RE: CinDy AKB 1st GEN Team A>>>B>>>SDN 1st GEN>>>WH7 Please take this in with a huge pinch of salt as her WH7 tenure is transient not secured sounds like the SDN lament all over again AKi-P's series of G+ post starting from 2200 last night Mar 10th Spoiler (there are more trolling in-between on WH7 fishing & baiting for comments that i have not listed) MAR 10th 2320 ... 6yajqC6We4 MAR 10th 2228 ... D9HQKRassz MAR 10th 2214 ... PoTsYkfzhd MAR 10th 2200 ... WiFyKCLYKM MAR 10th 2012 Cindy using (AKB Stylist) peeno's G+ account (RE: transferring into WH7) Spoiler CinDyこと浦野一美です! ググタスのアカウントが無くってしのぴーのアカウントから失礼します!!! Urano Kazumi also known as Cindy here! As I do not have a google+ account, forgive me for using my peeno account!!! 先程 沢山の関係者さんから連絡がありまして‥ Firstly many people who I was familiar with contacted me‥ 秋元先生のググタスを見て今に至っております‥ And asked me to see Akimoto-sensei’s google+ account, and so I just saw it‥ 私自身 I myself 渡り廊下走り隊の曲は大好きですし 特に完璧ぐーのね!をTeam Ogiのライブでやらせて頂いた時に 好きから もはや憧れに変わっていました。 Really like Watarirouka’s songs very much Especially [kanpeki guu no ne!] which I sung during Team Ogi’s live then Really like it so much that my feelings have turned into longing 正直 Truthfully いきなりの発表に戸惑いはありますし I’ve also got a shock from this announcement AKB48 チームAからチームB そして From AKB48 Team A to Team B And so 今SDN48‥ SDN48 today‥ 4回目の移籍が I’ve been transferred 4 times まさかの渡り廊下走り隊‥ I never expected for Watarirouka‥ 急ではありますが‥ Even though it’s so sudden‥ 精一杯頑張らせて頂きます!!! I will definately work hard !!! やるからには 私‥ And so since it’s been decided‥ センター狙ってます!!!!!!!!! will aim for center!!!!!!!!!
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours NIKKAN GENDAI (Tokyo Business Daily) is running a series of graduation exit interviews on all SDN members Spoiler some of the grounds are already covered in [Suppon 2 Return to the Nest : GRADUATION DREAM SHUTTLE] refer to the [Suppon] thread if you are interested for my post [dated Mar 1st] (will add in the rest of the episodes going all the way back to Oct15th graduation announcement & the subsequent change in Suppon 2's format to [Return to the Nest : Graduation Dream Shuttle] The Nikkan Gendai daily series will run till the end of Mar eventually covering all the members touching on their personal intimate experiences as SDN & their aspirations after graduation Nikkan Gendai's facebook page on the SDN members interviews ... 096&type=3 (click on the members' shots & the interviews will pop-up) Members' Interview dates MARCH : 5th Yukarin 6th Mamitan & Umeko 7th MiyuMiyu & RumiRumi 8th Nene & Ki-Bou 9th HANA & Aimin 12th Imakichi & Miray-SHOGUN 12th Serinko 13th Kazuchii & SiYEON 14th Sayanee & Marinaru 15th Masamin & Yukkii 16th KONYAN & Yuminta 19th CinDy & Piichan 19th Haruchan 21st ChuChu & Yuirin 22nd Chaki & Misakko 23rd Meetan 24th Maachan & Nachuhamu 26th Nontii 27th Rachel & Juri 28th Maatan & Hiromin 29th Nacchan & Aachan 30th Oshirichan & Pikachu
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours Just thought I'd share this. An excerpt from the SDN48 Q&A Session in Singapore Kondo Sayaka: She wants to be a radio DJ, inviting and interviewing people from different fields of life. And the radio show will be spoken only in english. Serina: She wants to appear in a lot of shows, like a talento or actress. Hopefully even appear in a Hollywood movie in the future. Another possible option is seiyuu. Chen Qu: The same as Serina, she also wants to appear in a lot of shows and be in Hollywood movies too. She wants to become "THE female from China". Something like Zhang Ziyi? iono I'm not too familiar with Chinese actresses, Zhang Ziyi is the only one I can remember right now
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours April Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every Fri Meetan regular cast on BS-JAPAN [GILGAMESH LIGHT] 2300- Apr 1 SUN Serinko guest on TBS [たべコレ] 1155-1255 Apr 2 Mon collaboration between 2nd Gen Comrade in Arms KONYAN & Yuminta [KONAN & FUJIKOSO host premium USTREAM LIVE] 2215-2300 under AmebaStudios Serinko guest on NTV [耳が痛いTV] 2418-2518 Every Mon Nontii Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000 Meetan NACK 5 [The Nutty Radio Show] 22:20 guest Apr 2 Mon commence Yuirin joins the regular cast of MX TV [OTOBOKE Bar] {CREDIT Messr Allocer} Apr 3 commence Every Tues Serinko joins NTV [PON ! ] Every Tues 2025-2325 Apr 4 Wed SOLD OUT Chaki's Solo LIVE gig @ Ebisu SWITCH [Smiles Saves The World -SPRING-] Meetan [Honey School LIVE ChatShow] 2100 CinDy with WH7 attended special screening animated film [Eiga Crayon Shin-chan Arashi wo Yobu! Ora to Uchuu no Princess] Apr 5 Thurs Meetan [Downtown DX] as guest for 2 hours special 2100-2254 Serinko guest on NTV [ぐるない] 1555-1653 Nachuhamu [GyaO] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yuminta host [藤社優美のU-strip] LIVE 1200-1300 repeat 2200-2300 Its a SDN Reunion ! HER GUEST ARE NONE OTHER THAN CHAKI & PIKACHU Venue URL http://www.cafest.NET/ Apr 5 commence Every Thurs CinDy joins [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 as regular cast Every THURs for April Apr 5 commence Every Thurs Yukkii's radio DJ gig Chiba local bayfm every Thurs 1600-1850 [BAYLINE Go! Go!] Apr 5 commence EveryThurs Ki-bou Every Thurs 1800-1845 Guest on live internet broadcast [SMA in the house] Sony Music Artiste through Oduruku tv Apr 6 FRI Serinko guest on EX [ぷっすま] 0050-0120 Apr 7 Sat Meetan [Ohori Megumi : Mitakatta no wa Korekashira ? ] DVD handshake events 1st Session 1400, 2nd 1800 Shibuya Tower Records Serinko PR plugging [Space Battleship Yamato 2199 1st Chapter] Musical Stage Greetings wearing costume of heroine Moriyuki-chan Apr 7 commence Every Sat Sayanee radio DJ gig Yokohama FM [CORE ☆ kawaiI] Every Sat 2000-2030 Apr 7 commence Every Sat Yuirin radio regular guest on [かりーね] Every Sat 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Apr 8 SUN Meetan Special Guest for Cherry Blossom Viewing Event Ogaki city, Gifu Prefecture [奥の細道むすびの地記念館、オープニングイベント] 1130 special event venue 1330 Basho Memorial Museum Serinko PB [Serina Shirushi] handshake event Shinjuku Fukuya shoten 1100 & Serinko guest on TBS [イカさまタコさま] 0220-0320 Marinaru Commentator & pundit [open catergory racing seminar] @ Nakayama Racecourse ベンジャミンプラザ special stage stand B1 after race 4-6 Apr 9 MON Serinko guest on CX [めざましテレビ] 0555-0800 TBS [体育会TV] 1900-1955 & PR guest for [KINECT: Star Wars Sales Commemorative Event] Apr 10 TUE Meetan Nico Nico Douga [Ruriko room ] 2000 & [Weekly Asahi geinō] @ Tokuma shoten Aimin Guest on [浅見Asami's Radio] LIVE from Kiba Studio RainbowtownFM Oedo broadcaster 79.2M Hz Serinko guest on KTV [リミッターズハイ] 2315-2355 Apr 11 Wed Meetan [もも☆Kiri Gakuen broadcast ! ] Yukkii joins as regular on [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2200-2300 LIVE thereafter every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Apr 11-19 Wed-Thurs Ki-Bou & the twins Aacchan & Nacchan TRIPLE SDN cast in the Musical [Moonlight Sonata] Apr 12 Thurs Yuminta host [藤社優美のU-strip] LIVE 1200-1300 repeat 2200-2300 Its another mini SDN Reunion ! following last weeks premiere HER GUEST ARE BIRTHDAY GIRL(24) HARUCHAN & MANANA Venue URL http://www.cafest.NET/ Pikachu joins the cast of [Suddenly ! Golden Legends] TV Asahi 1900-1954 KONYAN guest on DJ Tomoaki's Radio Show!(第二部) ShimokitaFM 88.8MHz 2130-2200 Meetan & ChuCHu guests on Ep24 of [ありコンKIN ] HANA guest on Nico Nico Douga LIVE Apr 13 FRI ChuChu NHK [ほっと@アジア] 1700-1745 Kazuchii Guest MC [Break Girls Festival] LIVE DANCE showcase of various genres by 40 teams & over 100 participants ShibuyaO EAST 1200-2200 INFINITY ENTERTAINMENT Apr 14 SAT Serinko TBS [サタネプ☆ベスト10 SP] 1855-2054 CX [爆生ヒットパレード] 2100-2310 Apr 15 SUN Yukkii guest Race Queen D1 Odaiba RALLY Hisashi Circuit Apr 16 MON Serinko guest on TBS [体育会TV] 1900-1954 Apr 17 TUEs Serinko guest on NTV [芸能★BANG+] 2358-0058 CX [1フレーム] 0205-0400 Apr 18 Wed Meetan [サイゾー] Serinko guest on CX [ピカルの定理] 2200-2254 Haruchan (Apr18 commence) joins regular cast [JOYnt! ] Gunma television Every Wed 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Apr 19 Thur Yukkii collaboration with 2nd Gen Gravure Sister KONYAN Webcast [ ありコンKIN ] LIVE 2100-2200 Yuminta is hosting [藤社優美のU-strip] LIVE 1200-1300 repeat 2200-2300 YET another mini SDN Reunion ! HER GUEST ARE THE WONDER TWINS FELLOW 2ND GEN Aacchan & Nacchan who with Ki-bou have just finished their stage musical run [Moonlight Sonata] CinDy hosts [Urano Kazumi host premium live] TV 2215-2315 through AmebaStudios Apr 20 Fri 3rd Gen Reunion Pikachu hosts with guests Oshirichan HANA & Hiichan [光上せあらのU-strip] LIVE 1200-1300 repeat 2100-2200 Serinko guests on ABC [Oh!どや顔サミット] 2100-2154 Apr 21 Sat RumiRumi TOUR AMBASSADRESS [Matsushima Rumi's StrawBerries Hunt SPRING Excursion : TREK & BUS TOUR] Tokyo Bay Hotaru StrawBerries Picking Centre Yukkii guest on KTV「うまンchu」0105-0135 Hiichan guest on [ミセスマートTV・NEO] 1000- TV Saitama & TV Wakayama Nontii DVD Release Event KONYAN Spokeswoman PR Product Endoresment Apr 21 Sat Saga Preferture 1230 Maruhan Sasebo shop 1700 Maruhan saga shop Apr 22 SUN Saitama Prefecture 1230 Garden Kawaguchi Yasuyuki store 1600 Garden Kita Yono store Yuirin Spokeswoman PR Product Endorsement Saga Prefecture pachinko parlor maruhan saga store & Apr 22 Sun MC for Events & Live Recording 1230-1430 [ かりーねTHE LIVE vol.1~{燃えよゆいりん!死亡ゆい戯}炎のトークライブ ! ] round 1 of the series Celebrities & talk battle Marinaru BATTLE ROYALE [春の最強的中者は誰だJRA2連福で津田麻莉奈に挑戦] Commentator & pundit Tokyo Racecourse Center Court 1130 [open catergory racing seminar] after 4 R series race ends Apr 23 -27 Mon-Fri Yukkii Host 2400-2430 InterFM「MARUHAN presents 7’s HEAVEN music mixx !! 」 Apr 24 Tues Aimin MC hosting & performing [SWEETS×STAR SHINE] Kouhaku Utagassen LIVE BATTLE SHOW 1800- Shibuya DUO MUSIC EXCHANGE Apr 25 WEDs Serinko guest on NHK [Rの法則] 1855-1925 Apr 26 Thurs Misakko's 1st LIVE [Next spot light☆ミサイタル] SOLD OUT Special Guest fellow 1st Gen Kazuchii TOKYO CULTURE CULTURE in Odaiba 2nd flr Zepp Tokyo Yuminta is hosting [藤社優美のU-strip] LIVE 1200-1300 repeat 2200-2300 YET another SDN Reunion ! Her guests NeNe & Rachel CinDy hosts [Urano Kazumi host premium live] TV 2215-2315 through AmebaStudios Pikachu & Ki-bou GUESTs cast in [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 1st 30 mins only Amoeba Studio LIVE viewable through the following : http://www.Ustream.TV/channel/amebastudio After the show, both guests on [Evening with Takashi] 2215- Apr 27 Fri Chaki guest on [Confetti LIVE] 2100-2145 CinDy with WH7 attended a greeting event at Shinjuku Walt 9 for Crayon Shin-chan movie [Eiga Crayon Shin-chan Arashi wo Yobu! Ora to Uchuu no Princess] feat. WH7 May 30th single [Shounen yo Uso wo Tsuke!] as its theme song & release screen plus (modern movie company) interview Apr 28 & 29 SAT & Sun Aimin Aacchan & Nacchan Aimin as GUEST MC for 2nd Gen Comrade in Arms the wonder TWINS Aacchan & Nacchan CD Release [いいからトマト食え Il Kara Tomato Gue] Handshake Event Makuhari Messe Niko Super Conference in Akihabara Studio booth HANA Apr 28 SAT 1300-1400 Specials [Tojima's self introduction & Fujisawa-sansei question to me corner] 1600-1730 Niko go circle SP [Yoshihara Yuki Kaori 5-stages] Apr 29 Sun 1500-1600 [Writers of Zen : computer developers interview] IGO Shogi Booth Makuhari Messe Niko Super Conference in Akihabara Studio booth Apr 29 SUN SDN Triple Stars Meetan, Serinko & ChuChu guests on CX [オールスター運動会] 1600-1725 Yuminta's 1st LIVE ! [SWISH] @ clubasia she is the closing act 1500-2130 PC reservations submissions : ... 01P0030001 Mobile reservations submissions : ... P0030001?u id=NULLGWDOCOMO Marinaru BATTLE ROYALE [春の最強的中者は誰だJRA2連福で津田麻莉奈に挑戦] Commentator & pundit Tokyo Racecourse Center Court 1130 [open catergory racing seminar] after 4 R series race ends Apr 30 commence Every Mon Ki-bou Hosting own Live show [劇団木本夕貴] he 1st guest 1st Gen Masamin 1800-1845
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours May Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every MON Nontii Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000 & guest on [Dj KAORI's! ] Yuirin regular cast of MX TV [OTOBOKE Bar] Ki-bou Host own Live show [劇団木本夕貴] 1800-1845 Every Tues Serinko on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 Every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month Yukkii [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every Wed Haruchan on regular cast [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Every Thurs Ki-bou Guest on live internet broadcast [SMA Party] 1800-1845 Sony Music Artiste through Oduruku tv Nachuhamu [GyaO] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yukkii's radio DJ gig [BAYLINE Go! Go!] 1600-1850 Chiba local bayfm Every Fri Meetan regular cast on BS-JAPAN [GILGAMESH LIGHT] 2300- Every Sat Sayanee radio DJ gig [CORE ☆ kawaiI] 2000-2030 Yokohama FM Yuirin radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Every Sun CinDy with WH7 regular program Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 & late May Sun Nack5 [i-BAN] 1600-2000 May 1 Tues Serinko guest on TX [ 買い物天国5] 1900-2054 TBS [ リンカーン ] 2200-2300 May 2 Weds Pikachu's concert [Rock Joint GB]@ Kichijoji temple theater already SOLD OUT Meetan Live appearance NOTTV [Social@Talk#Ending] 2400- May 3 Thurs Ki-bou Hosting [Smile for U] talk show & game rallies 1200-2100 Senkawa Hall RumiRumi participated in million citizen trash pickup movement in Akihabara. Nippon Budokan & Mt. Fuji organised by company of writer Arakawa Yuji May 4 Fri Chaki guest on [LEAD GO ! GO ! ] 1155- J:COM TV channel Serinko guest on TX [ ピラメキーノ ] 1830-1900 Hiichan cast in Gakuen comedy stage [ 入学金無料!授業料無料!私立グリグリ学園 ] 1800- Shinjuku Bunka Cultural Center Hall May 5 SAT Aimin Guest on FM Rainbow town every Sat from 1400 http://www.Ustream.TV/user/RainbowtownFM twins' events & live broadcast (Aacchan & Nacchan) [奈津子&亜希子 ゴールデンウィークトークLIVE !] Fellow 2nd Gen Yuirin as guest 1900-2045 Serinko guest on CX [ リアルスコープ(再)] 1700-1800 KONYAN guest on テレ東 [ ざっくりハイボール ] 0120-0210 May 6 SUN Marinaru BATTLE ROYALE [春の最強的中者は誰だJRA2連福で津田麻莉奈に挑戦] Commentator & pundit Tokyo Racecourse Center Court 1130 [open catergory racing seminar] after 4 R series race ends May 6 Sat commence Meetan live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] Every Sat 0200-0430 May 7 Mon Serinko guest on EX [ お願いランキング ] 2358-0058 Pikachu host foodie program [Noodle Maiden] or [美少女ヌードル] TV Asahi local Kanto broadcast 0015- Meetan & Nontii fielding Q&A on NTV [ 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話 ] 2100- May 8 Tues Serinko guest on ABC [ 雨上がりのやまとナゼしこ ] 2317-0017 May 9 Weds CinDy featured publications release [duet] (SHUEISHA) May 10 Thurs Hiichan guest on CSテレ朝channel [ジャガイモン] Serinko guest on TBS [ マサカっ!の実話SHOW ] 1900-2054 YTV [ 秘密のケンミンSHOW ] 2100-2154 Meetan [Honey School Live Chat] 2100- CinDy featured publications release [BIG ONE GIRLS] (modern film companies) & Interview with [Rolling Stone] (GA media) May 11 Fri Chaki Stage Musical [Aerial War Sleeping In The Locker Room ! ] May11-19 Fri-Sat Nontii cast in Musical [パルレ] or [Parler] Japanese Adaptation (first perf. in SouthKorea) Roppongi Za Theater May 12 SAT Haruchan Funabashi Auto [ Sapporo Beer GI Kuroshio Cup ] Talkshow 10R Handshakes events 11R Misakko's One Man LIVE May12 [Next spot light☆ミサイタル] vol.2 May 12 SAT commemce Aimin [Sengoku TV history lessons video] / be-tv Because the broadcasting day is different across the regionsl [Broadcasting stations and time] is here ↓ TVK Every Saturday 2230-2300 (Re) every Wednesday at 2100-2130 Chiba TV Every Saturday 2230-2300 (Re) every Saturday Teletama Every Monday at 2330-00:00 (Re) every Tuesday 1930-2000 Sun TV Every Saturday 00:00-00:30 HTB Every Sunday Feb 0130-0200 Sakuran paddy TV Sunday Feb 0025-0055 Fukushima Every Sunday 0125-0200 SBS TV Every Friday 0210-0240 Iwate Every Sunday 0100-0130 Tohoku Every Sunday 0025-0155 Kumamoto kenmin television Every Thursday 0115-0145 Nagasaki cultural Every Thursday 0125-0155 Hokuriku Asahi Every Tuesday 0155-0225 Toyama television Saturday 0210-02 40 Fukui TV Every Thursday 0040-0110 Oita Asahi Saturday 0200-0230 Kagoshima Every Thursday 0215-0245 CBC Every Tuesday 0125-0200 Hiroshima TV Thursday 0213-0243 Niigata television network 21 Every Friday 0145-0245 (two episodes back to back broadcast) Yamaguchi Asahi Every Friday 0134-0204 May 12 SAT & May 13 SUN Yuminta & KONYAN guests on [ OBS Radio 2012 Rajko Festival ] Kyushu Oita May 12 Sat 0925-1125 TV [ かぼすタイム ] Live Broadcast 1200- Radio [ 2012 Rajko Festival ] Public Recording @ OBS headquarters May 13 Sun 1010- Radio [ 2012 Rajko Festival ] Public Recording @ OBS headquarters May 13 SUN Marinaru BATTLE ROYALE [春の最強的中者は誰だJRA2連福で津田麻莉奈に挑戦] Commentator & pundit Tokyo Racecourse Center Court 1130 [open catergory racing seminar] after 4 R series race ends Yukkii Presenter @ Funabashi Auto [ Sapporo Beer GI Kuroshio Cup ] Talkshow 10R 1447-1506 Handshakes events 11R 1521- May 14 Mon Serinko guest on NTV [ 芸人報道 ] 0059-0129 CinDy featured publications release [CD & DL data] (Enterbrain) interview SETLIST Spoiler Opening Announcer Yukarin -M01 Doshaburi Lonely Night - ChaMin (unit; Chaki & Hiromin) -M02 Haruiro no Tsubasa - Kazuchii M00 overture - SDN's +M03 Saturday Night Party - 1st Gen +M04 Never! - 1st Gen +M05 Black Boy - 1st Gen MC01 1st Gen updates on life after graduation +M06 Awajishima no Tamanegi - Nachuhamu + 2nd & 3rd Gen +M07 Yuuwaku no Garter - Yukarin Mamitan NeNe +M08 I'm Sure - Haruchan Misakko +M09 All In - Nontii Sayanee ChuChu Maatan Imakichi +M10 Jajauma Lady - Meetan CinDy Maachan Masamin Umeko Ki-bou +M11 Aiyo Ugokanaide - Rachel MC02 Nachuhamu + 2nd & 3rd Gen updates on life after graduation +M12 Ganbariina! - 2nd & 3rd Gen +M13 Futsuu no Anata - 2nd & 3rd Gen +M14 Best By - 2nd & 3rd Gen MC03 VTR from the 5 MIAs : Serinko Yuirin Twins;Aachan & Nacchan Miray-SHOGUN +M15 Aisareru Tameni - All 1st ENCORE EN01 Kodoku na Runner- 2nd & 3rd Gen EN02 Touhikou - 1st Gen EN03 Vampire Keikaku - 1st Gen 2nd ENCORE EN04 GAGAGA - 1st Gen EN05 Ai Chuseyo - 2nd & 3rd Gen EN06 MIN MIN MIN - All ; Center is Jyuri EN07 Makeoshimi Congratulation - All ; Center again Jyuri Closing Announcer Nontii DAY 13 TUES MAY 15th REVIVAL CONCERT 2012 TOKYO DOME CITY HALL SDN1 [YUUWAKU NO GARTER] CAST of 34 out of 39 graduated ; 1st GEN ALL present except Serinko 2nd GEN ALL present except Yuirin & the TWINS Natsuaki 3rd GEN ALL present except Miray-SHOGUN ALAS ALL TOO SOON my date with SDN was over just like sakuras, bloom brilliantly but briefly then gone 20 song set excluding the two Suppon 2 Graduation Dream Shuttle Projects A far CRY (pun on the super extended waterworks cryfest that was NHK) from the 37 numbers performed at NHK BUT i actually enjoyed this much better (like most of the audience at NHK i was bawling my eyes out most of the time to fully appreciate their efforts) so did all those present in JCB & especially the 34 ladies (5 MIAs) they were positively beaming on stage every single moment having fun the time of their life exuding pure joy to be reunited with each other & with the fans NO PRESSURE, NO YOKE to bear unlike the physical & emotional toll rollercoaster runup to Mar31 by which time all of them & their fans were burnout wrecks running on empty Individual & Group Akushukais for the singles with mini-LIVEs at each of these Tokyo Big Sight Zepp;Tokyo, Nagoya & Osaka Yomiuri Land Makuhari Messe Shamekai for the album SSA 1st Day [Anata ga Ite Kureta Kara] serenade sendoffs from AKB theaters [Yuuwaku no Garter] Senshuurakus AND finally the hotchpotch rumble tumble rehearsals for NHK i was a dry husk at the bitter end totally drained after doggedly following them everywhere in as much as humanly physically possible for their last 100 days YA,YA i WOULD BE THE FIRST TO ADMIT i AM A SHAMELESS OJS GROUPIE WHAT A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE 6 WEEKS MADE !!! (from Mar 31st to May 12th) At this year's revival the ladies gave their best rendition of [Yuuwaku no Garter] ever because they treasured this chance to be on stage again to perform for their fans the ladies were relaxed & so put on a much better show than the emotionally-charged highly strung NHK JCB is from the heart with love for each other member & for the fans with the Sotsugyo issue already out of the way JCB is full of pleasure radiating from SDN & fans alike, a NEW SPRING really whereas NHK was all doom & gloom the winter of our discontent where the tears never cease NADA SOU SOU the wardrobe is recycled from NHK but upgraded slightly with either glittering sequins dress with faux fur boa feathered trim or mid riff baring croptops & skirts or hot pants in loud lilac green orange leopard prints (carrying over the African Safari Serengeti plains theme from NHK) for the encores 2nd & 3rd Gen ended up in [Ai Chuseyo] TOTALLY BRAND NEW shimmering sequins black leather dominatrix hot pants & bustiers 1st Gen were in the enhanced NHK [MIN MIN MIN] ensemble 2 piece metallic sheen minus the cicada wings THANK THE GOOD LORD they finally retired the theater sets for good RIP Juri (Kaida Jyuri) was made centers for the last 2 encore numbers to honor her 25th Birthday in advance this coming SAT May19 incidentally the same day as fellow 1st Gen Serinko (27th) who was a no-show BUT IF Ms. DAFFY DUCK WAS PRESENT SHE WOULD HAVE HOGGED THE LIMELIGHT Marinaru ended the night in a wheelchair The last week of March leading to graduation she already sustained a heel bone spur After graduation, she never imagined dancing on stage again & put off treatment After the May15 cast was announced, she sought emergency therapy but it was not enough to see her through her units & she retired early the 5 MIAs via VTRs made the customary polite entreaties apologizing profusely; 1. Serinko officially too busy made guest appearances on 2 successive pre-recorded TV variety programs that aired the very same evening (not said in the VTR BUT she was in a world of hurt after the Oct15 graduation announcement & in all subsequent graduation exit interviews she expressly stated to want to put her SDN days firmly behind her & move on forward) So there, do not put too much hope on seeing her at the reunion concert 2. Yuirin busted her ribs, badly strained ankle & leg ligaments alluding to a ski accident but she still show up for work as guest on fellow 2nd Gen Aimin's radio show & the twins' live webcast the week before 3. the twins are practising for their stage musical run, [kiss me you- we simply tried our best-], incidentally fellow 2nd Gen RumiRumi (now with a new stage name Kikawa Rumi instead of Matshushima) is also in the musical but perhaps different team cast performing on other days 4. Miray-SHOGUN just returned from a trip across the Sea of Japan to ROK & missed the Sat May 12 rehearsals But the real reason is AVEX released her immediately after graduation so she is RONIN & thus cannot perform NO SURPRISE ANNOUNCEMENTS just as well no new 2nd Chapter (formed by congregating all the expiry-dated gals from the other groups) to sully, mess up & make a general mockery of the wonderful legacy the original 39+7 has trailblazed & bequeathed to us fans GALLERY OF CLOSE-UPS Spoiler May15 Mon Serinko guest on TX [ピラメキーノ] 1830-1900 May 16 Weds Yukarin's talkshow 1800- Roppongi Za Theater CinDy featured publications release [KERA} (Index communications) interview May17 Thurs Pikachu guest on Kitazawa FM88.8MHz 1900- Nachuhamu Weekly Shincho issue 19 Columnなちゅラリズム Every week during the series May18 Fri Pikachu Yuminta Yukkii KONYAN as special guests on [Haruka Tanizawa, Ijiri Okada & Megumi Rika hosts LOVE Women's Association] 2100-2150 & immediately followed by [Pikachu & Yuminta Q&A premium broadcast] 2200-2300 Serinko guest on CX [サルのおぼてん] 0135-0235 May 19 SAT Mamitan & Umeko [Akasaka Dance Dance Dance] Stage Musical BS-TBS Ayomaya circle theater Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Shinshu TV Yuminta & KONYAN guests on [Punit et Navi +] Kagoshima Tour KKB Kagoshima Every Saturday 1015- Serinko guest on TBS [AsianAce] 2359-0030 May20 SUN Nachuhamu MC Katie price 密室KTV 0025-0125 Yuirun MC & Hiichan guests on [かりーね] X [BEAST!] THE LIVE -New century ゆぃ Rin Gelman! The dawn of the flame! The Apostle BEAST! RAID! 1630-1930 Shiba, Shibaura Studio cube 326 2F event space Chaki May20 SUN commence Every Alternate Sun Special guest on rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 CinDy 1st NHK Radio cast Wktk radio school part 3 だめだめ radio Angel's word 2310 Yuminta & KONYAN guests on [Choco & GONE] OBS 0143-0206 Yukkii & KONYAN guests on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Sun TV May 21 & 28 2359- Saitama TV Kanagawa TV May 25 & Jun 1 Gifu broadcasting TV Wakayama May 26 & Jun 2 Shinshu TV May 31 & Jun 7 Akita TV Jun 19 & 26 Serinko guest on EX [お願いランキング] 0020-0115 TX [そうだ旅へ行こう] 0012-0054 NTV [芸人報道] 0059-0129 May22 Mon Serinko guest on NTV [芸能★BANG+] 2358-0058 May23 Weds [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] A NEW MEMBER HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE SDN FAMILY & ITS A LITTLE MAN [shock] May23 UTC 2211 Tokyo After 6 hours Yukapo has safely delivered a 3.288 kilograms healthy energetic baby boy [clap] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] CinDy featured publications launch [weekly televison] (Kadokawa magazine) interview May 23-27 Weds-SUN SDN Triple Cast ; RumiRumi & the wonder twins Aacchan & Nacchan musical [-Kiss Me You~頑張ったシンプー達へ~] new National theatre May 24 Thurs Twins Nacchan & Aacchan guest on Foodie & Drinks Program Tokyo MX [Ladder Man] 2330-0000 Serinko guest on TBS [東京スカイツアーズ] 1900-2058 & Serinko's iOS & Android official apps. launched !!! iPhone Android ver. ... inko&hi=ja ONE APP to RULE THEM ALL: AMEBLO, TWITTER, MOVIES & VOICE CinDy featured publications release [digital TV Guide] (Tokyo news agency) interview & [週刊少年チャンピオン] (Akita Shoten) cover+gravure Yuirin Broadcast writer debut [CR哭きの龍] Fuji Corporation New Production May 24 -29 Thurs-Tues Haruchan stage musical [Sensations of the Season] May 25 Fri Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Television Saitama & Television Kanagawa May 26 Sat Gifu broadcasting TV Wakayama [Natsuaki] the twins unit Nacchan & Aachan guest live [Girl's Bomb!~今宵は五月晴れ!?~] 1800- Tokyo Cinema Club Marinaru commentator Shinbashi Japan Derby (GI) Preliminaries Night Gala 1730- 2nd Floor Special Stage & May25 Fri issue of Sankei Sports debuting as horse racing columnist Title of column [津田麻莉奈の 競馬色に染まりなるっ] Pilot edition published under May31 Sankei sports Osaka Head Office Edition Subsequent editions from the 2nd onwards Jun8 on alternate Fri rotating between Tokyo head office & Osaka head office plates Serinko guest on TX [所さんの学校では教えてくれないそこんトコロ] 2100-2154 NHK [Shibuya Deep A] 0025-0124 May26 Sat Serinko guest on CX [さんまくりぃむ] 2100-2310 TBS [AsianAce] 2359-0030 Nontii [Noro Kayo first trading card ] Release Event May26 Sat 1200 書泉ブックタワー 1600 Fuzhou House Shoten Shinjuku May27 Sun 1200 書泉プラス(書泉グランデ7階イベント会場) 1700 ミントポニーランド Nagoya Serinko Modeling in Girls Award 2012 SPRING/SUMMER [All you need is LOVE] ... tlno=mo037 National Yoyogi gymnastic Stadium hosted by FUJI TELEVISION NETWORK, INC. produced by GirlsAward inc. supported by The ministry of Foreign Affairs,Tokyo Metropolitan area & Shibuya. May27 Sun NeNe Special Jury to akbnO Akabane 9th Karaoke championships Ikebukuro East Stage Toshima Ward Centre 1830- Serinko guest on MBS [アカルイ☆ミライ] 1957-2054 May 28 Mon Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Sun TV Imakichi [Kumamoto] iPAD PC Kindle iPhone Android digital photo album release CinDy featured publications release [週刊プレイボーイ] (SHUEISHA) cover+gravure May28-31 Tues-Thurs CinDy e-radio [ROOKIES] Shiga 1500-1900 May29 Tues Yuirin AmoebaStudios premiun live broadcast 2030-2200 Serinko guest on ; EX [中居正広の怪しい噂の集まる図書館] 2315-0015 MBS [極嬢ヂカラ] 0032-0132 Kazuchii is the Special Guest for fellow 1st Gen Nachuhamu's [GyaO] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 CinDy MBS radio「MBSうたぐみ スマイルソングス」2200-2500 May 30 Weds CinDy with WH7 Single Release [Shounen yo Uso wo Tsuke!] Zepp Tokyo 1830- Limited to 2500 lottery winners from [Normal Edition] & CinDy featured publications release [月刊ENTAME] (Tokuma Shoten) interview release [週刊ザテレビジョン] (Kadogawa magazine) interview CinDy with WH7 2200-2254 Fuji [ピカルの定理] 0150-0220 Fuji [魁!音楽番付] guest appearance [Natsuaki] Twins unit Nacchan & Aacchan guest live ALLOVER inaugural LIVE [LOVE ALL] Shibuya Deseo 1800- May30 Weds Commence Every 3rd Weds of the month KONYAN guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 May 31 Thurs Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] TV Shinshu Haruchan guest on Shimokita FM [DJ Tomoaki's Radio Show!] 88.8 MHz shimokita 2000-2020 & 2130-2200
