Future Potential Sister Group General Discussion

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Merika, Dec 27, 2018.

  1. nokoru

    nokoru Upcoming Girls

    Aug 31, 2010
    The forum doesn't have haha button, so I give you creative. ;)
  2. Aka

    Aka Under Girls

    Jan 4, 2013
    Sakaguchi "Tenshi" Nagisa
    Hokkaido is melon tho. How do you want to open a sister group if you don't know that?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Edward900

    Edward900 Kenkyuusei

    Apr 20, 2017
    Good luck trying to boycott rice ;)
    Before long, your rice withdrawal will come.
    Btw, you are no Mahatma Gandhi lol, doing such extreme actions will only harm yourself and won't make any changes. Want changes? Then go ahead and spread awareness, but don't harm yourself! You need to be smart, not obstinate.
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  4. Boma Adhi

    Boma Adhi Kenkyuusei

    Dec 21, 2014
    But, really, when I saw T8 concept announcement back then, I couldnt help but thinking that "Woa.. GMT47 is now a real thing.. Or they just borrowed the concept?"

    Amachan was really popular back then when Team 8 audition was announced.
  5. Toadell

    Toadell Kenkyuusei

    Feb 20, 2019
    Namba, Osaka, Japan
    Yukirin, Zukki, Oochan
    Please AKi-p make this true
    JKT48 Team HK

    What about a new Onyanko Club?
    It could work...
    One in Brasil ,I strongly agree in one on São Paulo (A.K.A. STU48 team SP)
    Also with the one where they said Hawaii48 (HWI48)
    A sister group to MNL48 in the philipines in Cebu *Codename 48CB*
    One in Lima, Peru as AKB48 Team LM
    A Toronto48 in Canada,Or a NGT48 Team Toronto as they share the same flag colours.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Ugokanaide

    Ugokanaide Member Wiki48 Editor

    Nov 19, 2013
    SP, BR
    Moriyasu Madoka
    As a Brazilian I don't think a Brazilian group would work at all. While Japanese culture is largely appreciated here, girls singing about fortune cookies, paper airplanes and purity in their chastities just won't make it. I mean, stop anyone around my age or up to like 10 years older on the streets and tell them "aoi, aoi, ano sora". A lot of people will recognize it and many would actually get emotional. But tell them the translated version and they'll just blankly stare at you.

    48g songs here would be, at best, so messy we would make memes out of them. Also, Brazil never had a culture of buying singles. We do it digitally, of course, but my first ever (and so far only) CD-single I bought was Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai, so I could vote in 2015's SSK. But not even albums would sell well, imo, because we are soooooo used to streaming these days. I know some people who buy multiple CD copies when their favorite artists/bands release a new album, but that's once every 3 or so years, not 3-4 times a year. I don't think that waiting 5 years for the country to warm up to them is exactly a blooming business. But I bet that if it happened it would be the group with the most hako oshi ever

    If I had to put money on a western group I'd be all for Paris48, because everything sounds good in French

    Lastly just adding up to my opening statement, we enjoy Japanese culture as it is so I want start a campaign called #ComeToBrazilAKB48 [hehe]
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  7. Ian905

    Ian905 Kenkyuusei

    Aug 24, 2011
    Mizushima Miyuu
    I think a Brazilian 48 group could be cute! Maybe a bit like Paquitas?

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    I don't know if a Canadian 48 group would work or not, we do have some local idol groups like Seishun Youth Academy and Pastel and we did have a maid cafe (Angel Cafe in Toronto, great place!) but it shut down last year. :( I think if we were to have a 48 group, it would have to be in Vancouver where there is the largest concentration of Japanese immigrants.
  8. Toadell

    Toadell Kenkyuusei

    Feb 20, 2019
    Namba, Osaka, Japan
    Yukirin, Zukki, Oochan
    Then sign me up for NGT48 team VC
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
  9. trxsh

    trxsh Member

    Nov 9, 2014
    Holy shoot, never thought I would see Pastel mentioned here. (Nicest girls you will ever meet btw!)

    I didn't take the Canada 48 group suggestion that seriously but if it's already brought up I'll add my two cents.

    While almost all Japanese franchises that have come here- here being the greater Toronto area specifically- have proven super popular right off the bat, for eg. muji, uniqlo, tsujiri, uncle tetsu/tetsu ojisan, pablos, etc. Those brands were all previously widely known in China and arguably the main consumer base for them started with the sizable Chinese immigrant population here. Even in China, however, Japanese idols are like a niche within a niche. Though the market for idols has grown a lot in recent years, it's mostly for Korean-style idols. So there wouldn't be the market for a Japanese style idol group the way there is for popular Japanese consumer brands here.

