Is this finally Uuka's year in senbatsu? She outranked Shu in preliminaries. Though it's only preliminaries, all the girls that ranked 30-39 last year in the preliminaries stayed in the final ranking...
hmm ? Not really because Uuka doesn't get pushed all that much other than just being in the senbatsu(With exception of a few girl that are being Gori pushed right now by Aki-P most member in NMB get a quite similar amount of opportunities). But Uuka have been working really hard this past year and especially toward the social media side of things. Even without twitter until recently she was still able to get her feeling across to the fans regarding SSK via blogs/google+/mobame quite a while back and she have put a lot of work in Uuka Douga. She was only second to Antan when it come to the amount of google+ posts within the last 12 months in the whole 48 groups while managed to keep updating her blog daily(And if it wasn't for Antan text only posts she would be #1 by quite a bit). But tbh prelim is still prelim so I'll wait for the end result before getting excited(there are still so many strong girl that haven't ranked in prelim and 6,5k is still a bit from the safe zone). Just Uuka being ranked would make me really happy.
So I was reading a NMB matome site (as you do) and I came across Japanese fans speculating the numbers for NMB girls ranking in the sousekyou this year. The common consensus seemed to be: Definitely in: Sayanee (senbatsu), Milky (senbatsu/UG), Keicchi Probably in: Miru, Reinyan, Umechan, Fuuchan, Shu Good chance: Nagisa, Uuka, Ripopo Not positive: Miorin, Akarin, Aapon Airi's name came up as someone who may rank in. She ranked in for prelims last year, but there seems to be a divide in opinions on her. I think most of them are assuming that it's unlikely though. There was some interesting discussion as well on Akarin and possibly Miorin being previously funded by a rich wota, but those wota for the respective girls aren't voting for them this year or something? Not sure if this is just a baseless rumour but I wanted to include it anyway so we have more to speculate on. Personally I think what's going to be interesting to watch is to see who grabs the No 3. position within NMB (at least SSK wise, anyway). I think it'll probably come down to being between Miru, Keicchi and possibly Reinyan, depending on how strong her fans come out. And as for my predictions: Senbatsu: Sayanee, Milky (I have a feeling Milky might be in UG again but I'm putting her here as a hope that she'll make it back to senbatsu) UG: Miru NG: Reinyan, Keicchi (I think either of them have a pretty good shot at making lower UG? Maybe?) FG: Shu, Nagisa, Fuuchan, Ume, Ripopo UCG: Uuka, Akarin I'd add Aapon and Airi to Upcoming Girls purely on the basis that I just really want them to rank but I have a feeling they won't, I feel like 12 girls in is the max that NMB fans are going to manage. So, what does everyone think?
No hope for even speculation, huh. Fear I'll be waking up at 3:30 am for a lot of disappointment and people telling me I don't care about my oshi.
^I was thinking the same. I really want Kanakichi to rank though, especially since I put votes in for her. But hope is so nice. It'll make the lower ranks more exciting, at least.
I think he already was on the HKT path last year, as Akarin lost around 5000 votes and plummeted like ~20 spots. Fuuchan only in Future Girls? That would be a major disappointment for me and a serious rank down. Hope that doesn't happen. On the other hand I'm really not confident on Miru getting into Undergirls. I really could see Keicchi or Reinyan getting NMB rank #3. I want Aapon to rank in so badly too. I really hope she makes the cut into Upcoming Girls.
I think my final rank for this election will be the following: Bold Definitely, Normal Maybe SEN - Milky, Sayanee UG - Milky, Miru, NG - Miru, Fuu, Keicchi, Reinyan, Ume FG - Fuu, Shuu, Nagisa, Ume, Ripopo, Akarin UCG - Miorin, Uuka Milky may rank in Senbatsu but i'm not holding my breath... Miru could just scrape UG, if not definitely NG Fuu could get into NG but again i'm not holding my breath Ume could easily rank into NG but I fear she may fall again... Miorin is tricky tbh... I can see her falling out completely. Weird hopes that are incredibly unlikely lol... Airi, Kanakichi, Yuuri, and Riripon rank
^I'm surprised you're more confident in Uuka ranking than Miorin, I think its the other way around! Miorin fans seem pretty loyal.
I'm surprised at myself too tbh. I love Miorin to her lemony bones but somethings is making me think that she's going to drop... Maybe it's because she hasn't been as "in your face" as she was last year.. I don't know.. I also don't know why I think Uuka will rank.. I just think it's her (and Nagisa's) year lmao
The irony is that Ume and Lemon have been their most prominent outside the group this past year. Particularly for Lemon, she's earned those appearances to appear on golden hour shows and other big variety shows, so fans might come to value those activities more than being a perennial middle to lower tier ranker. I think they'll both rank, and Lemon has been pretty vocal about ranking, but I wouldn't hold it against either of them or use it as a reflection for their activities in the past year.
What's even more scarier is that, although some people increased their votes, they still dropped in rank. Just goes to show you, If you want to rank up, you need at least 5k more than last year, and even then you might not get lucky lol My speculation was right lmao.
Anyone here speculate a Yuuri gori push??? Idk but i have this gut feeling that she will be gori pushed. And my gut feeling also told me that Miru would receive a gori push before. Also, i wish Yuuri, Aapon, and hopefully Udon could rank in SSK next year!
I don't see that happening tbh with how focused Aki-P is on Riripon/Konomin atm and it's kinda hard seeing her being gori pushed ahead of other girls in senbatsu right now(inb4 Aki-P gori push Jo again). While I wouldn't mind a Yuuri Gori Push from Aki-P I think it's better for her to steady grow like she have been doing this past year. Her mini photobook was also finished recently which I'm somewhat looking forward to.
Yeah, Aki-P is pretty busy gori pushing Riripon and Konomin. And then there's always Jo if he runs out of juice. Yuuri surely will get more prominence now that she has reached gravure age but I think she's going to climb step by step. Miru doesn't need a gori push. At least not in NMB. She does more than well with the bit of handholding mngmt gives at the moment. But who knows what will happen in crazy land AKB with her kennin...
But the main branch seems to be really fond of her than some of Yoshimoto's pushes (and also SKE's Ego Yuna than some of SKE's own pushes like Rion and Anmi) that makes me wonder why Yuuri and Ego didn't get any Kennin
It does seem like someone on AKB's staff likes Yuuri more than NMB management does but the leap from that to an Akimoto gori-push (r) is quite large.
^Too bad it seem that NMB and SKE girls doesn't seem to be the priorities for the main branch atm I mean look at Dendenmu Chu!