When I'm checking the list of threads with new posts I often have the feeling that many of the members have lost interest in the 'mother' group (AKB) and have shifted to one or more of the sister groups. And that's what I want to ask you, what is your favorite group now? Of course, most of us follow more than one group (or, at least, members from different groups), but I'm asking about the group you follow the most.
lol this ain't gonna work if you post it only in the AKB discussion, there are many people who don't go to this thread at all
It does make the most sense in here. The AKB48 discussion forum works as a forum for the franchise as a whole. After all we got all the big events like the Sousenkyo or Janken Taikai in there as well. I believe at this point we don't really need to have a separate AKB48G sub-forum.
For me it's AKB > HKT > SKE > Nogizaka > NMB AKB simply has the most members I like in it currently. NMB's lack of dumb variety shows and comparative low interaction with the rest of the AKBgroup makes it difficult for me to learn its members, which is the hardest part for me But yeah, by and large the AKB discussion section is for AKB discussion... since the other groups have their own discussion sections, why would someone who's only interested in NMB or HKT even bother to come in here and see the poll? lol That poll is gonna be WAY skewed~
I have an interest in more or less all 48 groups but AKB is the one I actively follow the most. I know all the members,care about a considerable amount of them and I am interested in the group's well being and growth (not as a mother group but as an individual group seperate from the rest if you get what I mean) while when it comes to the sister groups I mostly care about individual members without paying that much attention to the groups as a whole. My ranking would be AKB >>> SKE > Nogizaka > NMB > HKT
AKB=HKT>NMB>>>SKE>Nogizaka I follow AKB and HKT equally, it was hard for me to pick which to vote for, but in the end I picked AKB since my oshimen is there. I also really love NMB, but I only really follow Team BII after the shuffle (for Milky, Shu, Lemon, Chihhii.) I don't actually follow Nogi and SKE at all, but I've been meaning to for a long time. SKE is ahead of Nogi because of Tani and Dasu. The thing blocking me from getting into Nogi is their lack of theater performances, I think they're the most important part of my fandom and I watch 1 or 2 a day. Nogi doesn't have that, so it makes it difficult for me to get into them. I know they have their variety shows tho, so I should probably watch some soon lol
yeah, but it's just that i know some members who are only in NMB thread for example (ex zeroshiki, ...) so i think the poll is gonna be very biased, some nogi fans don't even know the hs incident happened until after some told them about it IN the nogi thread, they don't really care, so i guess the poll is kinda unfair i guess,
To tell the truth, I must agree with you...I posted the poll in this thread out of inertia, but it would make more sense in a common place. The question is whether two or more subforums can 'share' a thread. If it's possible, it would be the best solution. If it isn't ... I don't think this poll is important enough to be in the Announcements subforum. The Forum events subforum, maybe? Another option would be the subforum of games...but it would look a bit odd there, and I'm afraid many members don't visit that subforum... Maybe the best place is still here...
yeah, i don't think there's an option to share a thread, but i guess this place fits most too as the other places are kinda odd for a thread like this, oh well, we just have to make do what's available,
I believe I found a simple solution. I'll make a post in the general thread for each of the groups inviting the members who post there to vote. I guess it will do the trick. Now that you say that...I'd swear SDN48 and OJS48 were on the list (in fact, I had a list and copied the names one by one) ...maybe an admin decided to delete those options because they aren't currently active...
I actually think it's fine to have this poll here. Most international fans probably started following AKB48 first even if they eventually moved onto sister groups, simply because AKB is likely the only one they've heard anything about before becoming a fan. This probably applies to native Japanese fans too but to a much smaller degree. And any way, great idea for a poll. The results may not mean anything in the big picture, but it's still interesting to know.
1. NMB, Nogizaka (tie) 2. AKB, SKE (tie) 3. HKT For a year and a half, SKE was my #1 group. But lately that has changed. I still love my individual SKE oshis, but my love for the group as a whole is dwindling. I used to love every member and I would get excited about everything, but now I have less than 10 members that I actively follow. Now, I think NMB is becoming one of my favorites. Those girls are really funny. I really like Team M! AKB will always be on my list of course. So many of my oshis are there. And I have to mention Nogizaka. Nogizaka is a great group because they have a super tight bond. Its really fun to watch them do things together. So if we're talking about groups as a unified whole, then I guess Nogi is my favorite?
ngzk46 period. yeah, they are really lacking of shows to introduce them to the world. well.. for me, i attached to them at 1st solely because of their top-notch songs quality among 48groups but then just found that they are all pretty,
Mmm the only group I've ever had any interest in/followed is HKT, so naturally I choose them. If I had to choose a second then maybe AKB? Simply because I know more AKB members than other groups.
HKT>>>>>>>>AkB>NMB=JKT=SNH>>>>SKE>NGZ I use to follow or keep up with akb until Maachan graduated now HKT is my favorite. They are filled with interesting characters