Generation AKB48 19th Generation

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Mana, Oct 24, 2023.

  1. jmo42

    jmo42 Kenkyuusei

    Jan 1, 2023
    Sydney, Australia
  2. Rockin

    Rockin Kenkyuusei

    Feb 16, 2021
  3. David61

    David61 Under Girls

    May 17, 2015
    Reading, England
    Komiyama Haruka
  4. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    I guess I got this right, they did get their IG in September, although at the very last day of the month! [hehe]

    Sad that Itomomo's account got suspended, it's weird that they'd do this all because she followed other accounts, because for example Meimei followed 40 accounts and so did Sarii and Kawayui. I doubt Itomomo was trying to follow 200 accounts or something... o_o Oh well, her account should be back in a day or two... She was actually doing so well, with almost 3000 followers after a few hours. The other girls are doing well too, with 3 of them passing 2000 followers (Meimei almost at 3000), only Kairi is not at 2000 yet. But also, only Meimei & Sarii made a post so far (Itomomo did too, right before her account got suspended). Looking forward to their future updates! Let's follow and support them <3
  5. Rockin

    Rockin Kenkyuusei

    Feb 16, 2021
    Itomomo's account is back !! :banana:
  6. Kuura

    Kuura Future Girls Retired Staff

    Jun 3, 2013

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Itomomo, Kairi and Kawayui's shared SHOWROOM from yesterday. Lots of cute moments of them talking, staring at the camera, eating sweets and pinching Kawayui's cheeks.
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  7. David61

    David61 Under Girls

    May 17, 2015
    Reading, England
    Komiyama Haruka
    There'll be a 19ki live announcement video tomorrow (10/10) at 18:30 JST:

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  8. jmo42

    jmo42 Kenkyuusei

    Jan 1, 2023
    Sydney, Australia
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  9. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Some details:

    Sunday, November 3rd: 19th Generation Kenkyuusei Fanmeeting
    Venue: Asakusabashi Hulic Hall
    Daytime session: Doors open at 2pm, performance begins at 3pm
    Evening session: Doors open at 5:30pm, performance begins at 6:30pm
    Title: "Daijina Kimi dakara "1 + 9 = arigatou!!" wo tsutaemasu!"
    (Because you are so important to me, I'll tell you "1+9=Thank you!!")
    Contents: Performances / Omiokuri (greetings) / Parade and photo time

    This is great news for the girls <3

    It was going to be positive news no matter what so yes XD I did wish that they would announced a 19th gen program, but if it didn't happen yet, I doubt it's going to happen now ._. for 17th and 18th gen, it happened quite fast after introduction. I used to think that 19th gen did not get their own program because they're a small gen, but actually, in the 17th gen show, they're usually around 4 girls by episode, and in the 18th gen show, they're almost always 3 girls by episode. So 19th gen could very well have a program and have 3 girls by episode or something. and switch at every episode. But yes I guess it's not happening >.< I wish they can have some kind of regular content that focuses on them! I really like this generation!

    Anyway, the fameeting news is really nice and the title is very cute too!
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  10. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    19th gen got their individual Instagram accounts around 22 days ago! Some stats:


    Itomomo: 5608
    Kairi: 2653
    Kawayui: 3717
    Sarii: 2894
    Meimei: 4272

    The numbers are not too bad, but I really think they deserve so much more! I wish that more people would get to know them and support them! I think even if just the AKB fans would follow them, they would be at much more than this. I mean there are definitely more than... 2600 AKB fans around the world... So please everyone show some support to these girls <3

    Numbers of posts

    Itomomo: 12
    Kairi: 11
    Kawayui: 2
    Sarii: 16
    Meimei: 6

    Side-note for Meimei: she had more posts at first, but she somehow deleted some of her earlier posts >.< I'm not sure why. She also switched from hiding the likes to showing them, and now some of her posts show it and some don't. I don't know if it's related to that. Sarii hides the likes in all of her posts while the other 3 members show the likes in all their posts. well, it looks like so far, Itomomo gets at least 1000 likes in every post, Meimei has more than 1000 on the posts where the likes are shown, for Kawayui it depends (there are not many posts to really know lol), and for Kairi she gets around 500-700. Again, I really think they all deserve more ;w;

    About the amount of posts, surprisingly, Sarii is the most active! She updates quite often and her pictures are really nice and cute too! She's the youngest but very motivated lol. and then it's Itomomo and Kairi! They make regular updates. Itomomo's updates are very nice, she's so pretty! For Kairi, she shares some cool pictures and funny pictures too! Meimei has 6 posts, but like I said, she deleted a few so yes >.< She also makes reels! There are 2 so far and they're so cute. Itomomo also has reels, it seems to be TikTok content. Lastly Kawayui... XD She has only 2 posts, and the second one is new. She was at 1 post for like 20 days XD She seems to be the type that doesn't update too much. Actually it seems to be the case for many AKB new gens (17th and 18th) they usually don't update a lot... which is why I was more surprised at the fact that some of the 19th gens are updating a lot!

