石田 みなみ ISHIDA MINAMI Birthdate: October 11th, 1998 Birthplace: Hyogo-ken Nickname: Mii Blood Type: O Favorite Food: Strawberries Recommendation in Setouchi: Koshien Stadium
She was named Environmental Preservation Ambassador of Setouchi along with Kadowaki Miyuna https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20170523-00000088-dal-ent https://www.daily.co.jp/gossip/2017/05/23/0010216172.shtml
Super cutie! I wish her the best of luck! I saw her goal for Senbatsu and she definitely seems modest about her ranking! Running a marathon will be an interesting promise if she reaches 80.
Ah! I was finally able to get back on a Mii stream today! It was at 5pm instead of her usual 9am! Made me so happy to see her! And she was with Chiho and Miyuna! All three had that CUTE idol glow!
The KadoIshiIshi stream was indeed super cute. I loved how calm Minami stayed, even with the lound and energetic MiyuMiyu next to her
It was adorable! Seeing two of my Oshi's together like that was super cute! I sent a message and Mii totally read my name out loud again. It's so nice of her. MiyuMiyu in the background was adorable! I'm glad the two of them get along. I was hoping they would.
Posting this here too; wIshida got Naachan's Uchiwa and started a LINE chat with her Ishida Sisters Last night I received LINE chat from Ishida Chiho chan and Ishida Minami chan almost at the same time what was it about … I wonder ? turned out they got their hand on my uchiwa merchandise …(;A;)waaaaa I really love STU48’s member Thank you https://okdnn.tumblr.com/post/161966909741/mail-june-17th
Minami just called Chiho while she was doing an SR. Chiho was really surprised (especially because the connection was really bad at first lol). It was quite funny when Chiho accepted the call and told Minami directly that she's on SR right now The wIshida call stream was a nice surprise lol
lol Joined 2014, Naanya background pic(?), random retweets of SR and other members pic. Doesn't it all add up? XD