Yagi Azuki (Azu)

Discussion in 'AKB48 Kenkyuusei' started by lionel90, Apr 9, 2023.

  1. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Azu's new profile picture <3

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  2. otabe

    otabe Upcoming Girls

    Sep 7, 2018
    yui's broken apple watch
    I watched Azu's 100 Q&A video! Here are most of her answers for it :oops:


    - The origin of her name: came together from her older brother and mom :XD: (Nickname: Azu)
    - Blood type: UNKNOWN :^^;:
    - She's 159.6 cm.
    - She weighs 100 apples :cool:
    - Her special skill is dancing ;)
    - Her strength is she's cheerful! (she is indeed mega genki)
    - Her weakness is that she worries alot
    - Her personality: people say she is interesting [hehe]
    - Her motto is: "Hard work is always rewarded!" (big akb fan)
    - Her favorite food: chocolate and umeboshi. Least favorite is cheesecake
    - Her favorite color is pink and purple.
    - Lately, she likes eating chocolate as soon as she wakes up in the morning (how unhealthy! :()
    - She has been collecting alot of gachapon recently
    - She releases stress by screaming into her pillow or talking to her dog.
    - On her day off, she plays with her dog and sleep. :blush:
    - The first thing she does in the morning is eat chocolate
    - What she does before sleeping: hopes that she can wake up tomorrow :shock:
    - What made her sad recently: she hit her finger on the shelf
    - What made her laugh recently: Yuichi from her showroom :yikes:
    - Her oldest memory: almost drowning in the sea :shocku:
    - If she was a boy for a day, what would she do: see how fast she can run!
    - Her charm point: her smooth hair and fair skin :blush:
    - The body part she likes about herself: she had to think hard here. and decided on ears :awesome:
    - Her complex: her small mouth
    - What she wants the most: LOVE :^O^:
    - What does she wash first (when showering I guess): her hair from the back
    - What if she won in the lottery? go to @cosme (looks like some makeup site?) and buy alot makeup :approve:
    - If she could make 3 wishes: 1) I want to be smarter 2) I want to be better at writing. 3) I want to be better at singing.
    - 3 things she would take on a deserted island: mama, papa, oniichan :blush: (she really loves her family)
    - Favorite song at karaoke: Ieiri Reo's "The Summer You Gave Me"
    - Habit: Always fiddling with her hairs and bangs
    - In her free time, she likes to eat!
    - Favorite picture recently: her beloved Hina in her carrot outfit


    - Food she would eat as her last meal : expensive MEAT
    - What scares her the most: cockroaches (me too :mad:)
    - Recent dream: She went for a walk and ate onigiri. :^^;: she calls it a very happy dream
    - Habit she has for a long time: When she gets out the bath, she moisturizes her face
    - Animal that she looks like: Yuna told her she looks like a squirrel :rofl:
    - Future dream: join senbatsu!
    - Why did she audition for AKB: She seen akb before and it gave her alot of energy and she wants to be able to do that for other people too! :cute:
    - Member she admires in AKB: Hiichan, Erii
    - Member she would want to be for a day: Yuichi because she is always spoiled by her senpai (she mentioned this in the nemousu ep. azu wants to be spoiled toooo! :asdfgh:)
    - Favorite 48G song: 11gatsu no Anklet :cry:
    - Job she wants to try: she wants to do roke with 18ki :cold:
    - Her dream as a kid: she always wanted to be an idol... and own a balloon shop :eek:
    - Who's her oshimen, who is she interested in? Onishi Momoka.. so IKEMEN
    - Her ideal female: Erii
    - Her ideal male: a man with muscles.. kind.. :flower:
    - Her best friend among members: she says she gets along with everyone!!
    - Where she wants to go the most: Fuji-Q Highland with 18ki (sounds like a good roke idea :shifty:)
    - The person she wants to meet now: Oshima Yuko, fan for a long time
    - What would she do on her last day on earth: eat and shop alot [hehe]
    - Comparing herself to a color: pink
    - What does she do for beauty care: she uses a hair dryer for her hair
    - What's the capital of Thailand? Myeong-dong... isn't that in Korea :^^;:
    - Something she's proud of: everyday, Hinano calls her cute :XD:
    - Tell us a secret: She has stiff shoulders and goes to a massage shop twice a week.
    - Senior she wants to talk to: Onishi Momoka
    - Something she wants to try: study Chinese and Korean. mentioned Chinese and Korean fans
    - If she could have a new ability: talk to dogs
    - How she sees herself in 5 years from now: she wants to have abs and her dancing to be great
    - What she ate for breakfast: yogurt and onsen manju
    - Who told the results of her AKB auditions: her mom
    - Something she can't live without: her dog
    - Words that make her happy: when someone calls her beautiful and beautiful hair (imma write that down :hehe:)
    - Favorite onigiri filling: umeboshi
    - She's not good at reading :^^;:
    - Her favorite emoji: the pleading uwu face (i like to use it too :shifty:)