    I'm also keeping up with the IG stories. So far, Meimei makes the most IG stories! After her, it's Itomomo! and then Sarii. and lastly, Kawayui and Kairi seem to make the least stories. But all of them have made some cute stories ^^ So I really recommend following them for all this content! (I just wish they would stop using that IG filter though >.<) You can see all of their IG stories here:
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  11. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Some random short 19th gen videos!! :flower:

    19th gen members first self-introduction when they were revealed:

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Itomomo talking about her dancing past + chilhood pictures of her!

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Yukirin meeting the 19th gens + 20 years gap between her & Sarii:

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Itomomo and Meimei self-introduction in the 18th gen show:

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  12. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Some stats after exactly one month of using Instagram:

    Itomomo: 5899 followers, 15 posts
    Kairi: 2765 followers, 13 posts
    Kawayui: 3884 followers, 2 posts
    Sarii: 3007 followers, 18 posts
    Meimei: 4493 followers, 13 posts

    I like this IG Story, shared by Meimei a few days ago ^^
    it was a short video, I'm just posting a screenshot of it!
    19th gen <3 Sarii is missing so she edited her in there lol

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  13. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Some performances with 19th gen members!!! :p

    Ookami to Pride - Kawayui and Meimei

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Make noise - Yuichi and Sarii (two youngest of AKB!)

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Zipper - Mizumin, Hinano, Itomomo

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  14. lyl

    lyl Member Studio48 Contributor

    Jul 15, 2022
    Omori Maho
    Meimei already looks, behaves and performs like an experient idol. Kawayui also did really good
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  15. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Yes I agree, Meimei is so good at being an idol! I've said it for both her and Itomomo, these two are like 100% perfect idols and I'm so surprised that 1) they both auditioned for AKB, 2) they're both in the same generation too! lol. This is like too good to be true (of course the other 19th gens are very good too!). I really hope these two get pushed, because I think they'll make perfect aces and "faces" of AKB. Speaking of Meimei in particular, she is not only very good at performing, but generally her personality is also perfect for an idol. I posted it in her thread, but she used to stream on TikTok before joining AKB and she was quite popular (check her thread here on page 2, I've said it all!). So now in AKB she often does Showroom, and she's really good at it! She's also very good at updating her Twitter and now Instagram. She posts a lot of stories on IG. and her updates are always nice and cute. She's great, really ;w; and I wish more people would notice that!
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  16. lyl

    lyl Member Studio48 Contributor

    Jul 15, 2022
    Omori Maho
    I find it awesome how both AKB 2 newest gens had the luck of having an ace duo: Azu-Yuna for 18ki, and Itomomo-Meimei for 19ki. And I find it even more interesting that, at least from my point of view, both duos have a similarity: a girl who is more appealing for the general public, and a girl who is more appealing for the classic otaku (Azu-Itomomo and Yuna-Meimei, respectively). It just makes me think about the rumors of 20ki signature song being Kibouteki Refrain and, well, that one is a WCenter song. Wonder if it's just an interesting coincidence or they noticed the pattern of 18ki and 19ki aces hehe

    But now talking specifically about 19ki girls, I also see enormous potential on them and totally agree that they need to be senbatsu ASAP. Other than Mahopyon who is my oshimen, the new gens are the absolute best part of AKB for me nowadays
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  17. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Ah btw 19th gen had their fanmeeting on 3rd November!
    The one that we talked about earlier in the thread, it happened ^^

    and here is a video from the part that could be recorded by fans:

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    They all look SO CUTE!!!!! :cute: my girls <3<3<3

    I was a little sad because the fan focused on every girl as she entered, but when it was Itomomo's turn, it stayed on Kawayui / Kairi and didn't record Itomomo. T_T so I almost thought I wouldn't see her but then at the end the fan focused on Itomomo for a moment hehe and she looks SO adorable omg ;_; that outfit ;_; her smile, just perfect <3 All of them are too cute!
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  18. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
  19. Kuura

    Kuura Future Girls Retired Staff

    Jun 3, 2013

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    19th gen's performance of "Ikuze! Kaitou Shoujo" in yesterday's "Nantettatte AKB48" concert. Great performance and energy!
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