Potential NMB Subbing Project

Discussion in 'General NMB48 Discussion' started by Smilodon, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    Geinin is really long, like 90+ minutes so it should be a long term goal.

    Let's keep the discussion to here even with the Google Group going on. I just added wasabi. Waiting for the others. If you guys have any more suggestions, let's discuss it here.
  2. joooooooooe

    joooooooooe Member Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles, CA
    Geinin might not be that bad, especially if the DVD has Japanese subtitles on it. I have mine on the way soon.

    I only have the first 3 parts of the Yuuri thing. I'll get the 4th part.
    Just to practice I'll try timing the 3 parts and then upload them to Google Drive, and have zeroshiki translate them. Sound good?
  3. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    I've already done the first 2. Sent you the invite.

    You can do the last 2 if you want or you can move to the Mita Gahaku ones.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  4. Snowman81

    Snowman81 Kenkyuusei

    May 23, 2013
    Los Angeles, USA
    I'm up to do some QC (or translations on an as needed basis because I'm pretty slow at translating). I'll also start to experiment with some timing just in case its needed in the future. I have aegis, just never bothered to use it yet.

    @joooooooooe You only have 50k uploads with TW? You should call them and complain because I have them too and get closer to 1m uploads.
  5. joooooooooe

    joooooooooe Member Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles, CA
    I think there's 3 or 4 different plans for T/W. Maybe I'll look into it again. Generally uploads don't do anything for me except keeping ratio for trackers.

    As for Mita Gahaku, I only have one of them which is the Antan/Shuu one. I can try pre-timing that as well as the Yuuri episodes just to see how long it takes and so we can get feedback if pre-timing really helps.
  6. wasabi

    wasabi Kenkyuusei

    Mar 16, 2012
    I'd like to work on some of the Mita Gahaku ones as they're short and ideal for novices like myself. Jeauexe is working on the first one so I think I'll tackle any of the later episodes. If you're working on timing on any of them I'll wait till you're done.
  7. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
  8. Smilodon

    Smilodon Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Feb 27, 2012
    I actually thought of a different title for the group. I didn't know why I didn't think of this before but..

    How about Almond Croissant subs?
  9. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    I like it since its just wink nudge enough for the fans to get. Although wouldn't the name be unwieldy? I'm imagining seeing "[Almond Croissant Fansubs] YNN N..." on a tracker. :^^;:
  10. Smilodon

    Smilodon Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Feb 27, 2012
    Haha, I was just throwing that out there. I like Teppen too. Either is fine.
  11. jeauexe

    jeauexe Kenkyuusei

    Mar 31, 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    So much discussion going on haha. This is great. Is a Google drive account just my gmail? (clearly I don't use Google drive haha)

    Almond Croissant Subs is really cute, but isn't it a little long? Just in terms of watermarks and stuff (in case we do end up hardsubbing). Fuuchan is watching is great though.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  12. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    Yes, just give me your gmail address and I'll add you and you'll get access to the google group where we keep track of the sub projects.
  13. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    I think before we get too much further in this, we need to set some ground rules.

    Here are some suggestions:

    1. This is being done for fun and is not a job;
    2. There are no deadlines;
    3. None of this should be taken especially seriously.

    The moment this starts to feel like an obligation and not something a bunch of people are doing for fun is when it all falls apart.

    That being said, everyone please check the google group for episode statuses and sharing of files :p
  14. Under The Ribbon

    Under The Ribbon Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    If we want a short name... how about a REALLY short name, JK-1 Subs?

    Anyhow, since we're using Google as a base of operation, I think it'll make it easy if we use Google Docs to host a bulletin board of sorts to tell people what projects are underway and what still needs to be done.

    You don't HAVE to download Google Drive to use this, but it makes it a lot easier. It's also free.

    I set up this document here, the things filled in are just examples (sorry if I used your name). Basically, this document will be shared with everyone in the group. Anyone can VIEW and EDIT it at all times. I figured it helps to have every ongoing project in one place so people have a clear idea of what they can do to help.


    In the example above, the first project is completely finished, the second project is timed and waiting for translating (is that how we want to do it? Time first then Translate? I feel like it makes more sense to do it in reverse order), and the third project is done with timing and translating, and just needs someone to double-check it and encode it.

    If you see a part of a project that you want to work on, just make a note on this sheet to tell people it is being worked on, or tell people you already finished it and uploaded it to the dropbox, speaking of which...

    I also set up folders where we can drop our projects-in-progress:


    Let me know if you're cool with doing it this way or if you want to change any of the formatting :asdfgh:
  15. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    Thanks for this @Under The Ribbon . Let's use the Google Doc to update status but as for file sharing, we can just use the Google Group for it (since it ties it into Drive as well anyway) since we're not gonna be dealing with files greater than a few kilobytes.
  16. wasabi

    wasabi Kenkyuusei

    Mar 16, 2012
    Okay, so we won't need Drive. I was about to install it but the Group works well enough with each sub project as a separate thread topic. Is there a direct link from the Group or Doc to the shared Drive? Looks good so far.
  17. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    You can check under your own Drive account and it'll be there. I also added a link to the doc in the group.
  18. Under The Ribbon

    Under The Ribbon Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    You don't have to install Google Drive, as long you're in the group you should be able to access the shared files. Downloading Drive just makes it a bit easier to view and make edits.

    I deleted the example portions of the spread sheet so the only projects shown are the ones that's actually been worked on.

    The bulletin board thing is basically a free-for-all thing and anyone is free to start new projects on it or choose a current project to contribute to. Whatever edits people make to the spreadsheet are updated in real time, but you can also view previous edits in the revisions history, in case one of us makes a big mess out of it some day :poop:
  19. lotsheep

    lotsheep Kenkyuusei

    Feb 11, 2013
    *waves* Is there anyway I could have a hand in this? :>
  20. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    Sure, everyone is more than welcome to contribute. Tell us what you'd like to do and PM me your gmail.

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