The 2014 Stage48 Member Ranking (All Votes Counted!)

Discussion in 'Forum Events' started by ithebigc, Feb 21, 2015.

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  1. goratnik

    goratnik Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Akimoto Yasushi
    ithebigc: you've really p1553d me off whining how much time it takes to verify votes, count them, deal with others whining how long it takes... that I sat down and wrote this below. Not finished, but works - corrections can be made if necessary.

    In short: copy already prepared .list files from sample/ directory (not that you shouldn't verify them... ;) ), then for each participating voter copy/paste votes to file named after that voter (for example: ithebigc.txt); file can contain 20 to 26 lines, the only allowed blank at 21 - which line must be blank anyway, if present. Format is irrelevant (check examples), only names really must match those on list, including letter size (Yang Yaru won't pass as for now, sorry).

    I have no idea, why forum refused to accept .zip, so here goes external link:
    votecounter 2015.02.24

    Have fun!

    Edit: short look at results shows that also count of votes (not their values) and split into positive/negative is present; easy to add, I just was in hurry. Comparison with last year might be equally simple, only that it requires these results to be present somewhere in script's reach.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  2. うぃむ33

    うぃむ33 Kenkyuusei

    Nov 6, 2014
    :fp::fp::fp: That's a really rude thing to say to someone! I'm sure @ithebigc works hard to do this every year, taking his/her own time to do it for the benefit of the forum. I have nothing but appreciation for what @ithebigc does, so please, when the voting is over take your time and get them out whenever you can! This is my first time participating, but I really appreciate what you've done :)
  3. AfoInvnt

    AfoInvnt Kenkyuusei

    Jun 7, 2014
    Madrid, Spain
    Ranking sent!
  4. junjou19

    junjou19 Member

    Jul 5, 2013
    I mean, it's not like everyone is using negative points because we're all hateful bastards; I really don't see why there's so much ado about nothing.
  5. KatoZaki

    KatoZaki Kenkyuusei

    Apr 12, 2014
    right behind yah
    just when i was about to celebrate for nearing a milestone of 50 posts ithebigc raised it to 60., do you have any idea how it is hard for me to post 47 in 11 months? lol, oh well theres still much time before deadline.,
  6. goratnik

    goratnik Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Akimoto Yasushi
    That's exactly what I mean - he could spend time on something better than doing something with wrong tools (as I guess from recalling myself how much time it really took him past years). Something else is just... necessary. Computers can do automated work and leave you only quoting results in the right places. Just teach them what you exactly expect.

    Wording is another thing, that might be worked on (sorry, hard to describe what really brought me here), but I really got that intense feeling of annoyance that led me to providing tools that hopefully will make ithebigc's task easier. There is no point in killing yourself.

    As I said, there are some more things left to do. I will try to add them in the evening. Don't seem too hard. In addition to mentioned above that would be BBcode-formatting.

    Edit: and splitting in teams! Interesting this one, as well as colouring.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  7. araishikeiwai

    araishikeiwai Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
    @goratnik appreaciate what you did!
    could you upload your codes in github or anything? i'd like to contribute~
  8. goratnik

    goratnik Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Akimoto Yasushi
    araishikeiwai: nice idea, why not. I'm getting ready for bringing VCS discussion here :p I'm more of a Mercurial guy, so maybe Bitbucket?

    Output is already extended:
    Colours are a bit off, because I don't know yet from where to take them, so just threw some randomly in. Just to test.
  9. Samara Morgane

    Samara Morgane Member

    Jul 2, 2014
    I posted my ranking 2 days ago!To bad I forgot Yuko was still elegible! :(
  10. araishikeiwai

    araishikeiwai Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
    @goratnik nice! My bitbucket username is my s48 username
  11. goratnik

    goratnik Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Akimoto Yasushi
    Main ranking seems finished (added previous rank and inverted rows):
    I will try to get an idea for good-enough "bucketing" of teams and push all that then to repository, as talked about above.

    (This thread is getting technical wwww)
  12. rka

    rka Senbatsu Stage48 Donor

    Jan 19, 2013
    I am envious. I can only code in R, and my skills are frequently busted when it comes to creating loops :p

    Nice work, i am sure ithebigc will appreciate it.
  13. goratnik

    goratnik Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Akimoto Yasushi

    To get just .zip file with script and samples, go to Downloads on left. There is also Source section with online preview.