    - Her problem recently: When she talks to senpai, she gets nervous.
    - When did she try her best in her life: she really hates studying so her high school entrance exams :lol:
    - Draw yourself! ;) (ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)


    - Show an imitation: Sae's catchphrase :^O^: she does it alot in front of Sae and it makes her mad :mad:
    - Something she is particular with: her bangs
    - Something she tries to do: in middle school and high school, she used to say hello to everyone :XD:
    - What she can't lose at: a roller coaster!
    - Her treasure: her makeup tools :blink:
    - How she feels right now, in one word: sweat! I guess it's hot in that recording room [hehe]
    - What she wants the fans to know about her: Watch her dancing!:banana:
    - Video project she wants to do: Since 18ki is so interesting, she wants to go out with them to show this side
    - Words to the viewers: "You've been watching for a long time, thank you~ Is this the last one? EH I see! Thank you very much! Please continue to watch me!"

    I hope you all got to learn a little more about Azu :cool:
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  3. donjonnie

    donjonnie Next Girls

    Jun 12, 2011
    Time's up
    And she got her wish recently!
    She got the Solo from lottery unit on Budokan Day 3, hopefully lots of fans saw and "found" her!
    video of her solo Kokkyo no Nai Jidai

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Personally I love the song choice, Kokkyo no Nai Jidai (An Era Without Borders)
    the lyrics clearly reflects the world situation right now :|
    also the fact that Azu and her 18th gen has blurred the border between Sakamichi-AKB, that originally sang this song. [hehe]

    This showroom clip from Miion where she talks a bit about the Lottery Units and Azu:

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    • First of all, she assures that the Lottery Units, which was all centered by KKS, are not staged at all
    • Everyone mixed the papers within the box before choosing and it was done in front of all members' eyes, so there's no way it was staged.
    • So when Azu being the first who draw the lottery and got the solo, everyone was hysterical haha [hehe]
    • Songs were decided after the members were chosen, except Jiwaru Days.
    • <snip> discussed about the other lottery units <snip>
    • from 4:07 Mion praised Azu's performance
    • From lesson time Mion and everyone else got their breath taken away by how cool Azu's dance was.
    • Mion was happy Azu was the right choice for solo, and hopes she is "found" by fans.
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  4. otabe

    otabe Upcoming Girls

    Sep 7, 2018
    yui's broken apple watch

    if the video does not show watch the video here


    Azu guested on Hashira Night!
    Saho introduced Azu as... "AKB48's new heroine" :^O^: looks like azu is meeting these senpai formally for the first time.. really happy to finally talk to her oshi, onishi. she did also got to greet hiichan and erii, the other members she admired. but her oshi is onishi!
    First mail of listener is someone complimenting azu's solo who was there at the concert. They were so happy since Azu is their oshi. Azu sounds like she is gonna cry :cute:

    Azu was so surprised that so many KKS won the solo slots for the concert (I loved it :approve:) Azu saw Kokkyo no nai Jidai song performed on TV before and liked it but she still had a tough time deciding which song to use. It was Yukirin who said the song fit her so she went with HAI :^^;: (ty based yukirin)
    Saho said when she saw Azu performing it during rehearsal, the whole atmosphere of the rehearsal changed :^O^: (kinda like how it did for the concert) it was their first rehearsal so everyone wasn't as sharp. But after azu went, everyone went EH. Apparently Orin was crying from Azu's rehearsal as well :shock: (everyone was just mega impressed from Azu :XD:) Azu has some dance experience as she was in a dance club for 3 years (at school?)
    Yukirin was the one who decided she should have some back dancers. Apparently the two back dancers were her dance sensei from a while back so she was mega comfortable with them.
    After the rehearsal, Yukirin complimented Azu saying she practiced alot and was amazing! It made Azu cry :cute: her words really carried Azu on.

