【documentary】original C of UZA are Jurina and Mayuyu

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Mano Haruka, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Mano Haruka

    Mano Haruka Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2012
    it has spread all over 2ch and twitter
    repo from those who've been to the test screening.

    1 :名无しさん@実况は禁止です:2013/01/21(月) 21:51:31.04 ID:5laFXIbXi

    authentic quick report. real center of UZA is Mayuyu
    1 :名无しさん@実况は禁止です:2013/01/21(月) 21:51:31.04 ID:5laFXIbXi
    She danced not as well as anticipated, so centers were then altered to Yuko and Matsui J.
    source is the (documentary) movie

    (that's why Yuko said she didn't know she was also center until UZA's debut on Jungen stage.
    the documentary to be on next days highlights Mayu's self-examination , strong will and perseverance, after management having hyped the war between 2nd gen center candidates. Good job, management!)

    center confirmed.
    in effect before Kouhaku several reports already conveyed the message. :^^;:
  2. Voightkampff

    Voightkampff Member Stage48 Donor

    May 30, 2011
    Army Headquarters.
    Interesting if true.

    Uza was a tough one.
  3. Trinu

    Trinu Under Girls

    Jul 30, 2010
    UZA's center is all over the place. They said in the Janken tournament it was Yuko/Jurina but the PV is more like Jurina/Mayu.

    Maybe it was intended to be like that. Feature more of Yuko in the dance and more of Mayu in the... chair? :^^;:
  4. M4YUYU

    M4YUYU Member Stage48 Donor

    Jun 15, 2012
    Hey, Jurina and Mayuyu owned those chair scenes ;)
  5. gocchisama

    gocchisama Member Stage48 Donor

    Oct 12, 2012
    Very interesting indeed. We can point out 3 factor to discuss about :

    -It must be tough for Mayuyu to not reach management expectation. I hope this decision pumped her spirit to get center position. However, what we can understand is that management goal to set up the next generation was here even before 4th election. And Mayuyu was the chosen Ace.

    -What makes me angry is management strategy to let shine New Aces so fast. I mean Yuko won fair and square the 4th election, yet they instantly decide to put her to second line for UZA single. It's like throwing away all this years of loyalty that brought up the first generation of AKB. Asking her to stay(Captain position) and put her aside at the same time, almost "in the shadow" (not center after gingham check). My opinion is that they are really disrespectful toward Yuko. As an example, i thought it was logical to have Yuko double center, i never doubt once.

    -Haters gonna hate, but Jurina is SKILLED. She was flawless in UZA ; she completely worn the Ace aura by her capability to master such hard choregraphy. She has been hated because she is Aki-p oshi, but i swear no one can say Jurina has not talent. She is even overworking and getting sick due to it. She is not my oshimen, but i acknowledge her as a worthy candidate of the next gen Ace. So do the management and i hope the wota fandom.
  6. Silenka

    Silenka Future Girls Retired Staff

    Aug 9, 2012
    Not a good next gen candidate if you don't know how to take care of yourself enough to stay healthy and be able to attend events. A center who is never there is not a center at all. [think]
    Plus unless SKE is going to disband, it's not gonna be Jurina. That's just the facts. She can't do both, she's already proved that by her extended absences.

    Mayu's not nearly as dynamic a dancer as Yuuko. Mayu is good but she's more soft and smooth while Yuuko is definitely more suitable to the type of choreography used in UZA. It makes sense for Yuuko to be the center there.
    Anyhow, we shall see if this turns out to even be true.
  7. gocchisama

    gocchisama Member Stage48 Donor

    Oct 12, 2012
    Allow me to disagree in this point.

    Jurina is only 15 (you may be lured by her 4 years experience in AKB) and still has some room to improve. Management put her health in dangerous mode since she got an overwhelming potential. Keep in mind that it's the management which decide the schedule. If she's in poor condition they will stop their activities. It's not her who decide, or maybe not her alone. She is known for being very active, and im sure that if manager tell her to do mass interview, she will do it because she is Jurina.

    And my point of view being Ace center means first in general election. And for the moment it's still allowed that sister group member can attend the election against kami 7. She can totally be the Ace of Akb if she proves it by her work on the field.
  8. tritoch

    tritoch Kenkyuusei

    Aug 6, 2011
    This thread will now be derailed by Oshiri in 3 ... 2 .... 1... boom
  9. elbaf89

    elbaf89 Kenkyuusei

    Nov 1, 2012
    Heredia, Costa Rica

    let's talk about Jurina in her thread, please.

    And for Mayu not being Center, it was pretty obvious when her and Jurina were the wonka/mad hatter couple in the pv but due to her dancing skill it wasn't official, that's why she has been working hard lately and you can see it results in team A waiting stage
  10. mochichan

    mochichan Kenkyuusei

    Feb 22, 2011
    Management only give a damn about Yuko at this point because she's popular and bring in money. She's also one of the support pillar after Acchan left. They keep her around for her fans but push her to the side just enough to promote the junior members....nothing surprising about that. Yuko even mentioned she was double center for kaze wa Fuiteiru but it felt more like Acchan center. She always get treat like the 2nd best anyway... :hmm:

    I wish Yuko jump ship already...
  11. Chimai

    Chimai Kenkyuusei

    Dec 29, 2011
    Chicago, Illinois
    I always wished that whoever won the elections was center for more than one PV. Obviously Acchan was always center all the time, but for Yuko she only had her (solo) center chance in Hebirote and Gingham Check. It's obvious Yuko is by far the most popular member among fans and the general public at the moment, so why they don't give her what she deserves concerning position in the group I have no idea. I was happy that she at least got double center in UZA with Jurina, but finding out that she was their second choice is a little irritating.

