The ordering, shipping and arrivals thread

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Kyobu, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. David61

    David61 Under Girls

    May 17, 2015
    Reading, England
    Komiyama Haruka
    My copies of the 4 types of NMB48's new single have just arrived with me at my office. For whatever reason best known to Amazon JP they sent types A&B from Narita in one package (a padded envelope) and C&D from Yokohama in a second (a cardboard box). However DHL have just delivered them together, and in just under 34 hours from dispatch for each of them which is definitely the fastest delivery I've ever had! Although both packages appear to have been on the same plane they each took different routes through and from London Heathrow Airport as the tracking shows:

    10 With delivery courier READING - UK 13:03
    1 Pieces

    9 Arrived at Delivery Facility in READING - UK READING - UK 11:20
    1 Pieces

    8 Departed Facility in LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 10:31
    1 Pieces

    7 Processed at LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 10:28
    1 Pieces

    6 Clearance processing complete at LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 09:16
    1 Pieces

    5 Arrived at Sort Facility LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 09:02
    1 Pieces

    4 Customs status updated LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 06:25

    12 With delivery courier READING - UK 13:03
    1 Pieces

    11 Processed at LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 09:01
    1 Pieces

    10 Clearance processing complete at LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 08:58
    1 Pieces

    9 Arrived at Sort Facility LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 08:41
    1 Pieces

    8 Departed Facility in LONDON-HEATHROW - UK LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 08:21
    1 Pieces

    7 Customs status updated LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 06:25
    • Like Like x 1
  2. infinitehippos

    infinitehippos Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Nottingham, UK
    I hate it when they use the padded envelopes ... don't have a good track record for things coming with only that arriving in one piece. one of the reasons I use CDJapan rather than Amazon JP for CDs unless they are time critical.
  3. upsidown

    upsidown Kenkyuusei

    Jul 5, 2012
    When did Amazon Japan stop shipping PBs to the USA. That was my go-to for buying several 48 and 46 group photobooks in one shot. My last order was December 5th, but when I tried to place an order for some of the more recent releases today, I was told they can't ship to US. Much crying ensued! Does anyone have another good suggestion for where to purchase these? Thanks.
  4. sscrla

    sscrla Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 27, 2015
    Takayanagi Akane
  5. upsidown

    upsidown Kenkyuusei

    Jul 5, 2012
    Neru Nagahama and Saito Asuka. Yes, I saw that too, but the description was missing the phrase "This item can be delivered to the United States" that I see on other items, like CDs and DVDs. For example, look here under the release date for the next HKT single. I tried to order the PBs but got red notices that they could not be shipped to my address in California. My address has been the same for 20 years and I've made plenty of orders.早送りカレンダー-T...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=W441MYBVH1QBZFNDNV5F
  6. sscrla

    sscrla Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 27, 2015
    Takayanagi Akane
    Got it. The red notice only shows up when you are checking out and give your address. Same for Kato Rena.
  7. David61

    David61 Under Girls

    May 17, 2015
    Reading, England
    Komiyama Haruka
    I always order PBs from CDJapan for two reasons - one because they offer a cheaper (although slower) mail option (books are so damn heavy with expensive shipping costs) and secondly because Amazon JP/DHL once delivered a PB to me with a damaged partly open box with the contents on view. (CDJapan's packaging is much sturdier.) What I'm not sure about is whether CDJapan deliver to the USA? (If you're in a hurry they do offer faster shipping services.)
  8. infinitehippos

    infinitehippos Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Nottingham, UK
    My issue with CDJapan for photo books is that they can be very, very late to put up listings for them, sometimes even after the actual release date, and they don't always get all of the releases at all.

    I'm showing the same on Amazon JP that it won't ship them internationally to my address, including for Yagura Fuuko's photobook which they did ship to me on 20/03 so some policy must have changed since then. Has anyone tried asking Amazon customer support why this change has occured?

    I have in the past, in this sort of situation, resorted to using a reshipper, like FromJapan, to get the item from Amazon and send it to me but that, of course, results in extra fees and hence costs.
  9. Ezia

    Ezia Kenkyuusei

    Apr 18, 2017
    United Kingdom
    Muto Tomu
    They've stopped shipping most books to the UK too - looks like it's an international thing. I tried contacting Amazon JP and they told me they're not sure why it changed and think it may be temporary but aren't sure. Odd.