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours June Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every MON Nontii Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000 & guest {Dj KAORI's! ] Yuirin regular cast of MX TV [OTOBOKE Bar] Yuminta as regular guest 1100- Ki-bou Host own Live show [劇団木本夕貴] 1800-1845 Every Tues Serinko on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 KONYAN Jun5 Tues Commence Every Tues 2300-2330 Co-host [白黒アンジャッシュ] Chiba & Kanagawa TV Jun5 commence Every Tues Aimin host [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month Yukkii [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every Wed Haruchan on regular cast [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV KONYAN Every 3rd Weds of the month guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 Every Thurs Ki-bou Guest on live internet broadcast [SMA Party] 1800-1845 Sony Music Artiste through Oduruku tv Nachuhamu [GyaO] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yukkii's radio DJ gig [BAYLINE Go! Go!] 1600-1850 Chiba local bayfm Every Fri Meetan Regular cast on BS-JAPAN [ギルガメッシュLIGHT] 2300- Every Fri Yukkii cast in NTV [週末にしたい10のこと! ] 0203-0248 Cindy Early Jun Every Fri ABC radio [ミューパラアグレッシブ] Osaka 2200-0000 Every Sat Sayanee radio DJ gig [CORE ☆ kawaiI] 2000-2030 Yokohama FM Yuirin radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan Regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] 0200-0430 Jun9 commence Haruchan regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Jun 2 Sat commence Haruchan RADIO Drama JFN [志村けんのファーストステージ~はじめの一歩~] Duration 1 hour Every SAT 1900 FM Gunma FM ふくしま FM Fukui FM Shiga FM Okayama FM Yamaguchi FM Kagawa FM Saga FM Kumamoto FM Oita Every SAT 2000 FM Miyazaki Every SUN-MON 2000 FM Tochigi Every Sun CinDy with WH7 regular program Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 Chaki Every Alternate Sun Special guest on rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 CinDy as special guest [木の実ナナ50th anniversary concert~SHOW GIRLの時間旅行~] Tokyo May29-Jun2 Le Theatre Ginza Osaka Jun16 Morinomiya-no-miya Piloti Hall Jun 1 Fri Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Saitama TV Kanagawa TV Jun 2nd SAT Gifu broadcasting TV Wakayama CinDy featured publications release [ピチレモン] (Gakken) interview Cindy with WH7 0108-0203 Japan TV [ハッピーMUSIC] guest talk & live perf. Pikachu featured publications [VANITY mix vol.4] FREE paper Magazines for Girls Trends in MIX Serinko guests on ABC [どや顔サミット] 2100-2154 Jun 1-10 Fri-Sun Meetan Stage [未来と言う名の昨日を連れて] collaborating with ljiri-san again @ Kichijoji temple theater Jun 2 Sat CinDy featured publications release [りぼん] (SHUEISHA) interview & release [ヤングガンガン] (Square Enix) cover+gravure CinDy with WH7 0058-0142 TBS [CDTV] live perf. KONYAN Special Guest & Host [62nd opening anniversary Seibu Park velodrome Gold Wing Awards (G III Cup)] near entrance gate, the special stage, back of the promenade KONYAN talk show / 6 R release 1245-1300 KONYAN talk show & handshake Lottery / 8 R release in 1345-1400 KONYAN handshake event (limited to 20 person) lottery winners only 1518 Rainbow Cup winner award ceremony / 10 R released in 1445- 1506 Serinko guests on NTV [ご当地お宝ハンター] 1330-1445 CX [さんまくりぃむ] 2100-2310 Jun 3 SUN Marinaru GRAND PRIX TOURNAMENT BATTLE ROYALE [春の最強的中者は誰だJRA2連福で津田麻莉奈に挑戦] Commentator & pundit Tokyo Racecourse Center Court 1130 [open category racing seminar] after 4 R series race ends Haruchan guest on [とサンデーアフタヌーンLIVE] 1500-1645 CinDy with WH7 1810-1839 NHK [MUSIC JAPAN] live perf. KONYAN Nico Nico Live Guest Commentator 2014 FIFA World Cup Asian Final Qualifying Japan VS Oman JAPAN WON 3 GOALS TO NIL Jun4 Mon Haruchan featured publication Weekly PlayBoy Magazine CinDy with WH7 2200-2254 Fuji [HEY!HEY!HEY!MUSIC CHAMP] live perf. Jun5 Tues commence Every Tues for Jun Mamitan joins[古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 as regular cast 8th generation appentice following the footsteps of CinDy whose stint was Apr & immediately followed by [Mami Kato host premium live] broadcast 2215- through AmebaStudios Serinko guests on NHK [すイエんサー] 1855-1925 Jun6 Commence Every Weds Kazuchii debut appearance in [TwinPlanet Channel ] thereafter every Weds 2100-2200 Jun6 Weds Yukapo & her 2 week old baby boy are doing well here is the 1st shot of her baby the little tike munchkins' fingers clutching hers Serinko guests on CX [オノロケ] 2315-2350 Jun 6-10 Weds-Sun HANA cast in Stage [Princess of Demons] : 1st Chapter Shibuya-ku Culture Center Hall & same period Hiichan cast in stage musical [#4 Siawase Get Ready] Sola Line Ueno Warehouse Jun 7 Thurs Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Shinshu TV Marinaru commentator & pundit Hyogo Derby Sonoda Racecourse Jun9 Sat Imakichi digital photo album [Kumamoto] sales commemorative handshake event 1200- Shibuya GLAD & Jun10 Sun Guest appearance 11th AKBNO Live Setagaya Hall 1700- & includes handshake event CinDy with WH7 1930-2000 CS:MUSIC ON! TV「渡り廊下走り隊7 スペシャル」 Jun9 Sat Yuirin Pachinko Spokeswoman & PR @ 4 stores 1) Hotel's Grand Hinomaru slot 2) Sun Palace Ring of Seven Osugi store & Jun10 Sun 3) Messe Omori Store 4) Piers Tanamura Store Jun10 Sun CinDy with WH7 2130-2300 Fuji TV ONE [GIRLS’ FACTORY] OPENING ACT: Mayuyu Serinko guests on TX [たべコレ] 1155-1225 Jun11 Mon Haruchan featured publication ぶんか社 [EX MAX] magazine Meetan Jun 12 19 & 26 Every Tues guest on [ がりゲル ] 0153- Jun12 Tues Umeko special guest on [Mami Kato host premium live] broadcast 2215- through AmebaStudios Misakko's One Man LIVE Jun12 Daikanyama [Next spot light☆ミサイタル] vol.3 Jun13 Weds commence Yuirin Every Weds 2358-0153 cast in NTV [ピロロン学園] Jun13 Weds Yukarin Guest Appearance on fellow 1st Gen Nachuhamu's [GyaO] broadcast through Watanabe Plus 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan Haruchan KONYAN Yuirin & Yuminta as special guests on [ かりーね。THE LIVE 新世紀ユイハルコナフジゲリヲン ] Special Live Studio Recording focusing on former SDN48 members 1900- Shiba Shibaura Cube Studio Kazuchii debut appearance in [TwinPlanet Channel ] 2100-2200 Jun 13-18 Weds-Mon Ki-bou stage [Good day to be me] Alii Entertainment Productions Green Theater Big Tree Theater Jun 14 Thurs Haruchan Weekly Magazine [アスキー] Gravure Feature Spread Meetan guest in NTV [round and round ninty-nine] 1956- Nontii & Yukarin guests on [GyaO NO LIFE NO KEIRAN ] Jun16 Sat Yuminta solo guest live (the 13th act to perf.) SWISH vol.14 @VUENOS 1500 -2200 Imakichi host Amistad Premium LIVE with fellow 1st GEN Misakko as guest 2100-2230 90 mins extended version Serinko guests on TBS [サタネプベストテン] 1855-1956 CANCELLED DUE TO RUBELLA VIRAL INFECTION UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS Jun 17 Sun Twins Nacchan & Aacchan Unit Natsuaki LIVE perf. [ Akihabara Koubou Festa in Sendai ] 1500- LIVE STUDIO RIPPLE Post Perf. CD purchasers @ Booth handshakes event Pikachu [久々に私も歌っちゃうよ~ぼえ~ヾ(・o・*)シ] NOAH CHANNEL NOGATA 2100-2200 Serinko guests on NTV [行列が出来る法律相談所] 2100-2154 EX [日曜×芸人] 2325-0020 Jun18 Mon Serinko guests on NTV [深イイ話] 2100-2154 Jun18-22 Mon-Fri Yukkii host InterFM「MARUHAN presents 7’s HEAVEN music mixx !! 」 76.1MHz FM 2400-2430 Jun 19 Tues Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Akita TV Serinko guests on NTV [みんなのアメカン] 1900-1956 TBS [ひみつの嵐ちゃん] 2200-2300 Jun20 Weds Mini SDN 1st GEN reunion !!! Mamitan & Umeko guest on fellow 1st Gen Nachuhamu radio show [GyAO] live webcast through WatanabePlus viewable only in Japan though due to Watanabe Entertainment enforcement of licensing rights Ki-bou MC for [Girls Event NADESHIKO vol.16] Shibuya RUIDO K2 1830 of events MASAMIN : CONGRATULATIONS to the soft launch of your very own fashion brand [SMIR NASLI] bag collection for Autumn/Winter 2012 & 3 days exhibtion in Shibuya Jun20-22 Weds-Fri culminating in the Jun22 Fri Soft Launch Celebration Party at the Peninsular Hotel SDN Grand Reunion as 28 members showed up in force to support the self-proclaimed SDN fashion leader Serinko Maatan Rachel HANA Umeko Mamitan RumiRumi Yuminta Ki-bou Imakichi Misakko Kazuchii Yukarin Marinaru Sayanee ChuChu Yukki KONYAN Hiichan Yuirin Bambi Haruchan Hiromin Maachan Aimin NeNe MiyuMiyu CinDy in eager anticipation on the official opening of your Shinjuku shopspace in Sept MASAMIN GANBARIINA !!! Jun 20-24 Weds-Sun Chaki Misakko & the twins Naachan & Aachan Quadruple SDN cast in stage musical [ Space Police Veeker X Wandering Ranger ] the twins only appear in the Jun22 cast & Misakko only make a special guest appearance in the Jun20 Shonichi Jun20-22 Weds-Fri SDN Double Cast Nontii & NeNe Recital Play [ Red Angel ] Ebisu Live Gate Jun21 Thurs Nachuhamu featured publications pg 105 Shukan Shinco Series Jun22 Fri Haruchan release 1st IMAGE DVD [ こはるん日和 ] Pikachu with special guest Oshirichan revelations of her singles' home hikari TV CHANNEL [テリー伊藤のTOKYOひとり暮らし娘] 0115- Ki-bou DJ for [Tokyo Tower club333] 1930-2100 Location Tokyo Tower observation level 1 deck special stage HP Jun23 Sat KONYAN & Yukkii modeling in [ Visual Queen Photo Shootout ] 1800- Imakichi host Amistad Premium LIVE with fellow 1st GEN Masamin as special guest 2100-2200 Serinko guests on NTV [新進気鋭] 0120-0150 Misakko Pachinko Stores PR & Endorsement Spokeswoman Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa クワトロブーム 1300 Kanazawa ケイズ 1500 Toyama Prefecture Kosugi クワトロブーム 1730 Jun24 Sun Natsuaki the twins Nacchan & Aacchan performing LIVE [YGAの“おんぶに抱っこに肩車♡] Nakano Sun Plaza Hall CinDy Special Appearance with fellow WH7 Ayarin High School Students Quiz Okinawa Convention Masuichi-TaichiSwim Club2700 Serinko VIP Guest Rostrum Prize Presenters to Winning Jockey [Takarazuka KINEN Derby] Hanshin Racecourse Jun25 Mon CinDy with WH7 Yubi Matsuri LIVE Perf. Hishasi Budokan Jun 26 Tues Yukkii guest on [銀玉打闘会~ドル箱王への挑戦 !!] Akita TV Haruchan & CinDy battle each other as special guests on #192 [ Hama-chan ! ] Jun26 Tues NTV Kansai 0159- Jun28 Thurs JTV Kanto 0038- Serinko guests on TBS [男のヘンサーチ!] 2355-0025 NTV [さんま御殿] 1957-2054 Jun 27 Weds HANA & Nontii as special guests on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! ] WatanabePlus but viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Jun 28 Thurs RELEASE Meetan with Yukarin voice acting & appearing in-game cutscene as Down Loadable Content (DLC) 1,480 YEN PS Vita [Assault Gunners] SONY PLAYSTATION(R) store [yt][/yt] CinDy featured publications launch [FLASH] (Kobunsha) NeNe Special Guest on fellow 2nd GEN Ki-bou show [[劇団木本夕貴 SP ! ] Special 3 Days 1800-1845 Serinko guests on NHK [すイエんサー] 1855-1925 Jun28 Thurs Kazuchii & Masamin as special guests on [Haruka Tanizawa, Ijiri Okada & Megumi Rika hosts LOVE Women's Association] 2100-2200 & immediately followed by [Kazuchii & Masamin Q&A premium broadcast] 2215-2315 Jun29 Fri Natsuki the twins Nacchan & Aacchan perf. Akihabara Kobo Festa LIVE via NicoFarre (limited audio) 1900- Marinaru ONE MAN LIVE TALKSHOW Amoeba Studios Premium Broadcast 2100-2200 Jun29-Jul1 Fri-Sun Yuminta stage musical debut cast [ Jun30 Sat Serinko Trading Cards Release [Pastel Colors] & Serinko guests on TX [ゴットタン] 0210-0235 Misakko's One Man LIVE Shibuya Grande [Next spot light☆ミサイタル] vol.4 with fellow 1st GEN Imakichi & Sakuran as special guests Yuirin cast in NHK ETV [Design WOW] Jun30 Sat 1st Broadcast 0700 Jul6 Fri Repeat 1545 Aimin guests on DEVIEW channel Akiba Studios broadcast 1900-2100 KONYAN amateur player for team [South Kasai Shooters] in Futsal Tournament Honda Cup women's class Captain Wings Stadium 1300-1800 Haruchan Jun29 Fri featured publications [East Sports] under article titled [Sleeping Beauty] Jun30 Sat commence regular columnist for [Monthly Entertaiment]
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours July Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every MON Nontii Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000- Yuirin regular cast of MX TV [OTOBOKE Bar] Yuminta as regular guest 1100- Ki-bou Host own Live show [劇団木本夕貴] 1800-1845 Every Tues Serinko on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 KONYAN Every Tues 2300-2330 Co-host [白黒アンジャッシュ] Chiba & Kanagawa TV Every Tues Aimin host [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Jul17 Tues commence thereafter every Tues KONYAN Panel Guests on Radio Nikkei Real Estate Investment [みんなでしっかり財形ライフ!] 1510-1600 Every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month Yukkii [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every Wed Haruchan on regular cast [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Yuirin Every Weds 2358-0153 cast in NTV [ピロロン学園] KONYAN Every 3rd Weds of the month guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 Every Weds Kazuchii co-hosts (resumes on Jul25 after stage musical run & rehearsals [Himawari no Sorane] for the greater part of July) [TwinPlanet Channel ] 2100-2200 Every Thurs Ki-bou Guest on live internet broadcast [SMA Party] 1800-1845 Sony Music Artiste through Oduruku tv Nachuhamu [GyaO] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yukkii's radio DJ gig [BAYLINE Go! Go!] 1600-1850 Chiba local bayfm Every Fri Meetan Regular cast on BS-JAPAN [ギルガメッシュLIGHT] 2300- Every Fri Yukkii cast in NTV [週末にしたい10のこと! ] 0203-0248 Every Sat Sayanee radio DJ gig [CORE ☆ kawaiI] 2000-2030 Yokohama FM Yuirin radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan Regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] 0200-0430 Haruchan RADIO Drama JFN [志村けんのファーストステージ~はじめの一歩~] Duration 1 hour Every SAT 1900 FM Gunma FM ふくしま FM Fukui FM Shiga FM Okayama FM Yamaguchi FM Kagawa FM Saga FM Kumamoto FM Oita Every SAT 2000 FM Miyazaki Every SUN-MON 2000 FM Tochigi & Haruchan regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Every Sun CinDy with WH7 regular program Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 Chaki Every Alternate Sun Special guest on rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Jul1 SUN Imakichi DVD [ I'm Out of Control ] Release Sales Commemorative Events Akihabara Asobitcity 1400 & 1600 Jul1 Sun commence Natsuki the twins own LIVE show [Natsuki Sunday Service Puri] 1200- Pikachu & Oshirichan Day Trip Bus Tour Joint-Ambassadress ちぃむ平和主義~せあら姫vsさえみ姫~ [推しメン?そんなの関係ないですけど? チーム争奪☆姫の為にナンバーワンを!!ザバイバルバスツアー] & Pikachu featured in Web Rock Magazine [BEEAST] in depth interview of Pikachu's Rock band LIVE [Rock Joint GB] May 2nd & Pikachu one of the 70 celebrity guests participating in CX TV [GRAND SUMO TOURNEY: Sumo Wrestlers VS Celebrities] [Upset of the Century in the Ring with Special Appearance By GRAND Champion Yokozuna Hakuno] Jul1 Sun Serinko guests on TX [旅RUNガール] 1225-1249 YTV [秘密のケンミンSHOW』Repeat broadcast 1235-1330 Jul2 Mon Meetan RADIO guest Nippon broadcasting 2:00-4:30 Higashi Takahiro Take2 4:30-5:00 FireHIP's all night Nippon R & guest appearance in [Honey School LIVE ChatShow] 2100-2200 Haruchan featured publications [Young Magazine] Gravure spread issue 31 Jul3 Tues Serinko guests on TBS [有田エチュード] 2350-0050 TBS [リンカーン] 2200-2300 YTV [ガリゲル] 0053-0123 Jun29 Fri Episode 1 & Jul3 Tues Episodes 2 & 3 Yukarin & Nontii guests on [GyaO ! Prince Tomohito Titled Specials] dedicated to the everlasting memory of the recently demised "bearded prince" YouTube [yt][/yt] Nico Nico Douga GyaO Jul 4-8 Weds-Sun Yuirin cast in debut stage musical [夏の夜の夢~夢見る頃を過ぎても編] Tsujiki BDSM Hall Jul4 Weds Haruchan guest star in Summer Season Horror Short Stories Fright in the Dark House KONYAN & Yukki Guest Appearance on Nachuhamu's [GyaO] broadcast through Watanabe Plus 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan dut to strict enforcement og licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Jul5 Thurs Serinko guests on NHK [仕事ハッケン伝] 2000-2043 YTV [秘密のケンミンSHOW] 2100-2154 NTV [ぐるぐるナイ] 1957-2058 Jul6 Fri SDN 6 member REUNION Pikachu One Man LIVE with special guests Maatan & NeNe AND SURPRISE SECRET GUESTS Jyuri MiyuMiyu & Oshirichan performing in skits [Insatiable Kingdom Summer Sports Fest] 1900- Harajuku Astro Hall Yuirin guest on NHK ETV [Design WOW] 1545 Repeat Broadcast Jul7 Sat Meetan Summer Urban Legends HORROR BlockBuster [ The Return of Kuchisake Onna ] Meetan plays the leading lady, major starring role as in the movie title Jul7 Sat General Release Screening & Stage Greetings in Kanto Region: Kohoku & Itabashi Jul13 Fri General Release Screening & Stage Greetings in Gifu Prefecture: Yanagase & Ogaki Serinko Jul7 Sat Pilot Episode thereafter every Sat special guest star on NTV’s drama [Ghost Mama Sousasen ~Boku to Mama no Fushigi na 100 Nichi] starring Nakama Yukie 2100--2154 & Serinko also guests on NTV [新進気鋭] 0135-0205 NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 Chaki special guest on fellow 1st GEN Imakichi's debut hosting of Amistad premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios Jul8 SUN Meetan Guest appearance in TV [Drive A GO ! GO !] 1800- CinDy Special host with fellow WH7's Ayarin 32nd High School Students Quiz Okinawa Convention Masuichi-TaichiSwim Club2700 broadcast on NTV @ 1400 Jul8 Sun Serinko guests on TX [旅RUNガール] 1225-1249 TX [激セマ繁盛店] 1954-2148 Jul9 Mon Meetan featured magazine release [ BOMB ] Rachel debut host Amistad Premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios SURPRISE MYSTERY GUESTS fellow 1st GEN Serinko & Kanayan 2200-2300 Jul10 Tues Serinko guests on YTV [ガリゲル] 0053-0123 Haruchan special guest on [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 & immediately followed by [Haruchan host premium live] broadcast 2215- through AmebaStudios Jul11 Weds Misakko Co-MC for [BREAK GIRLS FESTIVAL: Summer Yukata & Swimsuits Festival] Shibuya DUO 1330-2200 Meetan Guest Appearance on Nachuhamu's [GyaO] broadcast through Watanabe Plus 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan dut to strict enforcement og licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Jul11 Weds Serinko guests on NTV [笑ってコラえて!] 1956-2054 NHK [仕事ハッケン伝] Repeat broadcast 0140-0223 Jul12 Thurs Haruchan Aimin & Yuirin starring in LIVE TALKSHOW FM RainBow Town [かりーね。&BEAST!THE LIVE ] Shiba Shibaura Studio Cube 1900-2100 Jul12-16 Thur -Sun Aachan cast in stage musical [この愛よ叶うなら嬉しいよ] Ikebukuro Green theater Lottery (PC MB) Jul13 Fri Serinko guests on CX [奥の深みち] 2000-2100 Marinaru One Man Live TalkShow Amoeba Studios Premium LIVE Broadcast 2100-2200 Jul14 Sat Misakko's fans event [33 会] Mini LIVE, Kampei, Games Convention & Commemorative 2 shots Hatagaya WAI 1900- Haruchan Performing LIVE & Talkshow Meet the Fans event Katase Enoshima Beach Higashihama Hyper Sea House Hotel 2100- SDN Natsuko Maatan & MiyuMiyu cast of stage musical [GO,JET ! GO 1 GO 1 GO 1] VOL5 [涙のドライマティーニ ガールズにライバル出現!?] Talkshow & Meet the Fans Appreciation event AQUA Studio Serinko guests on NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 NTV [新進気鋭] 0135-0205 Nachuhamu co-hosting J-wave 81.3 FM ROCKTMAN SHOW 0100-0500 3.11 Earthquake WAE fund-raising activity Jul15 Sun Meetan [Ohori Megumi : Mitakatta no wa Korekashira ? ] Nagoya DVD Sales Commemorative Event 1300 HMV Sakae 16:30 Tower Records Kintetsu passe shop ... tetsuPasse Mini SDN Reunion Maatan Juri & MiyuMiyu performing a Mini-LIVE set in [Lantern Festival by the Sea, Odaiba 2012] in support of Odaiba's bid for the 2020 ParaOlympics Odaiba Beach, Odaiba Seaside Park 1700-1740 then @1830 the 3 of them will officiate the light-up FREE ADMISSION !!! Yukki guest appearance on Nico Nico Douga [Maruhan LIVE Channel] { Strike Towards Tomorrow ! ] 0100-0200 Miray-SHOGUN performing LIVE in the WISE's number [ Dance with me feat. Miray ] @ 1730 as part of the [ The FACTORY presents BEARE -The Resurrection-} Shibuya-AX 1400-2200 CinDy with WH7 Kobe for [Shounen yo Uso wo Tsuke!] Sales Commemorative Handshakes Fan Event Serinko guests on NTV [からくりマネー] 1655-1725 NTV [のどじまんザ!ワールド] 1900-2100 Jul16 Public Holiday MON Haruchan 1st Image Gravure [こはるん日和 Kohara Biyori] DVD Sales Commemorative Events 1130 Akihabara Softmap Amusement Musuem 8F 1830 Shibuya Tower Records B1F Stage ONE Meetan Guest appearance TV [ Celebrities Report] 0059- Imakichi hosting with guest Miray-SHOGUN Amistad premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios 2100-2200 Misakko performing in [Roll Together Vol.11] Shibuya Glad her turn to perform is @ 1855 Jul16 Mon Serinko guests on TBS [リンカーン] Repeat broadcst 1400-1500 EX [お試しかっ!] 1900-2100 Aimin guest appearance on [YOYOGI PIRATES] Fuji FM Studio VIvid 2100-2300 Jul17 Tues Serinko guests on YTV [ガリゲル] 0053-0123 Ki-bou special host for [Ramen no Shojo] 2415- NeNe special guest on 1442Hz Nihon Radio [ In LOVE with Karolina's Carnival ] 2230-2300 Jul17 Tues commence thereafter every Tues KONYAN Panel Guests on Radio Nikkei Real Estate Investment [みんなでしっかり財形ライフ!] 1510-1600 Jul18 Weds CinDy guests on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! ] channel Watanabe Plus 2000-2100 viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Wantanabe Entertainment Meetan Guest appearance TV [ドレミファさまぁ~ず♪] 0012 ChuChu featured publications release oictorial spread in magazine [ anan ] Jul18-22 Weds-Sun SDN Triple cast Kazuchii(musical debut) Ki-bou(already perf.3 others) & NeNe(also her musical debut) stage musical [ Himawari Sorane ] presented by Flying Trip 5th production Green Theater Big Tree theater Jul19 Thurs Nontii CinDy Mamitan & Umeko as special guests on [Haruka Tanizawa, Ijiri Okada & Megumi Rika hosts LOVE Women's Association] 2100-2200 & immediately followed by [Mamitan & Umeko Q&A premium broadcast] 2215-2315 Jul19-22 Thurs-Sun Chaki cast in stage musical [Heaven's Waiting Room] Nippori Dwarehose Jul20 Fri Pikachu special guest on Nico Nico LIVE [ M-3hree の シブヤナ、] hosted by Mishima Yukari, Kubokawa & Otsu Koto 2100-2200 Jul20-29 Fri-Sun SDN triple cast Natsuko Maatan & MiyuMiyu cast in stage musical [GO,JET ! GO 1 GO 1 GO 1] VOL5 [涙のドライマティーニ ガールズにライバル出現!?] AQUA Studio Jul21 Sat Yuirin MC for [ASIAN WIND-COOL CORE-] presents [Color-i J-POP GIRLS SUMMER LIVE 2012] Yokohama BLITZ ... 01207.html NeNe as 2nd Guest coming on @ time 1545 on Shibuya FM [Shirota Jun : Sparks Ignite Lets Go SALU Heaven] Shibuya FM Satellite Studios 1500-1558 Imakichi's DVD [ I'm Out of Control ] 2nd Sales Commemorative Handshake & Photo Events Nova Hall Sunshine City Alpha Shop 1st session 1500 2nd session 1700 Ki-bou special guest on [Kempai no Jun !] 0025- CinDy Special hosts with Komorin as WH7 rep 32nd High School Students Quiz Convention Fukuoka, Saga Convention Jul21 Sat Serinko guests on NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 NTV [新進気鋭] 0235-0305 Jul22 Sun Yuirin featured publications Sep Issue CoverGirl for Maritime Self Defense Force MSDF ( formerly known as IJN Imperial Japanese Navy ) [ MAMOR ] magazine Jul23 Mon Marinaru Appointed as Product Endorsement PR Spokeswoman for CAPCOM game [ Sengoku BASARA ] Marinaru will be penning a weekly updated online diary on the game v below v Jul24 Tues Serinko guests on CX [キャサリン] 2300-2330 NTV [芸能★BANG+] 2358-0058 YTV [ガリゲル] 0053-0123 Aimin guest appearance on [Matoko OTAKE Radio] Cultural Broadcast 1320-1340 RumiRumi guests on Amistad premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios 2100-2200 Jul25 Weds Ki-bou's 1st image DVD [Smile Heart] Release Aug18 Sat Sales Commemorative event at 8th level-sohmppamywsment & later in the evening guests on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! ] channel Watanabe Plus 2000-2100 viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Wantanabe Entertainment Jul25-29 Weds-Sun Pikachu cast in her 1st stage musical [beautiful dreamer] Nakano pocket theater PC : Mobile : Jul26 Thurs Serinko guests on NTV [ぐるぐるナインティナイン] 1900-2100 Jul27 Fri HANA with 2 other cast of upcoming stage musical [ CABARET ON THE SEA ] exclusive interview at 2110 on [ CONFETTI LIVE ] 2100-2145 Yuirin special guests on Nico Nico Douga LIVE broadcast 2100 Oshirichan guest on Amistad AmoebaStudios 1900-2000 Hamachi chats with fans online through 5 sessions each session of half duration with 10 fans registration & payment required through v 2000-2230 Jul27-31 Fri-Tues Haruchan cast in stage musical Drama Company CORNFLAKES presents [雷神-RAIJIN-] Roppongi 俳優座 theater Jul28 Sat Aimin's Birthday Bash [AIMIX] 1F LiveStage and KDDI designing Studio Tokyo, Shibuya-ku jingumae 4-32-16 from JR Harajuku Station about 8 minutes on foot Meetan's Summer Daytrip with 40 fans (Gents & Ladies) beachwear theme lunch BBQ @ Kujukuru beach [~水着は、どうかしらぁ?~ 大堀恵とあなたの九十九里浜♂♀] 29,800 YEN Jul28 Sat KONYAN Nico Nico LIVE Team Nadeshiko Guest Commentator 2012 London Olympics Womens' Football Preliminary Rounds Japan VS Sweden 1930- RESULTS: 1 Goal DRAW Serinko guests on NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 Jul29 Sun CinDy Special host with Mayuyu Ayarin & Komorin as WH7 rep 32nd High School Students Quiz Convention Kanto Area Series Odaiba Tokyo Hiichan Spokeswoman PR product endorsement for pachinko parlor in Ishikawa 13:00 ~ Terai Dai Shogun DSG 14:00 ~ Komatsu Dai Shogun DSG 15:00 ~ Apollo 21 Temple wells shops Jul30 Mon Mamitan & Umeko TWO MAN LIVE [Umeda & Mami LIVE Event VOL1] SHIBUYA GLAD Session 1: 1500 Session 2: 1900 Marinaru One Man Live TalkShow Amoeba Studios Premium LIVE Broadcast 2100-2200 Jul31 Tues Serinko guests on YTV [ガリゲル] 0053-0123
