Your AKB48 Experiences

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by cRaZY MiKi, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. jon_azuki

    jon_azuki Kenkyuusei

    Jan 27, 2023
    Tokyo, Japan
    Ma Chia-Ling + Mizushima Miyuu
    61st Single Offline Talk Event - Pacifico Yokohama 7/29 (Slot 5)

    This was my first AKB48 event that I have attended in real life, and is the sole reason I came to Japan this time.

    10 tickets, slot 5 with Macharin. 1 full minute.

    I said "hajimemashite" but she corrected me because this was not our first meeting. We had met during the online talks many times before, so it should've been "hisashiburi". I also told her that I am glad that we finally met in person.

    I also congratulated her on becoming a F i.n.t model, getting a new agency, and doing many stage plays.

    I didn't have much to say because my Japanese is non-existent and I have trouble memorizing things, but she made use of the remaining time and mentioned she noticed me translating all her tweets and is incredibly grateful for me doing that, even if it is just me using Google Translate.

    I was very happy when she said that. There were times when I thought "what is the point of doing all this?", but she appreciates it, and that's all that matters. In the end, I was extremely happy with the talk, and I am very glad to be one of her Azuki.

    Someone mentioned that I should've oshimashi'd a ticket and talked to Mizumin or another member, but I'm glad I did NOT do that.

    Once my slot was over, I could not re-enter the venue. So I just wandered aimlessly until about 7pm. Met a few wota from this server/Eitocord/Twitter, watched some graduation ceremonies (member takes a photo with a large group of fans, it's their last talk ever)

    61st Single Offline Talk Event - Pacifico Yokohama 7/29 (Kenkyuusei Concert Ticket Sales)

    Kokko is tall.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
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  2. jon_azuki

    jon_azuki Kenkyuusei

    Jan 27, 2023
    Tokyo, Japan
    Ma Chia-Ling + Mizushima Miyuu
    AKB48 17研究所! Presents 17期研究生 単独LIVE 〜嬉しすぎて歯が抜けそうです!〜 - KT Zepp Yokohama 8/6

    First AKB48 concert!

    I had a lot of problems getting this ticket. First went to the theater, but they said I had to apply online for the right to buy tickets at the theater. No idea what the staff were smoking, but they were completely wrong. That was the whole point of selling them at the theater.

    Could've bought it at the talk event, but I was pissed off at staff for wasting my time at the theater. Eventually I convinced myself to pay the 8800 yen to see the kenkyuusei and bought a ticket at the venue. (I'm stubborn, irrational, and indecisive)

    I don't really remember much, I still need to rewatch the archive. I also don't know most of the songs, so I can't provide any deep commentary about the song and member choices.

    Mizumin was fire in Kuroi Tenshi. Reminded me a lot of her Junai no Crescendo performance, which I absolutely love. She is very expressive and immersed with her dance.

    There was one song that Sorara had which I got Naachan vibes from her. From what I read on Twitter, other people felt the same.

    I was surprised they performed Beginner. When they came on the stage with the headphones I had a strong feeling it was Beginner. If it wasn't I would've been so disappointed. It's one of those memorable songs for me as it's the second AKB48 song I've ever listened to, and the last one until I went into the deep end in 2019.

    Mayuu is a bad choice for "in your position, set". That's like making Mion do "AKB!..." at the start of River

    The miokuri came up at the end, unprepared, I had no idea this was a thing, but I decided to impress Mizumin with some Hokkaido-ben. I said "shittake jaa~ ne~" which surprised her and she was happy to hear it. What I said was completely wrong, it should've been "shitakke", and the "jaa~ ne~" is unnecessary because they mean the exact same thing, but she understood what I meant. If I win a theater show where she performs, I will throw some more Hokkaido-ben at her at the miokuri.

    All in all, I was really happy to have gone to the concert. I had no expectations, and I had a lot of fun. I only wish I could've gone to the Team A concert, but DH doesn't want my money.

    Other minor comments:

    I was standing at the very back, had a difficult time seeing the members, but I did my best to find Mizumin.

    I would've preferred to be in the seated area. My legs aren't what they used to be. I don't have a Japanese phone number DH. Enough with the damn eTicket system.

    They held a raffle for attendees. Someone with ticket 1501 won. My ticket was 1502.

    It's pathetic how we all had to pay 600? yen to enter the venue. It was disguised as a mandatory drink fee. I barely made it into the concert hall on time.
    • Like Like x 5
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  3. otabe

    otabe Upcoming Girls

    Sep 7, 2018
    yui's broken apple watch
    7/30 Offline Talk at Pacifico Yokohama (so FARRR :|)

    I'm not going to lie. 99% of my reasons for going to Japan for the first time was to meet Yui. I booked my plane ticket the moment they announced the in person events which fell on the weekend I wanted to go. The week after coincided with the AKB concerts and TIF that I also wanted to attend so it all worked out!
    I arrived in Japan on 7/29 tired, confused, and hungry. Took me hours to get to my hotel. I was worried about jet lag, how to get to the venue... and it was all tomorrow! Luckily, I managed to get a good night's sleep.
    I took the long train down to Yokohama for my first ever in-person AKB event. It was a little surreal walking into the event hall. This is the kind of thing you always read about but never think you would attend.
    Since this was my first ever time attending an HS event, I thought I should get as many tickets to meet as many members as I could... It was a very long, grueling day....

    I started my day with Yukitan. Her line was a little short compared to the other 17ki around her so I zoomed straight to the front. I gave me usual introductions, complimented her cute yukata. She was very happy when I said I was going to the 17ki concert (they were selling tickets up into the start of the concert) She is a very thoughtful girl who paid very close attention to my slow, broken jp. :blush:

    I slid over to Eriko line next, which was quite full. I admit, I froze up a bit. She was so cute! I didn't even introduce myself, but she said nice to meet you. I did manage to tell her congratulations on senbatsu and she instantly lit up & gave a small bow. I see now how she got to where she is now. :v:

    Next was our child of god, Remitan. She really is cute incarnate. We ended our talk with
    Remi: I really hope you come back to see me soon!
    Me: Um... I... :whistle:

    To keep things rolling, I went to a very empty line of Kokone. It was so empty that she was waving down the line at me while I was doing my ID check with staff. I gave a small wave back. Up to this point, she was the best conversation of the day. Very animated reactions and discussions about where I was from and stuff. I ended the slot with
    Me: I really like Kokone's smile...
    She gave me the biggest one she could muster. I will defend her with my life now. :shocku:

    With 2 slots completed, I was exhausted. My Japanese ability is of a 1 year old toddler so I tend to struggle heavily with these conversations. The combination of body fatigue from the travel from the prior day and the mental fatigue of the talks was weighing down on me...

