Saturday Night 48 Audition Lets talk about SDN48! SDN48 is a new mature unit that performs every saturday from 10pm. Those who gave up your dream to join AKB48 bacause of your age, Those who have dancing, singing, sexyness, mc, comedic talent Those who want to shine at AKB theater, Please challenge! Those who pass this audition will debut as the SDN48 and will perform at theater, CD release, and may media apeearances. ** MOD EDIT ** SDN48 Official Site Members: 穐田和恵 - Akita Kazue 伊藤花菜 - Ito Kana 今吉めぐみ - Imayoshi Megumi 梅田悠 - Umeda Haruka 浦野一美 - Urano Kazumi (AKB48's Team B) 大河内美沙 - Okouchi Misa 大堀恵 - Ohori Megumi (AKB48's Team K) 加藤雅美 - Kato Mami 河内麻沙美 - Kouchi Masami 近藤さや香 - Kondo Sayaka 佐藤由加理 - Sato Yukari (AKB48's Team A) 芹那 - Serina チェン・チュー - Chen Qu 仲里安也美 - Nakazato Ayami 西国原礼子 - Nishikunihara Reiko 野呂佳代 - Noro Kayo (AKB48's Team K) 畠山智妃 - Hatakeyama Chisaki 三ツ井裕美 - Mitsui Hiromi ------------------------------------ Under 岩田優希 - Iwata Yuki 甲斐田樹里 - Kaida Juri なちゅ - Nachu *Romaji by Jasey 2009-08-01 - 1st Stage - [Yuuwaku no Garter] (誘惑のガーター)
It's actually happening!? EDIT: AUDITION!? I thought that this was just AKB48 members (and from what Youko said, graduates, too?)
wow, a new unit huh? It'll be nice to see a few more older girls rather than the average age being 14 XD
I guess I thought that the age cut-off was 18... and so Natsuki could be in it. But I guess not. I'm just really confused now.
RS: Well, remember you're not an adult in japan until you're 20. It bothers me, I thought this group would be the "old" AKB girls. Darn it. I don't want new people, I still don't know the SKE ppl! All what AKB does lately is bugging me. They better do a nice thing soon, or... T___T
yeah, i think it'll be interesting to see how they're going to differ from AKB especially if theres a considerable age gap
The words "adult" and "sexy" make me think that owhori's *****d deeds will be nothing compared to this O.O
wow weird. so it's a totally new group. looks like they didn't go with the original plan after all. and all the while i thought me-tan would be leading this group. i still hope that there would be special appearances by the members of akb48 that are above 18 though. an entirely new stage by itself sounds good too. i'm still curioius though as to how many girls they will get for this one. my guess would be a lot less than the usual average of 16 per team. cause if they do start at 10pm, the stage should go for 1hour max. i'll be waiting for more details on this one. now bugging my friends in JP...
They better put some of the current girls in. No way will I camp out the whole night at Akihabara just to watch a bunch of new old faces :roll:
they are looking for members who are 20 or over (with no upper age limit) also they are performing 10pm at night, their theme is definitely more about adult oriented and sexy. This group will be vastly different from AKB.