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours AUGUST Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every MON Nontii Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000- Yuirin regular cast of MX TV [OTOBOKE Bar] 1100- Ki-bou Host own Live show [劇団木本夕貴] 1800-1845 Every Tues Serinko on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 KONYAN Co-host [白黒アンジャッシュ] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- KONYAN Panel Guests on Radio Nikkei Real Estate Investment [みんなでしっかり財形ライフ!] 1510-1600 Every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month Yukkii [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every Wed Haruchan on regular cast [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Yuirin cast in NTV [ピロロン学園] 2358-0153 Every 3rd Weds of the month KONYAN guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 Every Alternate Weds Kazuchii host [TwinPlanet Channel ] 2100-2200 Every Thurs Ki-bou Guest on live internet broadcast [SMA Party] 1800-1845 Sony Music Artiste through Oduruku tv Nachuhamu [GyaO ! Channel ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yukkii's radio DJ gig [BAYLINE Go! Go!] 1600-1850 Chiba local bayfm Every Fri Meetan Regular cast on BS-JAPAN [ギルガメッシュLIGHT] 2300- Yukkii cast in NTV [週末にしたい10のこと! ] 0203-0248 Every Sat Sayanee radio DJ gig [CORE ☆ kawaiI] 2000-2030 Yokohama FM Yuirin radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan Regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] 0200-0430 Haruchan RADIO Drama JFN [志村けんのファーストステージ~はじめの一歩~] Duration 1 hour Every SAT 1900 FM Gunma FM ふくしま FM Fukui FM Shiga FM Okayama FM Yamaguchi FM Kagawa FM Saga FM Kumamoto FM Oita Every SAT 2000 FM Miyazaki Every SUN-MON 2000 FM Tochigi & Haruchan regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Every Sun CinDy with WH7 regular radioshow ALL NIGHT NIPPON Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 Natsuaki the twins as MC for their own LIVE radioshow [ナツアキサンデーサプリ] 1200-1330 Every Alternate Sun Chaki Special guest on rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Aug1 Weds Serinko Guest Appearances on TV NHK [Rの法則] 0000-0030 Repeat Broadcast Yuirin host AmoebaStudios Premium LIVE SP 2130-2300 Aimin featured publications interview in magazine [Monthly Debut] Yukarin guest on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! ] channel Watanabe Plus 2000-2100 viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Wantanabe Entertainment & Performing with Clef LIVE & in their CD release [ One Luv ~ Summer ~ feat. SATO Yukari ] promotions iTunes at all sites(R), UTA full delivery Aug2 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearances on TV EX [お願いランキング] 0020-0115 CX [アンビリーバボ] 2000-2100 CinDy Special host as WH7 rep 32nd High School Students Quiz Convention Hiroshima Round Kazuchii Aug 2nd commence Every Other Thurs Next one is Aug16 then followed by Aug28 joins the regular cast of AmoebaStudios' AmeSuta Premiun LIVE broadcast 2200-2300 Aug3 Fri Serinko Guest Appearances on TV CX [奥の深道] 2000-2100 Aug4 Sat Serinko Guest Appearances on TV TX [ざっくりハイボール] 0120-0210 NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 TBS [サタネプベストテン] 1900-~2054 NTV [今答えが気になるクイズ キニなう。] 1330-1430 KONYAN Nico Nico LIVE Nippon Mens' Football Team Guest Commentator 2012 London Olympics Mens' Football Quarter-Finals Match Nippon Mens' Team WON & advance into SEMI-finals for the 1st time in 44 years but defeated 3-1 by Mexico in SEMIs now fighting for Bronze Medal 1930- Yuirin MC host for [JOL] Harajuku Store DanceOff Event 1300 Session 1 1500 Session 2 Imakichi 1st LIVE showcasing all original songs Chaki as Special Guest Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] sponsoring all the outfits' accessories Shibuya PLUG 1930- Yukarin Performing with Clef LIVE & in their CD release [ One Luv ~ Summer ~ feat. SATO Yukari ] promotions Nagoya Mitsukoshi Sakae NTT Specialty Shop lachic 1F 16:00- Opening act: Daishoin Temple Aug 4th SAT 1500/1900 5th SUN 1300/1700 Meetan cast in stage musical 4th production run of [ FIRE HIPS' HeartBreak Dance ] ShimoKitazawa Town Hall produced by Higashi Takahiro ... 8&afid=w02 Aug5 Sun Serinko Guest Appearances on TV TBS [EXILE魂] 2200-2300 Aug6 Mon Serinko Guest Appearances on TV CX [ネプリーグ] 1900-2054 SDN 6 member REUNION event Haruchan Yuirin KONYAN Aimin & the TWINS performing in [かりーね。THE LIVE] Special on former SDN48 members Haruchan & Yuirin as the main talkhosts Shiba, Shibaura Studio Cube 326 1900-2130 the Digest of the Event will be broadcast later in the month on CS sky PERFECTV! In the [Pigoo HD] Ch.663 Yuirin MC host for [JOL] Harajuku Store Anniversary Event Aug7 Tues KONYAN Special Jury for AVEX [a-nation] dance contest Shibuya AX 1430- Yuirin featured publications [Slot machine gaming strategy & tactics magazine] release Yuirin Product Endorsement for SANYO's new slot machine [Saint Seiya] Meetan [The Return of Kuchisake Onna] DVD sales commemorative event Akihabara, Kami Hall 3rd Level Kami SPACE 1730-1815 ... 120706970/ Haruchan featured publications Asahi Performing Art Series [ Interview with Terry Ito-san] Aimin Guest Appearanceon Amesuta AmoebaStudios 2130-2230 Yukarin 10th Generation Apprentice Assistant MC host on [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 following the footsteps of CinDy (6th Gen)in Apr & Mamitan (8th Gen)in Jun Special Guest Meetan & immediately followed by [Yukari Sato host premium live] broadcast 2215- through AmebaStudios Aug8 Wed Rachel host AmeSuta Premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios Special Guest Nontii 2200-2300 Yuminta Guest Appearance on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! Channel ] broadcast through Watanabe Plus 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Meetan guest appearance in [Honey School LIVE ChatShow SP] Summer Extended Special 2100-2230 CinDy Launches NEW Personal Culinary Blog [男子食堂] creates & offers easy to cook home dishes based on suggestions from registered members of the blog to sign up as members Imakichi Beach House Event LIVE performance (she is one of many acts, her turn is at 1730) [xoxo hug me L party♡] by Limousine SIHO & Mayu Karada Factory Beach Resort (just behind Enoshima Aquarium) 1530- Aug8&22 Weds Yuirin MC for radioshow [Taka Yui Maruhan Press] 2200- Kiba Studio Shibuya Aug8-15 Weds-Weds HANA cast in stage musical [ CABARET ON THE SEA ] Green Theater BIG TREE THEATER Aug9 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearances on TV CX [フジテレビからの] 0155-0325 EX [お願いランキング] 0040-0145 Yuirin MC for [Color-i Luxury Collection VOL 1] Fashion Show Concert 1730- Yokohoma Blitz Aug10 Fri Serinko Guest Appearances on TV EX [ぷっすま] 0120-0150 Oshirichan J:COM broadcast [つながるGO!GO!]の[今月の絶対はずさない!プラチナ本] Reads Recommended Book of the Month 1155-1300 Chaki Guest DJ x DJ Mizuno for Club 333 [Night View Tokyo Tower] Masamin's fashion brand [SMIR NASLI] featured in [美人百花] magazine & [SWEET] Sep issue Aug11 Sat Serinko Guest Appearances on TV NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 21:00-2154 NTV [アンキング] 1330-1430 Rachel with the cast of stage musical [RENT] present [Season of LOVE] an event to celebrate the diversity of society by promoting awareness & prevention of HIV Aids Yoyogi Park Event Area Outdoor Stage 1100-1800 Misakko Imakichi & Miray-SHOGUN triple SDN Special Guests Performers on KEIZ-san Shin Koenji LIVE 1300- Imakichi hosting Amesuta premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios 2100-2200 Maatan Guest appaerance on Kanayan's Amesuta Premium Live Broadcast through AmoebaStudios 2100-2200 Yukarin Performing with Clef LIVE & in their CD release [ One Luv ~ Summer ~ feat. SATO Yukari ] promotions Clef CD event at Okayama ARIO Kurashiki Aug12 Sun Serinko Guest Appearances on TV TBS [GAREGE SALE] 1400-1500 Aimin & the TWINS Natsuaki starring in LIVE TALKSHOW FM RainBow Town [かりーね。&BEAST!THE LIVE ] VOL 2 Shiba Shibaura Studio Cube 1900-2100 Yukarin Performing with Clef LIVE & in their CD release [ One Luv ~ Summer ~ feat. SATO Yukari ] promotions Clef CD event at Oita Park Misakko's 5th ONE MAN LIVE Shibuya Grande [Next spot light☆ミサイタル] vol.5 Guest Rupin 1400- Aug13 Mon Yukarin together with Clef guest on Nontii's [BAY FM78 ON8] promoting Clef's mini album [ One Luv ~ Summer ~ feat. SATO Yukari ] 2000- Aug14 Tues Yukarin 10th Generation Apprentice Assistant MC host on [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 following the footsteps of CinDy (6th Gen)in Apr & Mamitan (8th Gen)in Jun Special Guest Marinaru & immediately followed by [Yukari Sato host premium live] broadcast 2215- through AmebaStudios Aug14 & 15 / Tues & Weds Ki-bou's [Smile for You VOL2 -劇団木本夕貴 LIVE SP ] with 10min LIVE performance, handshakes fans appreciation & photo sessions Each day 3 sessions with 60 fans per session 1. 1200-1400 2. 1530-1730 3. 1900-2100 Senkawa Navi Aug15 Weds Mamitan & Umeko 2nd Outing Mini SDN 1st GEN reunion guests on fellow 1st Gen Nachuhamu radio show [GyAO] live webcast through WatanabePlus 2100-2200 viewable only in Japan though due to Watanabe Entertainment enforcement of licensing rights Aug16 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearances on TV EX [お願いランキング] 0040-0145 TBS [ひみつの嵐ちゃん] 2200-2300 CX [とんねるずのみなさんのおかげでした] 2100-2154 Kazuchii performing in TBS Akasaka Summer Holidays SP LIVE event 1430- ... 20816.html Pikachu Guest Appearance on TV Asahi [いきなり!黄金伝説。] 1900-1954 Natsuaki the twins guest appearance on NicoNicoLIVE broadcast [Aki☆Tame ! ] 2157-2300 Aug17 Fri Marinaru One Man Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Natsuaki the twins special guest performance in Shibuya LIVE DESEO LOVE ALL 1800- Masamin's fashion brand [SMIR NASLI] featured in [JELLY] Oct issue Serinko Guest Appearance on TV 岩手めんこい/CX [前人未到!!かみわ座] 1900-2054 TKU/CX [輝け!日本のムダ大賞] 1900-2054 TBS [ひみつの嵐ちゃん] 2200-2300 Aug18 Sat HANA & Hiichan [カフェユナイテッド as Cafe Managers of the Day Two Man LIVE talkshow & Handshake events] 海の家 Cafe Southern Beach Chigasaki City Kanagawa 1500- Part 1 Two Man LIVE talkshow Part 2 Handshake events Part 3 Summer Food VIKING Imakichi hosting Amesuta premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios 2100-2200 Yukarin Performing with Clef LIVE & in their CD release [ One Luv ~ Summer ~ feat. SATO Yukari ] promotions Clef CD event at Tokyo Toyosu LaLaPort Kazuchii featured publication Interview in [fAUG] new music magazine Ki-bou's movie debut NEWS release Ki-bou plays the role of Nishimura-san's daughter in the movie [HOUSE] filming commence mid-OCT & will screen nation wide May 2013 Release of [Kingdom Idol DVD Sales Ranking] Haruchan's 1st Image Gravure [Kohara Biyori こはるん日和] DVD Ranked Monthly 1st & Overall TOP TEN for the first half of 2012 Meetan Guest Appearance on Tokyo TV broadcast 0110-0135 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV Aug18 Sat NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 NTV [アンキング] 1330-1430 Aug18-19 Sat & Sun Aimin special guest for the twins [☆Natsuaki 23rd Birthday Bash 2012☆] 18th 1400-1700 19th 1600-1900 to be extended well into evening [Natsuaki Birthday Matsuri 2012~Extra Innings ♡~] Akihabara Café Lounge Hermate Aug18-19 Sat & Sun Chaki cast as daily special guest in stage musical [ボイルドシュリンプ] Ikebukuro theater the KASSAI August Meetan Trading Cards Release & Sales Commemorative Events PRE-ORDER already commenced & Meetan instituted points card system for attendees at her events BIRTHDAY BASH/Trading Cards Sales Commemorative Events Aug19 Sun Akihabara Tower Books 3 sessions Sep8 Sat 1st session Shinjuku 2nd session Nagoya Marinaru Panel Commentator for Tokyo RaceCourse Media RoundTable Seminar Oshirichan Guest Appearance on Kadokawa Bunko Summer SP Nico Nico LIVE [Super Summer Matsuraa] Four Hour extended special 1800-2200 Aug20 Mon Hamachi Special Guest Appearance on Nico Nico LIVE through CAPCOM 2100- Masamin's fashion brand featured in 主婦の友社 [mina] Oct issue Serinko featured publications 主婦の友社 [mina] Oct Issue Aug21 Tues Haruchan featured publications [ Young Champion ] No.9 Cover & Gravure Photos Yukarin 10th Generation Apprentice Assistant MC host on [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 following the footsteps of CinDy (6th Gen)in Apr & Mamitan (8th Gen)in Jun & immediately followed by [Yukari Sato host premium live] broadcast 2215- through AmebaStudios CinDy & Hiichan Guests Appearance on nottv[AKB48のあんた、誰?] 1700-1800 Akihabara Theater vicinity, akb48 cafe & shop Aug22 Weds CinDy 2nd Outing as guest on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! ] channel Watanabe Plus 2100-2200 viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Wantanabe Entertainment CinDy Nontty & Yukarin Guest Appearance on nottv[AKB48のあんた、誰?] 1700-1800 Akihabara Theater vicinity, akb48 cafe & shop Aug23 Thurs Mamitan & Umeko performing in BS-TBS Summer Party [REAL ETUDE] Akasaka BLITZ 1930- Pikachu guest appearance in [Haruka Tanizawa, Ijiri Okada & Megumi Rika hosts LOVE Women's Association] 2100-2200 & immediately followed by [Mamitan & Umeko Q&A premium broadcast] 2215-2315 Nontty CinDy & Yukarin Guest Appearance on nottv[AKB48のあんた、誰?] 1700-1800 Akihabara Theater vicinity, akb48 cafe & shop Masamin's fashion brand featured in 講談社 [ViVi] Oct Issue Serinko featured publications 講談社 [ViVi] Oct Issue 講談社 [VOCE] Oct Issue Aug24 Fri Tokyo Dome 1830-no-ume Day1, M04 [Aitakatta] Nontty Meetan CinDy Yukarin Haruchan HANA Hiichan CinDy in jest christen as SDN's very own KAMI 7 squeeze their hot bods back into their 7-year old Seifukus & took to the stage to fulfill TKDM dreams with the rest of the 1st to 3rd GEN AKB YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY BETTER LATE THAN NEVER BUT AKS OWE IT TO THE REST OF SDN TO LET THEM PERFORM THERE TOO Maatan Jyuri & MiyuMiyu performing in [2012 Tokyo Summer Matsuri] 1720-1740 mini live as [Avex Entertainment Set] After the gig, the 3 plans to sell beer, the sales proceeds will go to Great East Japan disaster Relief & Recovery Funds Odaiba Rainbow Park Yurikamome line Odaiba Kaihin Park STA. alight, next to Odaiba Gakuen Tohoku disaster relief fund raising through shaved ice, oysters & beer stalls, Lottery with great prizes , special stage: kids dance, Hula dance, LIVE bands, Odaiba Bon fireworks KONYAN particpating in Sea House gravure events [It's Summer ! It's Swimsuits ! It's UMIGOYA ! ] Gravure talentos descend on the beach Sea House UMIGOYA Kanagawa, Miura-gun Hayama Hayama imperial villa soles beach From either JR-zushi station or Hayama Hayama line bus walk about 3 minutes 50 persons only @50.000 yen (includes one drink) Contents: talkshow, watermelons feast, gravure shooting, cooking showdown(subject to change) More announcements from time to time here @[Idol geki マチコレ] mobile Meetan Nontty CinDy & Yukarin Guest Appearance on nottv[AKB48のあんた、誰?] 1700-1800 Akihabara Theater vicinity, akb48 cafe & shop Serinko Guest Appearance on TV Aug24 Fri NTV [アナザースカイ] 2300-2330 NHK [QB4] 0025-0138 Aug25 Sat Imakichi SP Event Megumi 1 Day Store Manager Bar Matsuri Nai Seji Ken Bar Four Sessions each 90mins 1300 1500 1700 1900 Yukarin Performing with Clef LIVE & in their CD release [ One Luv ~ Summer ~ feat. SATO Yukari ] promotions Clef CD event at Saitama Yono AEON MALL Aug26 Sun KONYAN guest apprearance on TV YTV [Ameagari Kesshitai 雨上がり決死隊のモテカツV] 0159-0259 Imakichi hosting Amesuta premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios 2100-2200 Misakko's 2nd Special 33 Events Mini LIVE, Kampei, Games Convention & Commemorative 2 shots 2-8-15 Tomigaya Hatagaya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, JapanBldg. 301 Hata months Valley K3 3 Sessions 1300 1500 1700 Aug25-26 Sat & Sun NTV 24hour Charity Telethon [35 Ai wa Chikyuu wo Sukuu] As MAIN MC in Yokohama, Nissan global headquarters Gallery Meetan as special guest with her in Yokohama & RumiRumi as special guest on UMK TV Miyazaki's simulcast through UMK Sports Studio Aug26-28 Sun-Tues Aimin Special Guest Appearance on @TV [デ☆ビューCh] Special 3 DAYS [SUMMER MATSURI] celebrating the end of Summer 26th 1400- 28th 1800- Aug27 Mon Whole Day Special Guest Appearance on [Miyaneya] TV Maartje live setting 1355-1550 [Birdman contest 2012] Part 1 1550-1625 Kansai information net [ten!] 1625-1753 Yomiuri TV 1900-2054 [Birdman contest 2012] Part 2 Aug27-28 Sun & Mon Nachuhamu MC for Waku・WakuHappySeminar JOL 2F Harajuku 1210-1630 Aug28 Tues Yukarin 10th Generation Apprentice Assistant MC host on [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! ] 2100-2200 following the footsteps of CinDy (6th Gen)in Apr & Mamitan (8th Gen)in Jun WITH SPECIAL GUEST KAZUCHII coming on at the half hour & immediately followed by [Yukari Sato host premium live] broadcast 2215- through AmebaStudios Nontty Guest Appearance on Nico Nico LIVE [ロトナン宝くじチャンネル] Monthly for 6 months 1810- Aug29 Weds Pikachu Extraordinary bakers × ACTOR's TRASH ASSH collaboration performance PandASSH! Vol.1 [Kaoru & Korai dog] round event guest performer 1900- Aug31 Fri KONYAN's BBQ EVENT for END of SUMMER WRAP UP PARTY 1130-1300 Aimin cast in 1st stage musical presented by Amazing [ビーナスファンタジスタ ~Thecrescendo in my heart~] 1500 & 1900 Red Akasaka Theater Marinaru One Man Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Ki-bou 2nd Outing as Guest DJ for [Tokyo Tower club333] 1930-2100 Location Tokyo Tower observation level 1 deck special stage HP
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours SEPTEMBER Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every MON Nontii Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000- Yuirin regular cast of MX TV [OTOBOKE Bar] 1100- Ki-bou Host own Live show [劇団木本夕貴] 1800-1845 Every Tues Serinko on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 KONYAN Co-host [白黒アンジャッシュ] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- KONYAN Panel Guests on Radio Nikkei Real Estate Investment [みんなでしっかり財形ライフ!] 1510-1600 Every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month Yukkii [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every Wed Haruchan on regular cast [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Yuirin cast in NTV [ピロロン学園] 2358-0153 Nontty co=host Saitama TV [ パチFUN!! 野呂佳代 噂のホールぶらり旅 ] 2359- Every 3rd Weds of the month KONYAN guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 Every Alternate Weds Kazuchii host [TwinPlanet Channel ] 2100-2200 Every Thurs Ki-bou Guest on live internet broadcast [SMA Party] 1800-1845 Sony Music Artiste through Oduruku tv Nachuhamu [GyaO ! Channel ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yukkii's radio DJ gig [BAYLINE Go! Go!] 1600-1850 Chiba local bayfm Meetan Co-host with Ijiri Okada sama [Honey School LIVE Chatshow] 2100-2200 Every Fri Meetan Regular cast on BS-JAPAN [ギルガメッシュLIGHT] 2300- Yukkii cast in NTV [週末にしたい10のこと! ] 0203-0248 Every Sat Sayanee radio DJ gig [CORE ☆ kawaiI] 2000-2030 Yokohama FM Yuirin radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan Regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] 0200-0430 Haruchan RADIO Drama JFN [志村けんのファーストステージ~はじめの一歩~] Duration 1 hour Every SAT 1900 FM Gunma FM ふくしま FM Fukui FM Shiga FM Okayama FM Yamaguchi FM Kagawa FM Saga FM Kumamoto FM Oita Every SAT 2000 FM Miyazaki Every SUN-MON 2000 FM Tochigi & Haruchan regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Every Sun CinDy with WH7 regular radioshow ALL NIGHT NIPPON Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 Natsuaki the twins as MC for their own LIVE radioshow [ナツアキサンデーサプリ] 1200-1330 Every Alternate Sun Chaki Special guest on rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Sep1 Sat Masamin's GRAND OPENING of her [SMIR NASLI] shopspace Lumine EST 4F Shinjuku various SDN members trickled in to send their well wishes including Haruchan Sayanee Nachuhamu Mamitan Umeko KONYAN Yuminta Kiibou HANA Hamachii Serinko Oshirichan Pikachu Chaki Sakuran Jyuri Yuirin & SiYEON AND the openings of : Sep14 Fri Branch store in Osaka 5F OPA Shisaibashi Sep20 Thurs - Sep26 Weds Nagoya 1F Maruei Limited Store AND Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] featured publications : [VOGUE girl No.4] [SCAWAII] Oct Issue [GINA no.6] [GLITTER] Oct Issue [JELLY] Nov Issue [ViVi] Nov Issue [Ray] Nov issue Yuirin Special guest appearance on TV NHK-E TV [DESIGN] 0700- OA Launch of [BIMAIJIN] facebook with Imakichii as the 1st CoverGirl [BIMAIJIN] is a beauty & beauty related products portal which will be officially launched in Nov Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [輝け!日本のムダ大賞] 0250-0350 CX [なまうま] 0125-0155 NHK [ケータイ大喜利] 0005-0049 NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 TBS [サタネプ ベストテン] 1900-2054 Sep2 Sun Aimin Guest appearance on [Kariine かりーね。THE LIVE] OA 1900-2000 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV MBS [アカルイ☆ミライ] 1957-2054 Sep4 Tues Serinko Guest Appearance on TV YTV [浜ちゃんが] 0159-0229 TBS [リンカーン] 2200-2300 Sep5 Weds Kazuchii 2nd outing on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! Channel ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Misakko special guest on Kanayan's AmoebaStudios Amesuta Premium LIVE broadcast 2200- Sep6 Thurs Kazuchii Hosting AmoebaStudios Amesuta Premiun LIVE broadcast 2200-2300 Mamitan's 25th Birthday Bash with Umeko [Plum Mami ER event ; Kato Mami Last Night as 24 year-old] Shibuya GLAD 1900- Mini-LIVE,Talkshow, Special Games Competition sh=2&d=51670a9138 Pikachu Special guest appearance on popular TV program TV Ashai [いきなり!黄金伝説。] latest season! [ I want to go with my family to Popular best 6 all you can eat store, Mission Objective ; Attempt to consume a GRAND Total of 42. 