    Team rankings look like:
    What can be done: limited visibility, as in: printing out only places lower than 100, for example. Applies mainly to team rankings, as main is easy to be done by mere cut. Refactoring - I was coding in "fast&furious" mode wwww. Removing hardcodes. Readme should be added as well.
    Checking out previous ranking, I don't see anything else of importance left to be done.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
  14. ikemenlover

    ikemenlover Kenkyuusei

    Jan 11, 2015
    Why dont we just stop these kind of ranking? I think these kind of rankIng create more problem than fu.
  15. araishikeiwai

    araishikeiwai Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
    @goratnik oh my god seems like you're using Windows and I'm using Linux therefore there's a problem in the paths lol. And you use python3 right?
    I'll take a look tonight and fix the path problem.

    By the way, here's something can be done:
    Colors in previous ranking.
    Green means rank up
    Red means rank down
    Black steady
  16. goratnik

    goratnik Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    Akimoto Yasushi
    @araishikeiwai I see that you are fast to fork and fix this!

    Black would mean also "ranks for the first time"? Or would that be green?
    As we are into extending functionality (ranking changes weren't present at least last year), what else could be added? This is a question to other topic readers, too, as they might have useful ideas. it would be useful to get @ithebigc 's opinion BTW...
  17. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    The results never create any problems, people find out some surprising things and some not surprising things and than reveal why they usually downvoted someone or voted for someone and that's it.
  18. Mimi

    Mimi Kenkyuusei

    Jan 26, 2014
    I'm still not sure if I'm going to participate, since there are a few things that bother me.

    First, I thought it would be difficult to cut my favourite members down to 20, but it turns out that it's actually difficult to choose that many. There are maybe four girls who I definitely like, but the rest I'm sometimes unsure of, because I don't know them that well. Most of the bottom of my list will be girls I simply like for the way they look or naturally want to support, because I feel like they're nice girls and could use some of that. With some girls I like their appearance but I'm not sure about their personality or the other way round.

    Second, trying to make this list based on the way you felt in December last year just doesn't work for me. In most cases I don't remember the exact moment I started liking or disliking someone. It's like falling in love, you might remember when you realised you were in love, but not exactly when it happened and what caused it. Even if there's a member that you saw for the first time this year and immediately fell in love with her, it's difficult to act like she doesn't exist while making this list. Same thing goes with girls that would be pretty high up your list last year, but have in the meantime fallen down to the bottom, you should be giving her a high ranking even though you're kind of starting to dislike her and wish you could give that spot to the girl from the previous example. It's just a psychological thing (on top of having to rank the girls accordingly which is frustrating me more than it should).

    Third, the negative votes part. It's done anonymously, so I'm not really bothered by the whole spreading negative vibes thing, it's just that it alters the results in my opinion. I'd want this to be like the SSK, to see which members are most popular here, but how will we know how many fans Paruru has when all the haters are going to be downvoting her? The results won't show that many people dislike her, it will just seem that she didn't make most peoples' list of most liked members. If something happened that really had a negative effect on a member's popularity we'd see the results by the smaller amount of points that they were given anyway. In Sasshi's case it would've been more interesting to see how many fans she had left after her scandal, but those points would be nullified by angry haters who probably don't even know her, she just happened to be on their mind, because people were talking about her. I know some members her are smart and mature enough to think their votes through and use their negative votes because they have a legitimate reason for it, but I also know that some unfortunately aren't. (I mean, we have people who're willing to create multiple accounts voting here.:fp:)

    I'm embarrassed by the length of this post. >.<
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  19. M4YUYU

    M4YUYU Member Stage48 Donor

    Jun 15, 2012
    The vote breakdown does get revealed (total, positive, and negative for each member), so it's possible to render a new list without negative votes if somebody wants to, or if it's obvious that there's a lot of strategizing with negative votes.

    I have no qualms with the negative votes as long as the breakdown is revealed so we know if people are abusing them. Although, I wish people would try to be less spiteful. To people who tried to game the system, it's just an online poll for fun... what the heck :lol:
  20. KPKgirl

    KPKgirl Member

    Jul 11, 2014
    Iowa, USA
    Sumire Sato
    Have my ranking done - but before I submit I just want to make sure that I'm looking at my post count right. It's the "messages" under the information portion right?
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