Your NMB48 Experiences

Discussion in 'General NMB48 Discussion' started by ithebigc, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    Well well, back in Japan and back in the theaters!

    12/3 NMB48劇場チームN「夢中雷舞」公演

    This was the first time I won anything Namba-related, so I was pretty excited to go. The theater experience was pretty chill with no surprises and the stage was rather nice. I would have enjoyed it more if Uuka was around, but can’t have it all. Yamamoto Mikana was very convincing on stage as was Ishida Yuumi. However nobody was able to fish my heart for good this time… but hopefully they will have more chances!
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  2. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    Was it the afternoon or evening show? I was there the same day but went to the evening show. Also the reason Uuka (and Sadharu) weren't at those N shows that day was because they were doing ambassador work for the Osaka rugby team that day. I was able to go and see them at that and then left the rugby game a little before it finished so I could make it to the theater in time.
  3. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    It was the afternoon show.


    12/8 TeamBⅡ 「なんば笑顔開花宣言」公演

    By now the drill is starting to get repetitive: Wake up, jump to Shinkansen, get something to eat, go to the theater to wait for show and have a good time. I did not have the best mindset as I had to deal with some bullshit, but nevertheless once the stage started everything went away. This is of course my first time seeing this stage, so I was curious and I did like what I saw, some of the song choices were rather nice. However, having seen a very nice HKT show the previous day, I did feel like Hakata lolis being cuter.

    Anyway, I was rather impressed with certain members which I’ll be sure to look up once I have time, such as Zion and Sumino.

    Next up: Back for some tonkotsu ramen!
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  4. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    Had a busy 4 days this past weekend so I made some vlogs.

    1-Day Store Manager Tour at Tsutaya Shibuya (2023/3/18)

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    In-Person Handshake Event at Pacifico Yokohama (2023/3/19)

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Team M Theater Show and Hara Karen's Birthday Show (2023/3/20)

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Nambariety Theater Show (2023/3/21)

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  5. maiyanzaka46

    maiyanzaka46 Future Girls

    Nov 6, 2019
    白石麻衣 / 守屋茜 / 佐々木久美
    Thanks for the vlogs and recaps on your experiences. I'm meeting some online for my birthday in May but I hope that when I go to Japan I can meet some of them in person since Yuumin and Karen are my top two favorites! It's interesting to see how they react to foreigners showing up!
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  6. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    As it turned out I won 3 days of NMB in a row, making it clear that they aren’t very hard to win anymore. Basic drill for each is the same: Go to Namba, mess about until time to go to theater, enjoy cute girls singing and dancing and then go back to hotel in Nagoya.

    03/21(火) 14:00「なんばらえてぃー」公演 遠方のお客様歓迎

    This was quite a fun show! To stay honest, I was actually trying to get traded tickets for KII, but once I heard another Stage member is coming ( who can comment if they wish) I decided it’s more fun if there is company. My seat was not bad at all, third row on the left side, but there some big dudes in front of me. In preparation, I looked up Karen’s penlight colors but somehow I ended up looking a lot at Sumino too. This was a show for enpou folks which I had conveniently missed, and during an MC they asked who came the farthest away, and someone called out ”Korea” with the appropriate reaction. This was the moment my lightstick went up and when the girls heard someone from Finland was there, there was some astonishment in the air. Of course my smugness% exceeded 9000.

    Otherwise very enjoyable stage and after your usual miokuri shenanigans it was time to get back.

    03/22(水) 18:30 TeamBII 「なんば笑顔開花宣言」公演

    Funny coincidence, I had almost the same seat than the previous day, so everything was good on that front. I picked Sumino’s colors for today and the stage proceeded smoothly. I did prefer previous day’s song selection, but otherwise this ran smoothly and everyone did their part. However, even though I had picked Sumino’s colors I found myself looking more at Zion.

    Miokuri goodness, then back to hotel.

    03/23(木) 18:30 TeamN 「夢中雷舞」公演

    Song-wise, this was my favourite stage of the three. My seat was much more in the shit-category, but I didn’t really mind as this was the first time that I got to see Uuka on stage. She’s the only current member I’ve done HS with pre-covid and I’ve always enjoyed her but never caught her on stage. I was really looking forward to this stage. I wasn’t disappointed. There might have been more girls on stage, but I did not have much attention for anyone else.

    At miokuri however, I was left slightly troubled when I noticed Wada Miyu crying and then she left the stage about halfway through people exiting. No idea why, maybe someone said something cunty or whatever. Hopefully nothing serious.

    Next up: Takoyaki -> Hakata ramen!
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  7. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    I went to Mew's Team N Birthday Show and reported on my experience

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  8. David61

    David61 Under Girls

    May 17, 2015
    Reading, England
    Komiyama Haruka
    NMB48 Theater report - Team N show 4/24

    Moving on from my first-ever SKE Theater show yesterday it now was time for my first-ever NMB48 one. Having followed the video posted by @Matto I arrived in good time and paid for my ticket.

    I was intrigued to see two former HKT members looking down from the left at the entrance ;):


    Here's tonight's cast:


    No Nagisa but still plenty of my favourites there. My seat was in the 8th row.

    As for the show, I particularly enjoyed 'Densetsu no Sakana' as it's one of my favourite more recent AKB48 coupling songs, also 'Dancing High' and 'Koi to Ai no Sono Aida ni wa'. However my favourite performance was 'Done' which I wasn't expecting, it was added to the encore with Mikanyan centering.

    Of the members, IMO the best one was Kojirin with Uuka the next best. Mikanyan and Shinshin also stood out for me and Miyu looked very cute in twintails, also Maitii had the biggest smile. However there was a very big and pleasant surprise for me in the shape of Michapii! I've never really noticed her before but she really stood out for me both as a performer and with her very pretty looks. Surely a senbatsu place must happen for her one day soon.

    Finally the send-off - tonight the members stood in a line across the stage and a staff member was holding up a sign which I think said 'no calling out'. However after waiting 7 years for my first show I wasn't going to be too rushed! Of course each member spotted the 'gaijin' and gave me eye-contact and a smile so I ensured I enjoyed that for a couple of seconds each time lol. By the time I got to the exit there was something of a gap between me and the fan in front, and I spotted Theater manager Kaneko-san looking at me a little sternly but so what. [hehe] (I really didn't delay things that much!)

    So another memorable night and now onwards to try next week to attend the AKB48 Theater...
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  9. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    Glad you enjoyed it. Sakata Misaki is actually already in senbatsu for Done. She's management's new pet project as they've been heavily pushing her since her debut. She was center of BII during her time there. Promoted to full member status and transferred to N after 6 months. Senbatsu in a year, and center of 2023 version of Seishun no Laptime. It feels like a similar trajectory as Aayan's big push from 2017 and on. It wouldn't be surprising if she ends up centering the next single.

    Oh and I wouldn't worry about Kaneko staring at you. Before they allowed cheering again he would be doing the same but holding a sign saying "thank you." I just give him a simple nod when I pass him.
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    I had a very busy Golden Week with all the NMB events. Here are my vlogs for each day.

    4/29 Handshake Event @ Intex Osaka

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    4/30 2shot Photo Event @ Intex Osaka

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    5/2 NMB48 LIVE 2023 Todoroki Mix

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    5/3 NMB48 Request Hour 2023. We could only get tickets for the first half in the afternoon. We ended up watching the Top 25 via livestream in a karaoke room.

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    5/5 Team BII Theater Show

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  11. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    07/23 18:00 Team B「なんば笑顔開花宣言」公演

    Well well, guess who is back in the country of cute singing and dancing girls? This time first stage of the trip was NMB and not a bad start at all!