195 kg ! Sep7 Fri KONYAN guest on TV AICHI's [Six Hunters] 0058- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV ABC [どや顔サミット] 2100-2154 Sep8 Sat CinDy special guest appearance in [Tokyo German Village OCTORBERFEST SPECIAL] Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Autumn Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Meetan Trading cards Sales Commemorative Event 1st session 1200 Fukuyama Shoten Shinjuku Subnade 2nd session 1700 Mintponyrand Nagoya Guest Appearance on radio 76.1 InterFM SATURDAY DRIVING BREEZE 1100-1330 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [なまうま] 0125-0155 NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 Sep8 Sat, 11 Tues, 15 Sat KONYAN Guest Appearance on BeeTV Tokyo Dockery collection Sep9 Sun Maatan Special Guest on @1300-1345 Natsuaki the twins own LIVE radioshow [ナツアキサンデーサプリ] 1200-1330 Yuirin MC host fellow agency's stablemate Miyamoto Tusbaki-sama's DVD release event Sep9, 16 & 23 Sun Meetan Guest Appearance on TV Tokyo 0210-0235 Sep10 Mon Aimin Special guest appearance on Chiba TV [ONGAX] 2100- OA CinDy Yukarin & Haruchan Guest Appearance on nottv[AKB48のあんた、誰?] 1700-1800 Akihabara Theater vicinity, akb48 cafe & shop Hamachii Regular cast as NewsPresenter [きーぽん&手束真知子のニコジョッキー#1] 2100- Sep10&17 Mon KONYAN Guest Appaerance on TV CS [ガケっぷち] 2200-2230 Sep11 Tues Serinko Guest Appearance on TV YTV [浜ちゃんが] 0159-0229 TBS [リンカーン] 2200-2300 Meetan & KONYAN special guest appearance on [ガリゲル] Yomiuri TV & Kansai TV 0053- Sep12 Weds Serinko featured publications 角川春樹事務所 [美人百花] Oct Issue Natsuaki the TWINS Guest Appearance on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! Channel ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Sep12-17 Weds-Mon Double SDN cast MiyuMiyu & Jyuri in stage musical [Place] AQUA Studio ALSO Hiichan cast in stage musical [ワラワレ] produced by Play Group Project Vol 1 Shinjuku Lyer Theatre Near Cathedral Sep12-17 Weds-Mon Hiichan cast in stage musical [ワラワレ] produced by Play Group Project Vol 1 Shinjuku Lyer Theatre Near Cathedral Sep13 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [THE歌NAMA] 1900-2100 Sep14 Fri Marinaru One Man Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 KONYAN Pachiko Parlors PRs & Spokeswoman includes autograph & handshake sessions Toyoma Prefecture 1330 Takaoka arena 1540 Apollo Nagata 1715 Apollo nonomura City store 1845 DSG world 2020 Kataoka Dai Shogun Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [ピラメキーノ] 1800-1830 Sep15 Sat Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Autumn Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage KONYAN Pachiko Parlors PRs & Spokeswoman includes autograph & handshake sessions Ishikawa Prefecture 1100 dud 1220 DSG arena 1410 Apollo Seigen 1535 Terai Dai Shogun 1640 Terai Apollo 1805 Komatsu Dai Shogun Serinko Guest Appearances on TV NTV [ヒトログ] 1330-1430 NTV [ゴーストママ捜査線] 2100-2154 CX [なまうま] 0105-0135 Sep16 Sun Aimin performing in Hideki Shimizu-sama & Hitoshi Ando-sama present [まるごとライブ] Club DEAD HEAD LAND 1700- Yuminta performing in [Sotsurai SURVIVAL] Yuminta's turn is at 2030 TH Hall Suita city Osaka 1900- KONYAN Pachiko Parlors PRs & Spokeswoman includes autograph & handshake sessions Fukushima Prefecture 1140 County mountain shop 1500 Sukagawa shop 1750 矢野目 shop Serinko Guest Appearances on TV YTV [秘密のケンミンSHOW] Repeat Broadcast 1235-1330 CX [アカン警察] 1958-2054 Sep17 Mon Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Autumn Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Imakichii Host AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE Chaki as special guest 2100- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [遊☆戯☆王ゼアルワールドチャンピオンシップ 2012] Sep17 Mon, holiday Aimin's Debut SINGLE !!! Instore [VIVI de ラッキー buu] CD release commemorative event (mini Live & handshakes) Tower Records Shinjuku shop 7 F events 19:00- & Sep18 Tues [VIVI de ラッキー buu] CD actual release Sep19 Weds Jyuri & MiyuMiyu Guest Appearance on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! Channel ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TBS [快傑グッジョブ] 1900-2100 Sep19 & 26 Weds Misakko special guest appearance on Haraguchi-sama's [今がぱちドキッ!] Tokyo MX Hotel Pachinko Parlor 2300- Sep20 Thurs Yuirin free paper [FILT] Interview with Mikoto Ohtake-san KONYAN Guest on Yukkii's regular RADIO program [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2200-2300 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TBS [7DAYSミッション] 1900-2100 Sep20-23 Thurs-Sun Triple SDN cast Maatan with the twins in stage musical [MOTHER~特攻の母 鳥濱トメ物語~] 2012 AirStudio production New National Theater/theaterette Sep21 Fri Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu performing as [AVEX Entertainment Set] in [S.S.S(サンシャインストリートステージ)Vol.29 Anniversary Special Stage] SunShine Street Stage Mini-LIVE at 1730 SunShine City Fountain Square viewable live on day of show KONYAN NEW Gravure DVD release [New Select Way] Yuirin V!NYL SYNDICATE free fashion paper & パチスロ激魂 [猿が如く] Chaki Guest appearance in Fuji TV [monomane kohaku utagassen'] 1900- NeNe performing in [BECOME THE LEGEND] NeNe's turn @ 1725 Shibuya VUENOS Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [ピラメキーノ] Repeat Broadcast 0800-0825 Sep22 Sat Hoilday Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Autumn Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Nachuhamu MC for [TwinTails Matsuri] Japan TwinTails Association Collaboration Event Laforet Museum Harajuku Meetan Guest appearance on [eながのフェスタ2012] Nagano broadcasting systems NBS Misakko Pachinko Parlor PR & Spokeswoman Autograph & Handshake Events Kansai PAO izumiotsu 1400 PAO Chisato 1600 PAO Yamato Koizumi 1740 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [マジかるハテナ] 0120-0220 Sep22 Sat 1700 Sep23 Sun 1200 Hauchan cast in stage musical [チンチン電車と女学生]Hiroshima Theatre's production to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Hiroshima Electric Railway train operations Hiroshima International Phoenix Conference Hall Sep22&29 Sat Chaki cast in recital play [ゴミスイッチ!] & talkshow (duration 30 mins) Sep22 Tokyo CS fort fumotoya Sep29 Chiba Friendly Plaza Sep23 Sun Serinko featured publications 小学館 [CanCam] Nov Issue 主婦の友社 [Ray] Nov Issue Imakichii Jyuri Aimin NeNe & MiyuMiyu performing LIVE in [Sunday Night PHOENIX live story] Meguro persimmon large hall Yuirin Guest Appearance on BS Fuji TV [第2弾!シネマ情報 最前線!] 1700- Aimin performing in [Fukuro Matsuri] in charity aid of Tohoku Recovery 1230- Ikebukuro Park West Gate Sep24 Mon Haruchan featured publications Gravure in [SMART] November Issue Sep24 Mon Haruchan(MC) Aimin(MC) Yuirin(MC) co-hosting Imakichii KONYAN & Pikachu as guests performing in [かりーね。THE LIVE] Studio Cube 326 Shibaura 1900- Sep25 Tues ChuChu Guest appearance on Fuji TV 2 hour Special [カスぺ!・なかよしテレビSP Caspar Petra! • CHUM TV SP] 1900-2100 Meetan Guest appearance on TV Nippon broadcasting daytime series [ラジオビバリー昼ズ] 1130-1300 & with KONYAN Yomiuri TV ガリゲル[夜どうなってんの?in天王寺] 0053-0123 Nontty appearing in Nico Nico Douga LIVE ハマカーン&野呂佳代の[当たんの佳代!!] Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TBS [あの日に帰りたい] 1900-2054 Sep26 Weds Meetan Guest Appearance on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! Channel ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 but viewable only in Japan due to strict enforcement of licensing rights by Watanabe Entertainment Umeko Guest appearance on radio journal of Rock brothers & 30-DELUX YAROO!! Gentleman activity Committee Nontty performing in Celebrity Philharmonic chorus Led by Kuniko Yamada [ハートネットTV Hartnett TV]educational television 2000- Serinko PR event plugging the DVD release of American TV series [PanAm] decked out in the uniform of TV series 50's era PanAmerican Airways Fight Attendant Sep27 Thurs Aimin's Debut SINGLE !!! Instore [VIVI de ラッキー buu] CD release commemorative event PART 2 (special Live & handshakes) SPECIAL GUEST Natsuaki the TWINS Tower Records Akihabara Yuirin CS TV Premium Drama [Ristorante Junichi] 1600- Imakichii Haruchan Jyuri MiyuMiyu & Maatan as special guests on [Haruka Tanizawa, Ijiri Okada & Megumi Rika hosts LOVE Women's Association] 2100-2200 & immediately followed by [Q&A premium broadcast] 2215-2315 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [みみたこ] 1900-2100 Sep28 Fri Mairnaru One Man Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Natsuaki the TWINS performing in [Idol Stadium] with guests YGA, After School, Princess Mt.RAINIER HALL SHIBUYA PLEASURE PLEASURE 1800- NeNe hosting AmoebaStudios Q&A [Fukuda Zhu Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2030-2130 Serinko Guest Appearances on TV TX [ピラメキーノ] 1800-1830 EX [アメトークSP] 1900-2200 Sep29 Sat Hamchii [Machiko Onsen Sommelier Bus Tour Special Event ] at Yamanashi Prefecture onsen selected from Japan's TOP 100 ONSEN with fellow same generation SKE graduate Yuirin as guest assistant includes skinny dipping soaking in mixed baths & footspa, 2-shots in foot spa, Homemade breakfast, Viking Banquet lunch & dinner, games & mini LIVE Place of Departure & Dismissal : Shinjuku Nishiguchi 1000-2130 Haruchan 1st SOLO FAN EVENT [小春ん。秋祭り!~みんなできゅるるん~] Asakusa Bashi BUNGAJAN-ブンガジャン-(Taito-ku, Tokyo0 Afternoon session 1400- Evening session 1800- Mini live (about 30 minutes),Talkshow, Lottery raffle with Prizes giveaway & Handshake greetings Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Autumn Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Serinko Guest Appearances on TV TBS [オールスター感謝祭] 1830-2345 CX [なまうま] 0105-0135 Sep30 Sun Misakko Imakichii Aimin & Pikachu performing in Asia Idol Parade 2012 Marinaru as MC ClubAsia Shibuya 1435-1445 Marinaru MC 1445-1505 Misakko perf 1505-1525 Aimi perf 1530-1555 Imakichii perf 1555-1615 Pikachu perf. 1615-1625 All 5 SDN members talkshow Aimin performing in Imai Hideaki-sama presents [FRIENDS vol.2] TV Asahi multipurpose event space umu TV Asahi head office 1F 6-9-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 1800- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [みんなのKEIBA] 1500-1600 スカパー![ココロ動く!] 2100-2300 Sep30 Sun commence thereafter every Sun Umeko Assitant DJ to DJNIRO in new program [NIHK (ニーエイチケイ)] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE ... st_id=1038
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours OCTOBER Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every MON Nontty Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000- Ki-bou Host own Live show [劇団木本夕貴] 1800-1845 Every Tues Serinko regular cast on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 KONYAN Co-host [白黒アンジャッシュ] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- KONYAN Panel Guests on Radio Nikkei Real Estate Investment [みんなでしっかり財形ライフ!] 1510-1600 Every 2nd & 4th Tues of the month Yukkii [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every Wed Haruchan on regular cast [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Yuirin cast in NTV [ピロロン学園] 2358-0153 Nontty co=host Saitama TV [ パチFUN!! 野呂佳代 噂のホールぶらり旅 ] 2359- Every 3rd Weds of the month KONYAN guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 Every Alternate Weds Kazuchii host [TwinPlanet Channel ] 2100-2200 Every Thurs Ki-bou Guest on live internet broadcast [SMA Party] 1800-1845 Sony Music Artiste through Oduruku tv Nachuhamu host her own [GyaO ! Nachu Channel なちゅチャンネル ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yukkii's radio DJ gig [BAYLINE Go! Go!] 1600-1850 Chiba local bayfm Meetan Co-host with Ijiri Okada sama [Honey School LIVE Chatshow] 2100-2200 Every Fri Meetan Regular cast on BS-JAPAN [ギルガメッシュLIGHT] 2300- Yukkii cast in NTV [週末にしたい10のこと! ] 0203-0248 Every Sat Sayanee radio DJ gig [CORE ☆ kawaiI] 2000-2030 Yokohama FM Yuirin radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan Regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] 0200-0430 Haruchan RADIO Drama JFN [志村けんのファーストステージ~はじめの一歩~] Duration 1 hour Every SAT 1900 FM Gunma FM ふくしま FM Fukui FM Shiga FM Okayama FM Yamaguchi FM Kagawa FM Saga FM Kumamoto FM Oita Every SAT 2000 FM Miyazaki Every SUN-MON 2000 FM Tochigi & Haruchan regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Every Sun CinDy with WH7 regular radioshow ALL NIGHT NIPPON Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 Natsuaki the twins as MC for their own LIVE radioshow [ナツアキサンデーサプリ] 1200-1330 Umeko Assitant DJ to DJNIRO in new program [NIHK (ニーエイチケイ)] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE ... st_id=1038 Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Autumn Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Every Alternate Sun Chaki Special guest on rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Oct1 Mon commence NeNe as guest & KiiBou as regular performer cast in [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss] every Monday 2000-2145 Oct1 Mon Serinko Guest Appearances on TV スカパー!『ココロ動く!] Repeat Broadcast 0700-0900 TX [ピラメキーノ] 1800-1830 TBS [世界衝撃映像] 1900-2100 Oct2 Tues commence thereafter every Tues Yukkii cast as regular in NEW TV program Saitama TV Kanagawa [神奈月&相川友希の大逆転実況ぱちドキッ!] 2330- Oct2 Tues Serinko Guest Appearance on TV EX [中居正広の怪しい図書館] 2315-0015 Oct3 Weds KONYAN & Yukkii as guests on Nachhamus [GyaO ! Nachu Channel なちゅチャンネル] Watanabe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [耐Q] 2358-0058 Mamitan Guest appearance on radio journal of Rock brothers & 30-DELUX YAROO!! Gentleman activity Committee Meetan Guest Appearance on TV NHK BS premium [女神ビジュアル] 2315-2345 TV Asahi BS premium [恋するドライブ] 2330- Aimin @ PRESS CONFERENCE for [TOKYO RAMEN SHOW] Held rain or shine from Oct26 Fri - Nov4 Sun Aimin appointed as an official Special PR supporter in charge of Act II for the last 5 days PRESS CONFERENCE Oct3-8 Weds-Mon (Holiday) KiiBou cast in stage musical [ジェントルマンと私~A neighbor is Santa Claus~] Nakano the Pocket theaterette Oct4 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearances on TV TBS [爆問パニックフェイス] 2100-2300 EX [アメトーク総集編] 2315-0015 Oct5 Fri Pikachu performing in Girls Rock themed 3-Man LIVE [ASTRO HALL presents "NEW for CULTS] Harajuku ASTRO HALL 1830- mail form Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [ピラメキーノ] Repeat Broadcast 0800-0825 Oct6 Sat commence thereafter every Sat Yuirin Assitant MC on new show Chiba TV [サンドウィッチマン - クイズ ザ プライスショー the goods price show ] 2100- Mamitan as regular assistant on FM-FUJI STUDIO VIVID ★ [troupe samba carnival] ★2 hours weekly 2000-2200 Oct6 Sat Yukkii & KONYAN appearing at pachinko parlor event FREEDOM Osaka-shi Kita-ku, Kokubunji-2-1-1 Tenjin suji 6-Chome Station Exit 2 10 00 Autograph handshake & photo op Haruchan joins semi-regular cast in new program pilot episode [釣りロマンを求めて Fishing Romance Pursuit] TV Tokyo 1800- Serinko Guest Appearances on TV YTV [あさパラ] 0925- NTV [秋の番組対抗] 1830-2154 Masamin [SMIR NASLI} fasion brand featured publications Oct6 Sat [GLITTER] Nov Issue Oct7 Sun Natsuaki the TWINS performing in [痛G in Odaiba] Odaiba Rainbow town before Fuji TV 0930-1630 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TBS [注文の多い料理人] 1900-2100 Oct8 Mon Holiday Aimin performing in [Tsukuba ラーメンフェスタ 2012] research school station Park 1500- Imakichii Special Guest Performer on the stage of FMK-sama for Kumamoto Castle Festival Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu catwalk models for Diver City TOKYO Plaza×Girls Award Presents [ODAIBA FASHION FES 2012] Shinjuku loft (Festival Plaza 1300-1400 Kazuchii as guest & KiiBou as regular performer cast in [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss] 2000-2145 KONYAN DVD [NEW SELECT WAY] Release Sales Commemorative Event Softmap No.1 store Akihabara 1130- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [ピラメキーノ(再放送)] Repeat Broadcast 0800-0825 NTV [ダマされた大賞] 1900-2054 Oct9 Tues Kazuchii Hosting AmoebaStudios Amesuta Premiun LIVE broadcast 2200-2300 Chaki special guest appearance on Kanayan hosting AmoebaStudios Amesuta Premiun LIVE broadcast 2200-2300 MiyuMiyu special guest appearance on Aimin hosting [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Oct10 Weds Natsuaki the twins guest performing in Starmarie's CD release commemorative [brave hagana] party Live & handshake Akihabara Softmap アキバソフ No. 1 Shop 8F 1900- RumiRumi as guest on Nachhamus [GyaO ! Nachu Channel なちゅチャンネル] Watanabe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NHK [ひるブラ] 1220-1248 CX [金メダル] 1900-2054 NTV [ナカイの窓] 0013-0113 MBS [まぶしいチカラ] 2350-0050 Oct11 Thurs commence pilot episode thereafter every Thurs Oshirichan regular cast in Fuji TV Autumn Drama [結婚しない] 2200- Oct11 Thurs Aimin Haruchan & Yuirin performing in [BEAST!&かりーねTHE LIVE~秋の大収穫祭~] SHIBUYA o-East 1830- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV EX [アメトーク(総集編)] omnibus edition episode 2315-0015 Oct12 Fri Haruchan featured publications Hawaiian Image Gravure spread in Kodansha [FRIDAY フライデー] Marinaru One Man Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Masamin [SMIR NASLI} fasion brand featured publications Oct12 Fri Release [ 美人百花 ] Nov Issue [FUDGE] Nov Issue Serinko Guest Appearance on TV ABC [どや顔サミット] 1900-2054 Oct12-17 Fri-Weds NeNe cast in stage musical [Prince Of Darkness] Ueno Storehouse Oct13 Sat KiiBou 1st Calendar for 2013 release Sales commemorative event Haruchan 2013 Calendar release Sales Commemorative Events Pikachu guest appearance on TV [いきなり!黄金伝説。サタデー] 2200-2345 Natsuaki the TWINS Guest Appearance on TV Chiba TV quiz [THE PRICE SHOW] 2100-2130 Serinko runway catwalk models for TOKYO FASHION WEEK's [Tokyo Girls' Collection] Masamin Kazuchii Imakichii & Pikachu ran the marathon relay legs as a team in the [GUAM KO' KO' Road Race] Their trials & tribulations are documented in Osaka TV [嬢熱旅行~アイドル 汗と涙の友情駅伝 in グアム~ Ladies Tropical Travels~Celebrities' Sweat & Tears, Idols Friendship Relay Race in GUAM~] Digest to be aired on Nov10 Sat 0155-0226 The DVD with extensive gravure & other activities for the 4 days 3 nights trip will be release later in Nov as separate volumes Nov24 Sat [Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam] DVD VOL.1 Release Sales Commemorative Events Nova Sunshine Alpha Hall Oct14 Sun commence 1st round of the autumn GI series thereafter every Sun Hamachii hosts the Autumn GI Derby Awards [Horse racing forecast series] [デイリースポーツ ninemsn] Oct14 Sun Natsuaki Two Men LIVE Event [双子会議vol.1] Akihabara Cafe Lounge Hermate part 1 1600 part 2 2000 Oct15 Mon Nontty cast in Fuji TV [Ken Shimura-san no Baka tonosama] as みひろ姫 In peace Princess 1900-2054 Misakko hosting AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE 2100- KiiBou Movie Debut Ki-bou plays the role of Nishimura-san's daughter in the movie [家HOUSE] filming commence & will screen nation wide May 2013 Oct16 Tues MiyuMiyu special guest appearance on Aimin hosting [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Oct17 Weds Pikachu PR & Meet the FANs event @ Kawasaki RaceTrack On the release of smartphone for simulation horse racing [競馬シミュレーションアプリ 大馬神] 1700-2030 Oct19 Fri Chaki performing in [High at TOKYO] Tokyo Tower Base Town Hall, 1F, special hall Http:// KONYAN Guest Appearance on TV [アニメのキカク] 2200- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [所さんのそこんトコロ] 2100-2154 NHK [Shibuya Deep A] 0025-0124 Oct20 Sat Imakichii hosting AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE 2100- Nontty & Yukringo host 2 Man Meet the Fans event HIPS 1-8-16 Namba, Chuo-ku, Osaka includes Talkshow Trivia contests quiz Question & Answer 1800- KONYAN Guest Appearance on TV TBS [若手ディレクターと石橋の土曜の3回] 0218-0248 Oct21 Sun Pilot Episode of NHK BS Premium Drama [そこをなんとか Soko wo Nantoka] ChuChu plays the role [美美] 2200- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [マジかるハテナ(再放送)] Repeat Broadcast 1625-1725 Oct22 Mon Yuirin (MC) Haruchan (MC) Marinru (MC) Aimin (MC) co-hosting Maatan & MiyuMiyu as guests performing in [かりーね。THE LIVE] Studio Cube 326 Shibaura 1900- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [しゃべくり007] 2100-2315 Oct23 Tues Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [ピラメキーノ(再放送)] Repeat broadcast 0800-0825 CX [ベストハウス1.2.3] 1900-2054 Oct24 Weds Nachuhamu hosts with Meetan & Kazuchii as special guest GyaO [Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Special Public Broadcast Nico Nico LIVE Omotesando GROUND 1900 Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [笑っていいとも] 1200-1300 Oct24-28 Wed=Sun CinDy cast in stage musical [GO,JET!GO!GO!~ I LOVE YOUが言えなくて~] SPACE107 Shinjuku Oct25 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [とんねるののみなさんのおかげでした] 2100-2154 Rachel host AmeSuta Premium broadcast through AmoebaStudios 2200-2300 Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] featured publications [CanCam] Dec Issue Oct25-28 Thurs-Sun the TWINS Natsuaki cast in stage musical with Misakko's debut & Chaki for Autumn Wonderland project 2012 [Doubt! National public girls ' school] Ginza, hakuhinkan Theater Oct26 Fri Serinko Guest Appearance on TV ABC [どや顔サミット] 2100-2154 Marinaru One Man Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Oct27 Sat Masamin MC host for Press Conference for the immediate dissolution of Pikachu's Rock Band [Searako's Angels]せあら様(欲求不満王国) AND MERGER to form a new project unit with [Seikushi Sempei] unit (おいろけ先輩(お色気モンスター王国) which is actually Kazuchii to be called [Searako's Angels & the Seikushi Sempei] There will be auditions for more members At present there are 6 Kazuchii Pikachu Yuuna-sensei Sara Baby Shimoda Misaki & York Taisa Hitting the ground running there are already 2 upcoming concerts Dec 5 Shibuya WWW Dec 30 Harajuku Astro Hll Twin Box AKIHABARA (read: ツインボックスアキハバラ) 3-2-12, sotokanda Chiyoda, Tokyo BOX ' R アキハバラビル 1 basement 1700- Yukaringo appearing in OPEN LIVE of [ 細川茂樹SBSで行こう! Let's go by Hosokawa Shigeki SBS!] 1500- Matsuzakaya Shizuoka Shop 1F North Building venue Admission is free Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TX [フカボリン] 0025-0050 CX [なまうま] 0105-0135 Masamin [SMIR NASLI} fasion brand featured publications Oct27 Sat Release [vikka] Dec Issue Oct28 Sun Mamitan & Umeko Special Guest Appearance to promote their upcoming musical [ イエロー★yellow] at the Special curtain call of musical [★サ・ビ・タ~雨が運んだ愛~★] Aoyama round Theatre Fukuoka International Film Festival Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [行列のできる法律相談所] 2100-2158 Oct29 Mon Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [芸人報道] 0059-0129 Masamin [SMIR NASLI} fasion brand featured publications Oct29 Mon Release [Nail Art] Dec Issue Oct30 Tues Aimin host Amesuta AmoebaStudios 1830-1930 Oct31 Weds Natsuaki the twins performing in [Idol Stadium Halloween Special] Mt.RAINIER HALL SHIBUYA PLEASURE PLEASURE ... hp?id=1465 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [一番ソングSHOW] 1900-1956 CX [ピカルの定理] 2200-2300 Nachuhamu hosts GyaO [Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Special Public Broadcast Nico Nico LIVE Omotesando GROUND 1900 Rachel will be playing the role of Joanne in the Broadway Musical [Rent] Oct 30 Tues - Dec 2 SUN Tokyo Run Markrie Theater Dec6-9 Thurs-Sun Hyogo Run Hyogo Prefecture National Art & Cultural Center Hankyu Hall [Rent] is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI) New York Oct31Weds - Nov4 Sun Nontty cast in stage musical [喝采 アニソンミュージカル CHEERS Musical anime songs] 前進座theater Oct31 Weds - Nov4 Sun Imakichii makes her stage musical debut & joins Jyuri in [Re-miniscence] by Stylish shine! PROJECT Vol.2 Ikebukuro theater green big tree theater
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours NOVEMBER Professional Activities for 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] Every MONDAY Nontty Host [bayfm78 ON8] 2000- KiiBou as regular cast in [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss Getsuyoubi wa Minna ni UKISS] 2000-2145 Every TUESDAY Serinko as regular cast on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 KONYAN Co-host [白黒アンジャッシュ] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- KONYAN Panel Guests on Radio Nikkei Real Estate Investment [みんなでしっかり財形ライフ!] 1510-1600 Yukkii cast as regular in Saitama TV Kanagawa [神奈月&相川友希の大逆転実況ぱちドキッ!] 2330- Every 2nd & 4th TUESDAY of the month Yukkii co-host [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every WEDNESDAY Haruchan co-host [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Nachuhamu host her own [GyaO ! Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Omotesando GROUND 1900 Yuirin cast as regular on NTV [ピロロン学園] 2358-0153 Nontty co-host Saitama TV [ パチFUN!! 野呂佳代 噂のホールぶらり旅 ] 2359- Every 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month KONYAN as guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 Every THURSDAY Yukkii' as assistant radio DJ on [BAYLINE Go! Go!] Chiba local bayfm 1600-1850 Meetan Co-host with Ijiri Okada sama [Honey School LIVE Chatshow] 2100-2200 & TBS [よるべん] 0055- Oshirichan as regular cast in Fuji TV Autumn Drama [結婚しない] 2200- Aimin J-COM channel as guest in daily broadcast 1215 OA [わくわく!!アリオ橋本★ステーション ] Every FRIDAY Meetan as regular cast on BS-JAPAN [ギルガメッシュLIGHT] 2300- Yukkii as regular cast in NTV [週末にしたい10のこと! ] 0203-0248 Every SATURDAY Sayanee as radio DJ on [CORE ☆ kawaiI] Yokohama FM 2000-2030 Yuirin as radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan host NOTTV [磁石・大堀恵のヘヤヌード] 2359- & as regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] 0200-0430 Haruchan as regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Yuirin as assitant MC on Chiba TV [サンドウィッチマン - クイズ ザ プライスショー the goods price show ] 2100- Mamitan as regular assistant on FM-FUJI STUDIO VIVID ★ [troupe samba carnival] ★2 hours weekly 2000-2200 Every SUNDAY CinDy with WH7 host regular radioshow ALL NIGHT NIPPON Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 Natsuaki the twins as MC for their own LIVE radioshow [ナツアキサンデーサプリ] 1200-1330 Umeko as assitant DJ to DJNIRO in [NIHK (ニーエイチケイ)] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE ... st_id=1038 ChuChu plays the role [美美] in NHK BS Premium Drama [そこをなんとか Soko wo Nantoka] 2200- Every Sun for Nov 4th 11th 18th 25th & Sat 10th Marinaru as Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Autumn Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Hamachii hosts the Autumn GI Derby Awards [Horse racing forecast series] [デイリースポーツ ninemsn] Every Alternate SUNDAY Chaki co-host rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Oct28 Sun [UP! UP! FESTIVAL! アゲ!アゲ! 祭!] formerly known as [Deep-Fried Matsuri アゲ祭] [GIRLS' LIVE SHOW] @ 1200- & Nov2 Fri - 3 Sat Both Days @ 1600- Aimin co-MC host with maria 1st Day Nov2 Weds 1600- Guests performers includes AVEX trio Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu 2nd Day Nov3 Thurs 1600- Guests performers includes Misakko & NeNe finally last day Nov4 Sun @ 1300- Oct31 Weds - Nov1 Thurs Aimin performing in [ Excellent Singer's Party] Both Days @ 1600- Oct31Weds - Nov4 Sun Nontty cast in stage musical [喝采 アニソンミュージカル CHEERS Musical anime songs] 前進座theater Oct31 Weds - Nov4 Sun Imakichii makes her stage musical debut joining Jyuri in [Re-miniscence] by Stylish shine! PROJECT Vol.2 Ikebukuro theater green big tree theater Oct31 Weds - Nov4 Sun [TOKYO RAMEN SHOW] Held rain or shine from Oct26 Fri - Nov4 Sun Aimin appointed as an official Special PR supporter in charge of Act II for the last 5 days During the last 5 days will appear daily on center stage as co-MC for events Nov 1st 1300- MC Nov 2nd 1300- MC Nov 3rd 1430- Jury for Rookie Ramen Chef of the Year Award Komazawa Olympic Park, central square1-1 Komazawa, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo Nov1 Thurs Meetan Guest appearance on TV TBS [よるべん] 0055- Sayanee with 4 other stablemates from her agency centFORCE will debut as a team of newscaster/anchor dressed in power-ranger like suits known as SAINT FORCE to read news broadcast in the Tokyo Metropolitn Area from their SAINT NEWS TV studio daily at 12 noon for 3 minutes duration each Each of the 5 are assigned a fruit associated moniker and Sayanee is [SAINT GRAPE] ... 1-oric-ent Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [マジかるハテナ] 1900-1956 Nov2 Fri Serinko Guest Appearance on TV WOWOW [TOUCH!WOWOW(再送)] Repeat Broadcast 2200 Nov3 Sat Mamitan & Umeko performing in [ Ujisato Matsuri 氏郷まつり] 51st Annual Matsusaka Village Festival Mie Prefecture Arc de Triomphe stage 1 1100-1120 stage 2 1340-1400 & @ 1450 Umeko will handout candy Yuirin MC host for [JOL] Harajuku Store LIVE Event ALSO Guest Appearance on TV Genval TV [エキサイトランドTV] [花の慶次~天に愛されし漢~] Masamin Yuminta Pikachu & Oshirichan appointed as visiting adjunct instructors for [せあら先生、ゆみ先生の学生さん、、色々授業しましょうよ] Hosei University's 65th Independance Hosei Matsuri to lead 3 inter-varsity teams in competitions for English Mathematics Science & Music 1300- Serinko Special Guest Appearance at Tokushima University Yoshiki Kuramoto festival AND on FM Tokushima Kageyama In Gufu Prefecture, decked out in Kimono walkabout & Guest Appearance on TV NTV [ぎゃっぷる] 1330-1440 TX [フカボリン] 0025-0050 Nov4 Sun [レインボータウンFM BEAST! &かりーね。 