48Time 8/19/22 (ctto) ah attended friend's wedding.. I do actually miss the cute and healthier Maomao like in the picture.. ..and those chocolate balls won't help either. I think Teddy B. at the back said "it's not the same, but nice try.." Weibo 8/20/22 I'm sure The Drizzles thinks of Maomao when it drizzles. 8/22/22 Shanghainese Practical Mini-Class ❤ 孤勇者 (The Lone Brave) Cover "Pay tribute to all the hard working medical workers and volunteers during this special period! Hope the epidemic will end soon! (and) Everyone is safe!" ..and look who's finally back and happy performing again on theater this Saturday 加油 ❤
Thumbnail Show (8/27/22) 48 Time (9/2/22) (ctto) Twintail looks cute on XiaoMao.. even pooh pooh there agrees Renai Show x F1 E-Sports Championship (9/4/22) I do see XiaoMao either having fun or taking the driving simulator seriously.. but why is it inclined upwards? is there a hill on the virtual race track? Birthday Performance (9/3/22) It's XiaoMao's Day after all.. so everyone seemed very happy.
10/3/22 Theater Show Zhu Ling + Zhang JiaZhe Bday Performance 10/1/22 48 Time DIY (ctto) ❤ ok I see now purple is XiaoMao's favorite color..? ah so busy this week.. since XiaoMao has been working hard lately perhaps a good wish is winning the Sousenkyo Center.. 加油 ❤
Weibo 10/11/22 ❤ BStation 10/15/22 (ctto) 晚安 National Day Family Vacation XiaoMao looks younger in this pic.. Yes, XiaoMao can do anything.. like standing in a glass floor bridge ok.. I will take a hit
Weibo 10/20/22 x BStation 10/21/22 ❤ (ctto) ok this is cute hey you~ BStation 10/18/22 (ctto) 毛甜甜.. ouch.. sad thing happened to pooh pooh's nose and right ear.. he's still smiling though
Weibo x Shanghainese Practical Mini Class (10/24/22) (ctto) Game Time (Happy Poker + LoL) w/ Ye ZhiEn (10/25/22) (ctto) XiaoMao doing a victory dance..? ..Ok Bstation (10/27/22) (ctto) sweetiepie~ it's always a good day when XiaoMao sings 那么骄傲 MV + Cover
Weibo x Shanghainese Practical Mini Class (11/1/22) (ctto) The upset and happy little XiaoMao.. ah it's Team SH Captain Cuddly Bear that I first saw and remember.. so cute and healthy ❤ ah this reminds me.. I made this a few months ago BStation - XiaoMao is a Pretty Ghost (10/31/22) (ctto) XiaoMao does look cute in that pic, in a Red Halloween kind of way.. Happy Halloween Pretty Cute Ghost 加油
❤ hey you~ that is cute.. is XiaoMao just getting ready for winter? Bstation 11/14/22 (ctto) 加油 Holiday Girls 11/12/22 ❤ @F1 E-sports China Championship Finals Nov. 12 and 13 Stage Performance ❤
BStation 11/19/22 (ctto) ❤ BStation - Lucky Shot 11/16/22 ❤ BStation 11/21/22 - Team SH 1st Anniversary Concert Reaction (ctto) It's an emotional song and moment.. Why is XiaoMao laughing at NianQi? XiaoMao's reactions was funny and cute. 2nd Anniversary..? ok 11/20/22 Weibo x BStation - HS Event (ctto) ❤
Weibo 11/24/22 Weibo 11/26 - 11/27/22 HS Event ❤ Team SH 2nd Anniversary Concert Reaction - 11/29/22 (ctto) cutiepie~ is XiaoMao feeling better now..? cute and very relaxing reaction.
BStation 11/23/22 ❤ (ctto) BStation 12/7/22 ❤ (ctto) 48 Circle Jam TikTok XiaoMao really working hard for the 48 Jam..
4th Year Anniv. Concert Reaction 12/12/22 (ctto) what is XiaoMao doing with the fog stage fx..? 毛唯嘉 Focus Cam 4th Anniv. Concert Reaction 12/14/22 (ctto) BStation 12/16/22 (ctto) ah XiaoMao and Momorin.. reminds me of that call你 last April
BStation - 12/19/22 with NianQi (ctto) Winter Solstice Radio - 12/22/22 (ctto) BStation - 12/24/22 (ctto) BStation - 12/27/22 (ctto) sweetiepie~ BStation 12/29/22 (ctto) is XiaoMao ready for TSH New Year's Eve show..? XiaoMao XMas (Weibo)
BStation 1/1/23 (ctto) 晚安~ cuddly bear... cuddly cat..? seeing classic cartoons also reminds me of this funny Droopy cartoon.. BStation 1/2/23 (ctto) (ctto) BStation 1/6/23 (ctto) Happy New Year
Bstation 1/10/23 (ctto) Bstation 1/14/23 (ctto) [/U] Bstation 1/17/23 (ctto) ... the better question is, why is Little XiaoMao in the wall picture looks like Harugon..? wait.. is that a smiling nacho chip?