「faible」 PM Kyobu for access to S48 Paris private forum

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Kyobu, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Yoshka

    Yoshka Kenkyuusei

    Oct 27, 2008
    Russia, St.-Petersburg
    mmmm It would be good stay in one hotel with girls =)
  2. MooCow

    MooCow Kenkyuusei

    Oct 11, 2007
    noooo this 2nd, 3rd ,4th is giving me doubts.
    I need to be 100% certain before i advance on my plans.
  3. Pan-chan

    Pan-chan Kenkyuusei

    Nov 20, 2007
    Moocow i've done some rechecks
    looks like there were some misunderstandings in the way the itinerary
    was laid out so it came across as a slight error when it was translated

    they are DEFINATELY doing the 3rd and 4th
  4. Kyobu

    Kyobu Member Retired Staff

    Jun 3, 2007
    Brit living in Nagoya
    Private forum's open.
  5. kingtheking81

    kingtheking81 Kenkyuusei

    Jun 24, 2007
    awight. it seems that i'll be going as well. took those days off since my office motivates us to go on holidays:p
    i even took the monday off to relax a bit after the madness~
    so step one has been taken. Now i gotta check out the rest and wait for my friend's reply.
    @barriev:what is ur train departure time from rotterdam?
  6. strawberryjam

    strawberryjam Kenkyuusei

    Oct 12, 2008
    No one really knows me, but I'm going too! I just wanted to say, how cool, to have a big group of European fans. Hope to see you guys there! :D Btw, other Irish members going! :O I wanna be your guys' friends. :D
  7. Pan-chan

    Pan-chan Kenkyuusei

    Nov 20, 2007
    ^ i believe Kaito, one of the admin going is irish....

    It doesn't matter if you don't know us well
    some of us going doing know each other so well either
    but i think the spirit of the event will bring us all together <3

    please do come and say hi and hang out!
    It's always nice to meet other fans
  8. crusher

    crusher Kenkyuusei

    Mar 2, 2009
    Please put me under " 100% sure I'll be there "

    Even though I haven't been to any conversation with any member here, I'd like to meet you as well. It would be really nice if we can meet and enjoy the concert together. :D
  9. Wordsmith

    Wordsmith Kenkyuusei

    Aug 3, 2007
    Cologne, Doucheland
    100% sure for me, too.
    Ticket right here in front of my desk (god bless print@home), hotel booked <3
  10. wazawai6318

    wazawai6318 Kenkyuusei

    Mar 4, 2009
    Just in case anybody wants to know, Acchan, Kojiharu and Mariko are already in Paris for the Japan Expo media interview.

    Not that it's very likely that you might meet them on the streets anyway...

    There's some pictures of them in Paris on Acchan's blog.
  11. albusdumb

    albusdumb Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    With Oshima Yuko
    Hotel = OK
    Train = OK
    Tickets = [​IMG]

    99% sure for me :omfg::omfg:
  12. tholin

    tholin Kenkyuusei

    Apr 2, 2009
    I have to make up my mind today if I should go or not. At least that is what I told myself before.

    I'm still not sure.

    I could take a KLM flight to Charles de Gaulle from the local airport in my city. That costs 2956 sek. But it's also possible to get to Tokyo from my airport for about 6000 sek, so the KLM flight is not cheap.
    Option nr 2 is, take the train to Nyköping, buss to Skavsta Airport, Ryanair flight to Beauvais airport and then buss into Paris. The total cost for that is 1372 sek.
    Option 2 is a lot cheaper but I don't like all the transfers. I've never been to Nyköping or Skavsta so a lot of things can go wrong.

    I'm not a hardcore wota but it would be fun to go. I'll have to think some more.
  13. Naomi

    Naomi Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Oct 11, 2007
    ^ Do ittt. Who knows if you'll get this opportunity again? :D
  14. vikacong

    vikacong Kenkyuusei

    May 24, 2009
    In front of my laptop doing my work
    Don't forget to post the picture of the performance here!

    It is sad that I can't go there, it is too far and costly from here, although I am free during those time.

    Tholin, it is better that you go. As Naomi said, this is maybe the only chance to see AKB48 outside Japan (not hoping it though). Besides, consider this trip as a way to meet with other members in face and build a strong relationship ;) ;) ;)

    Wonder when are they coming to other part of the world?
  15. tholin

    tholin Kenkyuusei

    Apr 2, 2009
    Well, I've booked the tickets now so I'm 99% sure I'm going.

    EDIT: and now I've got airplane tickets. Arriving on the 30:th.
  16. Kyobu

    Kyobu Member Retired Staff

    Jun 3, 2007
    Brit living in Nagoya
    Does anybody STILL need expo tickets?
  17. Pan-chan

    Pan-chan Kenkyuusei

    Nov 20, 2007
    i will do soon enough
    i'm going if it kills me. i have a responsibility to fulfill.
  18. Kyobu

    Kyobu Member Retired Staff

    Jun 3, 2007
    Brit living in Nagoya
    Reminder in here that tshirts are up, private forum go go go!

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