Am I the only one who find it suspicious how she left the group in a hurry while she was starting to get attention and is still super active on social networks? Like, it might not have actually been her decision? Ugh, she's still as pretty as ever, maybe even prettier, I'm still so sad she left.
For some reason, it reassures me to hear I'm not the only one. I just hope she's happy with whatever she is doing in her life from now on. But I will keep on thinking we lost a girl that could have been an amazing idol.
She is enjoying life alright. Our first STU member in mizugi I guess.
She has Instagram now. ♡ Lots of beautiful Ocho photos. I'm so happy she's still so active. edit: she had her first Instalive and talked about make up and at some point about Iwata Hina. I didn't understand what. ;_;
Ochochan is still super active on social networks. And like several other (former) idols she started tiktok videos. She's frequently retweeting and answering tweets about STU (girls). Plus she is doing something similar to showroom/twitch etc. (see link below) Sorry, I'm too lazy to do such long roundups like everyone else lol. But I think Ochochan became even prettier since leaving. Although I wish she'd be still around. links /source
Ochochan met up with Ponchan and posted photos in Twitter:
Apparently Ochochan joined an agency called discovery next, which has mainly models and enterntainer under their wing. I can see Orie do both, but she often posts stylish photos of her on her inata or twitter. So I'm tending more torwards model. Sadly I couldn't find her on the discovery page yet. But we will see. Can't wait to see her do more stuff. I really love her and was super sad as she left STU. Luckily she decided to stay in the world of entertainment. source:
she is joining an idol group called "Saigo no bansan" (最後の晩餐) the gimmic is the group will disband after 1000 days of activities.
Certainly an interesting gimmick for a new idol group, but given that a hell of a lot of small idol groups don't last that long maybe they should have gone with 500 days, then relaunched or something. Good luck to her, though.
Sadly she didn't last in the group (as 'Sui') for anything like the planned 1000 days, together with two other members she's had her contract cancelled due to a breach of it: Her last tweet from two days ago: Via DeepL Translate: