Since I've been slowly getting back into NMB and resuming random translations of jokes I find from stage performances on Twitter, I think it would be nice to have a thread here where we can post some of those things we find interesting. It would function like an archive of all our translations so we can scroll through it, and also since a lot of us are into different things it'd be nice to know some of the jokes for media that we don't normally consume. Rules of the Thread 1: NO TRANSLATION REQUESTS 2: NO TRANSLATION REQUESTS 3: NO TRANSLATION REQUESTS This thread is for us to share things we find interesting, not to ask other people for things. 4: Keep it short This is for small jokes and other similar things. If there's an important post, blog entry, or mobame, feel free to create a thread for that discussion or post on the member thread. 5: If possible, attach a source For example, if it's from Manabukun, it's nice to know what episode just in case someone wants to check it out. It's not always possible and it's sometimes annoying. 6: Feel free to leave comments and reactions here, but major discussion should go elsewhere As a translator it's nice to be acknowledged for my work so people talking about the joke is always nice to see. If there's a major point, agatestin, feel free to spin it off into its own thread on the general forum or to post on the member thread.
Manabu-kun ep. 229, 2017/11/03: What is the currency of the United Kingdom? Renapyon: Pei Fuuchan: Euro Looks like Fuuchan opposed Brexit, and wanted even further integration with Eurozone! Manabu-kun ep. 223, 2017/09/23: This episode was about what your favorite color says about your personality. Airi picked yellow. The personality traits matched her really closely, so she was freaking out. Airi: That's scary, that's scary, that's scary! Hamaie: (People who like yellow) think they are at the center of the universe. Airi: I think I'm gonna cry Airi: about the space part I thought this was funny because she said sometime before this (I think also on Manabu-kun) that she gets so amazed thinking about the vastness of space, and how insignificant humans are, she feels like crying lol.
YNN Get Wild Camp This was for the Table Tennis Tournament MC: You guys all get along right? This is going to be a doubles tournament. Anchu: ehhhh Azusa: One of us here isn't very good Anchu: Not very good? More like super sucky MC: Who? Anchu pushes Yuuri forward When drawing straws to pick teams, Anchu and Yuuri are on the same team
From November 19 2017 Cattleyagumi Stage Suzu: My favorite thing to do in December is to watch TV shows. Sometimes I'll stay up all night watching because the programming is so good. My mom will come in and get really mad and say, hey, it's almost time for school. Rei: Your mom's not mad because you stayed up all night. She's probably mad because you didn't do homework. Suzu: I really do complete my homework. For sure! Isn't that right, you guys? *motions to the crowd* Members: Why the hell would the crowd know that?!
Yuzuha: In the winter, I like to be a shut-in (hikikomori). Suzu: That's not very proper. Yuzuha: Well, you know, it's cold. Rei: At your age you shouldn't be a shut-in! Yuzuha: In the summer, sure, I like to go running, but in the winter I just don't feel like doing anything. Plus, when you go out, you might catch a cold, therefore, I must properly shut myself in. Rei: You don't need to worry. As they say, idiots don't catch colds.
Rei: In the winter, if you shut yourself in, you kinda get a little depressed. Your appearance might actually change too. Mion: You might eat too much! Rei: Yeah! But no. So in times like these, I like to stare at myself in the mirror all day and say "Don't worry, you're the cutest!" Suzu: You are absolutely the worst.
Momorun is doing a series before the encore in Cattleyagumi where she presents a member and what they would be like if they were your girlfriend. So here's her presentation for Iso Kanae. 1: Can cook potato dishes reliably. 2: Provides peace of mind with a motherly/grandmotherly attitude. 3: Will buy you things like ball to play with, safely. While talking about the 2nd point, she said this- Momorun: So, she's the type that will really look after you. And, so, what's that word? Oedipus complex? That's the correct word, right? Momorun: She's really the type that you'll like if you have an Oedipus complex!
Karin: Today's theme is... if you were in the position of Kaneko, what would you do? Karin: Let's pick the person that doesn't want to be picked, Cocona! Karin: I saw you fidgeting and not paying attention! Cocona: With the determination to not become bald... Members: WHOA WHOA that's not something you can just say outright! Shion: Alright guys, you may have you thought you heard something, but actually, you didn't, okay? Karin: That's taboo, you can't say that directly! Yuzuha: It's okay if you think that but you can't say that out loud! *everyone calms down* Cocona: Ok, so, with the determination to not be so sparkly, I'd treat everyone nicely.
Suzu: Alright, so you know when Kaneko comes out, they play that sound effect? DUN DUN! Karin: Yeah yeah! Suzu: If I was him, then I would just keep everyone in suspense the entire time! Yuzuha: What? Why? Suzu: You know how when he comes out, you know there's going to be some news that's going to make you cry? Karin: I know, right? It's like I don't want him to come out! Suzu: I really want to make that person cry. Yuzuha: You're just bullying them! Karin: So you'd like, pretend to come out and then say you made a mistake, and then come out the next time? Suzu: Yeah I'd totally do something like that! Karin: That's a little too much.
