For me it's 46 > 48, as simple as that. Although I fell in love with AKB first, but there's some kind of different appeal from Nogizaka I can't resist. Thanks Aki-P, for creating AKB48 and later created their actually-step-sister-but-the-rivalry-concept-is-kinda-cool-so-i-will-call-them-the-official-rival
My ranking is: AKB>JKT>Nogi>NMB>SNH>SKE>HKT I'll always like AKB above all the others. I've tried to see the appeal of SKE and HKT, but it's just not working for me. I don't get into the childish stuff, which is why I have trouble liking HKT since it's mostly younger girls.. and with SKE, I just get so bored with Jurina/Rena all the time. I mean, Nao and Rion are there, but they're barely noticeable. JKT offers some great personalities, beautiful girls, and they have a different feeling from the Japanese groups that I really like. And Nogi tends to venture out a bit in terms of musical style, so it keeps it fresh. Especially with Nogi's last two singles. NMB? Sayanee and Yamada save it for me, otherwise I'd be terrible bored. And SNH only ranks so low because I still haven't taken the time to get to know the girls individually.
HKT48 >> Nogizaka46 >>> NMB48 > AKB48 > SKE48 >>>>> JKT48 > SNH48 I was really into HKT from 2012 to the end of last year but some how I'm less crazy about them now but they still remain my favourite group. I have followed both HKT and Nogizaka from their debuts and feel like I know them better. I adore Nogizaka's music a lot. NMB is really hard for me because I followed Team BII since before they were even a team and I paid attention to most NMB activities. But then all at once my four top members of the group graduated (including my kami oshi) and they demolished what was left of the team so I have a hard time paying attention to them now. Maybe if some new girls join I'll try and get back into them. I don't pay a lot of attention to AKB but I like some of the girls and I enjoy Team 4. I like SKE a lot I just haven't heavily paid attention to them in a while. I like lots of the girls though. Haven't really gotten into JKT and SNH. I do really enjoy 48 as a whole though. Many times I have thought I lost interest but something keeps bringing me back.
AKB=HKT>SKE>NMB>The rest... AKB was what got me in the whole idol thing. They also have the best songs and are well established. However with all the recent graduations I put them on the same level as HKT. Once the well established members graduate, I will like HKT much more than any other group. The HKT members remind me of the old AKB days.
1)NOGIZAKA46:lot of popular member,not like SKE or NMB. Very good music,I love every members. 2)AKB48:I continue to follow AKB thanks to KitaRie,Yukirin,Tano,Karen,TakaMina,Kojiharu,Miichan,Mocchi,Ikoma,Haruppi,Sayanee,Nagisa,Sakuratan if they are not here i stop because the music becomes lame and too much centered around Mayu,Paruru,Jurina and too much kennin in singles. 3)NMB48+HKT48: I don't Like HKT48 MUSIC TO CHildish(except Kataomoi Kaarage,Natsu No Mae,Metronome and a little Melon Juice),I don't know lot of member,i was really angry when 2nde gen like MioMeru are center for the debut too .i JUST LOVE Kodama,MonkeyShige,Sasshihara,Mikan and Sakura.I don't see the other member. For NMB48,same i don't like their music except Zetsumetsu,Bokura No Eureka,Kamonegix and Virginity the rest no.I like members but it's always the same girls in front .My kamioshi is Sayanee,she is the perfect center ,the most perfect center in all group 48/46,better than Acchan ,she reminds me of Yuko Oshima(perfect center too). I like Yoshida,Nagisa,Shu,Keicchi,Ripopo,Nana,Umeda,Lemon,Fujie and Milky too. 4)SKE48:I love love their songs better songs than NMB,HKT and AKB but i didn't know the member except WMATSUI and now my wife Miyazawa♥ and maybe Yukiko who will leave the group :/. My favourite is Rena but now it's Sae because she is not AKB. The group is always centered around Jurina agagin! I like her but its lame. In Jyuri baby i see only her, that's why i cant be interessed in this group, it's not a group it's Just Jurina,in the documentary we see only her.For me,this group is the worst sorry but good music.