    Azu talked about the pic up there she submitted. A cute gap compared to her COOL performance :whistle:
    she did a couple little voice overs for the bubbles. the others girls said she sounds so cute, innocent, young... (compared to the old ladies senpai :shifty:)
    For the last song of the show, they played Azu's song selection which was 11gatsu no Anklet. She explained that she loves the song because its mayuyu's grad song :cry: and since its almost November.... (where did this year GO :oops:)
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  5. Jay1

    Jay1 Kenkyuusei

    Mar 19, 2022
    Yes, she said she was in dance club for 3 years at school.
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  6. otabe

    otabe Upcoming Girls

    Sep 7, 2018
    yui's broken apple watch

    if the video does not show watch the video here


    Azu had a shoot with AKB newspaper today today and she still has her makeup on from it [hehe] She was happy to talk with Onishi the other day (radio show).
    Since it's winter, she is teasing that she will wear cute clothes during talks and handshakes so everyone come meet her, esp Christmas eve :blush: (this single the christmas eve slots are in person instead of online unlike last year so :cry: for me)
    Someone commented they were moved watching her solo performance and her teary MC. She's embarrassed because she hates crying! :mad: She once again expresses her gratitude to Yukirin who pretty much shaped this performance. :approve:
    She's planning on joining the bis showroom contest starting in 2 days. She really wants to be in a fashion magazine :(, she's been reading it for a long time. A little worried since the dobon stuff is upcoming too

    seems this round is just for the new gen girls as only akb 18ki, ske 12ki, nmb 9ki, hkt 6ki, ngt 3ki, stu 3ki can apply so hopefully azu can make it into top 2!
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  7. Aka

    Aka Under Girls

    Jan 4, 2013
    Sakaguchi "Tenshi" Nagisa
  8. donjonnie

    donjonnie Next Girls

    Jun 12, 2011
    Time's up
    Azu's showroom from today (Nov 29)

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    She talks about her Boku no Taiyou show appearances, the challenges, etc.
    She is fast at replying in LINE, usually in seconds if she's not asleep.
    She replied "Yes!" to her manager's request to perform in theater within like 30 secs.
    Apparently she got her Christmas wish quite early from Gunji Santa since she is getting more theater appearances.[hehe]

    Midway, ChanHina, Kohi and Kasumin joins. Apparently they are having lessons today after this showroom.
    Lots of lessons for all 18ki, tomorrow they have some too. What for?? :confused:

    from 44:44 it's karaoke time!
    They sing Ano Natsu no Bouhatei in full <3, Ora ora song(Zenryoku Hankouki), Shittakaburi no sono shita ni, etc
    half of the session is ChanHina singing though :^^;:
    Apparently just like 17ki, they never sang Bouhatei's 2nd verse live :| and just realized how wonderful the 2nd verse lyrics are.
    There goes my hope that they've somehow shot a secret MV for my favorite song:|:|

    Azu's baka chara is not fading away yet[hehe], there are some examples in this stream:
    She didn't know the meaning of the english word "Hobby" as tested by ChanHina (from 49:20)
    Saying "NAMI ari, Tani ari" instead of the common japanese proverb "Yama ari Tani ari" (山あり谷あり - there are ups and downs in life) when replying to Kasumin who instantly recognized the error (from 1:12:29)

    Also funny taste in lesson T-shirt. Is that Mount Pinatubo erupting being depicted??:^^;:
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  9. wuerfel

    wuerfel Member Studio48 Contributor

    Feb 8, 2017
    She's part of the 63rd Single Senbatsu! This makes me super happy :ome:
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  10. LarcKen

