【shukan bunshun】the Second bomb toward sashi

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Mano Haruka, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. xcrossfacekillahx

    xcrossfacekillahx Member

    Nov 30, 2012
    Too bad for the girls who got booted out at least Sasshi is still here.
  2. dagezou

    dagezou Kenkyuusei

    Jul 14, 2010
    You're completely wrong. In Japan male idols have the same issues female idols do and sleeping around would cost them as much as it would a female idol.

    Stop trying to push western values onto Japan. Japan looked at feminism, said that's very nice and then said no thanks. Get over it.
  3. Redirector

    Redirector Kenkyuusei

    Nov 1, 2012
    US (unfortunately)
    From what I know that's not really true. I see it as male idols having the same restrictions, but not having as harsh punishments. So for example, if a male and girl idol from different groups were discovered to be dating, the girl idol would probably get the most criticism for it, and her career would suffer the most out of the two.

    Also, (and I could have misinterpreted your comment) but sexism isn't a purely Western idea. Heck, China has had a longer history than any Western country, so how do we not know sexism didn't come from there?
    (btw I don't have anything against China I'm just trying to make a point).
  4. Mano Haruka

    Mano Haruka Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2012
    :^O^: ...partially true, as in eastern nations, people tend to be morally stricter to female.
    when sth disgraceful is exposed, women suffer much more pressure in terms of morality.

    but when it comes to idol, both male and female have to obey the restrictions set for the industry.
    Japan is to some extent a "weird" nation, especially in entertaining industry, as they've clearly classified (female) artists into different categories.
    AV actresses stand for the dark side, while idol symbolizes purity and innocence to the contrary.
    The two types of artists are never allowed to overlap.

    Besides, we see sth through the definition of the word "idol", which in Japanese doesn't mean perfect model or the person you want to be. Its the ideal image of human being, or in other words, its simply a type of occupation......
  5. gie pepe

    gie pepe Kenkyuusei

    Jul 2, 2012
    What next punished from Aki-P to sashiko?
    transfer to SNH48?
    or to JKT48?
  6. Redirector

    Redirector Kenkyuusei

    Nov 1, 2012
    US (unfortunately)
    I don't think she's going anywhere considering this article was published almost a week ago and Aki-P is seemingly ignoring it completely [hehe]
  7. gotbild

    gotbild Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    Göteborg, Sweden
    Takajo Aki
    There are probably two possible types of action depending on what Aki-p think.

    1. If no dates are his beliefs that is the only right way, it is firing as soon as something happens. Since nothing sometimes seems to happends there are probably type 2.

    2. If no dating are mostly a gimmick to attract fans, it's a balance if it is right to sack a member who can still generate money, or if he must act to preserve credibility. :)
  8. ET920

    ET920 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    She has already been punished once, she won't be punished again for something that happened 3 years ago. Many girls weren't punished when it was discovered that they had previous love life. Had it been recently, she would have been expelled like Yuttan.
  9. Betazu

    Betazu Kenkyuusei

    Mar 1, 2010
    WM HQ
    She goes out with the guy when she's still in KKS which mean she knew the the most taboo rule of AKB.
  10. ET920

    ET920 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Yes, but it happened 3 years ago. That is why she got a pretty light punishment (which was going to happen even if Sasshi had been a virgin since she joined).
  11. Ptarmigan

    Ptarmigan Kenkyuusei

    Dec 29, 2012
    Ireland \(' ')/
    Just because Japan is a separate culture doesn't mean it should be free from criticism. Just as countries should not be free from criticism for things like treating certain members of society as second/third class citizens. I agree though that on the whole male idols can be punished as severely as female ones. Idols are, in essence, expendable faces. Sasshi however, has proved herself enough of a star that she is no longer expendable to AKB.

    Also if you legitimately think that its okay for Japan not to treat women as equals in everyday life because "that's just the way they are" then I don't know what to say.
  12. garnetjester

    garnetjester Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    On the slope
    ^I want to give you a standing ovation.

    That aside, they haven't said anything, and they most likely will pretend none of this ever happened as they always do with small scandals with no pics of popular girls (see Yuko's example, for one)
  13. ET920

    ET920 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    I agree that men and women should be treated fairly. But I don't ignore the fact that the idea that both are equals isn't natural, but artificial.

