon
    肖像権(しょうじょけん)- right of likeness, right to refuse to be photographed, right of publicity, personality rights
    上申書(じょうしんしょ)- written statement
    初代(しょだい)- primary, the founder, the first
    書類送検(しょるいそうけん)- send documents to a prossecutor, filing charges
    序列(じょれつ)- ladder, rank, order
    send the case to the public prosecutor's office
    素人(しろうと)- amateur, novice, rookie
    進行(しんこう)- progress, march, advance, move forward
    審査(しんさ)- examination, judgement, inspection
    心底(から)(しんそこから)- (from the) bottom of one's heart
    信頼関係(しんらいかんけい)- relationship of mutual trust

    推測する(すいそくする)- guess, presume, suppose, speculate

    税金(ぜいきん)- tax
    制作(せいさく)- production, creation, execution, work
    制作する(せいさくする)- to produce, to create, to execute
    政治(せいじ)- politics
    勢ぞろい(せいぞろい)- line-up
    成否(せいひ)- success (or failure), result, issue
    整理(せいり)- order
    成立する(せいりつする)- be formed, be organized, be completed, be established, be concluded , be proven true, be approved
    接する(せっする)- meet, come in contact with, many, large amount, multitude
    前代未聞(ぜんだいみもん)- record-breaking, unprecedented, unparalleled, never heard before
    全貌(ぜんぼう)- the whole aspect, all the details, the full picture

    壮絶な(そうぜつな)- heroic, magnificent, sublime
    騒然(そうぜん)- agitated, uproarious, clamorous, tumultuous
    そうそうたる - prominent, outstanding, first-rate
    続出(ぞくしゅつ)- sequence,
    続出する(ぞくしゅつする)- appear / come out one after another, in sequence, to connect
    率直(そっちょく)- direct, frank, honest


    対策(たいさく)- measure, countermeasure
    多彩な(たいさな)- colorful
    大勢(たいせい)- crowd, a great number of, a large number of,
    代打をこなす(だいだをこなす)- to pinch-hit
    態度(たいど)- attitude, bavior, manner
    タッグを組む(たっぐをくむ)- to work in collaboration with, to work together, to strive together
    脱帽する(だつぼうする)- to take one's hat off to sb
    団結する(だんけつする)- stick together, come together, to be united, work togetherfor the same cause.
    淡々と(たんたんと)- calmly, (can be ignored in the translation)

    知名度(ちめいど)- reputation, notability, name value, notoriety, be well known, name recognition, name publicity, self publicity, how popular, visibility, familiality, popularity
    着々と(ちゃくちゃくと)- firmly, steadly
    挑戦する(ちょうせんする)- challenge something, give a challenge
    直撃(ちょくげき)- (a direct) hit, stroke
    直撃する(ちょくげきする)- hit directly, make an direct hit
    珍(ちん)- rare, unusual, curious, strange

    作り上げる(つくりあげる)- make, do, produce, create

    提出する(ていしゅつする)- submit, produce, advance
    手がける(てがける)- dfs
    的確に(てきかくに)- precisely, accurately, unerringly, without making erros
    手探り(てさぐり)- feel (grope) one's way (in the dark), touch
    手慣れた(てなれた)- practiced ***, used to ***, accoustomed
    手の込んだ(てのこんだ)- elaborate, complicated, complex
    テンパる - to freak out, to be in panic, to be nervous, not to know what to do

    同-(どう-)- the same ***, the said XXX
    童顔(どうがん)- baby face
    投稿する(とうこうする)- post in a electronic magazine, media services
    盗撮(とうさつ)- secret photography
    当時(とうじ)- then, that time, those days,
    当時の(とうじの)- the then ... , ... of that time, ... of those days
    動じることなく(どうじることなく)- keep unruffled
    投入(とうにゅう)- to charge, to invest, to throw/cast sth into sth
    徹す(とおす)- go through, pass, get through, all the way
    得意分野(とくいぶんや)- et
    突拍子もない(とっぴょうしもない)- crazy, astounding, tremendous, exorbitant
    トントン拍子(とんとんびょうし)- smoothly, swimmingly, without a hitch, with rapid strides


    内紛(ないふん)- internal trouble
    慰める(なぐさめる)- to comfort, to give a comfort, to console, to cheer sb up
    納得(なっとく)- consent (agree, allow)
    馴れ合い(なれあい)- conspiracy

    入稿(にゅうこう)- receiving a manuscript, sending material to press, sending manuscript to the publisher
    認識する(にしきする)- recognize

    - to be completely absorbed in, to fall for something, go into (one's work) heart and soul, intense devotion, to devote


    背景(はいけい)- background
    廃止(はいし)- abolition, disuse, discontinuance 
    廃止する(はいしする)- abolish, do away with, discontinue, phase out, repeal
    廃止になる(はいしになる)- be abolished, go out of use (existence), fall into disuse.
    配慮する(はいりょする)- consider
    場数を踏む(ばかずをふむ)- have a lot of experience, to gain experience, to get accustumed, to experience various things, to have varied practical experience, to accumulate experience
    爆笑(ばくしょ)- a/an explosion/gales/outburst/roar of laughter
    励ます(はげます)- encourage, cheer up, urge
    波長が合う(はちょうがあう)- to be on the same wavelength, to think alike, to get along
    発言(はつげん)- speech remark
    発信(はっしん)- transmission
    発信する(はっしんする)- send, transmit
    発想(はっそう)- idea, way of thinking, mindset
    はっちゃける - to make merry and forget one's trouble, to do as one pleases
    抜擢(ばってき)- selection, an exceptional promotion, promotion by selection
    抜擢する(ばってきする)- selection/choose/pick somebody (from among many) (for an important job position)
    抜擢される(ばってきされる)- to be selected/chosen/picked (from among many) (for an important job position), to be catapulted
    発表する(はっぴょうする)- announce, show, present, declare
    歯に衣着せぬ(はにきぬきせぬ)- to not mince matters, to speaky frankly, outspoken
    場面(ばめん)- setting, scene, picture, place, occasion, situation
    反響(はんきょう)- effect, echo, influence, repercussions, reaction, response, reverberate
    反抗心(はんこうごころ)- rebellious spirit

