【shukan bunshun】the Second bomb toward sashi

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Mano Haruka, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Mano Haruka

    Mano Haruka Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2012
    bunshun: she was having relationship with 2 guys at the meantime [notme]

    “during that period she had a relationship with me......however, whether or not to have calls or messages is up to her mind....no wonder... It turns out she was keeping relationship with 2 men meanwhile.” frustratedly said K san, a plain-looking young man. As the ex-boyfriend of sashi, half a year ago he read of the confession by another ex in our magazine. K san got terribly stricken bcz the relationship’s timespan of another ex just coincided with his.

    Due to our magazine’s previous report, Sashi;s old relationship was exposed to public and thus was demoted to hkt. But she gained benefits from the negative news by using the scandal as a topic, therefore accumulated much attention and popularity.

    “since then, she has received favor from big potatoes like Tamori and 明石家秋刀鱼 and grows kinda arrogant recently. In interviews she would answer “doesn’t matter/nothing”, in a state like 泽尻 when she was in her day. It’s true HKT rose to fame because of sashi’s transfer, but her attitude is totally improper”(a reporter covering akb)

    Don’t be too astonished to know in HKT, it’s said sashi’s is called “emperor”.

    “She is beyond the control of HKT’s theater manager and can do whatever she wants. She hardly goes to the apartment provided by HKT management. Instead lives in fancy hotels, using pseudonym. Once she forgot the pseudonym and caused chaos in the hotel.” (an HKT related man)

    Then we met with K san, who didn’t disclose his job but said he and sashi acquainted each other from work.

    K san recalls the circumstances at that time.

    “her fickleness in love in notorious. She said “ i love you “ to many people. There was one who got hooked and sent her a cross necklace.”

    “My turn came in summer, 2009. During work, she said to me “give me your email”. Although having refused to do so for several times, I surrendered because of her perseverance and finally slipped the note of my email into her private stuffs.

    Immediately K san received mails (messages) at that night, swhen the confidential relationship with idol started ever since

    Hardly were there chances for dating, but when we met due to work, after confirming nobody else near around, she would whisper “i like you” close to my ear. Even that was ok. We chatted over phone every night, topics ranging from complaint of akb superiors to incidents about theater wotas.

    The first kiss was in early summer. According to K san, sashi instructed him to go to her home, when sashi’s mother was out.

    She came out to meet me wearing the uniform. We sat in bed behind the kitchen, chatting over stuffs like members going to disney. Then we kissed. She was chewing gum and took off red underwear. We caressed/foreplayed for long. As I had important work later that day, we didn’t enter the final stage.

    It was disturbing to have an relationship with members who are forbidden to do so. K san felt uneasy and soon he sent messages like “ we’d better break up” to her.No reply from sashi, the relationship faded naturally.

    However, his worry is in vain as she has another boyfriend.

    “well, for her, it’s like playing with fire. After that, when I almost forgot about it, she sent me messages of “how are you””still alive?”. It tortured me and I felt embarrassed when we met.

    We find it necessary to get this story confirmed by sashi herself. On the morning before Christmas Day, sashi appeared with a mask at 新宿alta. She said “please refer to my agency” and trotted away, while the agency simply gives a cold response of “unclear about it”.

    How many exs does she have on earth?
  2. Mano Haruka

    Mano Haruka Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2012
  3. yozikzo

    yozikzo Kenkyuusei

    Sep 6, 2012
    Nowhere to be found
    geez another scandal :fp:
    poor sasshi, why this bunshun keep bombarding her with this stuff :(
  4. adaphon

    adaphon Kenkyuusei

    May 7, 2010
    Hardly anyone in this fandom is interested because there is no evidence. On the japanese sites people are laughing at the bad quality of this article. But so nice of Bunshun to remember Sasshi on Christmas. [hehe]
  5. KyuketsuNyanNyan

    KyuketsuNyanNyan Kenkyuusei

    Dec 20, 2011
    Kibōgamine Gakuen
    I am laughing so hard at this atm, thanks for the lols [rofl]

