Which team do you think/hope each KKS will be promoted to? Yamao Rina-M Matsumura Megumi-N Akashi Natsuko-BII Nishizawa Rurina-BII (my hopes), N (my prediction) Odan Mai-M Morita Ayaka-M
Oh really, you think Megumin for BII? That's interesting. Sorry, but considering her current position in N I don't think mgmt agrees...
I don't really care because all the teams are great but I will be disappointed if Jo doesn't get promoted to N and they try to put her back in M.
They already have lol I'm glad she rejected it though I think that was a smart/mature choice for her to have made.
My prediction and hopes are Megumin - N Mikii - M Nattsu - M Jo - BII ( a part of me really want Jo to be in BII ) Yamarina - BII
Really want Maichi in BII. Sorta want to see Terumii in N, but feel she is more likely going to end up in M. The rest I'm fine with any team as they all could fit nicely anywhere.
i want jo to N. she has the ace and center material for NMB. too bad she cant handle the pressure the last time they gave her the title. honestly, part of me want to see a nice competition in NMB, and i think N lacks of ace/center candidate. i mean, M with nana leading fuuchan and miru then BII with milky guiding shu and nagisa. i think Jo could pair with sayanee to lead team N.
I agree with @spoonish And I really want to see Yamao promoted to M once Nana graduates: please make it happen!!
I actually really don't want to split this KKS team up because of how much team chemistry they have create this past year and If any of them would get promoted in the near future it should pretty much be all of them at the same time. So a whole new team would be quite ideal because I personally believe that all the KKS at this point is ready for promotion. And the management have already decided who's the next ace candidate for each team. Aika and Yuuri for team N(Tbh it's still Uuka and Aika but Yuuri is just simply too strong of a force right now) Shuuchan(original team BII ace) and Nagichan for team BII Miru and Fuuchan for team M And with SayaMilkyNana being away from NMB stages so often really made all of them grow into strong Ace Candidates. Number wise it can be quite tricky to create a whole new team but I would prefer them staying together than to split this wonderful KKS team. But with Team 8 potentially splitting soon I believe that we can make a new wonderful team within NMB easily. Chukogu+Kansai member in NMB would be really solid especially with so many standout members within team 8 being from there.
Yeah, it is a problem, isn't it? Adding a team 4 would just be awkward. But, if they were never promoted to an actual team and just had "Team KKS" be renamed "Team 4 of Osaka" they would never get the chance to grow more.
well yes. i think being hold back in Team KKS would never open a way for the girls to grow up. i mean, each individual goal is not being in NMB of course, so staying in KKS wont bring them lots of benefits.