    But the discussion went off-topic. Someone complained to me that I was having a sexist view of things, which isn't true. As a woman (or teenager), Sasshi has every right to do so, just like I do, you do, and everyone does. She dated two man, that is promiscuity for me. ISSA was dating a woman, dated Yuttan too, well, that is being promiscuous in my book too. It's also a moral conception, true. But you can't apply only one half of your western views, the one convenient to you. Apply them all or none. And she was forbidden from dating guys, just like a catholic priest is forbidden from taking a woman as partner. By becoming an idol, or a priest, you explicitly renounce (temporarily) to your rights to date and have sex with people.
  14. freezingkiss

    freezingkiss Kenkyuusei

    Jun 5, 2007
    Melbourne, AU.
    ARGH this is so wrong but there's no getting through to you. Your view on promiscuity is so wrong oh my god. This post makes me so angry. Don't compare Catholics to idols, idols don't control the world like Catholics do with their backwards views, just like yours, perhaps you are Catholic, and that would mean your views make sense for a narrow minded world view. UGH
  15. gotbild

    gotbild Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    Göteborg, Sweden
    Takajo Aki
    The decreed that Catholic priests should live in celibate has resulted in a lot of sexual abuse of young boys, it is perhaps better? For my part, I consider that the strongest human driving force is to mate and reproduce, any attempt to limit it easily creates problems of different shapes. We can see these in today's India, where abuse of women is increasing for example due to the proportion of women in society decreases, this is because targeted abortion and infanticide. Sorry if I´m getting OT.
  16. garnetjester

    garnetjester Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    On the slope
    Lol Et artificial? Wow.

    And why are we talking about religion here? In any case, whatever she did, the management is looking the other way so I feel like there's no point in going in circles here.

    Her wotas that have been saving their virginities for her should know better of course, but if they did they wouldn't be so deep into the surrogate girlfriend fantasy either, so there's nothing to be done about that one either [hehe]

    Ultimately, for me, regardless of my personal view which is pretty much that the girls are separate entities from their idol personas, they are bound by a contract to stay on the downlow, so if they blow it it's entirely their fault.
  17. freezingkiss

    freezingkiss Kenkyuusei

    Jun 5, 2007
    Melbourne, AU.
    Thing is though, she did. It's the evil newspapers and journalists and stuff like what they did to Yuka, who did it. It's not like Rino and Yuka are flaunting about saying 'look at who I'm dating' - they aren't at all!

    Gotbild yes i agree with you. Trying to force celibacy on people is a bad idea.
  18. garnetjester

    garnetjester Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    On the slope
    No, I understand that, and I don't blame them, it's just... they are taking a chance when they choose to do something that is forbidden according to their contract, so they take the risk that paparazzis sneak up on them and take pics. I'm with you in that I find the rule ridiculous and the proverbial fallout from all the wotas ridiculous as well, but as long as they agree to be in a game with such rules and they break them carefully but still get discovered there's not much left there to say... they knew this was a risk and they took it.

    Kinda OT but I loved that interview with Yaguchi Mari where she talked about her olf bf scandal that got her out of MM, and she said that she didn't care about the repercussions of her actions because she loved him, and she would give things up to have the life she wanted to live, including love. It was sweet and honest, Marippe is one of my favorite idols ever :inlove: It's sad because Sasshi ended up without the bread or the cheese as we say in my country: She didn't find true love and she majorly screwed up.

    I'm rambling by now, this scandal blew over, so maybe we should just leave it to die on its own as it seems to be doing [hehe]
  19. freezingkiss

    freezingkiss Kenkyuusei

    Jun 5, 2007
    Melbourne, AU.
    Well I mean Sasshi was a completely normal teenager, and Yuka just happened to be hanging out with a guy who was in or producing or something to do with her musical. Her face when they show her the newspaper, she's devastated, it's not like 'whoops I got caught' - it's like 'this isnt even true but no one will believe me'. I agree with you about girls who do it like Mari and Miki (Miki was hilarious too, they asked her if she was dating this guy while she was still in MM and she just said 'yep' and then just withdrew without drama, love Miki) but Rino did it years ago and Yuka probably didn't even do it. Rumours ruining these girls careers isn't fair.
  20. KageTora

    KageTora Kenkyuusei

    Sep 26, 2012

    Now this Funny

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