Azusa: If I had 10 million dollars, I'd use the money to build a giant Xiao Long Bao (soup dumpling). Because you know the ones you normally get are these really tiny ones, right? So if you had 10 million dollars, you could probably build a huge one, maybe the size of Japan? Azusa: And then I'd poke these tiny little holes in it and drink it verrrrrrry slowly. Azusa: Sorry for bothering you with this.
I forgot what day it was but this was hilarious to me: Moka: My hobby recently is to look at pictures of cute things on twitter and ins... Suzu: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
November 22 Renai Kinshi Jorei Stage Theme: What kind of activities would you enjoy as a married couple? Momone: I'm looking forward to anniversary celebrations! You know, going out as a couple, and dining out with just the two of us. Members: Ohhh, how cute! Momone: Since I became 16 now, I can get married now! You hear that guys, I can get married! Aapon: Whoa, stop right there! You know, being in NMB and being married is really strict, right! *members erupt in laughter while saying "No, it's forbidden"* Aapon: I really caused an uproar there. Too soon?
Azusa: I'm really looking forward to marrying a guy who cooks, you know what I mean? I like cooking, right? But doing it every day is kind of annoying. Maybe 3 times a month, I'd have the guy cook for me. Aapon: Oh really? And what would you do in return for not cooking? Azusa: Me? Hmm... when he comes home every day I'd say "Welcome home!" Aapon: How is that even fair?!
Aapon: So when we asked if there were any married couples in the audience, that couple that raised their hands? I think it's really nice that you can support your husband even while he supports idols without getting really mad. Aapon: You know, sometimes, at handshake events, a guy will come up to me and say "I'm blaming you for causing me to have a divorce." Members: WHAT?! REALLY? Azusa: Hey now, were you doing something with that guy? Aapon: I didn't do anything! But you know what I mean, the wives getting mad, I see people nodding their heads like they understand. Antan: You guys shouldn't be blaming other people for your own problems!
Ueyanagi: If you look closely and watch them when they play catch, you can hear their souls. Furujou: They're watching me now, I better look cool while playing catch. Furujou: Oh no, they can hear me thinking? Time to start thinking of cool things. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley... *nonchalantly whiffs the throw*
Tenjikunezumi no NAMBA ka! Ep. 1, 2017/12/12 This is the new show succeeding NMB48 no Yattandei Tuesday. There was a segment with the members introducing themselves to the hosts and viewers: Fuuchan: Something no one understands about me: I like the smell after removing a bandage. That festering smell, kinda like the ocean. Kawahara: Idols shouldn't say things like "festering"! Saepii: Eh, do you like other people's too? Fuuchan: Yeah. I sniff my little brother's bandages like this. Ah, that's it, that's the smell! I haven't had any injuries myself lately, so... Kawahara: If there was a festering perfume would you buy it? (he pretends to put cologne on his wrists and neck, and Fuuchan copies him) Moka: I'm happiest when I'm eating! I can even go alone. I recently ate at a gyoza place, sitting next to ojisans and chowing down at the counter. Moka: Yakiniku is probably my favorite food. Fuuchan: Eh, eating yakiniku alone takes some courage! Moka: I haven't but I want to try! Seshita: If fans saw you, what would they think?! Saepii: Some members go alone, like Anchu. Fuuchan: Yeah she's kinda weird.
NMB48 no Home party!! Santa Cos de Merikuri yanen 2 hours SP 2017/12/24 This was a special show that aired on Christmas Eve Apparently Yuuri really likes Christmas so you only get to see a super excited version of her during Christmas time Secret Santa gift exchange: Azusa gets Chocolate Mint sweets from Yuuri who loves that flavor Yuuri: Those are macarons sold only in Kanagawa. I haven't tried them yet but I hope you come like it Nagisa: Do you like choco mint? Azusa: Actually, I hate it There was also a section where they interviewed members and wanted them to voice their complaints about the studio members that they wanted them to fix next year Airi: Nagisa always does her "Itterasshi Nagi-chan" videos but where are the "Okaeri (welcome back) Nagi-chan" ones? Jo: Akarin's footsteps are way too loud Saepi: When I sit next to Nagisa during the radio show recording, I can see her nose hairs sticking out Aayan: Mirurun always asks me to sniff her shoes. Please stop. They stink.
Kojirin on twitter today. When I went home the other day, I got the handshake tickets that I couldn't use because it was on the same day as the NMB audition. I also found some National handshake tickets. Can I still use it? === They let me use one!