【shukan bunshun】the Second bomb toward sashi

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Mano Haruka, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    HRP: i simply think you're overestimating the loyalty members would have to the no dating rule. It's a natural desire one that's normally expected to go throughout, so i kind of think it's careless to expect that most of the girls would strictly follow it.

    Edit: v Lol, that's just cute. :D
  2. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    No mieniem, I think it is you who is underestimating the loyalty that most AKB members have to the group and their rules. It may be true that it's a natural desire to experience such things, and for all we know...some members could have experienced them already.

    But while your questioning their dedication, you also can't forget the members who really do love AKB from the bottom of their hearts and would absolutely try to avoid such things. I think it's these members that we have to focus on instead of the ones thinking about dating, otherwise they shouldn't even think about joining AKB.

    After all, as fans we have to be optimistic and keep our faith in the members of AKB, not suggesting or accusing them of breaking the rule ;)
  3. ET920

    ET920 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Why do you think the usher stands so close to Miruki? [aup]
  4. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    Odd thing about loyalty, the fans leave them if they are caught dating, yet members can only forced to leave if they date or try and stay and make their dreams happen.
  5. jigs

    jigs Kenkyuusei

    Apr 5, 2012
    You can't have the cake and eat it too. Especially when no ones forces you to.
    To clarify
    This line of work requires sacrifices be made to reach your dreams. If your not going going to make those sacrifices then your not cut out for this line of work. Most idols understand that and have their priorities in order. Some simply don't. Others simply don't care. You can find AKB48 members that fall into each category.

    Plus if your actually serious being a Idol you wouldn't have the time or need to be breaking the rules.
  6. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    Tell me about it, it's bummer when i see a member i like forced to leave, because was with a guy, it didn't bother me, and she still had to leave, she gets to be fired and just stop her dream. Fans don't even want the girl to redeem herself they just want her to leave and so that they can whine and complain about her.
  7. KageTora

    KageTora Kenkyuusei

    Sep 26, 2012
    Nothing personal, but I have this impression that most of those who question the rules are from western world. Thus I begin to think that it's more a matter of different mindset.

    [BGM: Boku no Sakura]

    The rule is essential part of idol culture. If it is bound to extinct for its rigid yet fragile rule, so be it. Enjoy it while it last. Replacing real Sakura with plastic ones might help you somehow, but I prefer go out and see the real ones while it last.

    You call it an illusion? Everything are illusions! Why do you think I used Sakura-themed song as my post BGM here?
  8. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    You really expect me to believe that only people in the west think a rule like no dating is weird?
    No one at all in the east thinks the rule is somewhat "strange" to impose on singers?
    I mean come on nuns came from our side of the world and no one really questions their loyalty to never marry and to commit to God.

    Not true to have a variety of different idols, each one has to have their own values, i mean just cause they all do the same dance, doesn't mean they all perform it at the same level,, doesn't mean they all get liked by the same people, doesn't mean that the one who puts the most effort gets the biggest reward, life just doesn't work that way, people are just way too different for it to work that way, some will be as serious, but not view the same rules in the same light. Some will encounter others who just can pull it off; You know job, relationship and even some time left over, Idols in the old days were able to pull it off and in this modern time, where the rule seems even more old fashioned than before and youth are more likely follow whats right they'd still break, because it's a rule worth breaking or least worth trying to break.
  9. Starshard

    Starshard Kenkyuusei

    Jan 23, 2012
    Well, as I mentioned long time ago in the thread about this rule, from my Eastern point of view, the rule isn't overly weird. I don't really care about it, neither do I think the girls owe me anything, I also have a gf so I don't use AKB as imagination gfs, but with the way I was raised, I don't see anything wrong with the rule either.
    I'm Vietnamese, not Japanese, Chinese, or of any Muslims nationality, so I don't really think that my country is among the stricter (about old values) countries out there. I also know some Chinese / Singaporean friends, so I know it isn't just me and my Vietnamese friends. When we was young, we was taught not to get into requited love until we're "old enough" (which means university to my parents / grandparents). According to the old logic from adults, our main duty is to study hard, and love will just distract us from it. Heck, I still remember my homeroom teacher gave calls to my friend's family telling them that their son is in love and they should exert some kind of control him so his study won't be affected. Now that I think about it, focusing on our "duty" and not getting into love sounds similar, doesn't it? As the result of that, while we in fact don't really GAF about "not loving until university" (many of us dated anyway, and did further stuffs in high school), we don't feel it weird not being in love before 18 (or whatever age we pass the important mark of our lives) either. If you give me two girls with the same youthful image, I'd always have higher opinion about the one w/o a boyfriend. Even with the "modernizing" process making people give less and less fk about that rule, it probably will take at least another one or two generations before the whole society think it's normal to love whenever you feel it.

    So yeah, I'd think it's mostly people in the west think that rule is weird. Most of Eastern people probably agree with, or don't care about that rule. As far as I think, the girls have their dreams and responsibilities, and love will just distract them from these.
  10. Mano Haruka

    Mano Haruka Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2012
    hey hey hey guys, it's not a point of culture or nationality, but of cruel and shrewd business.

    idol = fan's boyfriend/girlfriend
    idol who is dating = to betray his/her fans (imagine your girlfriend is dating with another guy and hides it from you)

    who is going to spend time and money on a girl who has a lover?
    she says "i like you" and shakes hands with you in the day, while makes love with her lover at night (papapa)...
    some would continue to support her, but there must be a huge loss.

    idol's commercial value decreases when such scandals are revealed.

    idols are non-natural human beings.
    they are artificial products of the industry.
  11. KageTora

    KageTora Kenkyuusei

    Sep 26, 2012
    Most = the majority = not all, but almost = there are those who are not. simple 'western' logic.
    I'm a Catholic btw, and as far as my limited knowledge allows me the tradition of celibacy is prevalent also in the East - even before Christ. That today practice is somehow corrupted to certain point doesn't mean you have to weed out the whole wheat field ;)

    @Starshard What you said is true also for me - and I never regret to keep my self from intimate relationship until my 30s. In fact, I enjoy my life with less worry that most of my peers have to face with their 'freedom of choice'. It is true also for my niece and nephew in their teens now - I don't need to tell them the rule, nor they parents. Are they still virgin, you ask me? I don't know, but I (use my freedom of choice to) believe. If they turned out to betray my trust, I still love them.

    Btw don't take it too personal. I enjoy the argument I hope it is the same with you. Now back to work, expect me reply tomorrow, if there are tomorrow :D :D :D

    You made a good point there. I don't remember if I ever spend that much time and money for those outside of idol culture...
  12. A48

    A48 Kenkyuusei

    Jul 30, 2012
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    I hate this, but..in fact this is true... [sweat]
  13. Yuki88

    Yuki88 Kenkyuusei

    Apr 9, 2011
    the garden of sinners
    In reality, not just idols, the whole entertainment world IS an industry.
  14. arifer

    arifer Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    May 13, 2012
    On Hinatazaka
    Money makes the world go round, and humans are social creatures. What better way to earn money eh?
  15. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    So am i(Catholic i mean), but i wasn't really referring to celebacy when i brought them up.

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