Tano Yuka (Tanochan) / 12th Generation

Discussion in 'AKB48 Graduated Members' started by Lariemeeva, May 27, 2011.

  1. goh1925

    goh1925 Kenkyuusei

    May 24, 2013
    From this week AKBingo:
    When you look at the photo, it is evidently that Tano-chan is still mentally a kiddo. :^^;:
    They asked her to wrote down the five names while holding her breath and she did exactly that.

    I guess she intend to wrote everyone's name in Kanji,
    and so she did for the first time (Yuko);
    then she feels like her breath is running out soon half way writing Sae's name,
    hence Sae's name is in half kanji and half hiragana;
    she try to write the rest in hiragana but was running out of breath during Yui's name,
    hence the messy handwriting and she ran out of breath during her writing Sashi's name,
    and hence she didn't wrote the "-san".
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. aratafuru

    aratafuru Kenkyuusei

    Jun 5, 2013
    ^ Thanx for that... that was pretty hilarious... also reading that made this pic...
    ...much, much more adorable. :XD:
  3. odagiri_juno

    odagiri_juno Kenkyuusei

    Aug 15, 2012
    West Java
    tanochan only shown her majime as long as she can hold her breath,extraordinary way to show some seriousness and willingness.well tanochan is KSGK after all... :D

    anyway,suzukake blabla pv is out..
    dance ver..
    full ver..

    and yesterday CDTV performance..
  4. atsuakimayu

    atsuakimayu Kenkyuusei

    Sep 14, 2011
    KSGK Land
    from the latest akbingo :lol:


    next week ep gonna be funny too :hehe:
  5. odagiri_juno

    odagiri_juno Kenkyuusei

    Aug 15, 2012
    West Java
    a gif of it..
    what a reaction tanochan has,so funny and never fail to amazed me.. [clap]
    maybe tanochan learn it from this member..
    [​IMG] :D
    sata-san must be impressed with tanochan reaction,i wonder if he would pick on tanochan just like how top lead niizuma-san always picked on her in andare from now on.. :chuffed:

    i hope tanochan also shown her hentai chara in akbingo too..
    i kinda wanted to saw it again since hirary barely upload any backstage video nowdays.. :(
  6. tkmnwen

    tkmnwen Kenkyuusei

    Oct 18, 2011
    11/28 NOTTV Anta Dare

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    That's me at the back with the light boards. (:)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Tanochan wouldn’t have seen me (at least not so early like 40seconds into the show), if it hadn’t been for Jurichan. Juri saw the boards when we were filming the opening, and she kept looking at me/the boards during Jyuuryoku Sympathy and once it ended, she told Tanochan and pointed to me but Tanochan was all like “NANI?!” and her eyes were like searching but can’t see me?
    And finally when she did she was all like OHHHH!!!! I was really amused. And that wave ;A;)))/ Girls, you guys are recording live…Nevertheless, so thankful and humble by this. T^T Thank you Juri, thank you Tanochan, for that memory! <3

    Friend went to handshake event a few days later and talked to Tanochan.
    Friend: Long time no see
    田野: Thank you~
    Friend: OO went to Andare
    田野: I saw her!
    Friend: Do you know her name?
    田野: ??????
    (Time’s up)
    ……forever not knowing my real name and knowing me by that weird-ass nickname she gave me -_- OO is the nickname and not shared for personal reasons. ^^;
  7. ranko

    ranko Kenkyuusei

    Jan 18, 2013
    Does anyone know what song Tanochan wota are voting for in RH? I'm not sure what to vote for really... I want to show my oshimen support, but I'm not sure how to in this case. I'm thinking Suzukake Nanchara would be the best choice, but I'd like to double check.
  8. Pollinic

    Pollinic Kenkyuusei

    Jun 27, 2010
    Tano fans seems to be voting on Bara no Kajitsu.

