Her graduation performance (08/08) will be broadcasted live on Family Gekijo You have to register 1st on Family Gekijo club premium (no idea if it works from oversea) https://thetv.jp/news/detail/1043936/
Speaking of photobook, it sold 1105 copies in it's 1st week. https://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/obp/w/2021-08-09/ Add to that the 957 sold on release day https://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/obp/w/2021-08-02/ So 2062 in 1 week, not bad.
Nikkan SPA has a report on Fuu's graduation performance with a humber of photos: https://nikkan-spa.jp/1772619
'Making' video for Fuu's PB: EDIT: YouTube video deleted by uploader - alternative link (credit to uploader): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tq4y1H7b6
https://www.instagram.com/mpr___o1/ Fuchan's new Instagram account. She just opened to the public. Usually her sister doesn't tag her on Instagram but Shu's latest post is tagged.
a rare shot of fu~, from chiho's x https://x.com/_ishida_chiho/status/1777260602135875705 officially fuchiho , i honestly thought it was rio harumi from peel the apple
Fuuchan is currently a staff member of AKB48G. Previously, her name appeared in several photobooks, such as Omegu's. https://x.com/wataru_02020207/status/1879516620936380702 And today she appeared on Imousu TV (Rain Tree special episode). Spoiler https://x.com/onigiridouga3/status/1879823989020987494 https://x.com/onigiridouga3/status/1879825330422288858