Have to agree with this being inherently bias. I wouldn't have came if not for the news about Kojizaka46's new coupling song. I like AKB, but not enough to check for new threads all the time. When I hear about something somewhere else I come looking. I don't know where I place other groups, tbh. I got into Nogizaka first. I intended on getting into AKB (as strange as it sounds) because I thought I might enjoy it and it would help my Japanese to watch more variety. But, at the time, Nogizaka had just been announced. I thought it might be easier to get to know a new group and I liked their first single. When I ran out of Nogi media, I returned to my original plan of getting into AKB. I liked it, but a little less than Nogizaka. I kind of saw Nogi as all (well, almost all) equal for a long time but it was easy to pick a 48-oshi. It was Rena (can you imagine how excited I was when her concurrency was announced?). So I also tried to get into SKE. Big failure. I tried a tonne of variety shows and they all sucked very bad. Not the girls' fault, but I didn't have the patience to care about them without being entertained at the same time. I didn't try to get into NMB but I should have. I guess it was because Milky irked the hell out of me? I'm fine with tsurishi and burikko and Milky seems like a very friendly person, but she was always such an anti-idol in my eyes. Problem of perception. NMB had some great songs early on, but I don't know what to think of them since that kamonegicks/Ibiza girl combo. As for HKT, I originally loved their variety, but their infrequent singles don't make me care as much as I think songs should. TBH, it just sounds like management isn't trying to make HKT a musical group. AKB, too, has slipped so far since they began to grab my attention way before the start of my story (flying get era). I'm just here for variety, drama, and Sahhoo now. Meanwhile Nogi's songs and singing have improved so much. They're at a point where they sing live and sound better than other idols in studio. (Plenty of individuals still can't sing, but meh). It's difficult to believe the songs are written and produced by the same people. Especially recently. Sorry for being so one sided with this. I'm sure the idols you love have plenty of wonderfulness I just haven't noticed.
NMB is by far my favourite group at this point. Many of the girls have very striking personalities and the dialect is very endearing imo. They are also the only group that stands out from the rest, from the distinct tiger prints to the unorthodox discography, to the members that showcase their talents frequently (and not being afraid to sing live as well). Nothing beats some acoustic performances smack in the middle of an idol concert. This follows by HKT, a group that I followed mainly to their accessibility at first (a constantly running variety show, hyperactive and loud girls) and it is where I found my oshi. They may not have the talent relative to their AKB and NMB counterparts but they don't fade in the background, even standing out in the way only such a young group can achieve. In third is AKB. Of course this was the group that I got into first since it's the mothership after all , but as an old gen oshi the huge amount of graduates of my favourites as well as all the current ones left at the brink of graduation, meh I lost interest. Doesn't help that they're trying to rebrand themselves constantly when there's no need to, like their desperate methods to keep the million streak with placard, team 8, baito akb and whatever. So much talk about new gen and upcoming stars that we might as well call the 9th gen old now. Off topic here but there's no point in putting a new up and coming girl in senbatsu if you don't do a Jurina. No casual fan will bother to look in the back. Last is SKE, where the most interesting factoid about them is that they've somehow succeeded in performing the same stage for almost 6 years on and off now. The group just got really really stale after the mass graduations and the shuffle. Weird kennins that didn't fit the image of the group (besides making milky cry on the shonichi of her S stage), trying to keep Nana from graduating by her very awkward KII position, no. The new gens in the group never piqued my interest and the lack of Kaotan in stuff is infuriating. And yeah, they took Tani for god knows what. With concerts that are stale besides the occasional dance senbatsu showcase or Rion and Nao for their respective instruments, nah. Who wants to see the same 10 units or so getting performed over and over and over again? Not me. I don't follow JKT and SNH mainly due to awkward translations of lyrics, so yeah. Nogi is an outlier here in that I don't follow them besides their kennin members, but I watch the Bingo shows when they air and listen to their discography. And for the latter, it probably is the best out of the whole franchise alongside NMB due to the unique sound as well. TL;DR NMB >> HKT > AKB >>>>>> SKE with nogi flitting between HKT and AKB
I think in terms of music, especially recent music, I like NMB the best. Takane no Ringo, Ibiza Girl and the upcoming 10th single were all amazing to me and it set a very high bar for 48G in general. AKB's and SKE's releases this year haven't excited me much (except 38th single) but HKT's was alright, I loved Hikaeme I Love You. I have girls who I like in every 48g, especially in AKB and NMB. I've found it a bit difficult to get interested in the girls of SKE and HKT, I guess they just don't really appeal to me save for a few.