    Totally unofficial list made by Japanese fans.
    *1位 指原莉乃 愛しきナターシャ/恋するフォーチュンクッキー
    *2位 大島優子 泣きながら微笑んで
    *3位 渡辺麻友 So long !/アボガドじゃね~し・・・/残念少女(列挙のみ)
    *4位 柏木由紀 夜風の仕業
    *6位 松井珠理奈 34thじゃんけん曲/思い出以上/Darkness(列挙のみ)
    *7位 松井玲奈 枯葉のステーション
    *8位 高橋みなみ 愛しさのアクセル
    *9位 小嶋陽菜 ハート型ウイルス
    10位 宮澤佐江 奇跡は間に合わない
    12位 島崎遥香 永遠プレッシャー/走れ!ペンギン
    13位 横山由依 太宰治を読んだか?/偶然の十字路
    14位 山本彩 太宰治を読んだか?/ジャングルジム
    15位 渡辺美優紀 わるきー/なめくじハート/妄想ガールフレンド/絶滅黒髪少女 その他赤組曲など
    16位 須田亜香里 快速と動体視力/ここで一発
    17位 柴田阿弥 愛の意味を考えてみた
    18位 峯岸みなみ 逆転王子様/LOVE修行
    19位 梅田彩佳 抱きしめちゃいけない/ゼロサム太陽/エンドロール/ゴンドラリフト
    20位 高城亜樹 君のことが好きだから
    21位 北原里英 Choose me !
    22位 木崎ゆりあ 狼とプライド
    24位 松村香織 ここで一発
    25位 川栄李奈 ハステとワステ
    26位 宮脇咲良 片思いの唐揚げ
    27位 古川愛李 眼差しサヨナラ
    28位 山田菜々 太宰治を読んだか?
    31位 木本花音 みつばちガール/偶然の十字路
    33位 佐藤亜美菜 今度こそエクスタシー
    34位 片山陽加 純情主義
    35位 永尾まりや 無し(選挙に温存)
    36位 倉持明日香 記憶のジレンマ
    37位 兒玉遥 今がイチバン
    38位 田野優花 バラの果実
    39位 梅本まどか 今度こそエクスタシー/みつばちガール/シャララなカレンダー
    40位 上西恵 今度こそエクスタシー/三日月の背中
    41位 松本梨奈 今度こそエクスタシー/冬のかもめ
    43位 多田愛佳 天使のしっぽ
    44位 矢倉楓子 冬将軍のリグレット
    45位 武藤十夢 Show fight!
    46位 石田晴香 ぐぐたすの空
    47位 小林亜実 今度こそエクスタシー
    48位 大場美奈 34thじゃんけん曲/走れ!ペンギン/直角Sunshine
    49位 薮下柊 アーモンドクロワッサン計画
    51位 菊地あやか 鏡の中のジャンヌ・ダルク
    52位 佐藤すみれ 君の背中
    53位 前田亜美 盜まれた唇
    55位 田島芽瑠 初恋バタフライ/waiting room
    56位 岩佐美咲 ドレミファ音痴
    57位 市川美織 走れ!ペンギン
    58位 磯原杏華 カナリアシンドローム/推定マーマレード/みつばちガール
    59位 朝長美桜 メロンジュース
  9. ranko

    ranko Kenkyuusei

    Jan 18, 2013
    Thank you! Now I know what to use my tickets on. :)
  10. emiche.

    emiche. Kenkyuusei

    Jun 15, 2011
    Tanochan performed Kimi Dake Chu!Chu!Chu! at Kouhaku omg I'm so happy. (Juri centered the unit and i think Tanochan was in Nana or Miki's spot)
  11. ranko

    ranko Kenkyuusei

    Jan 18, 2013
    http://denpagumi.tumblr.com/post/703282 ... try-131217

    Translated Tanochan's latest G+ post on a whim... [hehe] I think I'll work on translating more if no one else is doing it. I'm not the best at Japanese, so I apologize if I've made any mistakes.

    I'm not sure if I translated something right, though. Did she actually perform with WORLD ORDER?
  12. soul.assassin

    soul.assassin Member

    May 19, 2012
    Yes, she did.
    https://plus.google.com/115940285904755 ... X6RJWpp1rh
  13. ranko

    ranko Kenkyuusei

    Jan 18, 2013
    Alright, I was worried that maybe she had just taken a picture with them and I was misunderstanding the Japanese completely. Thanks for clearing it up :)

    Tanochan performed Kimi Dake ni Chu Chu Chu at Kouhaku. She looks really cute in the outfit c: I'm curious to know whose position she was in. The performing members make it look like KSGK Chu :D

    Attached Files:

  14. odagiri_juno

    odagiri_juno Kenkyuusei

    Aug 15, 2012
    West Java
    yes,translated it please.. [nod]
    this probably the position order,maybe..
    i guess tanochan was in naachan position.. [think]

    glad tanochan was one of the UZA ft world order performer,this mean they recognized her dancing skill.. :)
  15. naruse

    naruse Kenkyuusei

    Oct 4, 2009
    本家 in this case meant the originator of the dance, i.e she didn't want to lose to World Order in their own dance.