THE LIVE ~東京ラーメンショー2012に出前しちゃいましたSP~] Aimin MC host Guest KONYAN KiiBou Yuminta Chaki 24th BirthDay Matsuri Celebration Fans Event [畠山智妃生誕祭2012] Hiroshima Diner Tokyo, Shinjuku, ichigaya-tamachi 2-7 City Valley Ito Bldg. B 1 1500-1700 includes photo-op talkshow bingo games quiz & prizes Mamitan & the cast of musical [ イエロー★yellow ] are the special guests of Umeko's assitant DJ to DJNIRO in [NIHK (ニーエイチケイ)] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE ... st_id=1038 Sayanee guest appearance in [ 2012JBC in 川崎 直前大展望] JBC Green Channel Kawasaki 2130- Serinko [Serikawa 2013 calender] Release Sales Commemorative Event Fukuyama Shoten Sinjuku 1900- HANA guest appearance on Nico Nico Douga Circle LIVE Harajuku Nico Nico HQ Studios 1800- Nov5 Mon Pikachu as special guest on show where KiiBou is on the regular cast in [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss] 2000-2145 HANA 1st guest appearance on TV Tokyo [スタート・スター Star・Star] 0150=0220 Marinaru Guest appearance on [Regional green channel horse racing play-by-play relay] 12th Annual JBC SPRINT Racing Festival 1745-2130 Haruchan featured publications [月刊エンタメさん!Monthly Entertainment] Dec Issue [資格アイドル Idols' Qualifications] Regular Column & [TVぴあさん アイドルの秘密 TV PIA Celebrities Secrets] Dec Issue Nov6 Tues commence thereafter every Tues for Nov Kazuchii appointed 13th Gen apprentice following CinDy(Apr) Mamitan(Jun) Yukaringo(Aug) assistant MC host on [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! Kosaka Daimaou no Katsuage] Imakichii & Pikachu as special guest on the 1st episode 2100-2200 AND immediately followed by Q&A 2215-2315 The Premium Live Broadcast [Akita Kazue no Honmaaa~ Yoru ☆Night☆] ... ast_id=917 Nov7 Weds Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Nachuhamu hosts GyaO [Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Chaki as special guest Omotesando GROUND 1900 Yuirin featured publications スロマガ release Suponichi interview release Serinko featured publications Nov7 release [steady.] Dec issue Nov8 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [マジかるハテナ(再放送)] Repeat Broadcast 1600- EX [大人のバナナ] 0151-0221 Nov9 Fri Yukkii co-host talk session [Moba Rock welfare rock festival in Mobara] West End 1830-2100 Yuirin & Marinaru Host in succession back to back episodes of AmoebaStudios Amesuta LIVE premiun broadcast 2000-2200 Haruchan with cast of upcoming musical [レンタル彼女 RENTAL GIRLFRIEND] PR & LIVE TALKSHOW on [カンフェティLIVE confetti LIVE] Internet TV 2100-2145 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV 中京 [フリフリ12] 0058-0158 Nov10 Sat Yuirin Guest Appearance on TV Genval TV [エキサイトランドTV] [花の慶次~天に愛されし漢~] Natsuaki the twins performing in [アイドル合戦~asiaアイドル祭りの陣~Idols Contest~Asia Idols Group Festival] Shibuya Club Asia 1930- Masamin Kazuchii Imakichii & Pikachu ran the marathon relay legs as a team in the [GUAM KO' KO' Road Race] on Oct11-14 Thurs-Sun Their trials & tribulations are documented in Osaka TV [嬢熱旅行~アイドル 汗と涙の友情駅伝 in グアム~ Jounetsu Ryokou~ Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam~] the Digest teaser for the DVD to be aired on TV Osaka 0155-0226 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV KTV [にじいろジーン] 0830-0955 NTV [Woman On The Planet] 1130-1155 Nov11 Sun Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [世界まる見えDX特別版] 1245-1355 CX [みんなのKEIBA ] 1500-1600 EX [シルシルミシル] 1856-2054 Nov12 Mon Yuirin (MC) Haruchan (MC) co-hosting Maatan & Jyuri as guests performing in [かりーね。THE LIVE] Miura Studio cube 326 1900- Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [TORE!SP] 1900-2100 & Serinko featured publications Nov12 release [sweet] Dec issue Kazuchii & Pikachu with the rest of the new project unit [Searako's Angels AND the Seikushi Sempei] as the special guests plugging their GUAM DVD [Jounetsu Ryokou Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam] on the show where KiiBou is a regular cast in [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss Getsuyoubi wa Minna ni UKISS] 2000-2145 CinDy with the cast of stage musical [眠れぬ町の王子様~prince of the sleepless town~] appearing on Amesuta AmoebaStudios LIVE Special Broadcast promotingthe musical http://www.Ustream.TV/channel/amebastudio 22:00-2300 Nov13 & 20 Tues KONYAN & Misakko as special guests in Yukkii co-MC hosting in Saitama TV Kanagawa [神奈月&相川友希の大逆転実況ぱちドキッ!] 2330- Nov13 Tues Pikachu stand-in for Kazuhii to host AmoebaStudios Amesuta LIVE premiun broadcast 2030-2200 Nov14 Weds Mamitan & Umeko Extra Events PR for [イエロー開幕直前企画 殺陣 DE ショー] & perform a MINI-LIVE set unveiling their 2nd original song Aoyama round Theatre 2000- Nachuhamu hosts GyaO [Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Hamachii as special guest Omotesando GROUND 1900 Masamin [SMIR NASLI] fashion brand CM featured publications Nov14 Weds Release [GLITTER] Dec Issue Nov15 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearance on TV YTV [秘密のケンミンSHOW] 2100-2200 YTV [ダウンタウンDX] 2200-2300 ABC [ビーバップハイヒール] 2317-0017 Natsuaki the Twins performing in [NEXT-One! -WOMBver.] Shibuya WOMB 1800 KiiBou Appointed as PR spokeswoman endorsing the game as part of the official [stylish cheer squad] for [DmC Devil May Cry] PC: Mobile: Nov16 Fri Serinko Guest Appearance on TV ABC [どや顔サミット] 2100-2154 & Ameba Sumaho New CM presentation KiiBou Assistant DJ Tokyo Tower club333 Tokyo Tower 1st floor Big stage 1930-2100 Nov16-17 Fri & Sat Kazuchii's 1st One Man LIVE spread over 2 days [穐田和恵“初”ワンマンライブは本気の2days!!] Nachuhamu & Pikachu are the special guests on 1st day Nov16 Fri Misakko is the special guest on 2nd day Nov17 Sat Omotesando GROUND Nov17 Sat Imakichi 2nd One Man LIVE [四半世紀~Quarter of century~] Aimin as Special Guest Shibuya PLUG Yukaringo Guest at Nico Nico Douga LIVE Event for TCC 50th anniversary of [Tokyo CopyWriters] Roppongi Nico Faret 1600- NeNe 23rd BirthDay Celebration Fans Event Bus tour & mini-LIVE Viewing vivid color vista of autumn leaves & fun with fans; such as mini-games & delicious food Bus Tour to Ikaho Green Bojuko Haruchan as semi-regular cast of [釣りロマンを求めて Fishing Romance Pursuit] TV Tokyo 1800- KONYAN Appointed store manager of the Day for PR endorsement & meet the fans event includes handshakes meeting autograph sessions 2-shot photo-op & commmemorative shots Raffle with prizes HARAJUKU SVOLME before b-touwn 1F Jingumae Shibuya-ku 1400-1600 HANA cast in LIVE broaadcast at @TV of [ASSH ch] AKIHABARA @ TV Studio (public live) Show address Part 1 MOSH Travel Edition Part 2 talk-variety show 1900-2045 Serinko guest appearance on TV CX [IPPONグランプリ事前番組] 1330-1430 CX [IPPONグランプリ] 2100-2310 NTV [Woman Of The Planet] 2330-2355 KiiBou's 1st Calendar for 2013 release Sales commemorative event Nov18 Sun KONYAN Guest appearancce on TV TV Tokyo [ドライブ A GO!GO!] Misakko ONE MAN LIVE [Next spot light☆ミサイタル] vol.6 Shibuya J-POP CAFE Glasis 1400- Natsuaki the twins MC-host & performing their own MINI-LIVE & TalkShow Event [アキバ女子会 Akiba girls group ] Special Guest Part1 1600 Yuminta Part2 2000 Maatan CafeLounge Hermate 4-6-2 Kanda sotokanda Chiyoda, Tokyo Bldg., Isuzu Serinko guest appearance on TV TX [たべコレ] 1155-1225 TX [みんなが買ってるモノはこれだ!] 1600-1715 Nov19 Mon Aimin as special guest & KiiBou as regular cast in [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss] 2000-2145 Serinko guest appearance on TV BS PREMIUM [探訪ハッケン!東京湾ナイトクルーズ] 2100-2330 Masamin's featured publications [SMIR NASLI] CM Nov19 Mon Release [JELLY] Dec issue Nov20 Tues Serinko guest appearance on TV EX [ロンドンハーツ] 2100-2200 Misakko hosting AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE 2100- Nov20 Tues Kazuchii as daily guest performer Nov21 Weds Pikachu as daily guest performer cast in stage musical [Momotaro Gaiden - Golden Night Dawn] by A☆ct Stage Vol.2 Tsukiji BDSM Theater Hall Nov20-26 Tues-Mon HANA cast in stage musical ACTOR'S TRASH ASSH 10th Anniversary the 17th run [ 世界は僕のCUBEで造られる And the world will be built in my CUBE] Kichijoji Temple Theater Nov21 Weds Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC-co-host [じゅり・まな・みゆうのりらくし部 Jyuri Mana Miyu RELAXIVE] Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100- Nov21-29 Weds-Thurs Chaki cast in stage musical version of [Tono to issho] Kichijoji Zenshinza Theatre Nov22 Thurs Yukringo's 24th BirthDay Celebration Special Fan Event AKB Cafe Kasamatsu Grand Prix [events] Marinau's talk show and fan meeting Talk show after 5th race 1325-1335 (planned) Fan Meet sfter 7th race 1435- 1445 (planned) Serinko guest appearance on TV MBS[プレッシャーバトル] 1900-2100 TX[暴露ナイト] 2358-0045 & Serinko featured publications Nov22 release [ViVi] Jan(2013) issue Masamin Kazuchii & Pikachu as special guest on [Ijirii Okada to Yazawa Erika no Koibana☆Joshikai] 2100-2200 & immediately followed by [Q&A premium broadcast] 2215-2315 Nov23 Fri Haruchan Trading Cards Release Sales Commemorative Events Handshakes Greetings on Nov 17th Sat 1200- & on Dec 8th Sat 2 session 1200 & 1600 Marinau One Man Live TalkShow Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Serinko guest appearance on TV TX [世界ナゼそこに?日本人SP] 1900-2300 & Serinko featured publications Nov23 release [Ray] Jan(2013) issue Nov24 Sat [Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam] VOL.1 Release Sales Commemorative Events The GUAM DVD with extensive gravure & other activities for the 4 days 3 nights trip will be released as separate volumes Nova Sunshine Alpha Hall Ikebukuro 2 sessions 1500 & 1800 Kazuchii Imakichii & Pikachu in attendance Further Commemoratives Nov30 Fri Nova Sunshine Alpha Hall Ikebukuro 1800 Kazuchii & Pikachu in attendance Dec2 Sun Akihabara lacx Asobit city 1200 Kazuchii & Imakichii in attendance 1800 Masamin & Imakichii in attendance Dec7 Fri Nova Sunshine Alpha Hall Ikebukuro 1800 Kazuchii & Pikachu in attendance Dec12 Weds Dec16 Sun Akihabara lacx Asobit city 2 sessions Masamin Imakichii & Pikahu in attendance KiiBou guest performer r the public recording of Interpark village 7th anniversary Memorial RADIO BERRY B-BOX インターパークビレッジ Center Court 1600 Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] as one of the official sponsors for post Tokyo Fashion Week Fringe Event: [Mercedes-Benz Connection Tokyo Runway 2012 Autmn/Winter AFTER PARTY] Nontty guest appearance in a 3-hour special of [bayfm AKB48 SP] Minami Chiba FM Aimin performing LIVE in ARIO Hashimoto J:COM special events ARIO Hashimoto / 1F Grand garden 1200- purchase of at least one of the Debut single [VIVI de lucky buu] or [original goods] entitles a ticket to handshake autograph & 2 shots photo-op] dex_2.html Nov25 Sun Natsuaki the TWINS performing in the [ ☆Nativity Star Festival project ☆] Gakuin Performing Arts Professional School Tokyo appearing in the event from 1300- Serinko guest appearance on TV TX [ヒットの秘密] 1225-1250 Imakichii Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100- Nov26 Mon Masamin guest on KiiBou's regular cast program [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss Getsuyoubi wa Minna ni UKISS] 2000-2145 CinDy host AmoebaStudios Amesuta & Premium LIVE 1830-1900 & immediately followed by [Urano Kazumi Q&A premium broadcast] 1915-2015 Nov27 Tues Misakko Kazuchii & Pikachu as special guests hosting AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE 2300- Pikachu is the special guest on Kazuchii's [Akita Kazue no Honmaaa~ ☆Yoru☆ Night] AmoebaStudios Amesuta LIVE premiun broadcast 2030-2200 Nontty with Hama-chan guest appearance on Nico Nico Douga LIVE 1800- Nov28 Weds Maatan sang one of the two OST theme song [LOVELY ☆ STAR] at the stage greeting for the premiere of movie [武蔵野線の姉妹 musashi no sennoshimai] Cine Libre Ikebukuro (West exit of Tobu Departmental Store 8F) Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] CM featured publicatons [vikka] Jan (2013) issue Nov28 Weds release Nov28-Dec2 Weds-Sun Haruchan cast in amipro stage musical [レンタル彼女 RENTAL GIRLFRIEND] Nakano Theaterette Nov28-30 Dec1-2 Weds-Sun CinDy cast in stage musical [眠れぬ町の王子様~prince of the sleepless town~] Space Shuttle Zero Relaunch Hall Nov29 Thurs Aimin guest appearance on @TV [デ☆ビューCh De ☆ view Ch] 1700 Public Broadcast 3-2-14 sotokanda Chiyoda, Tokyo Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] CM featured publicatons [CanCam] Jan (2013) issue Nov29 Thurs release Nov30 Fri Serinko guest appearance on TV CX [カルコロン] 0105-0305 Natsuaki the TWINS & Yuminta with the rest of the cast of stage musical [DETARAMU。Evolution ~この世界に降る雪~Snow falls in the world] appearing on Internet TV [Confetti LIVE] 2100-2145 Nov30 Fri - Dec9 Sun Hiichan cast in stage musical [一騎当千 IkkiTousen] Hakuhinkan Theater in Ginza NOV - DEC KiiBou cast in stage musical [忍ぶ阿呆に 死ぬ阿呆 shinobu aho ni shinu aho] Nov7 Mon - 12 Sat Tokyo Perf. SPACE107 Tokyo, Shinjuku-ku, Nishi Shinjuku 1-8-5 alpha 107 building B2F & Dec7 Fri - 9 Sun Osaka Perf. Osaka City Creative Art Museum Art Space http://www.artcomplex.NET/art-space/index.html Nov-Dec Mamitan & Umeko cast in stage musical 30 DELUX THE REMAKE THEATER 10th Anniversary Special [ イエロー★yellow ] Tokyo Run:Nov21-25 Weds-Sun New National Theater small theater Osaka Run:Dec7-9 Fri-Sun Osaka Business Park Round Hall Nagoya Run:Dec11-13 Tues-Thurs Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Hall
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours DECEMBER's Solo &/ Collaboration Activities in 2012 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] DAILY Sayanee moniker [SAINT GRAPE] with 4 other stablemates from her agency centFORCE as a team of newscaster/anchor [SAINT FORCE] broadcast in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area daily at 12 noon for 3 minutes duration ... 1-oric-ent Every MONDAY Nontty Host bayfm78 [ON8] 2000- & Co-host as DJ [柱night with AKB48] 2100- KiiBou as regular cast in [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss Getsuyoubi wa Minna ni UKISS] 2000-2145 Every TUESDAY Serinko as regular cast on NTV [PON ! ] 2025-2325 Nontty as regular guest on [篠田麻里子と愉快な仲間たち] KBC Radio 0045-0100 KONYAN Co-host [白黒アンジャッシュ] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV & Panel Guests on Radio Nikkei Real Estate Investment [みんなでしっかり財形ライフ!] 1510-1600 Aimin host [ 火曜BEAST. 大山愛未の あい、みんなにアゲる♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Yukkii cast as regular in Saitama TV Kanagawa [神奈月&相川友希の大逆転実況ぱちドキッ!] 2330- Every 2nd & 4th TUESDAY of the month Yukkii co-host [マシェリプレゼンツ小力の小部屋] 2400-0200 sky channel 257 Every WEDNESDAY Haruchan co-host [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Nachuhamu host her own [GyaO ! Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Omotesando GROUND 1900 Yuirin cast as regular on NTV [ピロロン学園] 2358-0153 Nontty co-host [ パチFUN!! 野呂佳代 噂のホールぶらり旅 ] Saitama TV 2359-0030 Chiba TV 0030-0100 Every 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month KONYAN as guest on Nico Nico Douga [ 必死のパッチ] 2330-0100 Every THURSDAY Yukkii' as assistant radio DJ on [BAYLINE Go! Go!] Chiba local bayfm 1600-1850 Meetan Co-host with Ijiri Okada sama [Honey School LIVE Chatshow] 2100-2200 & guest appearance on TV TBS [よるべんyoruben] 0055- Oshirichan as regular cast in Fuji TV Autumn Drama [結婚しない] 2200- Aimin as guest in daily broadcast 1215 OA J-COM channel [わくわく!!アリオ橋本★ステーション ] Every FRIDAY Meetan as regular cast on BS-JAPAN [ギルガメッシュLIGHT] 2300- Yukkii as regular cast in NTV [週末にしたい10のこと! ] 0203-0248 Every SATURDAY Sayanee as radio DJ on [CORE ☆ kawaiI] Yokohama FM 2000-2030 Yuirin as radio regular guest on [かりーね] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan co-host NOTTV [磁石・大堀恵のヘヤヌード] 2359- & as regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ まだまだゴチャ・まぜっ!~集まれヤンヤン~] 0200-0430 Haruchan as regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Yuirin as assitant MC on Chiba TV [サンドウィッチマン - クイズ ザ プライスショー the goods price show ] 2100- Mamitan as regular assistant on FM-FUJI STUDIO VIVID ★ [troupe samba carnival] ★2 hours weekly 2000-2200 Serinko special guest star on NTV’s drama [Ghost Mama Sousasen ~Boku to Mama no Fushigi na 100 Nichi] 2100--2154 Every SUNDAY CinDy with WH7 host regular radioshow [ALL NIGHT NIPPON] Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 Natsuaki the twins as MC for their own LIVE radioshow [ナツアキサンデーサプリ] 1200-1330 Umeko as assitant DJ to DJNIRO in [NIHK (ニーエイチケイ)] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE ... st_id=1038 ChuChu plays the role [美美] in NHK BS Premium Drama [そこをなんとか Soko wo Nantoka] 2200- Hamachii hosts the Autumn GI Derby Awards [Horse racing forecast series] [デイリースポーツ ninemsn] Every Alternate SUNDAY Chaki co-host rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Rachel plays the role of Joanne in the Broadway Musical [Rent] Oct 30 Tues - Dec 2 SUN Tokyo Run Markrie Theater Dec6-9 Thurs-Sun Hyogo Run Hyogo Prefecture National Art & Cultural Center Hankyu Hall [Rent] is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI) New York Nov28-Dec2 Weds-Sun Haruchan cast in amipro stage musical [レンタル彼女 RENTAL GIRLFRIEND] Nakano Theaterette Nov28-30 Dec1-2 Weds-Sun CinDy cast in stage musical [眠れぬ町の王子様~prince of the sleepless town~] Space Shuttle Zero Relaunch Hall Nov30 Fri - Dec9 Sun Hiichan cast in stage musical [一騎当千 IkkiTousen] Hakuhinkan Theater in Ginza Mamitan & Umeko cast in stage musical 30 DELUX THE REMAKE THEATER 10th Anniversary Special [ イエロー★yellow ] Osaka Run:Dec7-9 Fri-Sun Osaka Business Park Round Hall Nagoya Run:Dec11-13 Tues-Thurs Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Hall Chaki's movie debut Comedy [ふみだい食堂 humidaishokudou] Previews Stage Greetings & talkshow : Dec 1st Sat Nakano ZERO hall 1030- Dec 2nd Sun Nogata Civic Hall 1st session 1845- 2nd session 2045- Dec1 Sat Kazuchii & Pikachu new project unit [Searako's Angels AND the Seikushi Sempei] featured publications release [デ・ビュー De・View] Dec Issue interview & expose & actively recruiting new band members [小悪魔女子力オーディション] Haruchan as semi-regular cast of [釣りロマンを求めて Fishing Romance Pursuit] TV Tokyo 1800- Natsuaki the TWINS performing at LIVE event with handshake greetings [Idol Studio in D1TOKYO DRIFT in Odaiba] Museum of maritime science Yurikamome JR line & Yukkii special guest appearance reprising her RQ glory days as RaceQueens team [Garage Angels] Marinaru's featured publications release [Monthly Tigers] Dec Issue Interview with former Hanshin Tiger players Shima-sama & associates Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [さんま&手越のサッカークラブW杯開幕直前 SP] 1430-1525 & featured publication Dec1 release [seventeen] Jan (2013) issue Dec2 Sun Kazuchii(NEW project unit) Pikachu(NEW project unit) Masamin & Imakichii [Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam] GUAM DVD Release Sales Commemorative Events with extensive gravure & other activities for the 4 days 3 nights trip Akihabara lacx Asobit city 1200 Kazuchii & Imakichii in attendance 1800 Masamin & Imakichii in attendance [yt][/yt] Marinaru as Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Winter Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Serinko guest appearances on TV NHK [探訪ハッケン] 1430-1600 TX [たべコレ] 1155-1225 Dec3 Mon [かりーね。&BEAST! THE LIVE#10] Haruchan (MC) Yuirin (MC) for [かりーね。] Aimin (MC) for [BEAST! THE LIVE] MiyuMiyu as special guest Miura turf Studio cube 326 1900-2100 Serinko guest appearances on TV MBS [明石家電視台] 2350-0055 CX [ネプリーグ] 1900-1954 NTV [ヒルナンデス!] 1155-1355 Dec4 Tues Yukaringo Returning for a special one-off one-day only following her stint in August as 10th generation apprentice Assistant MC host on [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! Kosaka Daimaou no Katsuage ! ] 2100-2200 following the footsteps of CinDy (6th Gen)in Apr & Mamitan (8th Gen)in Jun LATEST Kazuchii (13th Gen) in Nov & immediately followed by [Yukari Sato host premium live] 2215- Serinko guest appearance on TV ABC [やまとナゼ?しこ] 2317-0017 Dec 4-19 Tues-Weds Maatan Jyuri & MiyuMiyu Release solo 2013 calendar debut online sales period Dec 5 Weds Kazuchii & Pikachu JOINT project unit [Searako's Angels & the Seikushi Sempei] 1st LIVE [Vol.1 A New Beginning ; Dawn of Revolution] Shibuya WWW Jyuri & MiyuMiyu MC-co-host [じゅり・まな・みゆうのりらくし部 Jyuri Mana Miyu RELAXIVE] Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100- Dec6 Thurs KiiBou guest appearance on Internet TV [Umeda SWING!] 1500- Dec7 Fri Kazuchii(NEW project unit) Pikachu(NEW project unit) Masamin & Imakichii [Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam] GUAM DVD Release Sales Commemorative Events with extensive gravure & other activities for the 4 days 3 nights trip Nova Sunshine Alpha Hall Ikebukuro 1800 Kazuchii & Pikachu in attendance Serinko featured publication Dec7 release [steady.] Jan(2013) issue Dec7-9 Fri-Sun KiiBou cast in stage musical [忍ぶ阿呆に 死ぬ阿呆 shinobu aho ni shinu aho] Osaka Perf. Osaka City Creative Art Museum Art Space http://www.artcomplex.NET/art-space/index.html Dec7-30 Fri-Sun Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] Fashion Brand Boutique opening limited time period shopspace in Kobe Sannomiya OPA 3F Dec8 Sat Nachuhamu guest appearance on TV Kansai TV [Secret Room](reruns) 0155-0250 Serinko guest appearance on TV CX [生田くん、ハイ!] 1025-1040 Haruchan [Koharu's 1st Trading Cards Release] 2nd Sales Commemorative Events Handshakes Greetings Meet the fans event 2 sessions ; 1200 Shosen PLUS & 1600 Bunkyodo Shibuya Misakko hosting AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE 2100- MEETAN's NUPTIAL(in 2013, date TBA) ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE WORLD AT LARGE at the 7th Anniversary of AKB's theater 大堀さん!ご結婚おめでとうございます Dec9 Sun Misakko & NeNe performing in 街角美人 machibijin Presents [Color-i Pet Collection] Yokohama Blitz Chaki's 2nd One-Man-LIVE [畠山智妃 ちゃきLIVE] APPLAUSE Yokohama 1800- [yt][/yt] Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Winter Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [Music Lovers] 2330-2355 Dec12 Weds Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC-co-host [じゅり・まな・みゆうのりらくし部 Jyuri Mana Miyu RELAXIVE] Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100- Nachuhamu blog [E★エブリスタ Estar Ebirisuta] Doju no commentary Update every Wednesday Dec12-14 Weds-Fri Masamin's Fashion Brand [SMIR NASLI] 3-Day Exhibition 2013 SPRING/SUMMER Collection Dec12-16 Weds-Sun NeNe cast in iMOVIE musical a collaboration between iMOVIE & BENIBARA Films ベニバラ兎団 vol.12 [ガダルカナル デパートメントGuadalcanal Department] Meguro kinkero theater Nontty cast in stage musical [The Night of Christmouse~ クリスマウス night 2012 ~] Shinjuku morierrebil city theater http: // Dec13 Thurs Serinko guest appearances on TV TBS [イカさま☆タコさまSP] 1900-2100 YTV [ダウンタウンDX未公開] 2235-0039 Dec14 Fri Marinaru host Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2230 Meetan co-hosting with Ijiri Okada-sama [Special Event Christmas Presents Scramble : Choi ! Gakuen Honey ! Live Chat Show] 2100-2200 Dec14 Fri -24 Mon / holiday Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu cast in stage musical [GO,JET!GO!GO!~ I LOVE YOUが言えなくて~] Vol.6 Arena アクアスタシ & Public Relations Live event: Dec1 Sat Dec2 Sun Dec8 Sat Dec9 Sun Talkshow event: Dec8 Sat Dec9 Sun Dec22 Sat Dec23 Sun Dec15 Sat Marinaru Roundtable Panel Critic, Commentator, Reporter & Pundit for Winter Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Haruchan with the rest of the cast of her upcoming 2013 stage musical [3150万秒と、少し] appearing on Amesuta AmoebaStudios Special Commemorative Broadcast 1600-Main Broadcast 1700-1800 Kohara Haruka Special Premium Channel ... ast_id=891 Meetan featured publications Dec15 Sat release [EX大衆] Serinko guest appearances on TV NTV [世界一受けたい授業] 1956-2054 TBS [チューボーですよ] 2330-2359 Dec16 Sun Kazuchii(NEW project unit) Pikachu(NEW project unit) Masamin & Imakichii [Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam] GUAM DVD Release Sales Commemorative Events with extensive gravure & other activities for the 4 days 3 nights trip Akihabara lacx Asobit city 2 sessions Masamin Imakichii & Pikahu in attendance CinDy Dec16 Sun commence thereafter every Sun joins the regular cast of radio 79.5Mhz Omiya NACK5 [The Nutty Radio Show] 2030-2330 Serinko guest appearance on TV TBS [メトログ] 1140-11:45 Dec17 Mon NeNe as special guest on KiiBou's regular cast [月曜日はみんなにU Kiss Getsuyoubi wa Minna ni UKISS] 2000-2145 CinDy special guest appearance on nottv[AKB48のあんた、誰?] 1700-1800 Akihabara Theater vicinity, akb48 cafe & shop Serinko guest appearances on TV EX [Qさま!! 2時間半スペシャル] 1830-2100 CX [SMAP×SMAP] 2200-2324 Dec18 Tues Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu appearing on Girls Power UP variety show [Girls TV ! ] sequential broadcast 26 stations nationwide Japan Sea TV 0104-0134 Meetan guest appearance on TV TX [ドル箱] 0100-0130 Serinko guest appearances on TV NTV [さんま御殿SP] 1900-2200 NTV [好きになった人] 2200-2314 Dec19 Weds Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC-co-host [じゅり・まな・みゆうのりらくし部 Jyuri Mana Miyu RELAXIVE] Aimin & KiiBou as special guests Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100- Nachuhamu host [GyaO ! Channel Miss Campus SP 2 ] Watanabe plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yuirin featured publication Dec19 release [ipon ] Jan(2013) issue Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] featured publications CM starring Gouriki Ayame-sama in [BARFOUT] Dec19 release Dec19 Weds - 23 Sun Kazuchii & Haruchan plays the heroine in the cast of stage musical [オーバースマイル Over Smiles] 23rd Ikebukuro Theatre Festival winner of Toshima Ward special award THA Molière Theatre Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Shinjuku 3-33-10 2f morierrebil Imakichii Chaki & Aimin cast in stage musical Stylish Shine !! PROJECT Vol.4 [Dance a ten dance up on you] Ikebukuro big tree theater Dec20 Thurs Haruchan 2nd Gravure Image DVD [Kimi to Boku to Koharu ] Hawaiian Theme release Kazuchii & Pikachu featured publications Music & Fashion magazine [fAUG] Dec20 release Hamachi special guest appearance on [Ijirii Okada to Yazawa Erika no Koibana☆Joshikai] 2100-2200 & immediately followed by [Tezuka Machiko Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2215-2315 ... st_id=1168 Serinko modeling in [Annual Japan Best Wedding Dresser] decked out from head-to-toe in a 50-million-yen ensemble escorted by a member from ROK group SuperNova & guest appearance on TV MBS [予約の取れない専門外来] 1900-2100 Dec21 Fri Imakichii & Jyui performing & modeling in [S.S.S.Vol.32 -BRIDAL-] THEME Bridal Fashion Show Sunshine City Fountain Square Ikebukuro 1700- Marinaru host Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios [2 hours Christmas SP] 1900-2100 Meetan guest appearances on TV LF [オールナイトニッポンGOLD] 2200- BS JAPAN [ギルガメッシュライト gilgamesh light] Final Episode 2300-2359 Hamachi featured appearance as moderator on [57th Arima Kinen Grand Prix Commemoration Special] roundtable panel forum produced by [Daily Sports] & [Sabouraud Horse] OPEN to all females amateur horse racing enthusiasts LEN Meeting Hall Aqueduct Bridge Tokyo 1900 Serinko guest appearances n TV TX [仰天パニックシアター] 1900-2100 CX [大輔宮川と千豊小藪のすべらない話] 0145-0245 Dec21 Fri - 27 Thurs Natsuaki the TWINS & Yuminta(debut musical) cast in stage musical [DETARAMU。