Yappari, akb48 ga daisuki desu! I'm lazy af so i didn't vote for sister groups songs, voting akb songs took all my energy and honestly it was difficult for me to read trough the chart. I don't know if it was my display or my eyes but it was very uncomfortable. I'm surprised that River and Ponytail to shushu didn't rank at the top, i thought those were pretty much the kami songs that everyone could agree on Anyway, thanks for the effort rka. It was an interesting read
biggest NGT fan confirmed! Justice for my gurl Rika and Seishun Dokei! Also happy I helped to get Ponytail out of top 10! Wasn't enough to push out Kataomoi Yosusu responsible for 5 out of top 10 songs... Where the fuck has he been hiding lately?
I think there is a definite trend for the slow singing songs to be towards the bottom. (like so long). I didn't like Uza too much so surprised how high it is. Shocked how low Everyday, Katusha is...
edgelords...lol . just a random question since i'm not very good for creating such like this , why the user behaviors rating is combining from all groups result poll data ? why dont separate it since not everyone pull an answer for all the groups ? pretty nice read anw , thanks for your works . Your AKB Friends ( other groups also ) and User Behaviors Part was very interesting , but all of your work was very amazing too. i like Ponytail to Shushu , but not with river __ omg Maenomeri got top 3 . i dont fill the poll on SKE48 polling pages , since there's only 3 songs from SKE which still i usually played on my smartphone playlist , Maenomeri and the others was coupling songs . so happy with this result anw.
Bah I meant to get back to vote for the SKE/NMB/NGT/Stu songs but didn't get the time. Anyway, up till around the 40th vote the ratings seemed to make some sense but there must have been some serious downvoting of Ponyshu to go from 8.5 to about 7.5 plus some serious upvoting for Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai to go above 8. As for a future vote for "significant songs", I think it's a great idea but there must be some rules to determine the entrants. I'd posit something like the following so as to get a spread of "fan-loved" songs (as much as is possible in an oshi-led organisation) and not to have "one-offs". 1. No A-side songs. But any 48-group coupling track, album original track, stage song or Team Surprise song. (Personally I would keep it to the 6 "48-groups" and exclude units like Not Yet, Diva, Chocolove etc, due to that making the selection too wide but maybe people might think otherwise?) and 2. Any eligible track must have been performed at least 3 times* at a "major" concert, that is a "Dome" concert, a stadium concert or at SSA or Budokan. or Must have been voted into the top 200 of Request Hour (any group) at least 3 times*. *the amount of major performances or RH success could be varied up or down to restrict the eligibility as necessary. I would suggest trying to keep the field down to a max of 100 entries or things get a bit out of control. $perhaps there could be a user-generated entry process so as to ease the amount of work on RKA....unless he is that much of a masochist as to actually do it himself
Oh I love statistics I wish I could've voted in this to help you omg anyway I found this entirely interesting and the above user made me think of you comparing your results to that of the Request Hours? Although those are more than just the a-sides but it'd be very cool and interesting regardless. Good work on all the charts and graphs too!
Ummm, I didn't even realize there were polls for the sister group singles. I would have filled them out. I feel cheated somehow
Haha well I'll agree that it's very overrated on this forum. It works a bit better live than on CD, I enjoyed the version on day one of TD 2013 but that benefitted from a truly impressive light show as well.
Wow, you put in really a lot of work into this, congrats and good job! I guess my SKE-Result was to be expected I don't get why Muishiki got rated so low tho... And I think you made a typo at the spoilers for Results IV, you used "highest variability" twice. Shouldn't one be "lowest"?
For your next analysis, how about something about favorite Sousenkyo coupling songs. And if you have a lot of time, an analysis of all the members in the 48 groups (or maybe just top 100 from the upcoming election) could be interesting..
This poll is very interesting. Thank you so much. Not surprised to see Katafai topping the SKE chart, but to top the overall chart as well, WOW Seems like my taste is overall not very different from the crowd, though still with some notable exceptions, e.g. love everything in the overall Top 10 except Sekai wa. And the NMB chart. No idea people dislike Warota and Boku igai so much And for some reason I'm not very fond of NMB's summer songs (though the aesthetics are undeniably great lol)... For future polls, can we have: Top 3 (or 5... or 10) from every Request Hour (AKB Group / AKB / SKE / NMB) - Rate them from a MUSICAL standpoint It is generally agreed that fans vote for songs in RH based on members, not music, so how much do these songs actually suck? Or will it be proved that a good song reinforces our love of the member(s) singing it? Imagine these songs are performed by some average idol(s) you don't know very well. How much will you still like them? * The list will obviously include A-sides, but we may exclude them from the poll if we already have data? Or poll once more for sounder statistics? Idk. Not good at stats, so I'll just defer to other experts here. If we want to stick to non A-sides which make the RH poll undesirable, then here are some suggestions: Group songs: First Rabbit / Juuryoku Sympathy / Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara / 365 Nichi no Kamihikouki from AKB, NMB's Seishun no Lap Time, NGT's Max Toki 315go. And HKT seems to have as good as claimed Rock da yo, Jinsei wa... as their own. Team songs (I'm not very familiar with sister group team songs so I'll just propose AKB ones): Team A - PIONEER / Only today / Kurumi to Dialogue Team K - Korogaru Ishi ni Nare / RESET / Kaiyuugyo no Capacity Team B - Shonichi / Team B oshi / Yobisute Fantasy Team 4 - Hashire Penguin / Love Shugyou (technically a kenkyuusei song but often sung by Team 4) Team 8 - 47 no Suteki na Machi e Unit songs: Heart Gata Virus, Temodemo no Namida, Kuroi Tenshi, Seifuku Resistance, Bird, Pajama Drive ... though as I came up with these songs, I felt that filtering songs from concert setlists according to @Reveen's criteria or something similar may be more efficient after all. (And talk about concert staples, how could I not have listed Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara already lol. Rectified.) Edit: Damn, totally forgot about 365 Nichi no Kamihikouki Rectified, but this is exactly why it might be better to have concert setlists as reference points...
The top songs are no surprise. This might be idol music, but our ears have been influenced by Western standards for years (decades, in the case of some of us *cries*). At least I haven't read anyone saying "UZA would kill it in the club!!!1" yet. My closest friends are @Shirase Miyuki and @Silenka ? Wig.
Right? I love Boku Igai and Warota man. I could listen to it on repeat I didn't vote for the SKE poll since I felt too lazy to listen to every A-side after completing the AKB poll, and NMB list was short enough for me to vote on it. However I'm quite happy with how high Bukiyou Taiyou ranked since I love that song. A shame that Gin to Ai, Kin to Ai didn't rank as well tho, it's such a jam. Surprised to see Yokubomono ranks so high, but hey, it's a damn lit song so what can I say about that. Anyway, I always tend to vote things with a relative high score. I feel bad when I vote with low score (but I'm quite strict when it comes to maximum rating) so I wasn't surprised to see I'm in the stans list lol. Also I have to agree with the general consensus that NMB music is the best and then comes SKE and then AKB. HKT and NGT I don't listen to, STU is too new so I can't judge that. Thanks a lot to for the effort that went into creating this rka. It's definitely an interesting read.
Thanks I'll need this anytime someone accuses me of being an anti. I'm so full of love I think Katafai won cause less people rated it. I mean it is one of SKE's best undoubtedly but I think it helped.
For me it's too long. I actually like the verse, but they repeat the chorus so many times; with 'la la la' sung from the throat, even. Would've rated it higher if they cut the last 1:00 or so, but I suppose the song has to live up to its name.