    I powered on to slot 3 for my first talk with Sora. First thing I noticed throughout the day was her line was LONG and filled with girls. Anyway, I finally made it to her.
    Me: Hi.
    Sora: GASP? eh! (she points at me while covering her mouth)
    Me: Long time no see. (I give a small wave)
    Sora: [name]-SAN!
    Me: I made it~
    Sora: You always come online but now... (she giddily chimes)
    Well that was very impactful. Even when the staff is pushing me away she is giving me love, squeezing out every second of our talk that we could. It's been a little over a year since I first met her during online talks and it finally culminated here. :cute: Suddenly, my fatigue was GONE.

    With renewed vigor, I powered on because I still had 2 more girls to talk to during this slot, both 18ki!

    First up was Hina. Holy crap is she pretty! Like it's not even fair to compare to what I see on the screen because she just... !!!! I told her I am supporting her a tons! :worthy:

    Second was Yumemi. What an angel...
    Me: "Yumemi is... very pretty."
    Yume: Eh........ (she gets all giddy and squirms around)
    She is a little too good of an idol :yikes:

    Next was my final slot with Sora. I knew I had to get my goodbyes in... Who knows when I'll get to meet her in person again?
    It was mix of happy we finally got to meet, I'll always remember, happy i'm going to 17ki concert. Until next time! :approve:

    It was finally time. My first slot with Yui! I admit, I was pacing around in front of her line for a bit. I freeze with her sometimes online, how would I react when I finally meeting her face to face? I nervously went through ID check. Her line moves pretty quickly as she sells out so fast, most people only have 1 or 2 tickets.
    Me: Hi... (I give a small wave)
    Yui: AH?!
    Me: "..."
    Yui: You always come online, but you are finally here!
    Me: Yeah well its my first time in Japan!
    Yui: Hehe... welcome to Japan, [name]~
    Me: Thanks... sorry... I'm too nervous...
    Yui: It's okay. You're doing fine! Do you have more tickets for today?
    Me: Of course! alllllllllll day!!! (I'm getting pushed out by staff)
    Yui: Okay, bye! Your t-shirt is cute! (my shirt has a little alligator in the corner)
    Me: haha, thanks~ (we are waving till the end as I'm getting dragged out)
    first fun meeting with her. she really is just so much more ethereal and breathtaking in person. I almost passed out :|

    I met Hiyuka next. Fast and fun. She was wearing a very mature outfit. Very shocked I came all the way from America to talk to her. She has a lot of trouble saying my name in english and tries to give me a "hello" too. I said it's okay its okay but of course... I love her smile the most. She finished with her trademarked grin. ;)

    Next was our future center, Aichan. Her line was massively long all day. I had to wait a bit to get to her.
    "You're a real angel..."
    She grinned and did an angel pose. She really is insanely pretty. She really is our savior. :shifty:

    Some notes I wrote down while waiting for Aichan.. saw a mom take her kid to see Megu. Staff gave the kid a stool to talk to her lol. Uh Ayamin line is making me SAD.

    I met Haatam next. Her line was mega long and everyone had so many tickets that I waited forever! I guess this is the result of her only having one slot the whole day :hmm: she is... :nosebleed:

    I returned to Yui for my second slot with her. I decided to loop with her since her line was a little shorter at this point and I had a ton of tickets. :inlove:
    Yui: Welcome back [name]~
    Me: I'm back... um... hontoni daisuki
    Yui: I LOVE YOU! (she says in english with a finger heart)
    Me: (I froze)
    Yui: (she laughs and wave bye)
    We had a couple of these today... during my second loop, right before my turn she had to run away for hidaaya graduation pic. She gave me a quick sorry and scurried away as I stood in front of her line. This made me even MORE nervous!
    After the little ceremony, I spotted Yui running back towards her booth. She spotted me and was smiling & waving while running back. It was some fun extra interactions with her.
    Yui: Sorry, I'm back!! (she was a little out of breath)
    Me: It's okay~ but um Yui. Congratulations on center!!!!!
    Yui: AHHHH thanks. It's all because of your support~
    Me: Eh... but I really want a CUTE IDOL song!
    Yui: (she laughs here) I want that too...
    Me: ah, see you~ (staff tugging me out)
    Yui: [name]~ (she gives me a hand heart this time)

    While I was in line, out of the corner of my eye I was wondering who was this beautiful member a couple slots over. Turns out it was Yuiri. I have no further commento :wtf:

    I met everyone's favorite Zukky next. Um... she's really pretty. :^^;:

    Next I scurried over to Komi's lane. I kinda wanted to meet her for a long time! Introduced myself and the usual, she responded with some simple english. I froze a bit, apologizing for my nervousness... she gives me a grin
    "[name]... ikemen da..."
    "Eh... Komi is beautiful..."
    "Heheheh thanks~"
    she stared at me for a very long time as I was getting dragged out. That was quite an experience. :XD:

    I was back with Yui again. She came back to her booth with Oda who very manly had her arm around her lol.
    Yui: Welcome back [name]~
    Me: Yui... I love you the most
    Yui: ICHIBAN?
    Me: Of course... ICHIBAN!
    Yui: I already know!
    (Well i'm not subtle about it! )
    Me: Next single... your center single... I will be online only...
    Yui: Ah... Japan is very far away...
    Me: I don't know when I can come back to Japan.. (she is very sad here. someone also in line actually asked me later what did I do to make her so sad. maybe this was a bad idea!)
    Yui: It's okay! I will be looking forward to when I can see you online again.
    Me: Of course! bye!
    Yui: Always I will see you again~ (finger hearts) :inlove:

    It's time for Maho. She was... too genki :shock:

    I went to Erii who was right next to her. I gave my classic usual introductions. She was the first one to say
    "YOKOSOOO!" she backed up and spread her arms
    was pretty fun. I told her she was a little too pretty! :tongue:

    I arrived on the 8th and final slot of the day.

    First meeting ever with Miyuu.
    Me: I'll be going to the 17ki concert! It's my first AKB concert!!!
    Miyu: WOW! You really like the 17ki?
    Me: YUP!!!!
    she really cares about the 17ki the most! :p

    Arrived at my last slot of the day, 5 tickets with Yui for our goodbye. At this point of the day, I honestly wanted to go back to my hotel and sleep but I powered on! :cry:
    Me: This is my last tickets for today...
    Yui: At least we finally met!
    Me: I'm a little sad
    Yui: Don't be! I will see you again online? OKAY?
    Me: Um...
    Yui: btw [name], how old are you? 19?
    Me: Um... no... I'm...
    Yui: Oh! haha You look young though! "your face is young!" (she motions with English)
    Me: Um.. I'm a little embarrassed.
    Yui: I like your face though!
    Me: well, I will always love you~
    Yui: Un [name]! always! daisuki!!!!!!

    that brings my long day to an end :approve:
    • Winner Winner x 6
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  4. jon_azuki

    jon_azuki Kenkyuusei

    Jan 27, 2023
    Tokyo, Japan
    Ma Chia-Ling + Mizushima Miyuu
    2023.08.14 "Boku No Taiyou" Theater Performance 18:00

    I won my first theater show!