    Otherwise all's good [star]
  16. ranko

    ranko Kenkyuusei

    Jan 18, 2013
    Thank you for clearing that up, I never would have known. The line seemed kind of out of place, but the wiki lists her hometown as Tokyo so I thought it might have been referring to that. I'll edit it to be more accurate :)
  17. odagiri_juno

    odagiri_juno Kenkyuusei

    Aug 15, 2012
    West Java
    tanochan along with juri,ryoka,yukarun,yuihan and takamina was in this week kousagi dojo..
    they did some christmas party and tanochan basically mass around so much.did some monoboke with the props instead of help other decorating that lead her being scold by yui and terry ito-san.. :D
    tanochan even mock yui when she got a one piece dress from terry-san saying something like "its perfect present for yui since her cloths it plain".. :rofl:
    seriously tanochan always made a show worth watching.. [clap]
  18. ranko

    ranko Kenkyuusei

    Jan 18, 2013
    It's great to see her with some of the "big" members of AKB, it means her (and the rest of KSGK [hehe]) are getting more of the spotlight. Unfortunately I can't watch the video right now, but I am going to soon.

    As for translations, expect some over the next week. I have a break from classes so I should have plenty of time to get to work on her G+. Someone asked me on tumblr why I link to a reblog rather than the blog I originally posted it at. The reason for that is that my main blog has a theme that would make it hard to read translations, it's mostly for visual appeal and can be hard on the eyes. My translation blog has the default theme, which is infinitely easier to read, so I just link to that. lol

    Oh, and don't forget to send Tanochan a Christmas card if you're able to! I just sent mine out last night, and I'm going to be sending two more to other members soon. They'll probably be late, but it's the thought that counts :) I'm going to include some stickers I made a while back to make some quick money online. [hehe] I hope Tanochan (and Komari and Seichan) likes Animal Crossing...

    Edit: Another good card idea would be New Years' cards. People in Japan send out cards to everyone they know on New Years', and if you send them soon they're a lot less likely to be late than Christmas cards.
  19. ranko

    ranko Kenkyuusei

    Jan 18, 2013
    10 new translations here!
    Yes, TEN! I was super bored and her G+ statuses aren't exactly hard to translate. There will be more coming soon, a lot more! As always, feel free to correct me if I've made any errors. There were a couple of things I was iffy on, but I'm going to see if people notice them and call me out on it rather than point them out.

    Here are some nice videos I found as well:
    Tanochan centering Miniskirt no Yousei :inlove: She looks really young here and she say's she's 14, so this is older. The part where she nearly messes up on her own age is really cute [hehe]

    Tanochan....running. Not much else, but it's entertaining. At the end she says it was fun and that she ran with her full strength.

    Dancing to vocaloid song Senbonzakura with someone I presume is a Nico Nico dancer. Aikawa Kozue if I'm reading the kanji right. This video has a lot of views, so sorry if someone has already linked it

    Similar to the above, but with Luka Luka Night Fever. I almost couldn't place the tune of this one haha
    Those two videos show just how great of a dancer she is!

    Oh, and sorry for double posting. No one had posted, and I had a lot to contribute lol.
  20. eroisa

    eroisa Kenkyuusei

    May 25, 2013
    I loved watching these last two videos!I enjoy these dance covers performed by Aikawa Kozue even before I became an AKB fan, I lost count how many times I watched some of her videos so seeing her and Tanochan dancing togheter is like a dream coming true haha. I haven't checked all the AKB eizo center videos yet, that's why it's a new thing to me hehe.
    I did some research on the internet and found two translated posts from Kozue's blog about this collab with some nice pics togheter with Tanochan.
    http://aikawakozueenglish.blogspot.com. ... ollab.html
    http://aikawakozueenglish.blogspot.com. ... enter.html

    I don't know if someone posted this yet but here's a translated google+ video with Tano, Tomu and Miyupon, it's from some months ago but it's good for fans like me who don't understand japanese :blush:

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