    LarcKen Future Girls

    Feb 7, 2008
    Taguchi Manaka
    Congrats Azu!:banana: you deserve it!
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  11. otabe

    otabe Upcoming Girls

    Sep 7, 2018
    yui's broken apple watch
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
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  12. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
    Congrats to Azu for getting in senbatsu for the first time! :flower:

    This is great for her o_o Recently, she's been getting more and more popular especially after her solo performance at the concert. I was surprised with how much attention it received and how it made her more popular! I didn't think that a performance at a concert could have this effect, it's great! She was already doing good before that too, and she double centered one of the KKS songs before. So it's nice that she gets to be in senbatsu now!

    I've been liking her more and more, first because when watching 18th gen content, she was quite funny, like with all the mistakes she makes when talking and how she's a bit... forgetful? I'm not sure what's the right word but it's like she has her head in the clouds lol. She's funny and cute! I also enjoyed her 100 Q&A, she was entertaining, she's a very nice girl ^^
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  13. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012
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  14. lyl

    lyl Member Studio48 Contributor

    Jul 15, 2022
    Omori Maho
    I really like to see her on stage jnohghghjkgbyf I've just watched a bit of the new year stage with the U-22 senbatsu girls and as always, she stands out soooo much because of her sharp and strong moves. Love her
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  15. Mana

    Mana Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Sep 11, 2012

    Azu's solo performance of "Kokkyo no Nai Jidai" has more than 40k views and 100+ comments here! I took a look at the comments (in japanese) and they're all so positive. it's also from people who went to the concert. They said the atmosphere changed when Azu performed, and a lot of comments (from people who saw it in real or not) said that they got goosebumps. I also saw a few comments wishing for her to get in senbatsu, these comments were made before the new single announcement, so their wish became true not long after, hehe. I also saw someone saying that the official AKB channel should upload this performance so that it can create a buzz, and that it's a waste that they don't do this. I agree, not just for this live but for many other ones, it would be good if every now and then, they uploaded a performance officially on the account, it could really make some members more popular! Especially this one, it already made Azu so much more popular, if it's on the official channel, it would have a bigger effect. There are people who replied to the comment and said that they agree, then some of them mentioned that management did share part of the performance on the official TikTok. I went to check and it's true! That's good ^^

    Here: https://www.tiktok.com/@akb48_official_tiktok/video/7293864199372016898

    This was played 437k times and received over 22k likes and almost 250 comments. They actually uploaded this on the day of the performance, that's good, they didn't wait! I didn't know (until now) that they shared it on the official TikTok account. This TikTok probably contributed to all the attention she received from this solo ;D
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  16. Lusankya

    Lusankya Next Girls

    Feb 17, 2018
    Okabe Rin, Omori Maho
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  17. donjonnie

    donjonnie Next Girls

    Jun 12, 2011
    Time's up
    Azu will be featured on UTB/UpToBoy March Issue! (アップトゥボーイ’24年3月号)
    On Sale Jan 23
    Some samples:

    Video : https://i.imgur.com/1zInXRN.mp4

    Perhaps unrelated to UTB photoshoots above but she went travelling to some scenic areas:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Fans are trying to fish the details of the new 63rd single (from 21:40) from her but her lips are sealed, she says!
    But it's nice, she says.
    Just wait one more month! There will be a lot to talk about at the next Talk event, she says.
    Maybe she's not as baka as her public chara. [hehe]

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Her official Birthday merchandises :
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Simple Moon design and LOVE MOON (Literally her kanji name (愛月) in English)
    Who's going to join the moon cult with her? [hehe]
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
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  18. donjonnie

    donjonnie Next Girls

    Jun 12, 2011
    Time's up
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  19. Lusankya

    Lusankya Next Girls

    Feb 17, 2018
    Okabe Rin, Omori Maho
    She looks stunningly beautiful on that first off-shot.

    Also she actually has a really long neck. :^O^:
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  20. Mimikkyu

    Mimikkyu Member

    Jun 9, 2019
    48G itself.
    Is she a Rokurokubi?

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