Evolution ~この世界に降る雪~Snow falls in the world] produce by Tokyo luxury entertainment Lazona Kawasaki Plaza Sol Dec21-28 Fri-Fri NeNe starring in TV Informmercials for [Takahashiyama Shoten] endorsing notebooks & pocket diarys during the commercials breaks for these programs; Dec21 Fri Drama 5 chl [ 科捜研・相棒] 1404-1557 Dec24 Mon [Super J channel Digest] 1653-1830 Dec25 Tues Drama 5 ch! [ 科捜研・相棒] 1404-1557 Dec26 Weds [ANN news] 1359-1404 [Super J channel] 1653-1830 Dec27 Thurs Drama 5 ch! [夢情報含む「相棒] 1404-1600 Dec28 Fri [Super J channel] 1730-1800 Dec22 Sat Meetan guest appearances on TV TX「旅RUNガール」 1655-1715 OA NOTTV [ヘヤヌード] 2359-0100 MBS [ゴチャまぜ!] 0200-0430 Marinaru featured appearance on TV BS JAPAN [57th Arima Kinen Grand Prix Commemoration Special] [CLUB GI] 2100-2155 & Also as Roundtable Panel Critic & Pundit for Winter Open Catergory Series Horse racing Seminar Nakayama Horse racing Hall, B1 Stand, Benjamin Plaza Special Stage Dec23 Sun Yuirin's agency [M] Christmas & Bonen Party special guests Masamin & Yukkii particpating in the group bowling battle games & other events Part 1; Bowling 1030-1330 Part 2; Other Games & Autograph sessions 1500-1800 Shibuya 1-14-14Shibuya-ku Tokyo Yukaringo SALE of exclusive merchandise & fan meeting event special collaboration with ANTIMINSS (brand of AKB same GEN graduate Kawaski Nozomi) [ANTIMINSS x Sato Yukari no Collaboration Designed Products ] ANTIMINSS Store Jingumae 5-29-10 Shibuya 1200-1550 sale of exclusive merchandise & 2-shot ticket distrbution 1600-1730 handshakes greetings Serinko featured publication Dec23 release [ViVi] Feb(2013) Issue CinDy particpating as one of the many celebrities collecting donations for UNICEF's Special X'mas Street Event in Shibuya Dec24 Mon Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu appearing on Girls Power UP variety show [Girls TV ! ] sequential broadcast 26 stations nationwide Aomori broadcasting Corp. ; 0153 - 0223 Aimin performing as one of the many acts lineup [CLUB CITTA' X'mas Siren Night] CLUB CITTA' 1630- Hamachi's very own thoroughbred [Mocha-chan] maiden racing debut Nakayama Race Course Winter Open Category Series Serinko guest appearances on TV NTV [しゃべくり007しゃべクリスマス2時間半SP] 2100-2318 EX [ぷらちなロンドンブーツ クリスマスSP] 2345-0115 Yuirin guest appearance on Nico Nico LIVE [CR Deluxe Seafood Tales with T-ARA] Special Event 2200-2359 & Guest Appearance on TV TV Tokyo [今夜もドル箱S konyamo dorubako S] 0100-0130 Dec24 & 25 Mon & Tues Rachel's 1st One Man LIVE [クリスマス☆ウタイマス Christmas☆Utaimasu Carols] 24th 1900- Chaki as special guest 25th 1800- Nontty as special guest Asakusa Kosida Theater Dec25 Tues CinDy & Mamitan returns as the 1st guests in [古坂大魔王のカツアゲ ! Kosaka Daimaou no Katsuage ! ] 2100-2200 following their stints respectively CinDy as the 6th Gen apprentice in Apr, Mamitan (8th Gen)in Jun, Yukaringo (10th Gen) in Aug & Kazuchii (13th Gen) in Nov nico nico douga live Ustream & immediately followed by [Urano Kazumi & Mami Kato host premium live] 2215- Serinko guest appearances on TV NTV [ものまねグランプリ ザ・トーナメント2012] 1830-2330 CX [すべらない話フェスティバル] 0040-0140 Dec26 Weds Nachuhamu with guests CinDy & KiiBou hosts GyaO [Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Nico Nico LIVE Special Public Broadcast Vol.2 [Nachuhamu's 28th BirthDay Celebration & Post X'mas After Party] Omotesando GROUND 1900 [かりーね。&BEAST! THE LIVE#THE FINAL] Haruchan (MC) Yuirin (MC) for [かりーね。] Aimin (MC) for [BEAST! THE LIVE] KONYAN & Misakko as special LIVE guest Miura turf Studio cube 326 1900-2100 An ALL STAR SDN 7 member cast Mamitan Umeko Imakichii Jyuri KONYAN Maatan & MiyuMiyu (KONYAN will showup only midway see ^above^ previous event entry) [ サンタが渋谷にやってきた!!~1日遅れのクリスマスパーティー~ Santa Claus is coming to Shibuya! -One Day Late Christmas party ] POST event sales of KONYAN exclusive merchandise Shibuya VUENOS 2100-2230 PC ... 01P0030001 mobile ... P0030001?u AT THE END OF THEIR 7 ORIGINAL SONG SET BEFORE THE FUN & GAMES THEY ANNOUNCED THE FORMATION OF A NEW PROJECT [7-member UNIT] WITH FUTURE ACTIVITIES BOTH AS A UNIT AND THE INDIVIDUALS PURSUING THEIR SOLO CAREERS CONCURRENTLY THE CONCEPT IS DANCE-ORIENTED SINGING ARTISTES NOT IDOL ACTS THE 7 MEMBERS ARE AS ABOVE VIZ-A-VIZ Mamitan Umeko Imakichii Jyuri KONYAN Maatan & MiyuMiyu Feb10 Sun 2013 SDN Alumnae post-sotsugyo largest(7) NEW unit (Kazuchii & Pikachan are in a 8-member rock band but there are only just the 2 of them) [episode ZERO ~JUST DO IT~] DEBUT !!! with 1st ONE-MAN LIVE & Event Mamitan Umeko Imakichi Jyuri KONYAN Maatan & MiyuMiyu Session 1 : Concert 1400-1530, Sale of Merchandise 1530-1630 Session 2 : Concert 1830-2000, Sale of Merchandise 2000-2100 Shibuya Asia Serinko guest appearances on TV RX [銭形金太郎] 1830-2100 EX [超タイムショック 3時間SP] 2054-2350 Dec27 Thurs KONYAN Guest appearance on TV TBS [よるべん yoruben] 0107- Aimin host Amesuta AmoebaStudios LIVE 2100-2200 Meetan guest appearance on TV EX Special Broadcast [ハードル・プードル] 2359-0130 Serinko guest appearance on TV KTV [ジロンバ] 0055-0155 Kazuchii & Pika-chan as assistant MCs for Shimokita FM 88.8Mhz [DJ Tomoaki's Radio Show!] SHOT BAR VERTEX Shimokitazawa North Exit 1900- Dec28 Fri Serinko featured publication Dec28 release [with] Feb(2013) Issue & guest appearances on TV TBS [爆報JAPON] 1830-2230 TX [ゴットタンSP] 2355-0055 Dec29 Sat Yuirin Guest Appearance on TV TV Tokyo [今夜もドル箱S konyamo dorubako S] (BS JAPAN) 0030-0100 Serinko guest appeaances on TV CX [いよいよ今夜放送、コレ見なきゃ年が越せない 人志松本のすべらない話 直前SP] 1430-1500 CX [人志松本のすべらない話 2012歳末大感謝祭] 2100-2300 Sayanee & Marinau featured publication [FLASH] Dec Issue release covering the [58th Tokyo Grand Prix GI] & featured appearance on TV Tokyo MX [CLIMAX 2012 the 58th Tokyo Grand Prix GI] Dec28 Fri : 1st Broadcast on Tokyo MX Service1(ch091)@2100- 1st Broadcast on SKY TV 102 (678ch)@2130- Rebroadcast on Tokyo MX Service2(ch092)@0200- Dec29 Sat : Rebroadcast on Tokyo MX Service2(ch092)@1420 Rebroadcast on SKY TV 102 (678ch)@0930- Piichan guest appearance on TV Saitama & Wakayama TV [Mr. SMART TV NEO] endorsing ROK Black Vinegar Drink [Sparkling Fuchou] 1000- Dec 30 Sat Kazuchii & Pikachu JOINT project unit [Searako's Angels & the Seikushi Sempei] 2nd LIVE [Vol.2 2012 BONEN; DAMENZU Ultimate ShowDown] Harajuku Astro Hall 2012 Bonen perf. 2012 Dec27-30 Thurs-Sun 2013 New Year perf. 2013 Jan5-10 Sat-Thurs KiiBou cast in stage musical [ざ☆よろきん] theater-green BIG TREE THEATER Serinko guest appearances on TV TX [楽天特番ショッピングSP] 1200-1400 CX [ジャイアントキリング] 1900-2300 TBS [東野・有吉のどん底] 0040-0140
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours JANUARY's Solo &/ Collaboration Activities in 2013 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] DAILY Sayanee moniker [SAINT GRAPE] with 4 other stablemates from her agency centFORCE as a team of newscasters/anchors [SAINT FORCE] broadcast in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area daily at 12 noon for 3 minutes duration ... 1-oric-ent Every MONDAY Nontty Host bayfm78 [ON8] 2000- & Co-host as DJ [Tonight with AKB48] 2100- Every TUESDAY Nontty & Yukaringo as regular guests on [Mariko Shinoda & Merry Companions] KBC Radio 0045-0100 KONYAN Co-host [Shirokuro Anjashuu] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ Kayou BEAST. Oyama Ai Hitsuji no Ai , Minnani Age Ru ♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Yukkii co-host in Saitama TV Kanagawa [ Kami Natsuki & Aikawa Yuki no Daigyakuten Jikkyou Pachi Dokitsu ! ] 2330- Every WEDNESDAY Haruchan co-host [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Nachuhamu host her own [GyaO ! Nachu Channel ] WatanAbe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yuirin cast as regular on NTV [ Piroron Gakuen ] 2358-0153 Nontty co-host [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] Saitama TV 2359-0030 Chiba TV 0030-0100 Every 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month KONYAN as guest on Nico Nico Douga [ Hisshi no Pacchi ] 2330-0100 Every THURSDAY Yukkii' as assistant radio DJ on [BAYLINE Go! Go!] Chiba local bayfm 1600-1850 Meetan Co-host with Ijiri Okada sama [Honey School LIVE Chatshow] 2100-2200 & guest appearance on TV TBS [ Yoruben ] 0055- Oshirichan as regular cast in Fuji TV Autumn Drama [ Kekkon Shinai ] 2200- Aimin as guest in daily broadcast 1215 OA J-COM channel [ Wakuwaku !! Ario Hashimoto★Suteshon ] Every FRIDAY Yukkii as regular cast in NTV [ Shuumatsu Nishitai 10 Nokoto ! ] 0203-0248 Every SATURDAY Sayanee as radio DJ on [CORE ☆ kawaiI] Yokohama FM 2000-2030 Yuirin as radio regular guest on [Karine] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan co-host NOTTV [ Jjishaku ・Ohori Megumi no Heyanudo ] 2359- & as regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio[ Madamada Gocha ・Mazetsu ! ~Atsumare Yanyan ~ ] 0200-0430 Haruchan as regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Yuirin as assitant MC on Chiba TV [ Sandouicchiman - Kuizu za Puraisusho ] 2100- Mamitan as regular assistant MC on FM-FUJI STUDIO VIVID ★ [Troupe Samba Carnival] ★2 hours weekly 2000-2200 Every SUNDAY CinDy with WH7 host regular radioshow [ALL NIGHT NIPPON] Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 & on the regular cast of radio 79.5Mhz Omiya NACK5 [The Nutty Radio Show] 1800-2100 Natsuaki the twins as MCs for their own LIVE radioshow [ Natsuaki Sande Sapuri ] 1200-1330 Umeko as assitant DJ to DJNIRO in [NIHK Ni Eichikei ] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE ... st_id=1038 ChuChu plays the role [美美] in NHK BS Premium Drama [ Soko wo Nantoka ] 2200- Hamachii hosts the Autumn GI Derby Awards [Horse racing forecast series] [ Deiri Supo Tsu ] Every Alternate SUNDAY Chaki co-host rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Jan 11 Sat MEETAN REGISTERED HER MARRIAGE ON JAN 1st 2013 ,TUESDAY, NEW YEAR's DAY !!! Spoiler Jan1 Tues Serinko guest appearances on TV TX [TV Chanpion] 0755-0930 ANB [ Tatakau Shougatsu ] 1300-1700 NTV [ Shabekuri Shougatsu ] 0930-1600 CX [ San Taku ] 1530-1700 NTV [ Shouten SP] 1600-1800 NTV [ Urutoraman DASH ] 1800-2100 NHK [ ketai Ogiri SP ] LIVE 2330-0058 Jan2 Weds Serinko guest appearance on TV CX [ Kuizumirionea ] 1830-2130 WOOO...HOOO...!!! BAMBI's BABY BOY CAME INTO THIS WORLD EARLY WAY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE NOT ETA JAN 11th 2013 BUT JAN 3RD THURSDAY EVENING UTC 2137 TOKYO AFTER 20 HOURS LABOUR BAMBI NATURALLY DELIVERED A 2.840 Kg healthy baby boy SDN's 2ND NEW MEMBER ADDITION TO THEIR FOURTH GEN FOLLOWING YUKAPO'S BABY BOY BORN MAY 23RD 2012 Jan3 Thurs Serinko Guest Appearances on TV CBC [ Defure Dakkyaku ! Gokujou Toraberu ] 1400-1500 KTV [ Kirokuri Kusu ] KTV [ Kasubegasu ] 0040-0140 TX [ Sekai Naze Sokoni Nihonjin ] Repeat Broadcast 1300-1430 Jan4 Fri Serinko Guest Appearance on TV TBS [ Shinshun Waido SHOW!] 0830-0955 Jan5 Sat Masamin Kazuchii(New Project Unit) Imakichii & Pikachu(New Project Unit) [ Jounetsu Ryokou ~ Idol Ase to Namida no Yuujou Ekiden in Guam ~ ] Repeat Broadcast of the Digest teaser for the DVD Nachuhamu guest appearance on TV Fuji TV [Ashura History] 2155-2340 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [ Sekaiichi Uke Tai Jugyou SP] 1900-2154 Jan5-10 Sat-Thurs 2013 New Year perf. KiiBoo cast in stage musical [ Za ☆ Yorokin] theater-green BIG TREE THEATER Jan 6 Sun Haruchan's 2nd Gravure Image DVD [ Kimi to Boku to Koharu 。] Hawaiian Theme release sales commemorative events Softmap Amusement Hall 8F 2 sessions 1600 & 1800 includes; talkshow, single song LIVE, autograph sessions & 2-Shots photo-op Nontty as special guest & performing @ N-ZERO's 12th LIVE & 4th Single Senbatsu Election took to the stage with N-ZERO for [ ONE Gallon no Ase] Akabane Shrine Hall 1600- & guest appearance on TV BS Japan [Hitto Yosoku Baraetei Shinpin-san] 1500-1555 Jan8 Tues Yuirin Guest Appearance on TV TV Tokyo [ Konyamo Dorubako S] 0100-0130 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [ Rabuka ] Jan9 Wed CinDy as special on guest on Nachhamu's [GyaO ! Nachu Channel ] WatanAbe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Jan10 Thurs commence thereafter every Thurs Serinko starring as the Dental Nurse; [ Umino Nana ] on Fuji TV Winter CX drama rom-com [ Saikou no Rikon ] 2200- Jan10 Thurs Kazuchii hosts Amesuta Premium Live Broadcast [Akita Kazue no Honmaaa~ Yoru ☆Night☆] 2200-2300 ... ast_id=917 Hamachi's very own thoroughbred [Mocha-chan] 2nd race in 2R catergory Nakayama Race Course Winter Open Series Jan11 Fri KONYAN featured publication release Airport Model Planes Magazine [Scale Gravure Application] Gravure corner spread [Gallery of the AirCraft Nose Art Queen] Nontty guest appearance on TV Fuji TV [Shimura Ken-san no Baka Tonosama Hatsuwaraii ! Kazoku Sorotte Daibakushou Supesharu ] 1900-2054 KiiBoo as Guest Assistant DJ Tokyo Tower club333 Tokyo Tower 1st floor Big stage 1930-2100 Marinaru host Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100 Jan12 Sat KONYAN featured as MC for talkshow at event booth as one of many talentos [2013 Tokyo Auto Salon] Makuhari Messe Yuirin Guest Appearance on TV TV Tokyo (BS JAPAN)[ Konyamo Dorubako S ] 0030-0100 Misakko host Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100-2200 Jan13 Sun Misakko's 7th ONE-MAN LIVE [ Next Spot Light☆Misaitaru ] Vol.7 ; 29th HAPPY BirthDay Celebration Version Shibuya Grande Imakichi performs the original theme song for Osaka TV's travelogue [HAPPY TRIP] 0035-0105 ... /14/00/35/ Marinaru(rep. team SANSPO Daily Sports) & Sayanee(rep. team Rakuten keiba) in opposing 8-team round-robin battle [CLIMAX3 Iwate keiba x Rakuten keiba Challenge Showdown Series] Dec31(2012) Mon Plum Blossom Award Jan6 Sun Gold Cup Jan13 Sun Toukeinisei Memorial Ultimate Showdown Mizusawa Racecourse Jan14 Mon/Holiday Nontty's Fan Club 1st Event Yukaringo as special guest [Bowling Tourney & New Year Party] Sasazuka Bowl Shibuya 1330 Bowling Tournament 1500 New Year Party, Awards Ceremony, 2-shot photo session & handshake greetings Serinko Guest Appearances on TV NTV [ Hajimete no Otsukai ! 2013 Nen Daibouken SP] 1900-2154 CX [ SMAP × SMAP ] 2200-2254 Kazuchii performing in [Akiba Square New Year Event] Akiba Square Akihabara Crossfield Event Space Free Admission Jan15 Tues Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NTV [ Rabuka ] Jan16-27 Weds-Sun Natsuaki the TWINS cast in stage musical [ Oninputachi no Rarabai ] Saint Maur Studio Shinjuku Jan17 Thurs Nontty guest appearance on jcom channel [Moto Fukuyaki no Warai Mise Machi] 1st broadcast in Kanto Region 2100 repeat on Jan31 Thurs Masamin featured publications [SMIR NASLI] CM in March issue of [Nicky] release Jan18 Fri NeNe hosts [Fukuda Akane Amesuta Premium LIVE] broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100-2200 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX { Waratte Iitomo !] 1200-1300 Marinaru featured publications Marinaru's Horsing Racing column in [Sankei Sports] release Jan19 Sat KONYAN & Yuminta presents collaboration [KONAN & Fujiko TalkShow Act as PROMISED !!] About a year back during their 2-man MC at the theater in front of about an audience of 250 they vowed to hold an event in Yoyogi Park after graduation THIS IS THEIR BOND FULFILLMENT PLEDGE KEPT that night But instead of Yoyogi Park, the venue is at Yuminta's Agency AVEX Bldg 2F Mars cafe [yt][/yt] [yt][/yt] [yt][/yt] [yt][/yt] [yt][/yt] AVEX Trio; Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu perform in [Happy New Year 2013 Mr.Channel] SURPRISE ADD-ON EVENT; MiyuMiyu's 24th BirthDay Celebration !!! from left; Mamitan Maatan Aimin KONYAN Imakichi BirthDayGal MiyuMiyu RumiRumi Miray-SHOGUN Umeko & Jyuri AVEX Bldg 8F Minota Minami Ayoma 3-1-30 Tokyo 1300-1430 Haruchan as semi-regular cast of [Fishing Romance Pursuit] TV Tokyo 1800- Jan21 Mon ChuChu performs [Wall of Sound] on YouTube studio recording of [100 Kaidan no XXIII] [yt][/yt] [ Karine。& BEAST! THE LIVE ~IDOL LIVE, THE COMPILATION EPISODE ~] Haruchan (MC) for [ Karine。] Aimin (MC) for [BEAST! THE LIVE] Guest MiyuMiyu Tokyo FM Hall Jan22 Tues Kazuchii & Pikachan as MC hosts & Panel-Jury for the finals of [AkiShibu Project] auditions An idol group selection for the last 4 to join the current 3 to form a 7-member unit 1730- Nico Nico Douga LIVE Streaming only(no studio audience) TwinBox AKIHABARA Official Channel Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [IQ Sapuri SP] 1900-2054 KiBoo guest appearance in Nico Nico Douga [School Game] New Semester Jan23 Weds KiiBoo 5th Year anniversary commemoration special events guest performer in cast of stage musical [ Shinobu Aho ni Shinu Aho ] Ikebukuro theater green BOX in BOX THEATER 1300- Aimin guest appearance on NOTTV [Koibana Uranai LIVE Call-In] 2000-2200 Serinko special guest appearance for GILLE's [Try Again] 2nd single Release Sales Commemorative event & starring in their music video [Try Again Stories♯7 芹那編] [yt][/yt] Jan23-27 Weds-Thurs Chaki NeNe & Oshirichan cast in stage musical Color-i Collection×Machikado Bijin presents [Girls Rocketeer] Nakano-Pocket runway Jan23-29 Weds-Sat Masamin's fashion brand [SMIR NASLI] opens LIMITED STORE in Mitsukoshi Ginza Jan24 Thurs Kazuchii hosts Amesuta Premium Live Broadcast [Akita Kazue no Honmaaa~ Yoru ☆Night☆] 2200-2300 ... ast_id=917 Mamitan & Umeko as special guests on [Ijirii Okada to Yazawa to Erika no Koibana?Joshikai] 2130-2230 & immediately after they host [Mami & Umeda Amesuta Premium LIVE] ... ast_id=811 2240-2330 Yukaringo & Ijiri Okada-sama as guests on Nachuhamu's [GyaO ! Nachu Channel ] WatanAbe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Serinko Guest Appearance on TV CX [ Kiseki Taiken ! Anbiribabo] 2000-2100 Jan25 Fri Marinaru hosts Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2000-2100[yt][/yt] Serinko Guest Appearance on TV NHK [ Shibuya Deep A ] 0125-0155 Jan26 Sat Imakichi & Yuirin guest appearance on [ Ijiri Okada-sama no Wasshoi Gravure ] 2000-2100 & 2115- host AmoebaStudios Amesuta LIVE premiun broadcast Serinko Guest Appearances on TV NTV [ Sekai Wakagaeri Tsua ] 1430-1555 ANB[ Sekai Wakagaeri Tsua GOLD] 1856-1954 Meetan Guest appearances on TV Tokyo TV's; [Saturday Special ; A week-long Winter Trip around FUJI-yamasan] 1900-2054 [Goddotan] 0210-0235 Jan27 Sun Aimin (pre-recorded on 23rd) guest appearance on Chofu FM (88.3MHz) [Exciting Oh! Sunday] Marinaru Panel Guest on the [REXS Racing Power-UP Seminar] Tokyo Racecourse JAN 27th SUN SDN REUNION CONCERT AT AKB THEATER ON MAR 31st 2013 & {Kodoku na Runner] voted 18th at 2013's Request Hour On the 4th & last day of AKB Request Hour for 2013 SDN's iconic [Kodoku na Ruuner] was voted Top Best 18th & a 27-member ensemble out of the graduated class of 39 took to the stage at TDC hall GALLERY of BACKSTAGE & DRESSING-ROOM Close-Ups Spoiler AND as promised by Aki-P's pact & convenant struck with SDN on the occasion of their graduation concert at NHK hall last year backstage debriefing after the final encore Yukaringo as stand-in-Captain for the evening in-lieu of Nontty, announced that on Mar 31st at AKB Theater SDN will hold their REUNION CONCERT [ Sotsugyosei no Joshi Dosokai ~ Akirame ga Warui ! ~ ] once ready, ticketing details will be on the SDN Corner at AKB's official homepage OR the usual theater booking APPRECIATION FOR ALL YOUR VOTES & UNWAVERING DEDICATION THOUGH ITS MOSTLY THIER FELLOW COUNTRYMEN FROM MAMITAN, SENTIMENTs ECHOED BY ALL OF SDN INCLUDING THE 12 M.I.A.s Jan28 Mon Serinko as MC host for a special Amesuta pay-per-view TV & public broadcast of [ ~Love Card Games~ Casual Girlfriends ] 1900-1950 & Guest Appearance on TV NHK [ Hiru Bura ] 1220-1243 Misakko host Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2200-2300 Umeko featured publications interview in [Application Fan] release Jan30 Weds Jyuri & Maatan MC co-hosts [Jyuri Mana Miyu no Rirakkushi] FINAL BROADCAST Amesuta Premium LIVE Broadcast through Ameba Studios 2100-2200 Jan31 Thurs KONYAN appointed as official supporter endorsing CAPCOM's new game for Wii U platform [Monster Hunter 3, G HD ver.] LIVE demo-playing against 3 other tarentos in Round 1 battle 2130-2300 [ Karine。& BEAST! THE LIVE] Yuirin (MC) for [ Karine。] Aimin (MC) for [BEAST! THE LIVE] Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu as special guests Miura turf Studio cube 326 Shibaura 1930-2115 Serinko Guest Appearances on TV MBS [ Puressha Batoru SP ] 1900-2100 YTV [ Dauntaun DX Soushuuhen ] 2200-2300
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours FEBRUARY's Solo &/ Collaboration Activities in 2013 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] DAILY Sayanee moniker [SAINT GRAPE] with 4 other stablemates from her agency centFORCE as a team of newscasters/anchors [SAINT FORCE] broadcast in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area daily at 12 noon for 3 minutes duration ... 1-oric-ent Every MONDAY Nontty Host bayfm78 [ON8] 2000- & Co-host as Radio DJ [柱NIGHT with AKB48] 2100- Every TUESDAY Nontty & Yukaringo as regular guests on [Mariko Shinoda & Merry Companions] KBC Radio 0045-0100 KONYAN Co-host [Shirokuro Anjashuu] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ Kayou BEAST. Oyama Ai Hitsuji no Ai , Minnani Age Ru ♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Yukkii co-host in Saitama TV Kanagawa [ Kami Natsuki do Aikawa Yuki no Daigyakuten Jikkyou Pachi Dokitsu ! ] 2330- Every WEDNESDAY Haruchan co-host [JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Nachuhamu host her own [GyaO ! Nachu Channel ] WatanAbe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yuirin cast as regular on NTV [ Piroron Gakuen ] 2358-0153 Nontty co-host [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] Saitama TV 2359-0030 Chiba TV 0030-0100 Every 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month KONYAN as guest on Nico Nico Douga [ Hisshi no Pacchi ] 2330-0100 Every THURSDAY Serinko appearing as the Dental Nurse; [ Umino Nana ] on Fuji TV Winter/Spring CX drama rom-com [ Saikou no Rikon ] 2200- Yukkii' as assistant radio DJ on [BAYLINE Go! Go!] Chiba local bayfm 1600-1850 Meetan Co-host with Ijiri Okada sama [Honey School LIVE Chatshow] 2100-2200 & guest appearance on TV TBS [ Yoruben ] 0055- Oshirichan as regular cast in Fuji TV Autumn Drama [ Kekkon Shinai ] 2200- Aimin as guest in daily broadcast 1215 OA J-COM channel [ Wakuwaku !! Ario Hashimoto★Suteshon ] Every FRIDAY Yukkii as regular cast in NTV [ Shuumatsu Nishitai 10 Nokoto ! ] 0203-0248 Every SATURDAY Sayanee as radio DJ on [CORE ☆ kawaiI] Yokohama FM 2000-2030 Yuirin as radio regular guest on [Karine] 1400 FM Rainbow town Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan co-host NOTTV [ Jjishaku ・Ohori Megumi no Heyanudo ] 2359- & as regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio [ Madamada Gocha ・Mazetsu ! ~Atsumare Yanyan ~ ] 0200-0430 Haruchan as regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Yuirin as assistant MC on Chiba TV [ Sandouicchiman - Kuizu za Puraisusho ] 2100- Mamitan as assistant MC on FM-FUJI STUDIO VIVID ★ [Troupe Samba Carnival] ★2 hours weekly 2000-2200 Every SUNDAY CinDy with WH7 host regular radioshow [ALL NIGHT NIPPON] Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 & on the regular cast of radio 79.5Mhz Omiya NACK5 [The Nutty Radio Show] 1800-2100 Natsuaki the twins as MCs for their own LIVE radioshow [ Natsuaki Sande Sapuri ] 1200-1330 Umeko as assitant DJ to DJ NIRO in [NIHK Ni Eichikei ] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE ... st_id=1038 ChuChu plays the role [美美] in NHK BS Premium Drama [ Soko wo Nantoka ] 2200- Hamachii hosts the Autumn GI Derby Awards [Horse racing forecast series] [ Deiri Supo Tsu ] Every Alternate SUNDAY Chaki co-host rock radio [Kudaran] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Feb1 Fri Misakko's featured publications [Fine 2013] Jan issue release Special on celebrity home invasion & expose KONYAN guest appearance on TV Saiama & SUN TV [ Otona nono Komoriuta ] for four conseutive weeks 0120-0215 Chaki performs a medly of Namie Amuro's hits in TV Fuji [impersonation Covers no Kouhaku Uta Gassen] 1900- KiBoo's movie debut [CODE NINE/<THE PILOT>] commencement of serial sale on demand featured publications Marinaru's Horsing Racing column in [Sankei Sports] release & Oshirichan Swimsuit Gravure Debut in [ EX-MAX SPECIAL] March issue release Feb2 Sat Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Sekai ni Make Nai ! Touhoku Isan no Tabi ] 1430-1550 Piichan Movie debut with a major starring role in [ DISTORTION ~Ibitsu~ ] based on the manga series Stage Greeting Event with the cast x director x producer Shibuya Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC co-host [Jyuri x Mana x Miyu no DREAM☆DREAM☆DREAM] Natsuaki the TWINS as the special guests for session1; 1200-1245 WALLOP Studio 1200-1345 Nachuhamu guest appearance on TV TBS [Suppin Geki] 2154 KiiBoo's release for video rental starring in episode of [The woman in the mirror] from the [24 Nights of Really Scary Stories Series] Skyway Japan PAL plan Feb3 Sun Pikachan's [Searako's 25th BirthDay Celebration LIVE & Fan Meeting Event] includes Mini-LIVE, talkshow, games with prizes & dining Ikekuro RED ZONE 1730- Misakko hosting AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE 2100- Feb4 Tues Serinko guest appearance on TV TBS [EX-LOUNGE] 1150- Feb5 Weds Serinko guest appearances on TV NTV [ Kaiketsu ! Nainaiansa ] 2100-2154 TBS [ Rinkan ] 2200-2254 Feb 5-8 Tues-Fri Tokyo Run ; Nakameguro Kinkero Theater Feb 12-13 Tues-Weds Osaka Run ; Independant Theater -2nd Nontty cast in stage musical [ CASH・ON・DELIVERY ] Feb7 Thurs Pikachan special repeat guest appearance on TV TV Asahi [Ikinari ! Ougon Densetsu ] 2-hour binge marathon special, race to be the 1st to consume 100Kgs at the TOP 12 MOST POPULAR all-you-can-eat restaurants 1853- Nontty guest appearance on TV TV Ashai [London Hearts] 3 hour Special 1900-2200 featured publications Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] CM in March issue of [Scawaii ! ] release Feb7-11 Thurs-Mon Maatan & MiyuMiyu cast in stage musical [GO,JET!GO!GO!