    被害届(ひがいとどけ)- registration of damage, report of damage, damage report
    尾行する(びこうする)- to tail
    尾行される(びこうされる)- to be tailed
    膝蹴り(ひざげり)- knee
    人当たりがいい(ひとあたりがいい)- is friendly to everybody
    批判(ひはんする)- criticize
    掻き回す(ひっかきまわす)- raise up, stir up, shake up, disturb, agitate
    表現(ひょうげん)- expression
    表現する(ひょうげんする)- present, portray, express, interpret, depict, describe, represent
    表情(ひょうじょう)- expression

    不在(ふざい)- absence
    不祥事(ふしょうじ)- scandal
    に踏まえて(にふなえて)- based on
    不満(ふまん)- disapproval, discontent, discontentedness, discontentment, dissatisfaction, unsatisfactory
    不利(ふり)-disadvantage, disfavor
    ‐ぶり- the way sb do/does sth
    雰囲気(ふんいき)- ambience, atmosphere
    奮闘(ふんとう)- struggle

    暴行(ぼうこう)- criminal assault, violence, rape, outrage
    方式(ほうしき)- method
    放置(ほうち)- neglect, leaving
    報道(ほうどう)- information, news, report, coverage
    暴力行為(ぼうりょくこうい)- violence, act of violence, violent behavior
    補欠(ほけつ)- substitute
    勃発(ぼっぱつ)- outbreak, sudden occurrence, outburst
    本来(ほんらい)- per se, as such, intrinsically, in and of itself, original, primary


    認める(みとめる)- admit, recognize, permit, allow, approve
    妙技(みょうぎ)- wonderful skill, exquisite skill, feature,

    むちゃくちゃ - absurd, chaos
    群がってきる(むらがってくる)- to come round, gathered
    空しく(むなしく)- in vain, to no purpose, fruitlessly

    明確な(めいかくな)- clear, definite
    めぐる- go around, move around, circulate
    目白警察署(めじろけいさつしょ)- Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department

    持ち込む(もちこむ)- bring forward, take
    物おじしない(ものおじしない)- unfaltering, be at ease, never be shy


    役職(やくしょく)- position
    躍進(やくしん) - progress
    躍進する(やくしんする) - make a rapid progress, advance rapidly (by leaps and bounds), take/make great/rapid strides, leap ahead, take/make a (great) leap forward
    動もすると(ややもすると)- being apt to, being liable to, being inclined to
    遣り遂げる(やりとげる)- carry out (through), complete

    優遇(ゆうぐう)- warm reception, favorable treatment
    勇姿(ゆうし)- brave figure

    要所要所(ようしょようしょ)- every important point, key point


    理想の(りそうの)- ideal
    理不尽(りふじん)- irrational, ridiculous, laughable, idiotic, unreasonable, unfair, unjust

    冷静沈着(れいせいちんちゃく)- calm, cool, collected, level and calm, level-headed
    連載(れんさい)- series, serial publication, serialization
    連載される(れんさいされる)- appear serially, be published serially, be serialized

    露出(ろしゅつ)- exposure


    話題になる(わだいになる)- become a popular topic of conversation, to be in the news
    話題になる***(わだいになる***)- *** that gets continued public attention.

    Of course, it just helps to train reading and not to learn how to write kanjis.
  3. tuxedo_gin

    tuxedo_gin Kenkyuusei

    Aug 21, 2016
    Anki is the most recommended app for that - it uses spaced repetition formulas. You can create your own decks or download decks other people have created. It's available on basically every platform.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. rka

    rka Senbatsu Stage48 Donor

    Jan 19, 2013
    I recently came across constructions of the -te form of -te iru.

    kaisha wa tokubetsu na dougo o tsukutte ite, chuumon mo takusan ukete imasu.

    What does the -te ite in this case do, which other "because" expressions cannot do?
    Are there other applications? Ive found another example on the net, which wasnt well explained. What is the difference between "Oboete ite kudasai" and "Oboete kudasai"?
  5. wlerin

    wlerin Next Girls

    Mar 23, 2012
    Taniguchi Megu
    The -te form is used to connect two parallel verbs (or verb phrases, including subject/object/etc.), similar to English "and" when used in the same fashion. There's nothing special about -te iru in this regard.

    The same as the difference between Oboete iru and Oboeru.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. rka

    rka Senbatsu Stage48 Donor

    Jan 19, 2013
    Thank you. So, its not so complicated as i feared. Would you rather translate the sentence as
    "The company is producing special tools, and its getting a lot of orders." or
    "Because the company is producing special tools, it is getting a lot of orders."?

    About the second example, is it then "Please remember" vs. "Please keep remembering"?
  7. wlerin

    wlerin Next Girls

    Mar 23, 2012
    Taniguchi Megu
    The first one, but note also the も: The company makes* special tools, and gets* lots of orders too. It would make sense that there's a causal relationship between those two things but it's not being stated.

    * If it's meant habitually, the simple present is more natural in English.

    "Please memorise/remember (once)" (oboeru) vs. "Please keep this in mind" (oboete iru), yes.

    Also I should be clear, the -te form is used in other ways too but as far as I recall none of them treat -te iru differently from other verbs.
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    • Informative Informative x 1

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