    I spent about 2 weeks trying to figure out what was wrong with my AKB48 Group ID. I wasn't able to apply for any events. It turns out that if you have the address set to overseas, you can't apply for majority of theater events. I set it to my Tenso address, but I think any legit address in Japan should work (unless they try and ship things to you using that address).

    Went to the ticket counter, picked up my ticket, had number 004 printed on it. I thought that meant I was going to be the 4th person to enter, but no.

    You line up according to ticket number, 001-005, 006-010, 011-015, etc, then the lane is randomly selected. I think we were the 5th lane selected, and I still got a good view of the stage.

    I ended up sitting in the middle section, 3rd row, next to the pillar. I had a clear line of site and Macharin was positioned right in front of me during some songs. She recognized me and mentioned it in SHOWROOM.

    I'd like to think she was surprised to see me. The night before, she sent a mobame asking all Azuki who are coming to the performance to bring a fan/uchiwa and Pamii. I responded with a picture of 3 uchiwa, Pamii, and 2 lightsticks, and the message "want to use, but low chance of winning".

    It's definitely a low chance of winning, and I won, but I didn't mention it. I ended up bringing 1 uchiwa and Pamii.

    My first impression of the Theater is that it is TINY. The videos really make the venue seem larger than it actually is. I've seen some old 1ji59fun/0ji59fun clips of the theater and the amount of people they had made it look huge.

    I didn't have time to appreciate finally entering a place with so much history. I was rushing to find a decent seat, and once the show started, I was immersed.

    I don't normally watch BokuTai stages. I tend to fall asleep when watching Team K and BokuTai stages, but I'm starting to like BokuTai now.

    In terms of the setlist, nothing really stood out, but when I saw the performing members, I was secretly hoping Macharin, Kyonchan, and Okarina would get to have a unit song together. They ended up performing "Itoshisa no Defense".

    "Viva! Hurricane" I remember from the Team 8 stage, I like it. "BINGO!" and "Boku no Taiyou" are expected, but most of the songs don't really stand out.

    All in all, I was very happy to finally see a theater performance in-person. This Saturday evening, I will be at the theater again to see the 17ki perform at the Ii na Kenkyuujou exclusive member performance.

    I hope my luck doesn't run out. I want to see Macharin perform with Team A, and want to see a Team 4 performance with Kyonchan. There's a regular Team 4 performance on the 30th so when that opens up I will apply for it.
    • Like Like x 4
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  5. jon_azuki

    jon_azuki Kenkyuusei

    Jan 27, 2023
    Tokyo, Japan
    Ma Chia-Ling + Mizushima Miyuu
    2023.08.26 KKS "Tadaima Renaichuu" Theater Performance 18:00

    First time seeing the KKS perform a theater show. This performance was exclusive to people who paid for "Ii Na Kenkyuujou".

    Unfortunately, this theater experience was horrendous. I sat in the last seated row in the left section where my line of sight was blocked by the pillar.

    The section behind me was the standing section, and the person behind me would always yell for Hotechan and Yukitan. He was screaming in my ear, and each time he opened his mouth, his saliva would end up in my hair. Absolutely disgusting.

    That's pretty much it. There was nothing good I could remember because it was overshadowed by the animal screaming behind me.

    From now on I'll bring earplugs to performances.

    2023.08.30 Team 4 "Thumbnail" Theater Performance 18:30

    First Team 4 performance. Won through Eizo application.

    I was very eager to see Team 4 Thumbnail because it is my absolute favourite of the current stages.

    My luck ran out and was one of the last groups to enter. Ended up in the last row in the standing section.

    I could not see much, but I still enjoyed the performance.
    It's also the last time I got to see Kyon and Rina perform together.

    For my lightsticks I used Kyon colours as she is the closest to a Team 4 oshi. She noticed and gave extra attention to me during miokuri.

    2023.09.04 Team A "Juuryoku Sympathy" Theater Performance 18:30

    First Team A performance. Won through Eizo application.

    This was the performance I really wanted to see because Macharin. I applied to about 2 or 3 Team A stages and failed before winning this.

    Bad luck again. Ended up in the exact same spot as the Team 4 stage, last row, standing section, bad visibility.

    The highlight of this performance was Serika's performance of "Oteage Lullaby", as well as seeing "1994-nen no Raimei".

    Macharin had a Pamii hairstyle, not really sure what exactly she meant by that, her hair looked how she normally does it in performances.

    She mentions Pamii a lot during MC segments. This time she didn't bring one, but I waved from the back of the theater and she pointed to it as well as the other Pamii penlights in the audience.

    In SHOWROOM she mentioned that she was really surprised to see me. I never told her I would be at the performance.

    2023.09.09 KKS "Tadaima Renaichuu" Theater Performance 13:00

    Second KKS performance. Won through Eizo application.

    After my bad experience with the first KKS stage, this one was MUCH better. My group got selected early on, so I was seated in the 4th row in the center section, next to the left pillar. I also didn't have anyone screaming into my ear.

    Mizumin is my ni-oshi, so I am always stunned by her "Junai no Crescendo" performance. Both this, and seeing her with glasses in Darui Kanji are the only reasons I apply for the KKS stage. There have been quite a few KKS stages lately, but I've only applied to the ones with Mizumin performing.

    Some other things of mention:

    I noticed in "Kikyou", you have the 3-MIN's performing. MizuMIN, KasuMIN, and YumeMIN

    Forgot which member it was exactly (Hinano? Yumemin?), was ponkotsu. After one particular song, the members were supposed to do an MC segment, but she tried to walk off the stage back to standby. When saying goodbye to VR Square members, she touched/adjusted the lens causing Airi to panic.

    Kasumin has a very big smile.
    • Like Like x 5
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  6. Tuhis

    Tuhis Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Furuhata Nao
    Damn son that's a nice streak! :1st:

    It clearly seems I shouldn't always forget to apply with Eizo. :XD:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. jon_azuki

    jon_azuki Kenkyuusei

    Jan 27, 2023
    Tokyo, Japan
    Ma Chia-Ling + Mizushima Miyuu
    A few more since then lol:
    Thumbnail last Sunday, A this Sunday. Didn't win any B stages, probably since they are all seitansai's.
  8. shidoni

    shidoni Kenkyuusei

    Aug 18, 2013
    France , Toulon
    sorry if it's not the right place, but I'm desperate lol
    Ok so I will be in Tokyo in december and I'm researching about how to apply for akb theater tickets. I have an hashiranokai account linked to my AKB group ID, I wanted to know if it was better to put a Japanese address or just keep my overseas address and how long before an actual performance we can apply ?
    Also what is the eizo thing ?
    Sorry for bothering T_T
  9. jon_azuki

    jon_azuki Kenkyuusei

    Jan 27, 2023
    Tokyo, Japan
    Ma Chia-Ling + Mizushima Miyuu
    Eizo is a video warehouse. You can watch things like HADO. I haven't used it, so I'm not too familiar with it.

