During the B2 show yesterday, she announced her graduation saying that in May, it wil be her 10 year anniversary in the 48G and she felt it was time for her to move on.
There was a discussion in the suggestion thread regarding creating new threads to talk about breaking news items like this one. It isn't what we have traditionally done, but I agree that it could be a good idea, so let's see how it goes. Anyhow, I know she has been an NMB48 member for a while, but her graduation is just another sign of the original AKB being a distant memory. At least that is my perspective. Anyhow, good luck to Reina!
Thank you for making a new thread - otherwise "casual" fans would have no idea (since the "news" thread are not very newsy nowadays)! I'm actually so glad she chose this 10 year mark... Makes her senbatsu appearance in 10nen Zakura very fitting. Good luck, Reina!
Just look at the Sae Miyazawa thread. Despite starting in AKB48 and contributing to SNH48 (before AKB48 cut its ties for unauthorized '48 group' creations in China), she moved to and graduated when she was in SKE48. So it's going to make sense that Reina, who like Sae, started in AKB48 but moved to and will graduate as a member of NMB48, should be 'Graduated NMB.'
The one thing that I always appreciated about Reinyan was the effort she made to integrate herself into the NMB culture and how she built her relationships with the other members. They all seemed to take a liking to her almost instantly and I can see why she was made captain of Team M. She will be missed.
We've been lucky that the girls who got transferred (Lemon, Umechan, Reinyan) were very positive about the transfer and did their best to get along with everyone. Considering that Reinyan was 4th gen, she had no airs about her and gamely slid into the Yamada Nana role of being the one everyone made fun of. I still remember her whole bit with trying to get Momoka to like her when she first arrived. I think that really opened her up not just the fans but the members and they realized they could play off of her and she would be ok with it.
GG Ayarin lol. I've been lukewarm on Reinyan for a long time. To be honest, compared to Lemon and Umechan, her trying to be liked by NMB felt a little fake at first. But, lately I feel like she really got acclimated, and I really thought her solo in Boku Igai was super cool, so much so that I decided to get handshakes for her in March. Then she announces grad lol.
Ha, I forgot about that one. But luckily she turned it down so we didn't have to go through the Yukirin experience part 2 except this time more permanent.