平野百菜 HIRANO MOMONA Nickname: Momotan Gen: 9th Birth date: September 5, 2006 Blood type: B Hometown: Aichi-ken Height: 157 cm Member color: Pink, yellow Hobby: Growing vegetable Special skill: Hula-hoop, model-like walking Future dream: Becoming an idol that can do anything without NG. Favorite food: Peach Favorite word: "Effort & Dream" A short message: I will do my best to be a sparkling idol that makes fans smile with SKE48! Thank you.
Just discovered her while browsing the wiki! She's such a cutie! Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
She just had her first theater performance on the 02/19th Seishun Girls Kouen so you can watch her there. She was very good too and her introduction MC was adorable
when 10 gen debuted all I could see was the 2nd coming of jurina (mirei) overshadowing the 9th gens that debuted just 11 Mos earlier. now that I get to know momona and her spastic showrooms couple with her now dangerous body proportions 15 yrs old, 162 cm. she is clearly a member to keep an eye on
that's her listed height. i just watched the jan 6 team s stage and she's already looks taller. not model height (or even tall, still above avg for an idol) but she stands out onstage for many reasons including her height and cute face. it's cute/evocative to see her conspicuously hold her mic behind her back during innocence so as not to mouth the controversial lyrics. https://twitter.com/morimori180905/status/1488824352053202948?t=-XNJ_5QtK_Fm0BhLf8N9EA&s=19 https://twitter.com/QWZUOsUo9Onqjr7/status/1488829379715436547?t=KG8oc74VQdoBAPr0T0T8xQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/QWZUOsUo9Onqjr7/status/1487429311212965897?t=iARKoDjkAiP0PB2RhsYCMg&s=19
Momotan announced her graduation today: https://ske48.co.jp/news/detail/45184 She'll leave on 6/30. Her comment (via DeepL):
I'm surprised that Momotan announced graduation... I thought all the members who were picked for the shonichi (original line-up) of the new stages would stay for long ._. especially a member like her who's still young. She's even center for one of the unit songs. it's been a little less than a year since the new stage... it's sad to see her go so fast ;_; From her Twitter after the announcement...