    You will need a Japanese address. If you have an overseas address set, you won't get any AKB events displayed in the Ticket Center. You can only change the address once every 6 months.

    Also make sure the registered name matches your passport. If your name doesn't match, you will need to create a new Group ID, and reconnect Eizo, Hashira no Kai.

    I couldn't reconnect Hashira no Kai, so I had to cancel, then sign up again with the new ID.

    You can apply for a show about one week before the performance date. Applications frame times are listed in the Schedule.

    1. Go to

    2. In this example, go down and select 9/26, click on "18:30 - 18:30 「僕の太陽」公演"

    3. Go to this section "【お申し込みについて】"

    It lists all the application frames:

    (3) is Hashira no Kai
    (4) is Eizo
    (5) is general admission
    (6) is Families/Couples
    (7) is Women only

    The section below it "【申し込み期間】" lists the times the frames will accept applications


    Frames (1) to (4) and (5) to (7) will accept applications from 9/20 16:00 to 9/21 at 16:00

    The section below it will list the times you will be notified if you win:


    Winners for those who applied using Frames (1) to (4) will be notified until 9/22 at 23:00

    Winners for those who applied using Frames (5) to (7) will be notified until 9/24 23:00

    This is the process to apply for a theater show:

    1. Log in at

    2. Click on the header image "AKB48 Group Ticket Center"

    3. Click on the AKB48 tab.

    4. It will display all eligible shows you can watch that are currently accepting applications

    Each point is an application frame:
    - Hashira no Kai
    - Eizo
    - Families/Couples
    - Women only
    - General admission

    If the frame is in red, you can apply for that specific frame
    If the frame is in grey, you can NOT apply for it

    5. Click on the show you want to apply for. In this example I will apply for "Boku no Taiyou" on 9/26 at 18:30, the last one listed


    6. Scroll down until you see some blue buttons, these are your application frames:


    7. Click on the frame you want to apply for. In this example I clicked the first one "柱の会会員枠" which is "Hashira no Kai"


    It will ask me if I will be attending the show with a companion.

    Since I am not, I will just click the blue button "次へ" to go to the next page.

    8. The next page will ask you if you want to be put on a waiting list if there is a cancellation and if you want to pay by credit card.


    If you want to be put in a waiting list, under "キャンセル待ち希望", check "希望する"

    If you want to pay by credit card, under "クレジットカード決済希望", check "希望する"

    Click the blue button "確認する" to continue

    9. Confirmation screen


    Click on the blue button "申し込む" to go to the next page

    10. Confirmed


    You will also get an email

    11. Applying for other frames

    If you are eligible for other frames, you can go back to increase your chances of winning.


    I already applied using "Hashira no Kai", so it is greyed out. I can also apply using "Eizo", just click on the blue button "映像倉庫会員枠" and it is the same process as above.

    12. Winning a ticket

    If you win, you will get an email that looks like this:


    If you lose, you get nothing.

    You will need to go to the Ticketing Center to pay using credit card. I don't have any screenshots of that because I already paid for my ticket.

    13. Getting the physical ticket

    The email states that you need to go to theater around 1h30 minutes before the show.

    Go to the front booth, tell them your winning lottery number. In my screenshot above it is 480.

    Give them your passport, they will hand it back to you and your winning ticket.

    14. Valuables

    Bags aren't allowed, so you will need to keep it in your locker.

    You will get a plastic tray and you put your phone, passport, ticket, penlights, fans, drink. The rest goes into a locker.

    15. Lining up.

    Each ticket is given a number. You will line up in groups of 10 according to that number.

    Tickets 001 to 009 are in one lane
    Tickets 010 to 019 are in one lane
    Tickets 020 to 029 are in one lane
    Tickets 240 to 249 are in one lane

    16. Lane selection

    The lanes will be randomly selected. You will then proceed in order, you set your plastic tray on the table, a staff member will run you through a metal detector.

    Once everything is all good, you enter the theater and find a seat.


    It's incredibly confusing at first, but you just really need to take note of when the shows are announced.

    I usually just check Twitter at 4pm JST and they announce the show and performing members, then I just apply.


    I've only won 1 show with Hashira no Kai, and about 5 or 6 using Eizo, so it might be worth it to sign up for Eizo
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Informative Informative x 2
  10. shidoni

    shidoni Kenkyuusei

    Aug 18, 2013
    France , Toulon
    Thank you soooo much omg you are a life saver . :cute::cute::cute:
  11. x_lambs

    x_lambs Next Girls Stage48 Donor

    Jun 11, 2012
    California USA
    In Tokyo for the CD drop events. there are multiple sales events with guerrilla handshakes schedules. SHIBUYA TSUTAYA store has Yukrin but require a pre-purchase on passmarket and just too many hoops on that system to navigate on a short-term VISA. namely Japanese phone SMS, and PayPay requirement. I think passmarket will take mastercard but not a foreign bank-issued visa. hope to attend day-of sales events at tower records and the theater on Wednesday and then tower records events scheduled for Saturday (pre-purchase CD in-person on Thursday). I tell you the energy for the group rn is electric since arrival in Tokyo. multiple events scheduled around town. i even heard Jiwaru Days playing in Maretsu grocery store in Shiomi. jmo I feel more energy for the group today than 2019, pre-pandemic, pre-2020 split.

    No luck with any theater shows this week ( i have cancel match for Friday but the number is over 25) there have been multiple grad stages and perhaps an increase in attendance due to weather cooling for autumn, CD release, holiday, and the imminent disbandment of the team system. I was able to visit Sunosaki lighthouse (Aitakatta) yesterday, so maybe the power spot will help with the remaining applications.

    I was able to attend NMB48 's concert at Zepp Haneda (Tokyo) (thanks @David61 for your help) i'll write more about it in the NMB48 thread. my first impression tho was, fun concert (365 hikouki unplugged!) horrible transit, ticketing, and seating system.
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Jurinavenclaw

    Jurinavenclaw Future Girls

    Dec 25, 2010
    Laguna, Philippines
    Matsui Jurina
    Just used up my three tickets here at Shibuya's send-off event.

