I'm really starting to get more and more interested in Nogizaka46, I think AKB48 puts out more consistantly good music top to bottom, but the top songs of Nogizaka46 are really quality stuff, they have a few more clunkers though but thats what the next or delete button is for.
Nogizaka46 ahead of AKB48 for now. I don't focus on listening to other sister groups' music as of now.
the quality and beauty of nogizaka already get me into them more than 48G lately. So, this is my rank; Nogi>>>AKB>JKT>SNH>NMB>SKE>HKT
I admit N46 are a little boring(they are a lot of funy members like Mahiro,Maaya,Ikoma,Noujou,Kazumin but the top members are not the most funny it's clear) but it's my favourite group since AKB almost all the ancient members like Sayaka,Sae,Yuko,Mocchi,Acchan,Mariko,Meetan,Tomomi,Tomochin leave... And with all this transfert and kennin members who stole the glory i feel naked. Then SKE is a unknown group for me except Rena and now Sae i didn't know any member, and sometimes i feel like all is about Jurina . If Sae leaves , i'll lose interest . Just listen their cool music. My second favourite group is NMB because the double center is the best for me. Just see when they dance in live. There are lot of talented member,good performer,sexy,good gravure they are awesome and funny. Just the songs dissapointed me a lot :/. In HKT, the song are awful for my ears ,i want to know more members but it's always the same and now i see least Murashige, this make me furious . So except Haruppi,Murashige,Boss,Sasshi& Madoka I lost interest in HKT. Now i expect NGT to be an amazing group ,they are determinate and all i expect a lot for the new 46 group too. My ranking: 1.Nogizaka46 2.NMB48 3.NGT48 (because Rie,Yukirin and the 2 drafts are amazing) 4.AKB48 5.HKT48 6.SKE48
My favourite group is AKB48 but I'm finding it difficult to rank the others. My opinion of those (i.e. excepting AKB48) is as follows: HKT48 has the most interesting girls SKE48 has the prettiest girls NMB48 has the best songs Nogizaka46 has the nicest girls NGT48 - wait and see!
Well, my most favorite 48G is JKT48, although my Kami-oshi is Mii-chan... Even if they're just more like a cover group for AKB, I still think that a lot of AKB songs fit JKT's image very well... Also, their conservative image when it comes to summer singles... Yes, they shoot their MVs on beaches but they wear a less revealing outfit, I think this is one of the things that they didn't copy on the JP48... I'm still hoping for an original single for JKT ^^
I love all the groups, but my favorite is HKT (even though my kami-oshi is from NMB) HKT has the most girls I like and the group feels really close-knit. Also, their variety shows are always super fun! I'm getting really interested in NGT, though, so that answer might be changing in the future
AKB48 is my fave but I love the others too, especially SKE and HKT. But AKB is fave because most of my faves are in it.
1. AKB48 2. NMB48 3. SKE48 4. HKT48 5. Nogizaka46 6. SNH48 7. JKT48 I love them all but if I have to put them in an order, this is it
1.AKB48 2.HKT48 3.NMB48 3.SKE48 To be honest i'm new so i'm just starting to know the others groups, but so far this is my ranking.
I don't know whether to put AKB48 as #1 or not ? since technically they're the first group that i like but i can't decide and i cannot weigh them with SKE so i'm not going to put them ) maybe they are the top level or maybe not? lol 1.SKE48 2.NMB48 3.Nogizaka46 4.HKT48 NGT48 - *waiting*
1. AKB48-because a lot of the girls I like are in AKB, and because of the history and how awesome the old graduated members were. Also, I like more of their music. 2. HKT48-because my kamioshi is Sasshi, and because I like most of the other girls too. 3. SNH48-because I understand Chinese and it's been easier for me to watch more of them, thus getting to know the girls a lot better. 4. NMB48-they have a lot of fun personalities and Miorin is one of my favorites. 5. SKE48-honestly for me SKE and NMB are on the same level in the sense that I like some of the girls but I'm not that familiar with them. 6. Nogizaka46-I just never had the chance to get into them more, and most of their songs bore me. 7. JKT48-the girls are super pretty and talented, but the language and cultural barrier makes it hard to get into them more. Still waiting on NGT and Keyakizaka, so I'll try to remember to update this.
AKB's my top favorite because it will always have a special place in my heart. However, I am starting to like SKE's and Nogizaka's music more, and I've really enjoyed the comedy and variety skills from NMB. As for the other groups, I don't really know them that well to have an opinion about them. Still waiting for NGT, but I'm starting to fall in love with them already.