[POLL] What is your favourite part of AKB48?

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Jul3, Jun 15, 2012.


What is your favourite part of AKB48?

  1. Theatre shows

    12 vote(s)
  2. Concerts

    15 vote(s)
  3. TV shows

    16 vote(s)
  4. Radio shows

    0 vote(s)
  5. Singles

    16 vote(s)
  6. Subgroups

    0 vote(s)
  7. Members blogs/Google+

    1 vote(s)
  8. Photoshoots/magazines

    0 vote(s)
  9. Handshake events

    2 vote(s)
  1. Jul3

    Jul3 Kenkyuusei

    Aug 27, 2011
    One of the best things about AKB48 is the sheer variety of things they do to interact with the fans. Everyone enjoys different parts of the fandom to different amounts.

    What is your favourite part of AKB48?

    I've only let you select 1 option, as I want to know which is your favourite part.

    If you wish to rank them, or discuss why you like certain elements, please do post in this thread.

    PS: If I've missed anything, please let me know and I'll add it to the poll.
  2. yic17

    yic17 Kenkyuusei

    Jun 3, 2011
    L.A. / Taiwan
    My Ranking. ^_^

    1. TV shows
    2. Singles
    3. Photoshoots/magazines
    4. Concerts
    5. Behind the Scene Videos
    6. Theatre shows
    7. Members blogs/Google+
    8. Handshake events
    9. Radio shows

    I added "Behind the Scene Videos" because I love watching those from the DVDs. :)
  3. notsolittlej

    notsolittlej Kenkyuusei

    Apr 11, 2012
    For me it is like this:
    1. TV Shows
    2. Singles
    3. Sub Groups
    4. Members' blogs / G+
    5. Theater
    6. Photoshoots
    7. Concerts
    8. Handshakes (it would have been MUCH higher, if not first, if I could actually go to handshakes)
    9. Radio Shows (I would probably loved them as well if I understood Japanese, but I don't)
  4. hydeistaby

    hydeistaby Kenkyuusei

    May 21, 2012
    HKT48 changing room
    Ranking :)
    1. Concert
    4.Tv show
    5.Member blog/G+
    8.Handshake event (for many fans from overseas, its like a dream)
    9.Radio show (I don't know what their talking about since there's no subtitle :awesome: )

    Overall, I really love the concert, because you can feel a wonderfull atmosphere, when the wota shout and waving the light stick really make me goosebumps
  5. Gariko

    Gariko Kenkyuusei

    Feb 23, 2012
    1. TV shows - this is the best part for me as this is where i get to know more about the girls like how they react to things and such. (my faves are shows like nemousu, shukan. xx)
    2. Photoshoots/magazines - i picked this because i assume this category encompasses gravure DVD's
    3. Theatre shows - this is my third pick only because of the fact that if its Reinyan's birthday, there will be an LOD show where she would get to hog the camera even in the presence of higher ranked members. :awesome:
    4. Singles
    5. Concerts
    5. Behind the Scene Videos
    7. Members blogs/Google+
    8. Handshake events
    9. Radio shows
  6. cryt

    cryt Kenkyuusei

    Jun 13, 2012
    This was a hard choice, since I'm overseas and can't regularly participate in most of these choices, but it's these fan-interaction events (concerts, handshakes) that are some of the most interesting stuff about AKB for me.

    1. TV shows like AKBINGO! since that's when I got hooked on the group, their interesting personalities and hilarious reactions drives the point that AKB48 is not just loli girls in bikinis, as some would believe after watching one of their more popular MVs.

    2. Singles, it can't be helped. Their singles are catchy and versatile, expanding on a whole bunch of emotions. The musical composition is always top-notch and the song itself brings that idol like aura of happiness and life's whims from pondering on bullying and its social reflections to thinking of the girl with the ponytail.

    3. Stages are always under-appreciated in the mass media, but they really highlight its members during the unit songs and show great variety in theme and music composition. And like singles, they can be either provocative (Kuchi Utsushi no Chocolate) or catchy (Tonari no Banana).

    4. Concerts, each one seems unique but still has that exciting AKB quality to it. It also gives more exposure to the B-sides and songs from albums, and of course AKB48 awesome stages.

    5. Handshake events, they're such a novel idea and the volume of the event is staggering... people waiting hours in line and then starting again from the back until they've used up all their tickets (collected after buying the same thing over and over again). And I admit, I love to read and find horror/dramatic/funny stories from handshake events.
    Something so simple as a 2.5 sec handshake can cause such ridiculous behavior in some of its attendees.
  7. Discothèque

    Discothèque Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    protecting Arin
    For me theatre shows are by far the most interesting part of AKB48. In my opinion their stages songs are far superior compared to the singles. Furthermore for me (although I'm a very new fan) the theatre is what ultimately sets them apart from other idol groups and watching stages also helped me getting familiar with non front girls.
  8. Stankovic

    Stankovic Kenkyuusei

    Jun 1, 2012
    Juri World
    The most interesting and the one that I would really love to watch is the theater. Though due to overseas problem, I guess single is what I'm always into until nowadays :lol: Almost every recent single of AKB has never dissapointed me. Moreover the thing that makes me more interested is usually the seifuku they wear in their dance :awesome:

    The next one would be TV show. AKBingo, SKE no magical, shukan, etc. It's always funny to see our lovely idol "out of their performance" but are still on the watch of camera [hehe]
  9. unkowwn

    unkowwn Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Aug 24, 2011
    My answer is all of the above [rock]
  10. aces

    aces Kenkyuusei

    Feb 23, 2012
    TV shows, singles, sub-units, and stage songs are definitely my favorite parts. If I had to pick, I would pick TV shows since I like seeing the members' personalities and I am always amused by them. I don't really care about the rest of the stuff that much honestly.
  11. ValentineDoe

    ValentineDoe Kenkyuusei

    Jul 12, 2007
    Orlando, FL
    This was hard! I put singles, just because I get so excited when a new one comes out, and they come out far more often than new theater shows.

    My top three would be this, though...the order isn't super strict:

    -Theater Shows

    I love the music and I love to see it performed live! :inlove:
  12. akb48

    akb48 Kenkyuusei

    Dec 3, 2011
    I love both the concerts and variety programs equally so I didn't know which to choose but I thought how the members shine on stage so I chose concerts ;)
  13. alexia90

    alexia90 Kenkyuusei

    Apr 8, 2013
    I just love Behind the Scene Videos
  14. kirifuda

    kirifuda Member

    Dec 8, 2012
    The Joe
    I haven't had the opportunity to attend a stage show, yet, but I I think theater shows are by far the most interesting part of AKB from watching the stages online.

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