    It is more organized this time since the tickets have time assignments. I was happy to see the members, especially Yukirin. I kept on talking in English, hoping they'll remember me, lol.

    Switch to Japanese to say my name and that I'm from the Philippines. Hopefully, they remember me, lol.

    I love easy to apply for and convenient events like this.
    • Winner Winner x 5
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  13. x_lambs

    x_lambs Next Girls Stage48 Donor

    Jun 11, 2012
    California USA
    UPDATE: 2023.10.01 62nd Single Group Handshake Additional Event
    Tower Record Kinshicho: Parts 2 & 3
    Part 1:倉野尾成美・下尾みう・迫 由芽実
    Kuranoo Narumi, Shitao Miu, Sako Umemi

    I didn't attend this portion. this tower records store is small and poorly set up for a group handshake event. It seems like the store took several steps to reduce a crowd of wotaku descending on the store located in a corner of 5th floor of the Parco Mall. First, there was an online preregistration, then sales were limited to 2 CD person. after the first 400 or so online applications were sold then fans could start a general loop (2 CDs per transaction then back in line). there was no guarantee that the loop purchases would even happen so I only bought 2 CDs. and asked to participate in parts 2 & 3.
    Part 2:本田仁美・千葉恵里・畠山希美
    Hong Da-hee, Chiba Erii, Hakatayama Nozomi (absent)
    Non-chan was a last minute scratch for this part so only Honda and Chiba were present in line. When the 2 members took their places behind the table, those of us waiting in line, clapped and waved on their entrance. Erii is listed unofficially at 165.5 cm. but upon meeting here she is much closer to 169 cm. Her chunky tennis shoes didn't add that much height so this was a refreshing eye-contact meeting. She has a great smile and, as expected, has a really pleasant and laid-back aura. Honda, was blonde and cheery, I called her "hi-hi" from the RokeRoke days. she seemed to like that.
    Part 3:向井地美音・小田えりな・小濱心音
    Mukai Chimion, Oden-chan, Kohama Kokone (kk)
    This time, when the members appeared, there was clapping and calls for Kokko-chan! what a star. Kokko was first in line, i walked up to her, waving, she waved back and didn't immediately extend her hands, but when I put my hands below the wrap she grabbed them eagerly enough. I told her, her hair is kirei. Oden or OdaEri is really genki and she would probably be great to have an individual handshake with. Mion, this is second time meeting her, last time was over 4 years ago. In Japanese I told her it's been 4 years since we last met. she was like, "oh yeah, really" pretty salty. she hasn't changed from the last time I wrote about meeting her.

    EDIT: 2023.09.29 Juuryoku Sympathy Team A 18:30

    Members iwatate sahho, saito haruna, muto orin, fukuoka seina, nagano serika, otake hitomi, yoshihashi yuzu, mizujima miyuu

    I was cancel match number 28. I had low expectations for entry but since this was the closest i had got to seeing a show I thought i would hang around the entrance. As stated in the guide, you don’t need to show your winning or match number. Just know what it is and be familiar with japanese numbers. By the time I arrived the ticket center updated to accept up to number 20. When staff started calling numbers up to number 24 got seats. Then the standing room numbers and these were calling up number 40 so I got in! After verification and payment I made a big mistake by leaving my ID in my bag before passing through the security check. Lockers were full so i was able to ask staff to retrieve my belongings to get my passport (sorry for being so much trouble!) This meant that i was last to enter so any decent viewing spot in the standings seats was taken. I was in the rear right behind the pillar. Wasn’t too bad though and Saho was on that side for much of the opening.

    My impressions for first show:

    The first time I entered the theater was a few days ago for the individual handshake event below. The is actually not that small imo or too loud. Experienced smaller and louder punk and metal venues years ago. So glad fan calls are back. The encore call was for TEAM A to recognize the end of the team system. It’s really a bittersweet call. Bringing up memories of takamina, mariko, yuihan, remeber when Berin was a captain?

    Sahho had her bangs up and she was in full idol mode compared to her lesson clothes she wore for the handshake. Almost every fan call was dragged out to get her to say na-gai-ii. She is so stuck with that call now.

    Mizujima is 100 times more mature on stage. Members all agreed is a genius kenkyusei because of her perfect dance execution.

    Yoshihashi. Watch out for her. She will lock gaze with you and won’t break it until choero makes change position. Then she snap her big eyes back back to you because she knows your punk azz is watching her walk away

    Saito Haruna will lock gaze too but without the same effect as yuzuka. Ha-chans gaze is more like meeting eyes with an aggressive bunny rabbit

    2023.09.27 tower records ikebukuro 62nd single group handshake event (release day):
    this was a group handshake event. store opened at 11 am. sales begin at 11:30. I arrived early before 10 am. website instructions warned not to hang around the front of the store so i took a walk around and found a line had formed about 1 block from the entrance and wrapped nearly around the adjacent building that house an ichiran. I was thinking AKB48 still drawing lines like this? then i noticed everyone in line had a yellow barcode receipt and i thought i had my days mixed up. the line started moving at 10:00 am i realized they were not lined up for tower records but for a pachinko place to open. at 11 am i went to the front of tower records for the mall to open and saw a much more anemic crowd. but i turns out most fans were following instructions and not hanging around to block the entrance and once sales started we were lined up on the stairs to buy. tower records is on the 6th floor and the line filled the stairwell to about the 3rd or maybe lower. i never had to go that far down. this was a group handshake so 1 tickets allowed me to greet each member in the 3 blocks. the process was wait in line buy up to 3 CDs and pick which block(s) you wanted to participate. go back in line to buy 3 more CDs and repeat.
    Part 1:浅井七海・岩立沙穂・畠山希美
    asai nanami . iwatate saho . hakatayama nozomi
    i had 3 tickets so that meant i used 1 ticket for each pass. asai wore a mask. she was really quiet. nozomi is extra beautiful in person. she is as tall as naamin but even more delicate, she wore a flowery long sleeve onepiece that complimented her long black hair. she is also really sweet. there is not much time to talk in this format but in three passes i was charmed by nozomi. sahoo was wearing black ripstop pants, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt. and she looked great. she was the member i was lining up for. she is really really small. but her confidence, charm, and intelligence really comes through. i think we have only met online but she acted like she recognized me (pro). i mean, its her job to remember faces, but if she can do that from online greetings, that is politician level skill. she saw my new's years uchiwa with her face on it. and she points and says, "is that me? is that old?" no kidding, like, how old is that picture? its from 2023 new years bag and she is dressed like a miko with the purple highlights in her hair, and it dosen't look like her at all. in japanese i told her that i am going to akihabara after this. she answers in english, "ok i'll see you there"

    Part 2:平田侑希・成田香姫奈・迫 由芽実
    hirata yuki . narita kohina . sako yumemi
    i had 1 ticket, i wasn't even going to attend this part at first but rather than stand in the stairwell, i lined up again for another CD. sako i absolutely beautiful, the terrestrial version of the princess in the moon. she's wearing the same open shoulder one-piece from 17 institute the other. yuki hirata was first in line and we briefly meet, held hands, i don't even remember what i said to her. i completely blanked on kohina's name so it was just an awkard hajimemashite.