~ I LOVE YOU~] Vol.2 Aqua Studio Feb8 Fri KiiBoo Guest Assistant DJ Tokyo Tower club333 Tokyo Tower 1F Big stage 1930-2100 Yuirin & Marinaru co-host AmoebaStudios' Amesuta Premium LIVE [VALENTINE 2-HOUR SP] 2000-2200 Feb9 Sun Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Sekaiichi Uke Tai Jugyou ] Repeat Broadcast 1957-2054 ChuChu guest appearance on [Emotional Beat Hime Raji] Rainbowtown FM 79.2MHz Gyazaria Fukagawa 1600-1700 Aimin Chaki & Natsuaki the TWINS(ALSO RELEASE THEIR 2nd Single [ Keikenchi Joushouchuu ]) amongst many other acts performing in [AKIBA GIRLS FESTA ~Valentine's Day Special~] TwinBox AKIHABARA DAY session 1330- Evening session 1830- Feb9 Sat commence, thereafter every Sat Hamachi MC co-hosting new program BS TV Fuji [Kuen Uma ! ] 2055-2100 & Guest Panelist for Queen Cup Ranking Winners Forecast Signet Hall Tokyo Racecourse 1135- Feb10 Sun SDN post-Sotsugyo largest(7) NEW unit (Kazuchii & Pikachan are in a 8-member rock band but there are just the 2 of them) [episode ZERO ~JUST DO IT~] DEBUT !!! with 1st ONE-MAN LIVE & FAN Event Mamitan Umeko Imakichi Jyuri KONYAN Maatan & MiyuMiyu Session 1 : Concert 1400-1530, Sale of Merchandise 1530-1630 Session 2 : Concert 1830-2000, Sale of Merchandise 2000-2100 Shibuya CLUB Asia Rachel performing amongst many other acts in [pure acoustic vol.26] Mahiru no Tsukiyo no Taiyou Higashi 1800- Chaki VALENTINE fan meeting speial event includes mini-LIVEs lottery handmade chocolates & fondue Chez Mashio 1500-1700 Feb11 Tues Serinko guest appearance on TV EX [ Sumahoporisu ] 0015-0020 Pikachan performing in [Hikaruue Banpaku Vol.1 ~ Ai , Gyutto Shibori Dashita ~ ] Otsuka LIVE House HEARTS+ 1830- Yuirin's Agency [M]'s VALENTINE EVENT Yukkii's as the special guest particpating in the group bowling battle games & other events Part 1; Bowling 1030-1330 Part 2; Other Games, Bingo Cards for Free-flow drinks & Autograph sessions 1500-1800 Shibuya EST 1-14-14Shibuya-ku Tokyo NatsuAki the TWINs amongst many other acts performing in [Uta Musueme Raibu LIVE Vol.11] Day Session ;1300- & [Uta Musueme Raibu LIVE Vol.12] Evening Session ; 1800- GENKI Theater Akasaka Feb12 Weds Serinko guest appearances on TV KTV [R-1 Guranpuri ] 1900-2100 EX [ Sumahoporisu ] 0015-0020 featured publications Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] CM in March issues of [vikka ] release & [cutie] release Feb13 Weds Serinko guest appearances on TV NTV [1Ban Songu SHOW] 1900-1956 TBS [ Pawapurin ] 0055-0125 Nachuhamu hosts GyaO [Graduate Plus Nachu Channel] Nico Nico LIVE Special Public Broadcast VOL3 Special Guests 1st Part; 6 out of the 7-member alumni New Unit; Mamitan Umeko Imakichi Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu 2nd Part; Hamachi Omotesando GROUND 1900-2100 Feb13-17 Weds-Sun KONYAN reciting in Korean lines cast in stage musical [ Hyena ] Shinjuku Tiny Alice Theater Feb14 Thurs Serinko guest appearance on TV EX [ Otona no Banana ] 0157-0227 Feb15 Fri CinDy & Serinko as special guests on TV Fuji's CX [ Waru no Hana ] 0105-0205 Kazuchii 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE Mamitan as special guest [Akita Kazue’s birthday celebration 2nd solo live ~One-day-late Valentine smoldering everyone with the powder of love…? Honmaaa~?!~] 1730- Omotesando GROUND featured publications; Marinaru's Horsing Racing column in [Sankei Sports] release Oshirichan [ Exciter ] release Feb15 Fri commence thereafter every Fri Meetan as regular cast on NOTTV [En dan] 2315- Feb15-24 Fri-Sun Haruchan cast in stage musical [3150 Man Byou to , Sukoshi ] Imperial Galaxy Theater Feb16 Sat Serinko guest appearance on TV CX [ Katou Tokuban ] 1330-1530 Haruchan as semi-regular cast of TV Tokyo's [Romantic Fishing Pursuit] 1800- Masamin & Pikachan special guest appearance in Sando Internet Broadcast [Nukegake !! Onna Juku Barentain SP !! ] 1900-2030 kitasan-channel [yt][/yt] NeNe performing in [Fukada Akane's 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE Vol.2 : VALENTINE LIVE♥~] Shibuya 7F [yt][/yt] Feb17 Sun Serinko guest appearance on TV ABC [KAMIWAZA] 1856-2054 Imakichi ran 4km & perform an original-3-song set at Kumamoto Castle Spring Marathon 2013 Meetan guest appearances on TV TV Tokyo [Doraibu A GO! GO!] 1800-1830 NTV [Onesan ni Kikinasai] 2100-2130 Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC x co-host [Jyuri x Mana x Miyu no DREAM☆DREAM☆DREAM] WALLOP Studio 1200-1345 Hana guest appearance on Nico Nico Douga Circle LIVE Harajuku Nico Nico HQ Studios 1800- Marinaru Panel Guest in the [Winter Series Open Catergory Racing Seminar] Center Court Tokyo Racecourse Hamachi's featured publicatins [Machiko's GI Cup Winners Ranking Predictions] Column published in Sanspo Sports Daily [Feburary S] Feb18 Mon commence thereafter every Mon Yuminta special guest appearance on [Masshu^Channeru] 2100- Feb19 Tues Serinko guest appearance on TV TBS [ Konya Kurabete ] 2358-0053 KONYAN featured publications exclusive interview in [Manga Entertainment Weekly] series run for 4 consecutive weeks Feb21 Thurs Serinko guest appearance on TV TBS [ Ika Sama Tako Sama ] 2000-2100 Feb22 Fri Meetan guest appearance on TV TV Asahi [Oh ! Do Yakao Samitto] 2100-2154 KiiBoo appearing in Neco Channel [Movie-chan ; First Ninja Action Challenge] 0050-0100 Marinaru host AmoebaStudios' [Tsuda Marina Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2000-2100 Hamachi host [Tezuka Machiko Q&A Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2000-2100 ... st_id=1168 Feb23 Sat Serinko guest appearances on TV CX [ Seikaku Kaizen Soudansho ] 1430-1530 TX [ Baka SOUL] 2355-0025 Meetan guest appearance on TV TV Tokyo [Goddotan] 0210-0235 Hamachi's [Tezuka Machiko's 26th Birthday Celebration Party LIVE] includes ; LIVE song & dance, talkshow, interactive games, sale of exclusive merchandise & libations Shinjuku 1730- featured publications release Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] CM in March issue of [ ViVi ] Feb23 & 24 Sat & Sun KiiBoo as MC for event Winter Radio Berry Cup in Otama Feb23 Shiobarayama 1000-1200 Feb24 Nasuyama 10:00-1200 Feb24 Sun Misakko Aimin & NatsuAki the TWINs performing AND Marinaru as MC co-host in ["ROLL TOGETHER FESTIVAL"×Glad 3rd Anniversary] SHIBUYA; CLUB ASIA×Glad×VUENOS×LOUNGE NEO 4 venues' simulcast 1200-commence & Misakko hosting AmoebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE 2100- Kazuchii performing [Akita Kazue mini LIVE @ Aeon Mall Tsuchiura] FREE ATTENDANCE Session1; 1300 Session2; 1600 Specialist shop area 1F courtyard Aeon Mall Tsuchiura Feb25 Mon Oshirichan featured publications [ Exciter TABOO ] release Masamin's [ SMIR NASLI ] as one of the participating fashion brand showcasing at [2013 Sping/Summer NACO NAGOYA COLLECTION] Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium Nagoya Feb26 Tues Serinko guest appearance on TV ANB [ Ayashi i Toshokan ] 2315-0015 Feb27 Weds ChuChu featured publications Furakkusu's [ Gekkan EXILE ] release Feb28 Thurs Alumni Unit 7-member; Umeko Mamitan Imakichi Jyuri KONYAN Maatan & MiyuMiyu appearing in PR for their upcoming musical [ Shinkansen Angels of Housekeeping ] on [ Ra Menmyu Jishanide Taichou no Ima 3 Toki ? Sounedaitaine ] 1500-1600
Re: SDN48 - Members' POST Graduation Endeavours MARCH Solo/Collaboration/Unit Activities in 2013 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] DAILY Sayanee moniker [SAINT GRAPE] with 4 other stablemates from her agency centFORCE as a team of newscasters/anchors [SAINT FORCE] broadcast in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area daily at 12 noon for 3 minutes duration ... 1-oric-ent Every MONDAY Nontty host bayfm78 [ ON8 ] 2000- & host as Radio DJ [ 柱NIGHT ! with AKB48 ] 2100- Yuminta regular guest appearance on [ Masshu Channeru ] 2100- Every TUESDAY Nontty & Yukaringo as regular guests on [ Mariko Shinoda & Merry Companions ] KBC Radio 0045-0100 KONYAN cohost [ Shirokuro Anjashuu ] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ Kayou BEAST. Oyama Ai Hitsuji no Ai , Minnani Age Ru ♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Yukkii cohost in Saitama TV Kanagawa [ Kami Natsuki do Aikawa Yuki no Daigyakuten Jikkyou Pachi Dokitsu ! ] 2330- Every WEDNESDAY Haruchan cohost [ JOYnt! ] Gunma television 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Nachuhamu host her own [GyaO ! Nachu Channel ] WatanAbe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yuirin cast as regular on NTV [ Piroron Gakuen ] 2358-0153 Nontty cohost [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] Saitama TV 2359-0030 Chiba TV 0030-0100 Every 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month KONYAN as guest on Nico Nico Douga [ Hisshi no Pacchi ] 2330-0100 Every THURSDAY Serinko appearing as the Dental Nurse; [ Umino Nana ] on Fuji TV Winter/Spring CX drama [ Saikou no Rikon ] 2200- Yukkii' as assistant radio DJ on [BAYLINE Go! Go!] Chiba local bayfm 1600-1850 Meetan cohost with Ijiri Okada-san [ Honey School LIVE Chatshow ] 2100-2200 & guest appearance on TV TBS [ Yoruben ] 0055- Oshirichan as regular cast in Fuji TV Autumn Drama [ Kekkon Shinai ] 2200- Aimin as guest in daily broadcast 1215 OA J-COM channel [ Wakuwaku !! Ario Hashimoto★Suteshon ] Every FRIDAY Yukkii as regular cast in NTV [ Shuumatsu Nishitai 10 Nokoto ! ] 0203-0248 Meetan as regular cast on NOTTV [ Endan ] 2315- Every SATURDAY Sayanee as radio DJ on Yokohama FM [ CORE ☆ kawaiI ] 2000-2030 Yuirin as radio regular guest on FM Rainbow town [ Karine ] 1400 Community FM broadcast of 79.2 mhz, Koto-ku, Tokyo Meetan cohost NOTTV [ Jjishaku ・Ohori Megumi no Heyanudo ] 2359- & as regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio [ Madamada Gocha ・Mazetsu ! ~Atsumare Yanyan ~ ] 0200-0430 Haruchan as regular cast on RainbowTown FM Every Sat 1400 Yuirin as assistant MC on Chiba TV [ Sandouicchiman - Kuizu za Puraisusho ] 2100- Mamitan as assistant MC on FM-FUJI STUDIO VIVID ★ [ Troupe Samba Carnival ] ★2 hours weekly 2000-2200 Hamachi MC cohost new horse racing program BS TV Fuji [ Kuen Uma ! ] 2055-2100 Every SUNDAY CinDy with WH7 host regular radioshow [ALL NIGHT NIPPON] Nippon broadcasting 2130-2200 & on the regular cast of radio 79.5Mhz Omiya NACK5 [The Nutty Radio Show] 1800-2100 Natsuaki the twins as MCs for their own LIVE radioshow [ Natsuaki Sande Sapuri ] 1200-1330 Umeko as assitant DJ to DJ NIRO in [ NIHK Ni Eichikei ] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & immediately after host @2115 [ Umeda Haruka Amesuta Premium LIVE ] ... st_id=1038 ChuChu plays the role [美美] in NHK BS Premium Drama [ Soko wo Nantoka ] 2200- Hamachii hosts the Spring GI Derby Awards [Horse racing forecast series] [ Deiri Supo Tsu ] Every Alternate SUNDAY Chaki co-host rock radio [ Kudaran ] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 Mar1 Fri NatsuAki the TWINS guest appearance on Nico Nico Douga LIVE [ Maruhan Channel ] 1900-2100 Aimin guest appearance on radio InterFM [ TECHNOS COLLEGE YOUNG BLOOD ] 2100-2256 ... fri&id=451 Kiboo appearing in Neco Channel [Movie-chan ; First Ninja Action Challenge] 0050-0100 Serinko appointed the official image model for [ & by P&D ](Patrick & Danni) 2013 Spring/Summer Collection [yt][/yt] & guest appearance on TV NTV [ Mirai Shiata ] 2330- Mar1-3 Fri-Sun Yuminta cast in play Gekidan Corazon 22nd Production Performance of [ Yuruneba 2013 ~You’ll never walk alone~ ] official supporter FC Tokyo NBC Image Studio Mar2 Sat Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] fashion brand GRAND OPENING of 3rd physical Shopspace at MAUREI 3F Nagoya in addition to ; Flagship - Lumine EST Shinjuku Branch - OPA Shinsaibashi Osaka Serinko appearing as one of the 70 runway models for the 16th [ Tokyo Girls Collection ] Yoyogi National Gymnasium & guest appearances on TV NTV [ Zennihon Kashouryoku Senshuken ~ Kashou ou ~ ] 1330-1700 TX [ Bakasouru ] 0025-0055 Mar2 Sat Haruchan(2nd part) & Nachuhamu(4th part) as special guest appearance on AmebaStudios Ametsuta Premium LIVE [ Insutantojonson Nokawai ~ Koirasshai ] ... st_id=1168 2000-2200 & immediately after Nachuhamu host Ameba Studios broadcast [ Nachu Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2220-2320 Mar3 Sun Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] fashion brand as one of the official sponsor & supporter at [2013 Spring/Summer KANSAI COLLECTION] KYOCERA DOME Osaka Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC co-host [Jyuri x Mana x Miyu no DREAM☆DREAM☆DREAM] Natsuaki the TWINS as the special guests WALLOP Studio 1200-1345 Misakko LIVE & FAN Meeting event [ 33 Kai do Kananyan Utage Futaritohina Matsuri ] Kananyan SDN early GRAD 1st GEN as special guest Yasai Shokudou Sakurasaku 1st session ; 1300 commence 2nd session ; 1600 commence Umeko host Ameba Studios broadcast [Umeda Haruka Amesuta Premium LIVE] ... ast_id=811 2115- NeNe performing a mini-LIVE set in Machikado Bijin presents「Tokyo Fashion Collection」 Zepp Diver City Tokyo Mar4 Mon Serinko special guest appearance for the presentation of [ ONE PIECE ; Pirate Warriors 2 ] Sony Playstation PS Vita game collaboration with the same titled manga spin-off series Serinko appears in lolita cosplay for the character [ Perona ] CREDIT Messr. Nyanholic for all 3 Event Coverage clips for the other 2 vids please visit Serinko's thread in the [Girls' forum] & lookup Messr. Nyanholic's posts [yt][/yt] KONYAN & Yuminta collaboration presents their 1st-ONE-MAN LIVE [1st LIVE ~Saru mo Gorira Moanatamo Enjin~ ] Shibuya GLAD [yt][/yt] [yt][/yt] [yt][/yt] Mar5 Tues Serinko guest appearances on TV TBS [ Ano Nichini Kaeritai] Repeat Broadcast 2000-2100 CX [ Somosan ⇔ Seppa ] 0040-0110 Meetan guest appearance on TV NTV [ Hama-chan ] 0159-0229 OA Chaki special guest appearance in [ Shogeki Byu~Ingu ↑ ] public broadcast on the JUMBO VISION PANEL SCREENs at Kashiwa Station facade ・Omiya Station facade ・Dotonbori Osaka AND on USTREAM 1800-1830 Mar6 Weds NatsuAki the TWINS performing in [ GiRLs RECALL ] Omotesando Ground 1800 commence Serinko guest appearance on TV MBS [ Tsukaeru Geinoujinha Dareda !? Puressha Batoru ] Repeat Broadcast 1455-1623 Piichan special guest appearance on [ Mono Pachinko ] New Aipha Store Yamato Shimotsuruma 2-1-6 Kanagawa 1000 Broadcast date & time; Mar21 & 28 Thurs TV Kanagawa 0100 Mar7 Thurs Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Isshou Kangaenai Kotowo 30 Fun Dake Shinken ni Kangaeru TV ] 0059-0129 Kazuchii host Amesuta Premium Live Broadcast [ Akita Kazue no Honmaaa ~ Yoru ☆Night☆ ] 2200-2300 ... ast_id=917 Meetan guest appearance on TV NTV [ Hama-chan ] 0038-0108 OA localised Kanto region only Pikachan special repeat guest appearance on TV TV Asahi [ Ikinari ! Ougon Densetsu ] 1900 Mar7-11Thurs-Mon NeNe & KiBoo cast in stage musical FLYING TRIP's 6th production of [ Rakkagaru ] Sun Mall Theater Mar8 Fri Aimin & Yuirin plus Haruchan [ Karine。& BEAST THE LIVE ] Aimin MC for BEAST THE LIVE Yuirin & Haruchan MC for Karine Shibaura Studio Cube 326 Marinaru host AmebaStudios broadcast [Tsuda Marina Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2000-2100 Serinko appointed as CM model for the Spring campaign of JANKARA Boutique Karaoke Lounge & Bar broadcast in Chukyo, Kansai & Tokai Mar9 Sat NatsuAki the TWINS performing in [ GIRLs-RockPop stadium ] Mt.RainierHALL Shibuya 1230-1530 concert 1630 - sale of exclusive merchandise Imakichi Chaki & Aimin performing in GREAT EAST JAPAN EARTHQUAKE CHARITY EVENT [All in one] vol.3 Smiley Dream Night 1745- LIVE HALL Aube Shibuya Serinko guest appearances on TV TBS [ Higashino ・Ariyoshi no Donsoko ] 1430-1510 NTV [ Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou Supesharu ] 1900-2054 NHK [ Chakushin Orei ! Ketai Oogiri ] 0005-0049 Hiromin official choreograhper for ★MODEL'S DANCE PROJECT★ the 4-model dance troupe will showcase at Mar9 Sat KOBE COLLECTION Kobe World Memorial Hall Maatan performing one of the two OST theme insert song [LOVELY ☆ STAR] for the movie [ Musashi no Sennoshimai ]'s DVD release sales commemorative event 3F Pinafore shop LIVE SPACE Harajuka Mar10 Sun NatsuAki the TWINS performing in [IDOL STADIUM at Shibuya-AX] Shibuya-AX 1300- Yuirin's Agency [M]'s EVENT for Yuirin's 29th Birthday celebration Yukkii' as the special guest Part 1 : 1100-1400 All you can eat Viking ; soft drinks & food Part 2 : 1410-1710 Bingo card & other games, homemade desserts plus autograph sessions & 2-shot photo-op Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Nichi 10 Engei Paredo ] 2200-2254 Kazuchii & Pikachan collaboration presents talkshow, presentation & other events in Osaka(Kazuchii's hometown qv Pikachan Kyoto) 1300-1330 Derusa MAX Ichioka, Ichioka-port 1430-1500 Derusa MAX Nishinarimoto, Mamoru Minami-Tsuru 1600-1630 Platinum 5, Abenosuji featured publications Mar10 Sun release Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] fashion brand CM in [ sweet ] April Issue Mar11 Mon Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Gutsu Tokita Meibamen Besuto 60 ] Repeat Broadcast 1900-2248 Mar12 Tues Serinko guest appearances on TV ANB [ Nakai Masahiro no Ayashi i Uwasa no Atsumaru Toshokan ] 2315-0015 CX [ Somosan ⇔ Seppa ] 0040-0110 Meetan guest appearance on TV NTV [ Hama-chan ] 0159-0229 OA Mar14 Thurs NatsuAki the TWINS performing in [ Tsukuba Terebi Shusai no Aidoruibento Kikaku ] TwinBox AKIHABARA 1830 - 2200 Meetan guest appearance on TV NTV [ Hama-chan ] 0038-0108 OA localised Kanto region only Kiboo special guest appearance on the drama where Serinko plays the role Dental Nurse [ Umino Nana ] in Fuji TV Winter/Spring CX drama [ Saikou no Rikon ] 2200- Mar15 & 16 - Fri & SAT CinDy cast in stage musical a special production on the occasion of the 5th Anniversary opening of Mihama Main Hall AND Chiba Cultural Center Award for Best New Talent [ ~ Mihama Youth Grafitti ~ CHIBA SOUL ] Mihama Main Hall Chiba Mar16 Sat Serinko guest appearance on TV TX [ Bakasouru ] 2355-0025 Chaki's 2nd One-MAN-LIVE [ ~ Chakito Monika Dedekirumon ! ~ Cha Monika ] Shibuya HOME 1400 commence Oshirichan featured publications release [ Dokanto Gravure - #12 Girls@Collection ] April Issue Mar16 & 17 Sat & Sun Aimin & NatsuAki the TWINs performing in Aidoru Karano Fukkouhe no Kizuna [ Girls-NATION~Spring~ ] 16th - 1300 commence 17th - 1200 commence Izumity 21 Bunka City Sendai Mar16-20 Sat-Weds Hana cast in amipro stage musical [ Absolute Boyfriend ] based on the manga series Theater 1010 ... d=CNI12871 Mar16-24 Sat-Sun ALL 7-members of NEW Alumnae UNIT Mamitan Umeko Imakichi Jyuri KONYAN Maatan & MiyuMiyu cast in stage musical [ Shinkansen Osouji no Tenshitachi ] AiiA Theater Tokyo & after the Mar20 Wed Perf. Umeko's 25th BirthDay Celebration Event NOTE : Aspiring Attendees Must Be A Stage Ticket Holder Mar18 Mon Kazuchii & Masamin cohost NOTTV [ Omori Deitadakimasu ] 1730-1800 NatsuAki the TWINS performing FREE Mini-LIVE Lazona Kawasaki 2000 commence Mar19 Tues Masamin's[SMIR NASLI] fashion brand GRAND OPENING of 4th physical Shopspace at Marui Jam 4F Shibuya THIS IS HER 2nd NEW shop for March 2013 FLAGSHIP - Lumine EST Shinjuku BRANCH : OPA Shinsaibashi Osaka MAUREI 3F Nagoya CinDy with the cast of stage musical [ GO, JET ! GO ! GO ! ] appear on a special commemorative broadcast of AmoebaStudios Ametsuta LIVE broadcast 1900-2000 & immediately after CinDy host [ Urano Kazumi's Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2000-2100 ... ast_id=717 Hamachi featured publications release [ FLASH ] DIY article on [ Shashamaru Tankentai 3D Purinta de Figyua wo Tsukutte Mita ] using 3D body scanner & printer to make figurines of herself in swimsuit showcasing her G-cup bustline Mar20 Weds Holiday Hiromin official choreograhper for ★MODEL'S DANCE PROJECT★ the 4-model dance troupe will showcase at TOKYO RUNWAY Yoyogi National Gymnasium Chaki cast in stage musical [ Arisuindeddori Suku Rruorutanateibu ] Shinagawa RokuKokai NatsuAki the TWINS performing FREE Mini-LIVE Kichijoji Temple club @ SEATA 1st session ; 1505 commence 2nd session ; 2030 commence Serinko collaboration produce BEAUTY PILLOW series goes on sale at 110 stores nationwide through Ameba Celebrity Endorsements CinDy Mar20 Weds commence, thereafter every Weds Assistan MC on [ Burupen ] LIVE from Watanabe Entertainment Omotesando 2100- Mar20-24 Wed-Sun Kazuchii cast in stage musical Tambourine & LIVEDOG collaboration present [ TOKUGAWA 15 ] Nakano Pocket theater Mar21 Thurs Misakko cast in stage musical [ Arisuindeddori Sukuru Orutanateibu ] Shinagawa Gyoukai Hall Pikachan host Ameba Studios Broadcast [ Kojo Seara Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2200- Mar22 Fri NatsuAki the TWINS guest apprearance on Nico Nico Douga LIVE [ Maruhan Channel ] 1900-2100 Aimin performing in [ Roppongi Girls Cruising ] 1800 commence Morph Tokyo Oshirichan Gravure DVD debut release [ Shinahama-chan GRAVURE ] Marinaru host AmebaStudios Broadcast [Tsuda Marina Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2000-2100 Hana guest appearance on RADIO BERRY Tochigi FM [ B☆BOX FRIDAY HYPER ] 1500-1555 Mar23 Sat Masamin & Pikachan becomes regular guest cast in Sando Internet Broadcast [ Nukegake !! Onna Juku Barentain SP !! ] 1800-1930 kitasan-channel NeNe host Ameba Studio broadcast [ Fukuda Akane Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 1900- ... st_id=1024 Serinko appearing as one of the 119 runway models in [ Girls Award 2013 SPRING/SUMMER ] Yoyogi National Gymnasium ... tlno=mo096 & Misakko MC for talkshow ADOLLE Event Booth ALSO @ [ Girls Award 2013 SPRING/SUMMER ] Mar24 Sun Marinaru as special commentator & pundit for JRA Spring Series Open Category Pro-racing seminar Nakayama Racecourse Special Stage Basement B1 Benjamin Plaza Pikachan fan meeting event [ Nipponichi Kawaii Taishoku ide Monomane Modekiru Aidoru Hikari Nobose Araniyoru Ima , Ichiban Chiketto ga Tori Durai Deinasho ] special guest Oshirichan includes home-cooked & hand-made Kaiseki dinner, variety of games, autograph & photo sessions Akihabara HERMATE Cafe Lounge 1330 commence Mar25 Mon Serinko Guest appearance on Part 2 of LIVE stage show [ DESIGN Jibun Mirai ] LaForet Myujiamu Harajuku 1600-1700 Restricted to Junior x High SchoolGirls ... 34327.html Hamachi featured publications release [ Daily Sports ] column expose of [Haru no GI ha Machiko no Dokidoki G Kappu Yosou ] Mar26-27 Tues & Weds Serinko as special guest, walk the runway twice at the 5th Okinawan International Film Festival Ginowan City & Naha City Okinawa Mar27 Weds Haruchan guest appearance on Nontty's pachinko program [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] TV Saitama 2359-0030 Misakko MC for talkshow Pipipipikushon Event Dokuta Jikanzu Shibuya 1900- & hosting AmoebaStudios Boradcast [ Okuchi Misa Ametsuta Premium LIVE } 2100- Mar28 Thurs Nontty guest appearance on TV Fuji TV [ Doragonreidei ] 1900- Pikachan guest appearance on TV Fuji TV [ Mezamashi TV Kokochou ] 1900- Mar29 Fri NatsuAki the TWINS guest apprearances on Nico Nico Douga LIVE [ Maruhan Channel ] 1900-2100 NatsuAki the TWINS performing FREE Mini-LIVE Shibuya O-nest Umeko's regular netcast usual timeslot on every Sun 2000-2100 has been rescheduled, broughtforward to Fri Mar 29th 1930-2030 due to SDN48 Alumnae REUNION Concert on Mar31 SUN Umeko as assitant DJ to DJNIRO in [ NIHK Nieichikei ] MUTV Shibuya Station & immediately after host AmebaStudios Broadcast [ Umeda Haruka Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2045-2200 ... st_id=1038 Nontty featured publications release [ FRIDAY ] gravure list cover Mar30 Sat Nontty & Haruchan featured publications release joint interviews in [ Gekkan Entame ] Hamachi Paddock Commentator for [ Daichikai Mikuriya nin Kutsushou - Mikurodoshou ] Kochi Stadium Kochi Racecourse Serinko guest appearance on TV TBS [ Orusuta Kanshasai’13 ] 1825-2348 Yukaringo & Nontty with AKB guest appearances on TV TBS [ Orusuta Kanshasai ni ] Mar31 Sun Marinaru as special commentator & pundit for JRA Spring Series Open Category Pro-racing seminar Nakayama Racecourse Special Stage Basement B1 Benjamin Plaza Serinko guest appearance on TV ANB [ Shirushirumishiru SP ] 1800-2100 Nontty 2nd Gravure DVD release [ Noro Kayo OVER Daijoubu Kashira ? ] MARCH 31st SUN EXACTLY ONE YEAR to the date of their GRADUATION As PROMISED SDN RETURNS to their THEATER HOME of 2 YEARS & 8 MONTHS 336 [Yuuwaku no Garter]s in front of 84,000 to stage SDN48 1st Chapter Alumnae REUNION Concerts Graduation Anniversary [Yuuwaku no Garter] SPECIAL Performances @ 1300 hrs 2nd & 3rd gen. version by a 17 ensemble (miray 3rd gen. absent & Marinaru 2nd gen. joins 1st Gen. perf. see below) @1900 hrs 1st gen. version by a 18+1 ensemble (Sayanee absent, Maachan withdrew;fever & sore throat & 2nd gen. Marinaru attached as MC only)
Re: SDN48 Alumnae POST Graduation Endeavors I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I thought 84,000 was the number of people that had come to see them at the theater from the time they started to the end... which would make "336 yuuwaku no garters" the amount of times they performed the show at the theater. But I really don't know. It was a number they paraded around a few times but I could never catch for what. That's the impression I got, anyway. I'm sure theoneman knows the real reason behind the number. Will that concert get its own thread? I feel like it should...
