Shinoda Mariko's first solo photobook [Pendulum] 篠田麻里子写真集『Pendulum(ヘ゜ンテ゛ュラム)』 Release: 2008-07-15 Price: 2940 yen Content from Amazon Japan: 内容紹介 AKB48メンバー最初のソロ写真集は、やっぱりヴィジュアル完成度No.1の麻里子様! 超CUTEフェイスに身長167cmの脚長完璧スタイル。その振り幅広い魅力を余すところなく表現すべく、東京ではドレッシーな衣装で徹底クール。グアムでは水着でハジけまくって超アイドル。これ以上ないくらいギャップのつきまくった内容から放たれるのは、キュートでワイルドでゴージャスでセクシーな! 今いちばん魅力的な女のコのオーラです!! Cover from memolist's blog *Thanks ItsOnlyMe for the tip
As much as I love the name of the PB, the front cover is terrible. From the previews I saw in Japan there was a really nice photo of her all dressed up in kind of a 40's outfit. That should have been the cover. Here it's a bad angle and shows how skinny she is.
she's so skinny, i'm so jealous ;_; i want to see the rest of the pictures though, i love the previews that people have posted in her picture thread.
first off, glad to see how the cover looks like now of the new upcoming Mariko pb, the one i ordered, and i did notice she does not yet have a DVD out, unlike Nozofisu and Yukarin who also have new releases in gravure coming soon this month. I do agree with the others, Mariko does look very slim in the covershot, and i do think there was other pictorials that would have been a better choice as the coverpix. In either case, its nice to see more Mariko-sama, now in a gravure idol photobook, great for her fans.
That isn't a very good picture of her for the cover. She's way too beautiful for such a shot. Her arms look dis-proportionally short and her thighs look large. And neither is true. Oh well. We all know that she's gorgeous, and that's what matters.
Scramble-egg has interview of Shinoda Mariko on her first solo photobook [Pendulum] 篠田麻里子初舞台『THE☆どツボッ!!』1st写真集『Pendulum』直前インタビュー Detail and photos: ... riko01.htm
Mariko is sexy in that bikini outfit, it's just the angle that's very bad. But congrats anyway on her first solo photobook. Hope to see some better pics inside.
^ Makistar, thanks for the info on the egg-scramble, and even though i cannot understand/read Japanese...the Mariko-sama photos is all i need! gosh she is absolutely gorgeous, didn't realize now how slim she is, but she looks very fine to me, a nice Japanese girlfriend to me.
Some info and photos on Sanspo (Japanese language) : 篠田麻里子、ソロ写真集は「ちょっぴり大人」(adult?) More stuff in gallery.
cdjapan lists items as "out of print" alot, not sure why. Their supplier must not bother to restock once an item has been sold out. Fear not though because the pb is available on Amazon as well as other places online I'm sure.
i am sure you can preorder from HMV, or CDJAPAN.....didn't see it up on yesasia for the others for photobooks. I am sure that Mariko's pb will be restocked, as they probably made a lot in production knowing how popular she is. Mine is being shipped as i type this, i can't wait to see it.
Why must this be at page 2? GETS.
I really liked this PB. I'm personally not phased by any of the skinny comments I've read before - this was tastefully done. Go, Mariko. B-)
^being skinny is a prereq in modeling, besides she's not as skinny as most catwalk models so no harm done