Yeah, Maeda. I know the mayuge's not strong w/ Kouko, but the resemblance is there, at least to me. I think that's why it bugged me for so long.
Saving this here for evidence of the "2 shot ban" Thanks Mako
Kokko wrote a letter to Mako in Mako's seitansai today. I posted the translated letter in Mako's thread.
Miss Kouko sneaking into the otona senbatsu like that lol.
At her Emergency Shareholders' Meeting of AiKaBu, Mako named two football sides. Kouko was on her Best Friends 11 as a midfielder. MF #横山結衣 #田中皓子 #岡田奈々 #加藤玲奈
great cooking streams these 2 days tomato soup + eating tomato soup. All under the guidance of MaiQ who at the beginning even sat solid at the top places of the SR ranking and kept fawning over Kokko's "girlfriend vibes". On the other hand Kouko kept complaining that meat is expensive and she has no money to buy it. [dead YT links] even Chiho who hates tomatoes felt like she could eat that soup when watching it! if the video does not show watch the video here egg soup + eating egg soup and doing makeup (which she had money to buy) [dead YT links]
It seems like she's obsessed with Ehime mandarin lately haha. First product she's holding is dried mandarin, and the second is mandarin and honey (so it's like jam I guess?) Is it just me or does she oddly looks like Kojimako in some of the pictures? I mean I know they're close and all but never have I thought that they look similar until now.
Meat and potato stew [dead YT links] someone actually put it into a recipe lol
Another interaction with her friend Mako. Mako posted an instastory with her name on a bag, Kuoko responded, followed by Mako, and then Yokochan got into the act with Mako.
This week's AKB48 ANN (STU48 Edition): Okada Nana, Takino Yumiko, Fukuda Akari, and Tanaka Kouko STU48 no All Night Nippon Super Just Before Special! (2019-02-13) STU48 no All Night Nippon (2019-02-13)