nogizaka46 = ske48 = akb48 >>> nmb48 >>> hkt48 nogizaka46: if asked, i refer to nogi as my favorite/main group. the first gen is perfect! each member has personality. i really enjoy nogi's singles. if i'm disappointed by the main song (which is rare), then the non-promoted songs make up for it. the one downside about nogi i'm not so familiar with the second gen (they need to be promoted more). ske48: the focus is always on jurina, but since i like her, i'm obviously not complaining. no ebi friday night and ebi show were really entertaining. there are several ske members i love/like and none that i dislike. akb48: of course, akb was the first 46/48 group i knew, though i didn't get into the fandom until some years later. like a typical nostalgic fan, i love the 1st and 2nd gen and graduated members of those gens. i like several new gen kids, but there are some pushed new gen that i'm meh about. though this year has been disappointing in terms of songs, akb's repertoire is great. nmb48: i like their fanservice and some songs and members hkt48: too young for me and i don't like their songs
As fellow HKT enthusiasts I've noticed a lot of people don't give HKT a chance. For example a lot of people were shocked when Sakura ranked 11 in the general election and how many HKT members ranked. Some people didn't even know who she was before the election. But anyone who followed HKT knew how popular that she was(hence the double center with Mayu). I actually started with AKB first but they went towards a different path, so I don't follow them as much. I've noticed a lot of people say they don't like HKT music. They are my favorite group but I don't like their music that much either lol. HKT is more for there characters and shows. If you like nogizaka46, give HKT a try . I would say those two groups have the best chemistry among the members. I recommend you guys watch tonkotsu maho shoujo gakuin or odekake. Both have been subbed. I hope I intrigued some of you to follow HKT ..
it's funny how there's so little commentators, who like HKT, yet it's on the 2nd place right now)) I guess HKT fans should be more vocal about it. that's what I'll try to do myself)) HKT >>>>> AKB >> NMB > Nogi = SKE HKT has the most appeal for me. they have the best variety shows out of all sister groups, so it is easier to know and follow members. only one season of Hakata Hyakkaten and I was already completely hooked and familiar with majority of key members. unfortunately, I couldn't get into SKE and NMB no matter how many their shows I watched. I've noticed a couple of other interesting members besides their wCenters, but that's about it. another thing I like about HKT is that there are lots of interesting girls, who has potential and the feeling of unity. they are still young, so it's more interesting to watch them grow and become more popular. and the number of members and teams is less than in AKB/SKE/NMB, so in my opinion they still haven't lost the feeling of unity and friendship. as for AKB, there are many girls that I like, but as a group they are very scattered. I also like many girls from Nogizaka, but it's very hard to get more into them with only NogiDoko.
HKT > Nogi >>>> AKB > NMB/SKE > SNH > JKT. I just love HKT members. Their songs are getting better & better with the time, their lives are energetic. They bring me joy and that's what I search in idols. Nogizaka have the best songs, simply. Rotating center system is interesting. AKB have loose everything I used to love on them : good songs, polyvalence & freshness. Thanks lord, there's the Team 4 & Yui... And Kibouteki is a great song so everything isn't lost. Others doesn't appeal me much. NMB have great members but I don't like their music (except of Oh! My God, Renai Higai Todoke, Dazai Osamu wo Yonda ka?) ; reverse with SKE which I love their songs, but where I only like 5-6 members. Maybe one day I'll get interest in JKT/SNH, but now... Even I like Melody & Jingyi a lot.
NMB48. For some months, I've felt like I lost interest in the two groups that used to be my favorites, AKB and HKT. Or rather, I am still interested in them but everything they do disappoint/ don't interest me. NMB on the other hand is full of awesomeness: good songs, interesting members and fun performances. Yeah, and the whole Kansai feel... I love Nogizaka46's songs but their girls are not my type... Too lady-like and boring. I have never tried to look at foreign sister groups, mainly because of a lack of time and a lack of necessity.