    Part 3:橋本陽菜・山口結愛・工藤華純・黒須遥香
    Hashimoto haruna . yamaguchi yui . kudo kasumi . kurose haruka
    skipped this part to go to akihabara event (too bad. it would have been nice to greet harupyon)

    2023.09.27 AKB48 theater individual handshake event (release day):
    much more lively and crowded. I arrived in time for part 1 (was here for part 2 to see saho). again rather than stand around i got in line for CDs. this time it was individual handshakes. there were 4 members in each block. i was required to choose 1 member from that block and had the opportunity to buy unlimited CDs for that 1 members. if you wanted time with another member in that block you had to get back in the unlit, un-airconditioned stairwell that wound down to almost the second floor. I bought 3 tickets for taniguchi megu, her english is bad. (despite her boasted certification, she is a baka) this time the member wore satin gloves feel nice but are probably great a soaking up germs.

    I had handshakes with Taniguchi Megu in round 1, Iwatate saho and Tokunaga Remi in round 2, Arai Sae in round 3.

    i hope to write more about the akihabara event, but let me just say that the saddest site was yuki hirata, looking beautiful in her lavender long dress, hair perfect, make-up perfect, standing alone, drinking water, looking at her nails. staff were making announcements that there were no wait for hirata, and zun-chan. remi was everyone's second choice in round 2. her line was nearly empty at the start then really started to fill up after the first go around. i saw the guy do the face wrap gag that nagatomo talked about in the theater broadcast. i'm surprised they let him back in. sahho had a steady stream of fans, they stopped selling mogi's CD's after about 30 mins. mogi, nozomi, and mizujima miyu are way pretty in person than i expected. sahho was way less glam than i expected. to compensate for the the steaming hot stairwell, they had the theater air cranked up so saho put on a jacket that made her look like she was wearing a tracksuit. all this contasted with yuki hirata looking like a stood up date, meanwhile i'm lining up to talk to the near 30 year old in the track suit. sae chan can of course converse in english but she didn't fish me at all. Remi though, when i told her i was from america, those almond eyes opened up and she said, "i love you!"
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
    • Like Like x 4
    • Winner Winner x 3
  14. x_lambs

    x_lambs Next Girls Stage48 Donor

    Jun 11, 2012
    California USA
    2023.10.15 AKB48 Idol nanka ja nakatta online talk

    Morning. Due to the time difference, I’m usually choosing the morning and early afternoon slots. It must be something for the idols to be meeting with their fans in the early sets.

    1st block Arai Sae, I’m starting to make a concerted effort to stop be a DD and spreading my money around the group and just pick a kami oshi. I want it to work with Sae because she speaks English but we still seem to be in our awkward stage. This is our second meeting, first online. She says she remembers meeting last month in the theater. I won an signed card but the time was up before I got to relay a message to her. I will have to wait to read what she wrote.

    2nd block Sasaki Yukari. Yukarun, was the 1st AKB48 member I met in-person over 4 years ago. So I always try to buy at least 1 meeting with her. Time was short but I got to congratulate her on her stage plays. I actually had a ticket to Neptunia play but it was for one of the cancelled shows, so I did not get to see it.

    3rd block Yamazaki Sora the first time today I had the doki doki feeling, maybe it was because it was the first time meeting Sora. The most nerve wracking back of the online process, for me, is the ID check. There is a lot of information but it’s the same every time, so by the time I talked to Sora it went much smoother. For those still considering online talk sessions I will re-type the flow below:

    1. After you have already confirmed your slots in the withlive app, you wait until about 15 minutes before the talk start time then press the green 入るbutton. This will take you do the next screen where you wait until your number is 5 or less. You can use the refresh button at the top right or just wait and let the app refresh. If you have notifications on the app will tell you when you are up even before you enter the waiting room. BTW on my app the talk start times are displayed in my local time.

    2. Watch the countdown and when you are 2 or 1 the staff will connect to check your ID.

    a. First, they will ask if you can hear them.

    b. After the sound is confirmed, they will ask to see your ID. Hold your ID up to the camera, close enough to read and try to get any glare off if you are using additional lighting. Wait until staff member has confirmed your ID. They will tell you when they are done.

    c. Next question is if you want to show anything to your oshi during the talk you must hold it up to camera so it can be cleared. This is a good time to show any goods you have collected. Now is not the time to try to impress her with your airsoft collection. If you don’t have anything, just say “nai desu”

    d. Staff will re-read the instructions, don’t open any other apps, stay on-camera the whole time you are waiting, don’t record, etc. When there is a pause at the end of a sentence nod and say “un.”​

    e. That’s it, get ready to meet your oshi.​

    With Sora, I actually had something to share, 17th institute checki I received for being a 1-yr subscriber. I really liked meeting Sora. I really need to pick an Oshi and throw my support behind one person. I told her I liked her singing, especially “Crescendo.”

    4th Block Suzuki Kurumi. Suzuki is popular, her staff offered English Language support (could be a coincidence but this also happened when meeting with Yui Oguri back in April) More than just holding up the English language card. He read it in English. He’s a young guy that works at the theater and he also spoke to me in English there. If you know his name, please let me know. Kurumi was wearing a white lop rabbit costume. Too cute, I showed her a mask case I bought in 2019 during the last months of the AKB48 café. She was super young on the case, when she saw it, Kurumi remarked, “kore wa yabai. “
    • Winner Winner x 5
  15. otabe

    otabe Upcoming Girls

    Sep 7, 2018
    yui's broken apple watch
    2023/10/15 online hanashikai

    This is my first online talk of this single! Of course yui has the most tickets for me this single :1st:, followed by sora and I decided to also meet azu and sae :fear:

