To be completely honest, I know nothing about the Chinese akb units (SH & TP), I only follow actual snh48.. is their (sh/tp) music just remakes of akb like snh was or do they have originals? let me know & share some of your favourite songs ^^ I'm interested in getting into them :] (definitely not because we only have 2 snh songs left on spotify and this is my last resort......)
Yes, they have repeat songs from SNH like Heavy Rotation and Iiwake Maybe but they also have songs that SNH didn't have like 365 they actually have 1 original song: Qian Qiu Ling
Ah okay thank you! I have heard their version of oogoe diamond and I really like it, my friend also recommended Liu Nian's solo (this) and it's really nice. Team SH's discography isn't as big as I expected (at least what's on spotify isn't much), so I may just slowly make my way through everything.. not sure
Ah okay thank you! I didn't know if it was or not, as the profiles for SNH are frankly.. terrible, and I think oomf said AKB is missing a bit