    There are huge weeaboo communities here with anime conventions and such, like most cosmopolitan cities, but even among them there's not much interest in idols when you compare it to anime, jrpgs, etc. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely fans of jpop and idols here, but it's nowhere near big enough to sustain a something like a 48 group.

    Another pretty important thing to consider is that the business and employment model of 48 groups does not suit the individualistic values of North American countries.

    Lel, now I'm done discussing the possibility of 48 group in Canada as if it could ever be a serious thing. Something that could be a possibility is if AKB48 SH or TP manage to get popular in China, they could hold a concert here.
  10. Ian905

    Ian905 Kenkyuusei

    Aug 24, 2011
    Mizushima Miyuu
    @trxsh I still haven't seen Pastel perform yet! I used to go to the maid cafe where Minnie worked and she was always my favourite. <3

    Living in Toronto, I really don't see a 48 group working here. However I do think it's not out of the realm of possibility in Vancouver. Seishun Youth Academy, based in Vancouver, is the first overseas sister group of Japanese idol group Seishun Gakuen. I think they might be the first official North American sister group to any Japanese idol group. They're still in their first year but they've performed on TV a couple times and recently held their first solo concert with 200+ people in attendance. Depending on how the future of the group plays out, if they're successful enough it might spark some interest.

    I definitely don't predict anything coming here anytime soon, but I think in the future after they've conquered Asia if they were to do a 48 sister group based in North America, the best location would be Vancouver or Hawaii.
  11. Toadell

    Toadell Kenkyuusei

    Feb 20, 2019
    Namba, Osaka, Japan
    Yukirin, Zukki, Oochan
    China also offers some opportunities besides Sheyang,Chuking and Guanzhou:
    Jinan (A.K.A. AKB48 Team JN)
    Hohhot/Hushi in Inner Mongolia(A.K.A. AKB48 Team HS)
    Maybe Cape Town in South Africa (CPT48 or AKB48 Team CT)
    I guess China could get more AKB48China Sister Groups,or JKT48 getting a new sister group.
    South Korea may be another option,Though I don't think it should be a Group Based in Seoul.
  12. Iz*One48

    Iz*One48 Kenkyuusei

    Jan 11, 2019
    If MUB48 and DEL48 is sucessfull, there is chance that 48group will be established in every major centre of film industries in India. We might get "Koisuru Fortune Cookies" in every Indian languages (Hindi, Telugu, Tamil.......)
  13. naamincenter48

    naamincenter48 Kenkyuusei

    May 26, 2018
    Asai Nanami
    Not gonna lie, I want MXC48 to happen because I would love to audition :^^;: but I'm getting older (turning 20 soon) and I may be too old to join if the group ever becomes real haha
  14. Shinga Kurukato

    Shinga Kurukato Future Girls Wiki48 Editor

    Jan 20, 2014
    Nueva Ecija, Philippines
    Joey Ira Panganiban
    Ok so...imma just revive this for a bit

    since we now have CGM48 in Thailand, the 1st domestic sister group of BNK48

    and from their announcement 4 months ago via VTR, they also mentioned 3 other places: Rayong, Khon Kaen, and Hat Yai...
    I got a feeling that they will also be putting in new groups in there in the near future
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Red13th

    Red13th Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Thailand ;)~
    They never mention that they're going to do other group beside CGM48, 4 province are just for Beginner Roadshow only. ;)

    mostly are came from fan expectation.
  16. onego123

    onego123 Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    In an interview several months ago Jirath(BNK's founder) stated that other areas had reached out to him to get their own sister groups*. He also said that if more sister groups do get made the most he's presently comfortable with is 4(BNK, CGM, ???,???), but whether they get made or not depends on how well CGM does.

    *AKS has given BNK48 Office domain over all of Thailand. So if a company wants to make another Thai group they would have to approach them instead of AKS.
  17. Shinga Kurukato

    Shinga Kurukato Future Girls Wiki48 Editor

    Jan 20, 2014
    Nueva Ecija, Philippines
    Joey Ira Panganiban
    So, all 48G made by BNK's mgmt are going to be legit unlike in SNH's group?
  18. welp

    welp Next Girls

    Jun 18, 2017
    I don't think it will be another Thai sister group as I'm not so positive about the future of CGM48. Anyway, CGM48 is even partly invested by AKS itself so, it's definitely is legit.
  19. nokoru

    nokoru Upcoming Girls

    Aug 31, 2010
    People say the same thing about other groups. Make sure that you won't eat your words in the future. ;)
  20. lionel90

    lionel90 Under Girls

    Dec 12, 2009
    Anyone mentioned Eito ? :1st:
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019

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