    I started my night at 10:30pm in slot 2 with the two 18ki girls. I originally always start with slot 1 (much more convenient time) for yui but for this single, her first slot isn’t till slot 3 so… :|

    first was with Sae since I was given 4th place in her queue. I decided to introduce myself and say I was from America. she immediately hit me with the “I can speak English a little bit :oops:“ so for the rest of the slot we were both communicating in half broken English and Japanese :lol: it was actually very helpful for me to help extend or finish my thoughts in English. Quite an unique experience. Every sentence we both spoke was half English half Japanese :XD: I told her I saw her at TIF and I liked her singing :approve: oh and also I won her sign from the lotto so I’ll be waiting patiently for her autograph to come in :omfg:

    next was with Azu… the talk began and I was immediately stunned. she was wearing cat ears!! :shocku: have to say she is very genki and loud.. and she talks in the third person pov :p gave my usual introductions and told her I liked her a lot :^O^:

    onto slot 3 and first was with Sora. first time seeing her since Japan… a tearful reunion.. :eek: always fun with her… I’ll try to talk to her next time about stuff I did there :^^;:

    next was finally with Yui… we talked a bit about our in person meeting.. I said online is different because the real thing is more beautiful :blush:. (she gave the classic yui pout here) she was asking when I’ll come back to Japan.. hopefully next year :eek:. She asked what my favorite food I ate over there. I quickly said tonkatsu (this one tonkatsu restaurant in ginza I ate at like 3 times :corr:) we finished up our talks with my wishing her a good luck with the Budokan concerts the upcoming week. She said she was a bit nervous but will do her best…
    Yui: Watch the stream!
    Me: hai! I will only look at Yuichan! :fear:
    Yui: yatta. HONTONI? (she finger guns me)
    Me: HONTO :worthy:
    (DD-ing aside, did she spoil a day early that there would be a stream :shifty:)

    that brings the end of my talks at 2am and I went straight to bed :|
    • Like Like x 4
    • Winner Winner x 4
  16. IbarakiRose

    IbarakiRose Member

    Oct 29, 2022
    Okabe Rin
    I just had my first ever handshake with Rin-chan.

    The ID check and everything went smoothly so I ended up being third in line. It was a good position to be in since her lane was first so I got to see everyone else walk past.

    The time seemed to go pretty quickly but I might have just been distracted. I'll post the rest of my impressions tomorrow
    • Like Like x 3
    • Winner Winner x 3
  17. metallion

    metallion Kenkyuusei

    Jan 20, 2020
    Fukuoka Seina
    Just ended my first ever handshake event with Seichan as well myself. 2 minutes of pure happiness, with more to come tomorrow with an additional minute with her tomorrow as well. Ticket confirmation and ID checks were a very smooth process, all in all a very pleasant experience.

    Also had Berin before that, and have a whole slate of other members for both today and tomorrow. Will post the report and review after that
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  18. metallion

    metallion Kenkyuusei

    Jan 20, 2020
    Fukuoka Seina
    Typing this with my free time between slots, but here it comes

    Handshake event report - 28/10/23 and 29/10/23

    Finally, after watching them since 2018, I'm finally at my first handshake event. I was a bunch of nerves, as my Japanese wasn't exactly the best, so I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to convey what I wanted to say if it goes beyond the template words I'm going to use for everyone. But I'm already here, I'm not going to get cold feet over this, and I'm going to make the best of my 2 days here.

    Not going to repeat the standard stuff I said to everyone (that I'm from Singapore, and for some of them I added that this is my first handshake event). Also going to rate my experience with them.

    So here goes, in order of who I visited

    Okabe Rin
    It's hard to believe she can look even prettier in person than she already does on camera. I told her I was going to Ibaraki next week, so she asked whether I was going to Hitachi Seaside Park (which seems like a template question since that's probably one of the most famous spots there). Told her yes and that I was staying in Mito City. Ended by telling me to have fun there. Wished I had more time so I can ask for sightseeing spot recommendations from the resident Ibaraki ambassador.
    Rating: 9/10

    Fukuoka Seina
    Getting my kami-oshi out of the way early on Day 1. Also the only member I got more than 3 tickets for, going up to 12 for Day 1. She did recall that all our previous meetings have been online so far, though she definitely did not remember where I was from until I said it again. Just had to tell her she looked super cute in person. She asked whether I'm going to the theatre while I'm here, so I asked her when is the next time she's performing. That's Monday, which will be Yuami's grad show. I said there will be too many Ami fans there, implying that I'll feel weird to be there to support members other than Ami, but I said I wanted to go to a normal live some day. Also dropped in the point that I'll be in Shibuya to watch her radio show next month, and that I've always wanted to see it in person. Ended by saying I had a lot of fun today
    Rating: 20/10 (for obvious reasons)

    Honda Hitomi
    Looked very pretty with her hair tied up in a bun. Told her it was my first handshake event but also my last handshake event before she grads, which generated sad responses from both of us. Ended by saying I'll continue to support her until the end
    Rating: 8/10

    This was a very weird session. I figured since she's Taiwanese, and I've heard her speak Mandarin before during interviews in Taiwan as well as a SR collab with Team TP members during Covid, I thought it would have been fine to use Mandarin for this session, since it is practically my 1st language back home and I thought it would have been nice to not have a session where I'm stammering through my broken Japanese. Big mistake. I did ask if Mandarin was OK before I went on, she nodded but it seemed like she couldn't code switch; she just looked at me while I went on. When I stopped, she asked in Japanese if I visited other members, at which point I realised it was a bad idea and started responding in Japanese instead. It was rather disappointing as she was one of the members I was more excited to meet, yet it went so flatly.
    Rating: 1/10 (likely to be better if I went with Japanese instead)

    Murayama Yuiri
    Very very pretty. Felt the chat went very enjoyably. She asked when did I arrive in Tokyo when I mentioned where I'm from. I added that I was very happy to meet everyone today. I forgot what I was trying to say at the end, but I definitely fumbled it up and she thought I was asking her to come to Singapore soon, which also works for me as an ending line.
    Rating: 9/10

    Taniguchi Megu
    Man, what a session. Megu was a bunch of joy to talk to. I brought up the Malaysia show that she performed at in 2019, she sounded so excited when I mentioned it and that I had a lot of fun that day. Ended by saying she wants to go to Malaysia again as well as Singapore. For some members I get a feeling that the reaction can be a bit forced occasionally, but not with Megu today, I could feel the excitement radiating from her. As expected from my 2-oshi I guess
    Rating: 11/10

    Yamauchi Mizuki
    She was in her Halloween costume today, so I told her she looked super cute in person. There wasn't anything particularly notable about the actual talk since it was a standard template talk, but as I left she let go of my right hand to grab my left hand tighter, which immediately added points to the overall experience
    Rating: 8/10

    Muto Orin
    Super cute in her Pikachu halloween jumper. Very very energetic, on par with Megu earlier. Also the only one to ask for my name, which I appreciated a lot. She also said thank you in English, and gave me a heart sign as I was leaving.
    Rating: 10/10

    Mukaichi Mion
    Man, she's really as small as I expected. She did look rather tired, so her responses felt a bit flat. Can't be blamed, it's her 4th slot by that point and she's only human. I said the same things I said to Megu earlier, but the way she responded were in stark contrast to Megu; it felt like she was going through template replies at that point
    Rating: 4/10 (might be better if I picked an earlier slot when she's not that worn out?)