    The stage is well documented by now so I’ll not spend much time on it but I would like to point out that Virgin Love is still quite the banger and maybe I’m just a nostalgic old fart but somehow it always boosts energy level by about 666%.

    The winning member for today was Kameno Zion. I chose her as the member to support tonight, and I wasn’t obviously alone as there was a quite a few of her fans near/behind me and nobody else’s fans were nearly as loud… but what could I know since I was yelling ZIIIIION as well. :D

    All in all very much good fun and you too should go see for yourself. Then miokuri - play the euro-gaijin card to the max and get back to Shinkansen. Tomorrow more fun!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    Spent a week in Osaka and went to the concerts and theater shows. Got a bit sick during the trip so I was late with getting these up but here are my vlogs of the events.

    7/14 Summer Concert

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    7/15 789 Undergirls Live & Uuka Graduation Concert

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    7/19 Team BII Sumino Wakana Birthday Show

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    7/20 Team M Abe Wakana Birthday Show

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    7/21 9th Gen Stage

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  13. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    07/28(金) [石田優美プロデュース 「世代交代前夜」公演

    To be completely transparent, I was thinking of skipping this show due to fatigue, but hooooo boy I am glad I didn’t. As I didn’t know any of the members, or the stage at all, I went with open eyes and with a plan just to enjoy myself and maybe find new interesting members.

    My seat wasn’t good or particularly bad, 5th row next to aisle so visibility was quite good. Then the stage started and it is, for lack of a better word, a MEGA BANGER. It started with bangers, continued with bangers, unit songs were bangers or massively cute, and only thing that left me even slightly disappointed was ending with Tanpopo no Kesshin.

    The girls were massively cute, MCs of course need work but was entertaining and I happily recommend this stage to everyone who has the chance to apply. This setlist would work with lolis or with senpais VERY well.

    Next up: some change to stages -> off to Yokohama!
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    Hoo boy here we go(went) again!

    07/31(月) [TeamBII「なんば笑顔開花宣言」公演]

    As stages go, I keep finding new heights and today Team BII got me what was probably best stage experience so far.

    I was once again tag teaming with main man DJ and we had plenty of time some nice CoCoIchi to ensure energy before the stage. From past experience I knew from my number that I would be seated much more closer to center, so I was hoping for a good view. We lined up for the security and just before metal detector: BAM! FRONT ROW and to be exact, close to the center of it. This was such an energy booster that I couldn’t wait for the show to start as I got to my seat.

    I had difficulty choosing between Wakanyan and Zion’s penlight colors, but I went with Zion as I did the same last time, this being my second Team BII for this trip. This turned out to be a slightly mistake, but I did not know it at the time.

    Then the show started… and I realized my mistake as I was slightly right from the center of the stage and Zion was to the left, and Wakanyan right. However, both Wakanyan and Zion got to fishing, with me as the target. And while I’ve been the target of mega power fishing moves before (SKE/Himetan for example), tonight made my previously rather simple oshimen search a lot harder. I can honestly say that others tried their luck, Miihi I noticed also appealing and about everyone did too at some point, but everyone else had become ”also-rans” after a few minutes as I didn’t have eyes for anyone else than Zion and Wakanyan.

    Now, I do admit I swapped penlight colors to Wakanyans for Heart Gata Virus, but as soon as Zion was back on stage her colors were back on, mainly because I’m not the type that switches support mid-stage. I was VERY tempted though!

    After the stage was over, I of course was quick to reach omiokuri, and fortunately Wakanyan and Zion were on opposite ends so I could shower both with attention. Then quick photo purchase and some incoherent rambling -> off to Shinkansen. All in all - a stage experience that went to the top of my list when I least expected!

    Next up: More ramen? I don’t mind!
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  15. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    I was able to watch NMB's monthly variety shows in-person on Monday the 31st. I give a brief highlight recap of the shows. Being part of the audience and laughing/reacting to the jokes as they happen is a whole other level.

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  16. Matto

    Matto Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Hara Karen
    Went to Summer Station Live and watched NMB's concert and the talk show they were on earlier in that day. It was quite fun. Unfortunately some guy collapsed during the concert and had to be carted out.

    if the video does not show watch the video here
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  17. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    Well well well, once again my path took me to Namba! This has been a recurring thing for this trip and as a surprise to nobody, it should still continue.

    8/5 NMB48劇場チームBⅡなんば笑顔開花宣言 公演 初めての方歓迎 (Noon)

    This stage was a special for first-timers, meaning that the winning chance had been slightly altered to favor first-timers but I still managed to get the win with NMB Mobile. For those not in the know, if you apply with NMB Mobile and fail, it seems that you get automagically signed up for ippan for a 2nd try. However, there was quite a bit of cancellations, 40 in total I think and the management actually asked people to sign up for canmachis on the same day as there would have been empty seats otherwise.

    Anyway, my seat was not bad, not great, almost center of row C and the Big Show had not joined to enjoy singing and dancing girls, so I had a clear sight for entire stage AND I was placed in the noisy part so it was pleasant to shout with the others and have max enjoyment. There was a bunch of Wakanyan fans around me, which suited me well since I had admitted to myself that her fishing hooks were actually harpoons… leading me to go buy her NMB summer live uchiwa and switch penlight colors to her, with Zion’s colors on during Shinkiro.

    Now, it turned out that the uchiwa served 2 purposes during omiokuri. First, I could hold it so that it hid the massive sweat stains in my shirt on my penlight hand side, and second, I could hold it with the NMB summer live side out, and when I got to Wakanyan flip it quickly to reveal to her that I’m on her team - leading to approval hearts from her side. Also very sweet interaction with Zion so either she didn’t notice or care. :D

    Also, because of Wakanyan’s and Zion’s efforts I’ve actually warmed up to NMB a lot. This has also lead me to consider Namba Egao Kaika Sengen one of my favourite stages. (But to be honest, the song selection is pretty nice and energetic, and I did notice BII has other members too doing their part.)

    And for this reason my next order of business was:

    8/5 NMB48劇場チームBⅡなんば笑顔開花宣言 公演 (Evening)

    Being able to do 2 theater stages in single day for any 48 group would have been something only a fool hoped for, but times are different. I didn’t actually win this stage but applied for canmachi omake, and after seeing that there was 21 cancellations before the daytime show started, I decided to stick around to wait and see how it goes. My canmachi number wasn’t very good being 50, but they apparently go to 99 so not complete wreck either. Also, when the noon stage ended, I had e-mail waiting from management there was actually 32 cancellations for the day and I had a good chance to win entry so I should come around.

    And entry I won, and got ready to enjoy extra burst of happiness. This time my seat was closer to stage on the separate section to the right, row 4, unfortunately all the way left. This was partly convenient since I had quite a big of sideways room and could avoid my neighbor’s bigass uchiwa blocking partially my view. However, this was also the quiet section so yelling wasn’t so prevalent. Also, because the female seats were ahead of me and some of them were showing Wakanyan’s colors, I knew quickly that trying to fish for attention there wasn’t going to happen. Would I let this stop me from having fun? No.

    The stage was full of good fun, and I was once again drenched in sweat. During miokuri I was also using my uchiwa as before, however due to being rather drained of energy not having eaten enough between the stages, my brain did not tell my hand to turn the uchiwa for Wakanyan as the first time… and she let me know that wasn’t OK! :D Naturally the uchiwa turned within a fraction of seconds and I got more approval. Once again I was out and on my way to a) food b) shinkansen. Unfortunately I learned that the upcoming BII shows don’t include her so I guess it’s more uchiwa shopping for me!

    Next up: I pay the price of being fished to buying stuff in Zepp Yokohama!
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  18. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    What happens when you go to see a stage and your favourites are not there? Well of course enjoyment!

