Live from home on YouTube 05/02, 8mm JST Yuuri is listed in case you are still wondering
Anounced during the live above, here is on Youtube the concert Queentet Summer LIVE 2019 〜WANTED!girl or lady? 20/08/29 concert, from Orix theater, Osaka if the video does not show watch the video here
They are releasing 3 mooks for november 10th Beauty版 and Fashion版
I know it's pretty much impossible but I would really like for them to make queentet an official subgroup even after the girls have all graduated.. I'm assuming they'll still be tied to yoshimoto if they want to continue being in the music industry so I'd love to see them release singles and do activities as an actual group. Even if they're semi active, it would be cool to see.
Queentet beauty book / Queentet fashion book are now available on Amazon JP. Amazon Beauty book link : Amazon Fashion book link :
Story at EntameNext about Ota Yuuri with images from both books. Yuuri Ota updated Twitter on the 15th (Sun). We released natural and attractive shots from "Queentet Beauty Book" and "Queentet Fashion Book" (SHUFUNOTOMO) on sale.
Beauty and fashion book sold respectively 3367 and 3126 copies in their 1st week.
"Boku Dake no Kimi de Ite Hoshii" 's choregrapy lesson, by CRE8BOY if the video does not show watch the video here
Akarin has posted a video in which she reviews the makeup included in the Queentet book: if the video does not show watch the video here
Three of the former members (Akarin, Saepii and Yuuri) performed 'Which one' and 'Boku Dake no Kimi de Ite Hoshii' with Nagisa at her gradcon today: