Hopes, Fears, and Predictions for 2015

Discussion in 'General NMB48 Discussion' started by ForrestFuller, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. nathan_drake

    nathan_drake Kenkyuusei

    Aug 21, 2014
    AKB48 Thread
    - Sayanee/Fuuchan/Nagisa/Milky kennin removed
    - Yukirin kennin removed
    - Yukirin get center, if she leave NMB
    - Maachun back to NMB
    - Cool singles
    - Rotating center, Nagisa/Shuu maybe
    - Milky solo center
    - Geinin season 4

    - poor result at SSK
    - Milky grad if she failed enter senbatsu
    - Milky scandal again

    - Milky back to senbatsu
    - Sayanee wins janken
    - Sayanee solo center again
    - mgmnt push Jo
  2. mysoshipinups

    mysoshipinups Kenkyuusei

    Feb 26, 2012
    Exactly, I think they are about equals. Miru had the senbatsu position where she literally did nothing but Fuuchan has the kennin where she literally does nothing as well lol.

    Hmmm I hope for Nana's graduation we see these concert lineups.
    • Hajimete no Hoshi: Nana (C), Sayanee, Miyuki, Keichi, Akarin, Ripopo, Maachun (Guest Appearance)
    • 100nen saki demo: Fuuchan, Miru, Nagisa, Aika, Shuu, Yuuri, Jo, Saeppi, Uuka, Riripon, Sararan
    Hajimete no Hoshi for the current queens, 100nen saki demo for the crown princesses. :)

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