    Interestingly, I pre-ordered the sousenkyo guidebook a few weeks ago without issue and the order is still present with that item included but if I try and go through the checkout process with the guidebook again, it won't let me buy it. It'll be interesting to see if they honour the purchase and send it despite the apparent policy change, which it hopefully looks like they will do.
  10. upsidown

    upsidown Kenkyuusei

    Jul 5, 2012
    In my original cart I had a pre-order photobook (Miori Ichikawa) and that was the only item that did NOT get the no-shipping alert. I'd be interested too in hearing if your pre-order still goes through as I will certainly try to pre-order the Miorin photobook if it works.

    I ended up using FromJapan to get the unshippable photobooks, as there were some other items, such as CDs, that I was planning to use them for Yahoo Auctions anyway. But Amazon was so much easier, never had any issues with customs, and packages almost always arrived within 3 days. I hope it is just temporary for some reason. I will write them too so if they get enough concerned customers, maybe they will change it back.

    Thanks for all the responses.
  11. infinitehippos

    infinitehippos Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Nottingham, UK
    Lemon's photo book is an interesting one. I'm seeing two listings on Amazon JP, the normal one and one which I think an Amazon specific cover.

    The first of these specifically says it can ship to me in the UK on the listing whilst the latter doesn't. But both go through the checkout process for me, unlike the election mook, without giving any issues due to my location.
  12. upsidown

    upsidown Kenkyuusei

    Jul 5, 2012
    Ah, thanks for pointing that out. I had the Amazon exclusive Lemon book in my cart, didn't realize there was another one. Ordered the one that can ship to U.S.
  13. sortilege

    sortilege Kenkyuusei

    Sep 8, 2015
    kashiwagi yuki
    I just ordered Sasshi's photo set for April (Vol. 2) from the net shop's breakfast (?) themed and she wants me to have a good day. Honestly, these two in particular are so cute I just couldn't resist.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  14. infinitehippos

    infinitehippos Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Nottingham, UK
    A few more things this month ....


    NMB48 18th Single - Yokubomono - types A-D
    NGT48 3rd Single - Haru wa Doko kara kuru no ka? - types A-C
    Yokoyama Yui (AKB48) - Yokoyama Yui (AKB48) ga Hannari Meguru Kyoto Irodori Nikki Vol.3 "Kyoto no Haru wa Utsukushiosu" Hen - BD
    Hoshino Minami (Nogizaka46) 1st Photobook - Itazura
    Kato Rena (AKB48) 1st Photobook - Dareka no shiwaza
    Yamada Nana (ex-NMB48) - '18 Calendar Book
    Couple of magazines

    Whilst both the photobooks are perfectly nice Renacchi's book does show the trend to more risqué pictures in some of the more recent '46 and '48 group photobooks which probably wouldn't have been included in the past.

    Still glad that Yui-han's series has got a BD release, even if it is only selected episodes, as it is so pretty.
  15. Ezia

    Ezia Kenkyuusei

    Apr 18, 2017
    United Kingdom
    Muto Tomu
    I'll let you know about the guidebook pre-order. I went to check on the order and it's still there, so I have some hope. I've also just tested it again and attempted to go through checkout with some books and it seems to be working again now, so maybe worth a shot if you have anything else you wanted to buy? I'm hoping this bodes well for my guidebook order!
  16. moshidoshi

    moshidoshi Kenkyuusei

    Nov 22, 2017
    I've had the Lemon photobooks ordered from earlier in the month as well. Had the same issue adding other PBs. Cancelled my regular edition to go with the Amazon exclusive cover. Was worried about the possibility of it not being shipped after all. Just checked and both the Amazon version plus the others I couldn't order now go through again. They all now have in the description the "this item can be delivered to X"
  17. David61

    David61 Under Girls

    May 17, 2015
    Reading, England
    Komiyama Haruka
    As usual I returned from Japan with a heavy suitcase! I bought all 3 types of the new HKT48 single, the 2017 AKB48 Thanksgiving Concert BD box, the latest PBs from Renacchi and Tomochin and some gravy mags. I also got some cheap stuff from Book Off including copies of the first three original AKB48 albums (including DVD disks) for 500 JPY each. These though are my highlights:


    AKB48 Yu Satsu Blue Album (200 JPY) and Not Yet - Already Type A (500 JPY) from Book Off


    AKB48 Tokyo Dome 1830m 7-disk BD box (including photos and cards) for 1,950 JPY from Book Off


