Okada Miku (Kohachan) / 8th Generation

Discussion in 'SKE48 Graduated Members' started by TiduShoko, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. TiduShoko

    TiduShoko Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Okada Miku
    (SKE48 Kenkyuusei - 8th Generation)


    Name: Okada Miku (岡田美紅)
    Nick name: Miipopo
    Age: 19 Years Old
    Birthdate: October 13th, 1997
    Birthplace: Toyama, Japan
    Height: 155cm
    Bloodtype: A
  2. ForrestFuller

    ForrestFuller Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 4, 2013
    Columbus, Ohio
    Miku's 2017 SSK Appeal Video

    if the video does not show watch the video here
  3. Nory

    Nory Member

    Aug 17, 2014
    Tsuzuki Rika
    her ssk poster:
    okada miku.jpg
  4. goratnik

    goratnik Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Akimoto Yasushi
  5. n4v1

    n4v1 Kenkyuusei

    Jan 25, 2014
    I just happen to found her on the showroom just now and somehow I already find her quite interesting. I feel that she's going to be big (maybe it's just me, [hehe]).
    I only knew her for a short time really but surely she's my oshimen from now on. (I tried to change my oshimen name on my profile page but too bad I can't find her name, is it because she's still kenkyuusei, Idk).

    What makes me surprised the most is...
    Her birthday is exactly the same as me: October 13th !! (well the year is different though :XD:)

    Anyway, hs she ever appeared on any tv show or short clips or performances?
  6. JoltFiend

    JoltFiend Future Girls Stage48 Donor

    Oct 10, 2012
    California USA
    I learned that she can play guitar (I think?) I also like her singing voice. I found this out just now finishing up the most recent episode of SKE Musubi no Ichiban.
  7. EinhanderX

    EinhanderX Next Girls

    Jun 2, 2015
    Intermediate level at least. She better train the talent for her future sake. :)
  8. Nory

    Nory Member

    Aug 17, 2014
    Tsuzuki Rika
    her ssk poster:
    • Like Like x 1
  9. mutomu

    mutomu Next Girls

    May 16, 2017
    Muto Tomu
    Miku's SSK Appeal Video

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    "I’m Miku Okada as in Mipopo from SKE48 trainee. It is sudden but I have a person I look up to. There is a song called Rainbow Rose which she sings and the rainbow rose stands for infinite possibilities. After knowing the meaning for this flower thought it was super cool so this year I will believe on the infinite possibilities with my fans and will aim for 80th place. I will do my best so please support."
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
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  10. tzatziki2

    tzatziki2 Member

    Apr 8, 2017
  11. marioworldakb

    marioworldakb Under Girls

    Jan 4, 2017
    Hinachan's Cell House
    Iwata "Sukinaso" Hina
  12. EinhanderX

    EinhanderX Next Girls

    Jun 2, 2015
    She will perform again on "Monomane Grand Prix" on 2 October '18.

    Some interesting tidbit on her interview:
    1. As expected, her twitter follower exploded post-May recording. It also translated to HS newcomers for her line, mostly requesting her Monomane. On one occassion, she even got asked to do "Hi-Ball" Monomane 7 times in a row by 7 different fans. (lol)
    2. Claimed that Matsumoto Chikako, her teammate in S, were capable with Monomane as well. With her own dialect.
    3. In addition to Monomane and Playing Instrument, she also got Cooking License from vocational school she attend. She also did Rhythmic Gymnastic, although she also said hasn't doing it for 10 years already.

    Good luck Popo-chan!
  13. mutomu

    mutomu Next Girls

    May 16, 2017
    Muto Tomu
    Miku's birthday show 2018.11.22.
  14. ForrestFuller

    ForrestFuller Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 4, 2013
    Columbus, Ohio
  15. Arbios

    Arbios Future Girls

    Jan 7, 2016
    Komiyama Haruka
    found a video from march 2018 on youtube of her singing while playing guitar

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    i really like her voice
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  16. lionel90

    lionel90 Under Girls

    Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2019
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. sscrla

    sscrla Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 27, 2015
    Takayanagi Akane
    Also in Natalie

    "Okada who recently visited the hospital complaining of the pain of eyes. The doctor told me that she had a corneal ulcer as a result of the consultation, so she was instructed by a doctor to "take action for a while and rest."

    She will be absent from the Kyoto · Kyoto Pulse Plaza on February 3rd, the single hand "Stand by you" held at Aichi Nagoya Dome February 9th and 10th. "Kataoto's SKE 48 Request Hour Set List 25" which will be held at Saitama · Omiya Sonic City on February 5 · "SKE 48 Matsumura Kaori Graduation Concert ~ Do not Think This Does not Will Be? . "

  18. Autobot Princess

    Autobot Princess Kenkyuusei

    Mar 16, 2016
    Hotei Moka
    I heard about this on Discord and I just wanted to drop in and sympathize a bit.

    I've got what's called ocular rosacea and it's given me corneal ulcers and they're no joke! Mine have left scarring on my corneas and the cornea specialist I saw warned me that if I get the ulcers again, there's a high chance I'll have spots in my vision or go totally blind. It's a super scary thing that I would never wish on anyone. For me, the ulcers I had exploded and it was like- almost like having pink eye, but 1000 times worse! My eyes had swelled up so much that I could barely see, any bright light (or just going outside) would make my eyes water profusely. It began messing with my sinuses. I didn't go to the doctor in the beginning because I thought it was just really bad pink eye and the ER doctors I saw would claim pink eye. It wasn't until I finally was able to get to an eye specialist that I learned out it was corneal ulcers. Despite the fact I can still see both with and without my glasses, I've been declared legally blind because my vision is so bad.

    Miku seems to have caught this early, if all she was experiencing was eye pain. Depending on how bad the ulcers are and where they're located, my guess is they might do something similar to what they did for me. Steroid eye drops every morning, an ointment to put on the eyes, and perhaps an antibiotic pill to take. If they do an eye culture, where they scrape the eye with a scalpel to test for bacteria growth, then she might be out for a whole month or longer. I had eye cultures done twice and I think it was the most physically painful thing I've ever gone through, because after it's done, your eyes get so sensitive that even just the tiniest little bit of light hurts. But again, I'm hoping that since it seems they've caught it early on, she won't have to go through all that horribleness!

    Do we know if it's in one eye or both?
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  19. ash0330

    ash0330 Kenkyuusei

    Oct 27, 2018
    South Korea
    Okada Miku announced graduation
  20. EinhanderX

    EinhanderX Next Girls

    Jun 2, 2015
    Health first and foremost.

    Sad. Happy graduation, girl.

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