    I guess the tabloid ran out of crap to report so they have to resort to this :banana:
  6. moomookan

    moomookan Member Wiki48 Editor

    Jan 7, 2012
    Yamauchi Mizuki, Yagi Toa
    Bunshun is just butthurt that their last article didn't get Sasshi kicked out of AKB all together. I mean I don't even like Sasshi but this is just so fake its ridiculous.
  7. freezingkiss

    freezingkiss Kenkyuusei

    Jun 5, 2007
    Melbourne, AU.
    MAH. Sasshi is amazing amazing amazing and I hope people realise she was a flippin young teenager when this was going on. 'SHE SAID I LOVE YOU TO LOTS OF PEOPLE OH NOES' this article is a joke. I hope it's put in the incinerator. Poor Sasshi leave her alone you jealous fatheads!
  8. Mano Haruka

    Mano Haruka Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2012
    :D it is indeed a humorous article...

    rate it as "poor"
  9. kimunlimited

    kimunlimited Upcoming Girls Stage48 Donor

    Oct 27, 2011
    This story is so sensationalized that the poor public might actually bite it, why are these writers so intent to wrecking Sasshi's career!? :fp:

    Must be because she beat their oshi's rank in the last election. [hehe]
  10. Atsu-nee

    Atsu-nee Kenkyuusei

    Aug 6, 2010
    Nagahama Neru
    Again? Now that I had forgotten the previous scandal out with this?
  11. vutt

    vutt Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Jul 10, 2010
    After 1st slip of hers this kind of tabloid follow up articles are now unavoidable. True or not it does not matter. Bunishun readers have now perception of her character and this paper will continue milking it.
  12. YumeNoRui

    YumeNoRui Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Jul 11, 2011
    Stupid tabloids, you wanna cook up a story? At least get some pictures to back up, how lame.....
  13. too much idea

    too much idea Next Girls

    Jun 7, 2012
    LOL seriously what's wrong between Sasshi and Shukan Bunshun? :lol:
  14. A48

    A48 Kenkyuusei

    Jul 30, 2012
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    what? again?? :fp:
    what's wrong with shunkan bunshun..they haven't satisfied enough? :fp:

    an idol sure can do a mistake too, but sometimes the media publish the news in hyperbolic way.
    or sometimes they just publish their allegation :wtf:
  15. lusobr

    lusobr Kenkyuusei

    Dec 10, 2012
    That's the exact same thought I had when I saw this.

    Speaking of irresponsible journalism when referring to a tabloid is useless but at this point they are just hurting their own image. Their only evidence this time is someone told us. I mean really? Are the writers and editors 13 years old?

    Personally I think this might be true but in the end who cares? I'm glad AKB is changing their stance towards this kinds of scandals. The only reason the wotas make a big deal of it is because they let them. Every time you fire someone, suspend someone over small stuff you give them reasons to freak out. Learn from the rest of the world. Act like it isn't a big deal, teenagers will be teenagers sort of thing and it will blow over. As long as its not illegal I don't care.

    Now from a marketing and popularity standpoint it may not be smart to date, but it should have no effect in their job security.
  16. Redirector

    Redirector Kenkyuusei

    Nov 1, 2012
    US (unfortunately)
    Wow. I mean seriously are you freakin' kidding me? What the hell is up with Shukan Bunshun and Sasshi?! They're acting like little kids. Sasshi is a nice girl(one of my favs)and I'm pretty sure the "spoiled brat" (not to mention "slutty") image they cooked up of her in this article is 100% fake. Why are they trying to hard to ruin her career? Have they made it a company goal to get her kicked out of the group before New Years or something!? :angry: I mean the first scandal was one thing, because there were actually bits of proof. But They have basically nothing going for them on this one. I know I should probably laugh at the ridiculousness of this stupid article, but I'm just pissed that they won't leave the girl alone :angry: I hope somebody or something calls them out on this one cause it's just too much and it's obvious they're only trying to hurt her, nothing more, at this stage. Freakin' kindergarden "reporters."
    But what I'm most worried about is Sasshi's reaction to this.......
  17. oddball

    oddball Member

    Hmm well I suppose this was always going to happen, I wonder how many of these Sasshi can take, unfortunalty even if they are untrue they have an effect even if this is Bunshun "reminding us" of the scandal earlier in they ear and yes, playing of the emotions of some people who thought she got away with it last time.....
  18. ET920

    ET920 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Now it is all fault of Bunshun that Sasshi has led such a promiscuous life :fp:
  19. ujtesting

    ujtesting Kenkyuusei

    Nov 19, 2012
    LOLZ :^O^:
  20. PoIyrhythm

    PoIyrhythm Kenkyuusei

    Oct 30, 2010
    Oh shit again? I hope they don't transfer her to a new SDN48 or something.

    It would ruin SDN48 for me.

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