    Komiyama Haruka
    Very stark contrast to Mion who I just met couple of minutes earlier in the same slot. She was responsive, energetic, and felt genuinely excited to meet me. I commented how lovely she looks today, she replied that she was dressed as Rapunzel (which explains the purple gown). Not gonna lie, she legit looks absolutely stunning today and I couldn't help but comment again how beautiful she looks before we ended
    Rating: 10/10

    Sato Airi
    Looks absolutely adorable in her angel costume, which I absolutely had to comment on. I didn't really know what to say to her beyond the template lines, so there was a short awkward pause before she asked when I arrived. Session ended after that. Despite the slight awkwardness, it was still an enjoyable session and it was a treat to see how cute she looks up close
    Rating: 7/10

    Kashiwagi Yuki
    I saved the queen for last for day 1. Earlier in slot 6 she had a really insane queue that went on for ages even after slot 7 started. So I guess I was lucky that I picked slot 8 instead where there was a shorter queue. I did sense some fatigue from her by that point, but it didn't seem as bad as what I got from Mion. Said she loves Singapore which I guarantee is a template response but I'll take it anyway. I said the same stuff I said to Hiichan, and also that I like her a lot and I won't get to see her in person again. She said something here but I couldn't catch what she was saying. Forgot to end with the "I'll support you until your grad" like I did with Hiichan, which made me a bit sad
    Rating: 7/10

    Ended the day by staying back for Komi's and Hiichan's birthday group photo, as well as Ayu's, Yuami's and Okarina's grad group photo. Not particularly a big fan of any of the 3, but I thought it was interesting to stay back and watch it, and have my head appear in their SNS as well.

    Kuranoo Narumi
    She seriously looks way cuter in person. Rather enjoyed my chat with her. Managed to drop in a happy birthday before I left, first time remembering to do after I forgot for Megu and Rinrin the previous day
    Rating: 8/10

    Gyoten Yurina
    Was oshimashi-ed from Yuiyui, who had to miss the event through illness. I was contemplating between her and Hiyuka, as Hiyuka was heavily distracting me while I was queuing for Orin yesterday. Decided to go with Yurina instead as I know she went to Singapore once last year for an event for her agency, so I brought that up as a topic. She said she really enjoyed her time there, but we did not have time to elaborate further. That airhead personality definitely does not hide how shockingly pretty she looks in person.
    Rating: 8/10

    Shitao Miu
    Went blonde for the gyaru look today. It was shocking how good she looked with blonde hair, and I just had to compliment her on that. She asked whether there were many people with blonde hair in Singapore, I said no and she looked kinda surprised. Told her to please come to Singapore when she said she wanted to come
    Rating: 8/10

    Tokunaga Remi
    Remitan is pretty high up in my oshi list, so I was looking forward to meeting her, but I felt like the time was just a bit too short, and that I should have gotten more tickets. Told her this was my first handshake event, but I'd seen her perform before in the theatre in February, and that I had fun there. Tried to give her a late greeting for her birthday earlier this month, but she had already turned her attention to the next person by that point.
    Rating: 6/10

    Arai Sae
    The only 18th gen I'm meeting this time, as she was the only one to catch my eye so far (though I think Yagi Azuki might be getting somewhere after her solo song at Budokan). I was actually prepared to not meet her as I initially planned to do her slot yesterday, which she cancelled. However, I remembered last week that oshimashi is a thing and she's still doing Sunday, so I swapped Orin over to Sae's planned Saturday slot instead, and shifted Sae to Sunday. Thank goodness for the oshimashi system. Initial introduction was in Japanese, but she did not seem like she was going to voluntarily switch to English so I just had to ask if it's OK to switch, which she responded in English that she understands and it is fine, so I went ahead. It's as good as everyone claims, she definitely understand what I said. Told her I really liked her among the 18th gen, and really hope she does well in her time here. That "ace bob cut" really suits her well, and I thought she looked really cute.
    Rating: 9/10

    Yamazaki Sora
    I'd always imagined girls with face shapes like Sorara's to be on the shorter side, so it was a shock to see in person how tall she actually is. Commented that she looks super cute in her maid outfit today. Her smile is absolutely infectious, and I felt quite energized talking to her
    Rating: 9/10

    Fukuoka Seina
    Last member of the day goes back to my kami-oshi, as I wanted to bookend this event in a memorable way, and I figured there's nothing more memorable than the lady who dropped me into this rabbit hole being one of the first as well as last members I met in this 2 day period. Wore the hoodie that was one of her self-produced goods released this summer, but quite a few people wore that so it wasn't something particularly noteworthy to talk about.

    Had 1 minute with her this time, which was good enough for today as I've already gotten most of what I wanted to say out of the way yesterday. She was wearing a black cat jumper which was super cute, but I forgot to tell her that as I was more preoccupied with getting my main topic in. I told her that the day before yesterday was my birthday, and got both the "Tanjoubi omedetou" and "Happy Birthday" from her, which pretty much made my day already. I said that getting to meet the members, and also getting to meet her, over these 2 days is the best birthday present I can get, and that I don't want to go back home, which generated sad sounds from both of us. I tried to emphasize the fact I started my event with her and am ending the event with her as well, though I think it kinda floated over her head with how I said it. It kinda ended weirdly when she asked if I ate anything delicious, my brain was kinda fried at this point so I definitely answered in something gramatically incorrect, which drew a laugh from her. Ended by saying I'll see her at Fukuraji (her radio show) and gave her a heart sign as I was leaving, which she reciprocated with enthusiasm.
    Rating: 100/10 (the happy birthday itself more than justified this)

    And this marks the end of the handshake event, but not the end of the AKB related events. I deliberately planned my break so that I could see Seichan's radio show, but although I'm planning stays in Ibaraki and Chiba from tomorrow, if Seichan's performing in the theatre before I fly back I'm definitely going to try to make the long journey back just to watch her perform
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2023
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  19. Lusankya

    Lusankya Next Girls

    Feb 17, 2018
    Okabe Rin, Omori Maho
    She must have worn plateau shoes or something, because she is absolutely tiny. Not quite like Nagi or Hama, but I think the same height as Naru.
  20. metallion

    metallion Kenkyuusei

    Jan 20, 2020
    Fukuoka Seina
    Ah yea maybe, now that I actually looked up her height it makes sense, she looked like a giant today when I compare her to Mion yesterday who was absolutely tiny as well lmao; obviously I couldn't see her feet behind the booth but definitely looked somewhere along the 157-160cm range today to me from behind the booth

    So I guess my preconceptions about her face shape and height still stands :lol:

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