    I know they have to promote the new generation, but I still feel bad for Yuko. I thought that when Acchan left Yuko would have her chance to shine and dominate, her chance as "Queen" even for just a little while, but it seems that even now she is still just "second best". [speechless]

    Oh well. Yuko has work outside of AKB and is a promising actress. I just hope she's happy.
  12. gocchisama

    gocchisama Member Stage48 Donor

    Oct 12, 2012
    I have the same feeling. With the few drama she got in, yuko did extremely well. In "give me five" mini drama, i dare say that she was acting better than Acchan. Her expression of uneasiness is clearly high level.

    I agree with mochichan, but i want her to do it after preparing the next generation well. I know she has a promising acting career waiting for us....but if she leaves AKB now, it might be a bigger blow than Acchan leaving. Only because it is unprepared. Acchan departure was overseen by Aki-p, but the fact that Yuko is appointed Captain means he still needs her for the kohai.

    And, im talking about jurina because there's jurina in the title. Im not off-topic.
  13. mochichan

    mochichan Kenkyuusei

    Feb 22, 2011
    I get Yuko role is to help out the juniors and shizz but I just want my baby to shine damn it~ If AKB is suppose to help these girls' solo careers then there's nothing Yuko can gain in AKB. How can she focus on acting jobs if she have to occupy with idol activities and wait for the juniors to develops their fanbase more, which could take 2, 3 yrs.....T^T

    Maybe it's better off if mayuyu beat Yuko next election... :hmm:
  14. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    How interesting...I'm not gonna say whether or not it was the right choice to take Mayuyu out as Center, but by judging from the MV, i'd say she got just as much screen time as Jurina and Yuko
  15. Redirector

    Redirector Kenkyuusei

    Nov 1, 2012
    US (unfortunately)
    I agree. Management are just trying to find new ways to keep her around so they can keep getting money until a new center is decided and they have assured themselves that she will be popular enough to bring in an equal amount of dough. Why do you think they made her Team K's captain? Sure as hell not to reward her for her hard work.
    I've also noticed that about Yuko's position and it really breaks my heart. Yuko has never once really been the center or #1. Before all eyes were on Acchan and Yuko was always 2nd place (except for the one election.) But really it was all Acchan. Now it's the same thing just a bit different. Yuko is the "official" Ace, but in reality she is once again being placed 2nd on the management's priority list. 1st is finding a new center. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if all the hype about finding a new generation center made Yuko a little depressed. Nobody is giving her time to really shine. As soon as Acchan left management closed the curtain on AKB48's "1st Generation" and immediately switched to advertising the younger members. Yuko has not once been able to really enjoy her spot at the top, a position which she has always aimed for and should have rightfully finally gotten. She was simply made into a stand-in until the next Ace is named :hmm: UZA was a prime example of this. If anything it was supposed to be a double center of Jurina & Yuko. But that, as we all clearly know, didn't really happen. It was obviously more focused on the Mayuyu & Jurina double center pair, and even more focused on Jurina alone. Yuko herself hardly got any close ups at all. It was all on Jurina.
    When I first realized this I thought i was really going to cry cause in the end, management is once again either pushing back the members we love the most in favor of other (newer) girls, or making it painfully obvious they are only around for money making purposes :cry:

    A huge part of me wants Yuko to hurry up and graduate already so she can get on with her acting career and live a freer life. Yet another part of me withers inside when I think about a new girl taking #1 in the 2013 sousenkyo because that'll just mean I was right the entire time.

    Aki-P how dare you toy with my emotions this much.
  16. M4YUYU

    M4YUYU Member Stage48 Donor

    Jun 15, 2012
    You just described his business plan for AKB48 since the beginning :)
  17. Zippy

    Zippy Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2012
    Yuko should just come to Aki-p face and say, "You know what, I'm done with you, your babysitting job, and with your overrated groups. I can do fine on my own, kthx adios amigos." :awesome:

    On topic, they should just make it official, like making announcement or whatever about this already. All this Mayuyu-Jurina-Paruru thing getting pretty boring by now. Just pick one for God sake, and let haters hate. :hehe:
  18. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    The way I see it, Yuko's time is almost over. I hate to say it, but she's at the point where she's already past her prime...she needs to find her own path soon enough [worried]

    When Acchan graduated, she even said that she may not be able to push herself as hard as she did when she was competing with Acchan...but now that she's gone, I think it's time to start letting the younger generations have their turn at the Center...;) [shock]

    Now it's Mayuyu vs. Jurina...may this battle be as legendary as Yuko and Acchan were [rock]
  19. OSR48

    OSR48 Kenkyuusei

    Apr 16, 2011
    It doesn't too surprising if JuriMayu was the origin center of UZA. AKB48 2nd center is the time to put new generation as the center.
    and for Yuko, i think she already accept her fave that she's not the management's favor. In the last year appeal video of sousenkyou, Yuko said "My last chance..". She knew, even after Acchan graduate, she doesn't have chance to be picked by management as center. The only chance for her to be center is sousenkyou.
    She's still in AKB now because she's the most popular member. Aki-P do not let Yuko to gradute.
    Yuko only become the real center in Hebirote and Gingham Check. It's something that she can really proud of. She become the center because of fans' choice. Because becoming the center because of management's decision is something that you can't really be proud of.

    and this is something that makes Yuko's fans think "I will make Yuko to be #1 again in this year sousenkyo!"
  20. xcrossfacekillahx

    xcrossfacekillahx Member

    Nov 30, 2012
    Maybe they should have went with their original plan - Mayuyu and Jurina being double center since it was heavily focused on them. Management kept Yuko around and was made captain just because she can still draw in money. They even made her the other center just for it. Then they say Mayuyu's skill isn't that good enough for Yuko to be pushed front.

    I say that the management wants to push the younger gen and finally take over when they think they are good enough.

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