Single [SINGLE] Ohori Megumi - Amai Kokansetsu (10/15)

Discussion in 'Subunit/Solo News & Discussion' started by kaito, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. kaito

    kaito Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Jun 3, 2007

    I'm sorry but.. WHAT THE FUCK.

    Ohori has possibly one of the worst voices in all of AKB48. I'm pretty sure this single will be geared towards the image, rather than the quality of the single.

    I'm just highly disappointed that (even though it's probably backed behind her new agency, and not AKB48 itself) out of all the possible new subunits or solo releases, Ohori had to get a solo release.

    Don't get me wrong, I really wouldn't mind seeing Ohori in a sub unit. I remember discussing with Kyobu when Ohori, Hana and Nacchinon has the radio show together and were in a BLT cover and were speculating if they were going to debut. Obviously they didn't (but thinking about it, they would make an awesome unit together. Sigh. MAKE MORE SUB UNITS PLZ).

    Since it's tied up with 0ji59, maybe she'll be seeing a theme song, or perhaps living up that character she's been in on NEWS48.

    Either way, I am going to look forward to speculating, and seeing how this turns out.
  2. Copyninja

    Copyninja Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    I'm watching you.
    "deubt" :p
    I didn't hear her sing more than one or two lines, but those seemed to be good o_O
  3. Azarashi

    Azarashi Kenkyuusei

    Oct 10, 2007
    Oh, it's the best joke ever. Really made my day. I'm waiting for this one :)
  4. RocketStarLauncher

    RocketStarLauncher Member Retired Staff

    Nov 7, 2007
    PHL -> IC
    Sato Natsuki
    Re: [SINGLE] Ohori Megumi SOLO debut

    My guess/hope is that it is just a comedic single that won't really matter all that much in the long run. She doesn't have the best voice, but she was obviously chosen for her personality.

    I had never thought of turning that radio group into a sub-unit... K1's Kiss wo Dame yo and Hana... That's actually one of the best quartet ideas I've heard of.
  5. Persephone Dickerson

    Persephone Dickerson Kenkyuusei

    Aug 12, 2008
    Re: [SINGLE] Ohori Megumi SOLO debut

    That might be a bit harsh. I like her with Nacchinon in Kiss wo Dame yo, so if them + Hana were to team up I wouldn't be against it.

    Although I agree that this had better be some comedic thing since it seems it's just based on her personality.
  6. Pan-chan

    Pan-chan Kenkyuusei

    Nov 20, 2007
    ......ok... o_O

    oh well, i guess its gonna be more than a little bit interesting to see how THIS one turns out

    there's so much speculation running around my head right now...
    my favourite being the gold bikini making another appearance LOL
    maybe this time red....with fluff and sparkly bits XDXDXDXDXD
  7. RocketStarLauncher

    RocketStarLauncher Member Retired Staff

    Nov 7, 2007
    PHL -> IC
    Sato Natsuki
    ^I hope she'll finally get a new bikini... she's had her current one forever... since before AKB48.
  8. albusdumb

    albusdumb Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    With Oshima Yuko
    To see.
    I like Meetan, but no for her voice (I'm just a man :lol:)
    I will say that her voice is really nasal.
    But I don't judge before hearing it
  9. chou

    chou Kenkyuusei

    Oct 12, 2007
    you <3
    I'm very excited for this, although I might just be a liiitle biased. Her voice might not be the best but good lord it's not the worst either. If the PV is anything like the pictures she's been posting her blog lately than it'll certainly be interesting.
  10. makistar

    makistar Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Jun 12, 2007
    I can skip the song BUT GIVE ME THE PV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Naomi

    Naomi Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Oct 11, 2007
    Huh. I'm not really surprised, for some reason. Should be interesting, I guess.
  12. Heiwa

    Heiwa Kenkyuusei

    Aug 2, 2007
    this single must be better than any of Koharu Kusumi... her voice? is noisy but she sell her singles.
    the Idol world is not made just for the voices, there are many thing that we (the foreigner fans) don't understand :p

    I like Meetan and this single is just ONE, I think her popularity is growing up these days and for that reason she deserve this chance. but I think this will be just debut and byebye... BTW I'll be waiting for her single :)
  13. Ange

    Ange Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    The Stage48 Institute for Akimoto Sayaka Worship
    This is so... Unexpected...
  14. lolqhkf

    lolqhkf Kenkyuusei

    Feb 13, 2008
    I thought of two thing when I heard this...

    1. There was a rumor about a week ago about Me-tan's graduation...I thought it was nonsense but there is higher chance now...Last time AZ entertainment took a member from AKB48, which was Hoshino Michiru..., she graduated. Thinking of both Me-tan's age and her new activities as graveure model, I think there is a possibility.

    2. Why is AZ entertainment giving Me-tan chance to release a single when they still haven't given a single release to ChiruChiru...I want major debut of Michiru!!!! I probably wont buy Me-tan's single but I will definitely buy Michiru's...
  15. RocketStarLauncher

    RocketStarLauncher Member Retired Staff

    Nov 7, 2007
    PHL -> IC
    Sato Natsuki
    Something tells me that the PV's making of (assuming that it's included) will be super-duper long...
  16. Persephone Dickerson

    Persephone Dickerson Kenkyuusei

    Aug 12, 2008
    That's a good point. Especially since they are still over the 48 members. Or are they anymore I'm not sure.
  17. RocketStarLauncher

    RocketStarLauncher Member Retired Staff

    Nov 7, 2007
    PHL -> IC
    Sato Natsuki
    ^51 as of two days ago.
  18. Copyninja

    Copyninja Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    I'm watching you.
    A single of moaning? :eek:
  19. gideon123

    gideon123 Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Aug 15, 2007
    New York, USA

    I actually remember hearing some song on a CD that predominantly featured a girl moaning. I didn't think much of it back then since I was so young, but in was really weird.

    But seriously...considering how it's Ohori, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some degree of...that sorta stuff. :confused:
  20. hahaxwill

    hahaxwill Kenkyuusei

    Jan 1, 2008
    Dead, after being struck in the heart by Chiyuu~
    ^ lol. Was it an American song? xD hahahaha. Must've been weird...

    Hahahahaha. This single is probably gonna be sold more for the PV than the song xP Let's see what happens kekekekeke. Oh btw.. if more people by the single + dvd.. then that means mo money than just buying the single o_O I think they are up to something hahahaha

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