    NGT48 2nd Anniversary 3-disk BD from the AKB48 Cafe & Shop in Akihabara for 8,100 JPY. Amazon JP has it for 11,800 JPY from third-party sellers with no international shipping available, and CDJapan doesn't appear to stock it, so I was very pleased to get this!
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Ezia

    Ezia Kenkyuusei

    Apr 18, 2017
    United Kingdom
    Muto Tomu
    Teacher Teacher Types B, C and D arrived from today, three days earlier than the estimated delivery date. The Sousenkyo Guidebook came as well, despite the international shipping restrictions Amazon Japan has had recently. Happy all round and off to use my votes now. Type A from CDJapan should be arriving in the coming days. Four votes will suffice for me - I'm oshiless and have a lot of favourites, so I'll probably just be a dirty, dirty vote spreader this time around.

    Pictured: Teacher Teacher regular edition B, C, D (each comes with a sounsekyo voting ticket and a photo), Sousenkyo Guidebook, exclusive Teacher Teacher bonus photo. As always, please excuse my terrible photography (if you can call it that)

    It is once again time to shift my 48G CDs along to make room for new are a couple of photos of all my current 48G CDs, comprising AKB48 (albums, stage albums, a live CD, and at least one version of nearly every single), SKE48, NMB48 (singles and albums), HKT48, AKB sub-units (Team Dragon, Fairy W!nk janken single, Not Yet, WH/WH7), AKB soloists (Mayuyu, Acchan, Wasamin, Erepyon), and then one Nogizaka46 and one Keyakizaka46 CD, but not any of the albums I own that come in DVD-sized boxes, nor any of the books, DVDs, BDs, etc. Not pictured: I'm a little bit of a collector and might have a problem [hehe] Thankfully (?) I don't quite the funds to buy every version of every sister group/sub-unit/soloist release and 46G, or I probably would...

    Sorry for the poor image quality.

    @David61 Great finds! I definitely need to visit a Book Off to plug some of the gaps in my collection. I hope you had a great trip to Japan.
  19. infinitehippos

    infinitehippos Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Nottingham, UK
    A few things .....


    Nogizaka48 20th Single - Synchronicity - Types A-D
    HKT48 11th Single - Hayaokuri Calendar - Types A-C
    AKB48 52nd Single - Teacher Teacher - Types A-D
    =Love 3rd Single - Teokure Caution - Types A & B


    AKB48G Sousenkyo 2018 Guide Book
    Team 8 4th Anniversary Photo Book
    Oya Masana (ex-SKE48) 1st Photobook
    Nishino Nanase (Nogizaka46) 1st/3rd Photobook - Watashi no koto
    Misc magazine

    NGT48 2nd Anniversary BD set
    (Also picked up the birthday concert BDs for Tsukino Moa (Kamen Joshi - Armour Girls), Satsuki Mine (Kamen Joshi West - Easter Girls) and Nozaki Waka (Kamen Joshi Trainees)

    edit: You don't have a problem until you no longer put CDs on shelves and instead they go into large storage boxes because the amount of space required is just to much. Also I don't know if I would recommend going to Book Off any more (this is in no way related to me going to Japan later in the year and wanting there to be things left for me to pick up cheap!;))
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
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  20. Ezia

    Ezia Kenkyuusei

    Apr 18, 2017
    United Kingdom
    Muto Tomu
    Spoke too soon, Teacher Teacher Type A arrived from CDJapan today as well (pictured with the CDJapan/Neowing exclusive photo). Airmail has always been sufficient with me for SSK singles from CDJapan, though I would probably go for EMS if I were ordering more than two at a time as it would probably be over the VAT limit in the UK and I'd have to wait for Royal Mail to inform me I have to pay a fee and then go and pick it up and lose a few days that way. I would definitely not recommend SAL for SSK singles or anything else time-sensitive.


    Nice haul! And yes, my little collection definitely pales in comparison to yours! Always nice to see your additions as well. If you ever wanted to open a small 48G museum and charge a small entry fee for us to browse your photobooks and watch your DVD/BDs, I'd be there [hehe]

    I did buy the cabinet in my previous post purely because it fit all my 48G CDs and gave me room to grow the collection. The bottom shelf has some of my DVDs, including the Request Hour sets (which I always wait to buy second hand as I find you can get them for about a tenth of the price for the new set).

    And feel free to go to Book Off and rid the stores of their 48G holdings - I'm not going to be able to visit Japan until next January or February, by which time they'll hopefully have replenished some stock!

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