    [08/09(水) TeamBII「なんば笑顔開花宣言」公演

    This time it turned out that of my BII favourites, neither Sumino Wakana nor Kameno Zion were present. It was actually a completely 8th gen stage. I went for the best possible solution: looked at participant list and picked one to support today! The chosen one was Tanaka Yukino, who also happened to be center.

    For extra enjoyment, I had a pretty good seat, third row and 1 position, so even visibility was great all over the stage - in both directions. :D Once the stage started, I also noticed that a) I am in a cluster of Yukino fans and b) I am also in the LOUD section, so I could just go all out! Only issue was that I had forgotten to change the batteries on my lightsticks and one of them was running low. (Brotip: Those sumbitches eat batteries like I eat CoCoIchi: all you give them.)

    This stage for me was 100% fun even without favorites around, and of course at omiokuri was fun too!

    Next up: More takoyaki, this time loli flavor!
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  19. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    Once again unto the breach!

    [08/10(木) [「世代交代前夜」公演 二瓶愛美 生誕祭]

    As a lovely change, it was another seitansai! This stage was again one where main man @DJ joined the fun, and as we went to nearby Tully’s to get some pre-stage energy, we ran into local fans so we had a nice discussion before the stage. I realized that I didn’t know ANYTHING about the members who were taking part except it was a 9th gen stage and I knew again that energy level was high. So I asked the local fans for guidance and found out suitable penlight colors to honor the birthday girl.

    The stage itself was once again full of energy and fun, and I learned of new interesting (read: cute) members, and both Funahashi Reina and Haga Rei did catch my eye! I do recommend this stage as it is pure bangers, very fun, and the girls give it their all.

    Afterwards it was off to NMB48 store to burn some more money, go get some food and back to shinkansen.

    Tomorrow: Double takoyaki! :D
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2023
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  20. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    And here we go again! All good things come to an end, but until that full speed ahead!

    [08/11(金) 14:00[「なんば笑顔開花宣言」公演 遠方のお客様歓迎]

    Aaaaand back to Namba it was. I think it is safe to say that BII is an easy bet, but today I also learned that exposure works wonders! The first performance of the day was enpou special stage, so I was expecting some cheap ooohs at an MC since I was most liketly from the farthest away but this was not to happen as MCs were of completely different subjects. Anyway, Zion was there and Tanaka Yukino too, so I was set for members. Getting to venue was straightforward, filling up with energy at nearby CoCoIchi too until I noticed I got curry on my shirt which irritated me to no end but I decided against hopping off to nearest Uniqlo to buy a clean one because of time. Once I got through security though, I noticed I had a 6th row seat with reasonable visibility, so I could just focus on the essentials, as in eyeballing Zion and Yukino and use as much voice as I could. Which I did but unfortunately the dude behind me did too, with a very loud and penetrating voice and calling out for other members than I did.

    The stage went as usual, with funny MC and some sass which slightly lead me into a rabbit hole of falling for Yoshino Misaki too, and then off to omiokuri for some addicting idol attention. However fun this stage was, I still had room for more, therefore:

    [08/11(金) 18:00][TeamBII「なんば笑顔開花宣言」公演]

    This was same stage, with same members, but this time with everyone having twintails! :D

    I had considerably more shit seat this time… I thought! Third from last row, but it was end of the row so I could peek into the stairs, have clear visibility and get my idol attention! Brotip: peering+penlight+suitable hand gesture= attention.

    During this stage I also did some self-reflection as this trip has been full of fun but it is coming to an end. I realized that it’s been a while since so many members in some team have made such an effect on me that I can say I’ve fallen for a team instead of singular members in that team. I’ve enjoyed the performances immensely, even 2 on the same day, so that is quite telling.

    Then it was omiokuri, I told Zion I was going back home and I’ll support from afar. Shinkansen, dinner, writing this.

    Next up: final round (for now) in Sakae!
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