Re: SDN48 Alumnae POST Graduation Endeavors ^^ IT IS, WHAT IT IS 336 SHOWS with 84k ATTENDANCE AKS had the members disseminate these stats among others in their pen-ultimate & final updates before GREE discouraged further blogging after Apr 1st SUN ZERO DARK HOURS 2012 & subsequent termination of all their accounts on May 1st 2012(GREE kept their blogs open in Apr for the fans to read & comment only) The only exception is Nontty, her GREE is still active with updates As THE GREAT CAPTAIN, rank does have its privileges HOWEVER, those of us in their Birthday Committee have a slightly lower count(we submit theater reservations for every single one) 332 with 83k The FOUR shows' difference stems from 3.11 The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 In the immediate aftermath there was a nationwide observance of self-restraint & the still unfolding threat of nuclear fallout from the Fukushima Daichi Plants ALL 48 Groups' activites were suspended & off course the theaters shuttered 4 shows scheduled during this period were cancelled Indeed, SDN's 2nd Single [ Ai, Cyuseo ] had only a soft launch on Mar 23rd & the physical release delayed till almost mid-Apr In the final analysis, now that the graduation is all said & done with it is really just a matter of splitting hairs AKS includes the 4 cancelled in the final tally so i just roll with it
Re: SDN48 Alumnae POST Graduation Endeavors ^Thanks for the in-depth information, it's very interesting.
Re: SDN48 Alumnae POST Graduation Endeavors APRIL Solo/Collaboration/Unit Activities in 2013 [the ones in red are recurring engagements] DAILY Sayanee moniker [SAINT GRAPE] with 4 other stablemates from her agency centFORCE as a team of newscasters/anchors [SAINT FORCE] broadcast in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area daily at 12 noon ... 1-oric-ent Every MONDAY Kazuchii & Pikachan cohost NOTTV2 [ Tokumori ] 1730-1800 Nontty host bayfm78 [ ON8 ] 2000- & host as Radio DJ [ 柱NIGHT ! with AKB48 ] 2100- Yuminta regular guest appearance on [ Matthew Channel ] 2100- Every TUESDAY Nontty & Yukaringo as regular guests on [ Mariko Shinoda & Merry Companions ] KBC Radio 0045-0100 KONYAN cohost [ Shirokuro Anjashuu ] 2300-2330 Chiba & Kanagawa TV Aimin host [ Kayou BEAST. Oyama Ai Hitsuji no Ai , Minnani Age Ru ♡Aimi's Party Night ] Radio Kiba Studio 2000- Yukkii cohost in Saitama TV Kanagawa [ Kami Natsuki do Aikawa Yuki no Daigyakuten Jikkyou Pachi Dokitsu ! ] 2330- Every WEDNESDAY Haruchan cohost Gunma TV [ JOYnt! ] 2300-2330 (rebroadcast: Sun 2300-2330) Kanto 5 stations network : Gunma TV, Saitama TV , Tochigi TV, Chiba TV, Kanagawa TV Nachuhamu host her own [GyaO ! Nachu Channel ] WatanAbe Plus LIVE 2000-2100 Yuirin as regular cast on NTV [ Piroron Gakuen ] 2358-0153 Nontty cohost [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] Saitama TV 2359-0030 Chiba TV 0030-0100 Every 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month KONYAN as guest on Nico Nico Douga [ Hisshi no Pacchi ] 2330-0100 Every THURSDAY Serinko appearing as the Dental Nurse; [ Umino Nana ] on Fuji TV Winter/Spring CX drama [ Saikou no Rikon ] 2200- Meetan cohost with Ijiri Okada-san [ Honey School LIVE Chatshow ] 2100-2200 & guest appearance on TV TBS [ Yoruben ] 0055- Aimin as regular guest in daily broadcast 1215 OA J-COM channel [ Wakuwaku !! Ario Hashimoto★Suteshon ] Every FRIDAY Yukkii as regular cast in NTV [ Shuumatsu Nishitai 10 Nokoto ! ] 0203-0248 Meetan as regular cast on NOTTV [ Endan ] 2315- Every SATURDAY Sayanee as radio DJ on Yokohama FM [ CORE ☆ kawaiI ] 2000-2030 Meetan cohost NOTTV [ Jishaku ・Ohori Megumi no Heyanudo ] 2359- & as regular cast on live broadcast MBS radio [ Madamada Gocha ・Mazetsu ! ~Atsumare Yanyan ~ ] 0200-0430 Yuirin as assistant MC on Chiba TV [ Sandouicchiman - Kuizu za Puraisusho ] 2100- Hamachi MC cohost horse racing program BS TV Fuji [ Kuen Uma ! ] 2055-2100 Every SUNDAY Yukaringo host BayFM 78.0 MHz [ JUNNU CAFE presents ] JUNNU booth Sogo shop 1F Aurora Mall Chiba 1600-1626 CinDy on the regular cast of radio 79.5Mhz Omiya NACK5 [ The Nutty Radio Show ] 1800-2100 Natsuaki the twins as MCs for their own LIVE radioshow [ Natsuaki Sande Sapuri ] 1200-1330 Umeko as assitant DJ to DJ NIRO in [ NIHK Ni Eichikei ] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & immediately after host @2115 [ Umeda Haruka Amesuta Premium LIVE ] ... st_id=1038 Machi-pie host the Spring GI Derby Awards [Horse racing forecast series] [ Deiri Supo Tsu ] Every Alternate SUNDAY Chaki co-host rock radio [ Kudaran ] Cultural Center Broadcast 0900-0930 祝 卒業 NeNe's actual graduation from Waseda University was this time last year BUT she was away with the rest of SDN for the last single release sales commemorative meet & greet events SO this year she attended the graduation ceremony as a supernumerary 祝 卒業 Yuminta graduates from Hosei University Faculty of International Cultural Studies Sayanee's 29th BirthDay on Apr 1st, Fool's Day, i kid you not, her BD really is the day after their graduation anniversary from left; Yukkii Yuirin BIrthDay-GAL Sayanee Yukaringo ChuChu(soon-to-be-bride) Marinaru & Umeko Apr1 Mon Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Purachinaito ] 2358-0053 KONYAN reappointed for the 3rd year running as one of the 4 official image models for HEIWA Style 2013 campaign Meetan collaboration produced Tattoo Stockings/Panty Hoses official launch & goes on sale distributed through Ameba Celebrities Network Stores [ Ohori Megumi purodeyusu Koi ni Kiku !? Puremiamutatou Sutokkingu ( 2 Kara ) ] ... s01_01.jpg Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] fashion brand CM featured publications release [ ViVi ] May Issue Apr2 Tues Haruchan starring as the gratuitous eye candy RINGSIDE KAMBAN Bishojyo in; [ GoodMorningAmerica ] x Glico POCKY collaboration CM & PV (flash vid) Apr3 Weds Haruchan guest appearance on Nontty's [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] TV Saitama 2359-0030 Apr3-7 Weds-Sun Oshirichan cast in stage musical a STRAYDOG production [ Haha no Sakura ga Chitta yoru ] SPACE107 theater Shinjuku Apr3-9 Weds-Tues Jyuri cast in team B of stage musical [ GO,JET!GO!GO! Vol.3~Mr.Moooon Light~ ] Aqua Studio Apr4 Thurs KONYAN guest appearance on TV TV Chiba [ Manten Pachisuta ] 2359-0030 Nachuhamu & KiBoo with the cast of the stage musical [ Ou ! ] handshake meet & greet event Yoyogi Muse Conservatory Main Bldg Multi-hall 1F 1940-2030 Apr5 Fri Pikachan launch her own foodblog Moto SDN Kojo Seara no Kicchin [ Kukkupaddo ] Kantan Oishiiminnano Reshipi ga 144 Manhin Marinaru host AmebaStudios Broadcast [Tsuda Marina Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2000-2100 KIBoo guest cohost tvk [ Ongaku Kaihouku ] 2200 Apr6 Sat Serinko guest appearance on TV CX [ Gattoshotto ] 2330-0020 Meetan ran the 5km fringe event with her AKB juniors at the [ GUAM International Marathon ] clocking her NEW personal best time of 29min 20s breaking her previous barrier of 30 mins for 5km Tamuning City GUAM Misakko KiBoo Masamin Nene Pikachan & Yuminta as special guests for part 3 of AmebaStudio's Broadcast [ Insutantojonson no Kawaiko ~ chan ] 2000-2150 & immediately after Masamin & Nene cohost [ Kouchi Masami x Fukuda Akane Amesuta Premium LIVE ] plus Pikachan & Yuminta cohost [ Seara Kojo x Fujiko Yumi Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2150-2250 finally Misakko host [ Okochi Misa Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2150-2250 ... st_id=1024 Marinaru as REXS assistant instructor Nakayama Racecourse Apr7 Sun Haruchan guest appearance in Nico Nico Douga LIVE Chari ・LOTO 1330- Serinko guest appearance on TV ANB [ Bakushou Purasu 1 Sho ] 1400-1530 KONYAN special guest appearance at the graduation concert of Ebisu Muscats where she graduated from in 2010 to audtition for SDN CREDIT Messr. sdn48oshi for the article Marinaru as special guest for the illumination ceremony at Ohi Racecourse 1820-" & as special commentator & pundit for JRA Spring Series Open Category Pro-racing seminar Nakayama Racecourse Special Stage Basement B1 Benjamin Plaza Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC cohost [Jyuri x Mana x Miyu no DREAM☆DREAM☆DREAM] WALLOP Studio 1200-1345 Chaki Talkshow Special Event [ SDN48 Saikai Kouen no Hanashi mo Kiki Taikedo, Butai mo Ganbatte ! Ouen Shiterukara ] Tom Boy Cafe Murayama-cho Store Shibuya Apr8 Mon Nene's featured publication release COVER GIRL on [ Custom Scooter ] May Issue Masamin's [ SMIR NASLI ] fashion brand CM featured publications release [ Scawaii ] May issue Apr9 Tues CinDy returns as Assistant MC for this month to [ Kosaka Daimaou no Katsuage ! ] 2100-2200 following her stint as the 6th Gen. apprentice in Apr 2012 Pikachan as special guest nico nico douga live Ustream & immediately after host [ Urano Kazumi Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2215- ... ast_id=717 & Pikachan host AmebaStudios Broadcast [ Kojo Seara Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2200- Apr10 Weds Revival Concert Series 2013 [ Omoidaseru kimi tachihe ] in just 8 weeks after their Graduation Anniversary SDN is recalled like last year's [ Minogashita kimi tachihe 2 ] this time to be the closing act (Day 24) for this year's Revival at TDC hall on May 25th Sat performing a double-set SDN1 Yuuwaku no Garter Day - 1330 hrs 2nd x 3rd gen. version Night - 1830 hrs 1st gen. version The 4 Missing In Action 1st Gen. ; Sayanee(Reason Unknown), Kazuchii(StagePlay), Machi-pie(Self-Exile) 3rd Gen. ; miray(still without a new agency since graduation) OTHERS; 2nd Gen. Marinaru(Permanent MC only status walking wounded until major surgical intervention) 2nd Gen. Yuminta & 3rd Gen. SiYEON pulling double-cast duties to fill in for 1st Gen. performance MAY THERE BE MORE WEDDING BELLS' CHIMES ON THAT SATURDAY's NIGHT PARTY 2012 [ Minogashita kimi tachihe 2 ] last year's commemorative shot for SDN1 Yuuwaku no Garter Haruchan guest appearance on Nontty's [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] TV Aichi 2359-0030 Apr10 Weds commence thereafter every Weds CinDy joins the regular cast of NOTTV [ AKB48 no Anta , Dare ? ] 1700- Apr11 Thurs Serinko guest appearance on TV YTV [ Kaminguautobaraetei Himitsu no Kenmin SHOW ] 2100-2154 Haruchan's 25th BirthDay on Apr12 Thurs MANY HAPPY RETURNS KONYAN guest appearance on TV TV Chiba [ Manten Pachisuta ] 2359-0030 Apr12 Fri CinDy host AmebaStudios Broadcast [ Urano Kazumi Amesuta Premium LIVE] 2000- ... ast_id=717 KiBoo Guest Assistant DJ club333 Tokyo Tower Special stage Main Observatory 1F 1930-2100 Mamitan host AmebaStudios Broadcast [ Kato Mami Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2030-2130 ... ast_id=811 Apr13 Sat Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Sekaiichi uke tai Jugyou SP ] 1900-2124 Meetan's 3rd Fan Club Event [ Ohori Megumi Fan Event Madoguchi ] includes ; Hinami theme lunch, talkshow, 2-shot photo-op & variety games 1200-1500 Aimin Pikachan & Natsuaki the TWINS with NeNe as special guest for part 2 evening session performing in [AKIBA GIRLS FESTA ~SPRING Special~] TwinBox AKIHABARA DAY session 1300- Evening session 1800- Oshirichan Debut GRAVURE DVD [ Shinahama ~ chan ] Release Sales Commemorative Event Event Space Softmap Amusement Hall 8F Akihabara 1800- Apr13 Sat & 14 Sun Marinaru as special commentator & pundit for JRA Spring Series Open Category Pro-racing seminar 73rd Satsuki Sho Keiba Nakayama Racecourse Special Stage Basement B1 Benjamin Plaza Apr14 Sun Nontty's 2nd Gravure DVD release [ Noro Kayo OVER Daijoubu Kashira ? ] Sales commemorative events Akihabara Tokyo Softmap Amusement Hall Event Space 8F 1400- Hiromin performing in [ Moving on MODE ] Akasaka BLITZ Kazuchii as special guest of Umeko's program where she is assitant DJ to DJNIRO in NIHK [ Nieichikei ] 2000-2100 MUTV Shibuya Station & @2115 Kazuchii & Umeko cohost AmebaStudios Broadcast [ Umeda Haruka x Akita Kazue Amesuta Premium LIVE ] ... st_id=1038 Apr15 Mon Aimin MC host & performing LIVE in [ BEAST THE LIVE ~GIROPPON DE sawaga Night ~ ] Morph-Tokyo Roppongi 1800- ... 04/15.html Apr16 Tues Serinko guest appearance on TV ANB [ Torihada ㊙ Sukupu Eizou 100 Kajiten SP ] 1900-2100 Nontty guest appearance on TV TV Ashai [ London Hearts ~ Unubore Chuui ! Onna no Jibun Banduke ~ ] 1900- & special guest appearance dressed as a zombie PR for the movie [ Evil Dead ] the remake version screening on May 3rd Pikachan's Special Kaiseki theme fan meeting event [Vol. 2 Nipponichi Kawaii Taishoku ide Monomane Modekiru Aidoru Hikari Nobose Araniyoru Ima , Ichiban Chiketto ga Tori Durai Deinasho ] special guest Oshirichan includes Pikachan's home-cooked & self-made Kaiseki dinner, variety games, autograph & photo sessions HERMATE Cafe Akihabara 1930- Maatan special guest appearance on Nico LIVE Official Channel 37th [ Kishida Takeshi Saku awa Waratte Injan ] 2000- SDN Alumnae 7-member unit (Umeko Mamitan Imakichi Jyuri KONYAN Maatan & MiyuMiyu) Fashion Modeling in CM campaign for HERE'S, LODISPOTTO & axes femme Mounted on bill-board hoardings in UnderGround passage B1 Sunshine City Ikebukuro Apr17 Weds Haruchan guest appearance on Nontty's [ Pachi FUN!! Noro Kayo Uwasa no Horu Burari Tabi ] TV Aichi 2359-0030 Serinko guest appearance on TV NTV [ Okunin no dai Shitsumon !? Waratte kora ete ! ] 1956-2054 Meetan guest appearance on LIVE radio Nippon Broadcasting AM1242 [ Myukomi + PLUS ] 2359-0054 Apr17-21 Weds-Sun Haruchan cast in stage musical LIBERUS production Tokyo Girotin Club 1st peformance [ Toukyou Kijin Hakurankai ] Zenrosai Hall/SPACE ZERO Shinjuku Apr17-21 Weds-Sun Nachuhamu cast as the daily guest & KiBoo as regular cast in stage musical A☆ct Stage Vol.3 [ Ou ! ~ Hoero ! Sakebe ! Uchi Kudake ! Subete no Aku wo Biki Chigire ! ~ ] Budisutohoru Tsukiji Apr18 Thurs Serinko guest appearance on TV TBS [ Ima, Ko no Kaoga Sugoi !] 2154-2254 Yukaringo guest appearance on [ Shuto Shinwa to Kuraibu ~ Dairoku Juuichi yoru ~ ] Loft Plus One Shinjuku 1930- Oshirichan special guest appearance on WALLOP internet broadcaast [ IDOL SPIRIT ] 2000-2045 ustream Apr19 Fri Haruchan's 3rd Gravure DVD release [ Kohara Haruka / Kyururun Hato ❤ ] Guam theme Serinko guest appearance on TV ANB [ Putsu Suma ] 0050-0120 祝 Masamin's [SMIR NASLI] fashion brand GRAND OPENING of 5th physical Shopspace at 5. OPA Umeda Osaka existing boutiques; 1. FLAGSHIP - Lumine EST Shinjuku BRANCH : 2. OPA Shinsaibashi Osaka 3. MAUREI 3F Nagoya 4. Marui Jam 4F Shibuya Apr20 Sat Serinko guest appearance on TV NHK [ Ete Pikacchi ] 1930-2000 Marinaru as REXS assistant instructor Nakayama racecourse Apr21 Sun Pikachan performing in [ KAWAii MATSURi no HARAJUKU KAWAii !! ] Ennichi Stage Tokyo Metropolltan Gymnasiun Jyuri Maatan & MiyuMiyu MC cohost [Jyuri x Mana x Miyu no DREAM☆DREAM☆DREAM] Rachel as special guest in Part 2 ; 1300-1345 WALLOP Studio 1200-1345 Marinaru as special commentator & pundit for JRA Spring Series Open Category Pro-racing seminar Nakayama Racecourse Special Stage Basement B1 Benjamin Plaza Apr23 Tues Haruchan featured publications released [ Nippon's Sports ] May issue Manana's 28th BirthDay on Apr23 Tues MANY HAPPY RETURNS from left; background: Imakichi Mamitan Jyuri MiyuMiyu KONYAN foreground: BD gals Maatan & Umeko(unit celebrating Umeko's for the 2nd time) Apr23-29 Tues-Mon Chaki cast in stage musical [ GOODBYE Mr. W. ] Shimokitazawa Amusement Park Theaterette Apr24 Weds Nachuhamu host GyaO [ Graduate Plus Nachu Channel ] Nico Nico LIVE Special Public Broadcast VOL. 3 Omotesando GROUND 1900-2100 Marinaru guest appearance on Radio NIKKEI [ FX Sanshimai ] 2130-2200 Masamin's 26th BirthDay on Apr24 Weds MANY HAPPY RETURNS Apr25 Thurs Serinko guest appearance on TV TBS [ Ima , ko no kao Gamitemitai ] 2200-2254 KiBoo guest appearance on AKIBA.TV's Ustream & Nico Nico Douga LIVE broadcast Bokura dan gi to Nonaka Michiko no [ Bokura . TV ~ Minpou Heno Michi ~ ] 2100-2200 Apr25-29 Thurs-Mon Nontty & Yukaringo(Stage Debut of Yukaringo) cast in stage musical [ Asakusa Acharaka ] The 9th Special Production by the Tokyo Peformers' Club Haizuya Theater Roppongi Apr26 Fri Haruchan guest appearanc on TV TV Mondo [ Megamikourin ] 2300-2359 Serinko guest appearance on TV ANB [「Putsu 」Suma ] 0050-0120 Pikachan as ANGEL-PRIME's persona from [Searako's Angels & the Seikushi Sempai ] performing her 3rd ONE-MAN-LIVE [ Searazu Haru no Seabura Matsuri ] Hatsudai THE DOORS 1930- Yukkii guest appearance on TV Aichi TV [ Pachisurokoroshiamu ] 0100-0130 Apr27 Sat Haruchan as special guest where Yuirin is Assitant MC on the show Chiba TV [ Sandouicchimankuizu The Price Show ] 2100-2130 Serinko guest appearance on TV NHK [ Totsugeki ! Atsu to Homu ] 2000-2043 Marinaru as REXS assistant instructor Nakayama racecourse Mamitan returns as special guest where she graduated as regular assistant MC on FM-FUJI STUDIO VIVID ★ [troupe samba carnival] ★2 hours weekly 2000-2200 Meetan special guest appearance reuniting with her old Team K mates at AKB's [ Rinji Soukai ~Shiro Kuro Tsukeyoujanaika!~ ] Nippon Budokan Pikachan & Hana special guest appearance at [ Nico Nico Choukaigi ] with Hana returning as repeat guest following last year 2012 at iGo x Shogi Booth Hall 6 Booth 81 Makuhari Messe Apr28 Sun Masamin & Pikachan as regular cohosts in Kitasando Internet Broadcast [ Nukegake !! Onna Jukuga SP !! ] 1900-2030 kitasan-channel Imakichi MC for LIVE Comedy [ Dai 2 Mawase Jiken Owarai Raibu ] Miracle Theater Shinjuku 1500- Serinko guest appearance on TV CBC [ Tabi Zukinchan ~ Zenkoku no Hoho ~ Joshikai ~ ] 2330-0000 Marinaru as special commentator & pundit for JRA Spring Series Open Category Pro-racing seminar Nakayama Racecourse Special Stage Basement B1 Benjamin Plaza Meetan special guest appearance on NIKKEI Radio [ 30 Sairajio ore Tachiha maru maru Janee ! ] 2000-2130 CinDy as special guest on Yukaringo's Radio program BayFM 78.0 MHz [ JUNNU CAFE presents ] JUNNU booth Sogo shop 1F Aurora Mall Chiba 1600-1626 Apr30 Tues Imakichi as special guest on CinDy's program where she is Assistant MC [ Kosaka Daimaou no Katsuage ! ] 2100-2200 nico nico douga live Ustream & immediately followed by Imakichi hosting [ Imayoshi Megumi Amesuta Premium LIVE ] 2215- ... ast_id=717