Potential NMB Subbing Project

Discussion in 'General NMB48 Discussion' started by Smilodon, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Smilodon

    Smilodon Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Feb 27, 2012
    I've opened up a thread so we can discuss things about a potential subbing project here, and of course if it gets going it'll be moved to the forum projects area of the forum.

    So first thing we should probably decide as zero mentioned is a name. What do you guys think we should start as? We could always just affiliate ourselves with ProjectSubs48 or we can call ourselves something that relates to NMB.

    Teppen Subs seems like a good idea. Short, get the whole NMB vibe from it too. (Jounetsu Highway, maybe too)

    And also submit a suggestion about what we should start off to get going. As many have mentioned we should start off with small things so we can be realistic about the work it takes to do things. So you can also suggest something small that we could sub too. Like, even a radio show for example.
  2. Snowman81

    Snowman81 Kenkyuusei

    May 23, 2013
    Los Angeles, USA
    I do like the TEPPEN name. Its simple and effective. Our slogan can be something like "Fuuchan is watching" [hehe]

    As a project, I think the most impactful ones would be the documentaries, the Team M SP from last year and the 24hr TV talks but they're all pretty long and time intensive. The only small projects I can think of are the short YNN releases.
  3. Under The Ribbon

    Under The Ribbon Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    Radio shows are something we get a ton of entertainment from... but, I think not being able to see the girls besides a picture will probably make it hard to lure in new fans, and new fans probably don't know the girls' voices well enough. Subbing radio also isn't any easier than subbing videos, as you still have to deal with timing and such.

    I like the Yoshimoto Shinkigeki collabs because the members always do their self-intro when they show up on stage, and to me, entertaining self-intros is an area where NMB really shines compared to other sister groups. And of course I'm not suggesting on doing all of them - just choose one of the shows where a lot of prominent members have good moments, preferably not one where the Yoshimoto comedians overshadow the NMB members too much, and definitely not one that's missing Milky.

    Of course each show is a bit over an hour long so it won't exactly be an easy task... I'm just drawing blank on a good shorter show atm.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
  4. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    The YNN shorts are probably a good place to start since they're, well, short and easier to do. The more intro focused ones like Mita Gahaku should be the priority IMO. I actually think something like Number Shot would have been a good idea but its so old now so there probably is no more point in doing it.

    I actually think Shinkigeki is a great idea since they're scripted so the timing is easier but they're also pretty long. Maybe have that as a long run goal.
  5. wahoho

    wahoho Kenkyuusei

    May 8, 2013
    The team talks of riichan24h should also be a good introduction to the new fans.
    Honestly, that corner of riichan24h helped me get to know a lot of members of NMB48.
    The video can potentially introduce an NMB oshimen for non NMB followers or just barely knows NMB (SayaMilky level)
  6. wasabi

    wasabi Kenkyuusei

    Mar 16, 2012
    The YNN shows are definitely the best ones to start with as many of them are short and easier to sub. I recall Jeauexe has mentioned in another thread that she's doing one of them already. The Mita Gahaku are the shortest, and from there the "I Want To" series are slightly longer, and the 24H Riichan and SPs are the longest and thus would require more commitment. It shouldn't deter those who are interested in tackling the longer shows, however.

    As for a name, Teppen sounds good. I'm also thinking of Namba or Naniwa to reflect the group's Kansai roots. Maybe we can take an informal vote on the thread to decide. As we'll be focused on NMB shows, as long as it gives a nod to the Osaka area and its culture I'm alright with it.
  7. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    Teppen is Osaka-ben and has the bonus of being something NMB members say all the time. The only negative is that its already the title of Milky's radio show so its not original. "Nandeyanen" is very Osaka too and easy to understand but probably not easily pronounceable.

    I like the "Fuuchan miteru sakai" tagline Snowman81 suggested.
  8. minaeshi

    minaeshi Next Girls

    Feb 13, 2014
    United Kingdom
    Morita Hikaru
    I'm no good at subbing things at all, so I'll just leave my input, suggestions and comments here and there once in a while haha :chuffed:
    I think something simple like NambaSubs or Namba48 Subs would be good, like zero said, Teppen is the title of Milkys radio so people might read "Teppen Subs" and think its subs solely for the radio show, and if they're not fond of milky they won't bother checking it out.
    Namba Subs has a good ring to it, and since even new fans know Namba = NMB, something simple like that will make them more intrigued to see what it is :)
  9. joooooooooe

    joooooooooe Member Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles, CA
    "Fuuchan is watching" is an excellent tagline. I've always been fond of subtitle groups without the name "subs" in them. Maybe [FIW]?

    For initial projects since we don't have a workflow or know what we're really doing, I'd prefer to get started with something very small, at least for the very first project. A number shot would be good just so we can get a feel of working which each other.

    I can time, but I would prefer someone else encode and upload since I have max 50 kb/s upload and people complain if I use all the bandwidth. If possible, soft subs (not directly encoded into the video) are also a good option since it reduces the bandwidth requirement on us.
  10. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    I still like TEPPEN since I came up with it :p We could just not use "subs" after it or go for the full "Teppen Tottande" if we want differentiation.

    I think the issue with using softsubs is it runs the risk of getting "stolen" by other people and used for their own purposes. Not sure if that's a big deal in the idol world or is something we even care about. I'm also not sure how softsubs would work in distributing the shows on trackers and stuff.

    I have an SSA file of the first YNN I want to play games episode done so we can use that as a trial release once we decide on the logistics of everything.
  11. Smilodon

    Smilodon Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Feb 27, 2012
    Teppen is a good idea and I'm all for that while making the tagline 'Fuuchan is Watching' (FIW) . Since that would be funny too. Very tongue in cheek for those NMB fans who are aware of the joke.

    But yes, something really small like the first episode of Yuuri's games would probably be perfect as we sort the logistics out. I do agree that Softsubs might be better to use too.
  12. joooooooooe

    joooooooooe Member Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles, CA
    I thought you already finished subbing the first episode of Yuuri's games?

    I'm not too concerned about someone stealing our work though. Maybe somehow our subtitles will end up on the streets of China, but I can see it being a much bigger problem with anime.

    For dramas, soft subs are usually available on a forum post and it's usually up to the downloader to do the final sync on timing since the source could be downloaded from a number of different places.
  13. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    I did. I'll probably do all 4 episodes when we finally get this thing rolling.

    If our main objective is just to get the word out, then we probably won't care too much if someone is actually brazen enough to re-distribute it for us. We should probably decide on a uniform way to put credits on the videos though. That or assign someone to do a final pass and get them to add it.

    I think the video sources for these are all the same so sync-ing shouldn't be a problem? I'm confident someone will step up and volunteer to upload to the trackers or streaming places though so as long as that person is synced properly there shouldn't be a problem.
  14. naruse

    naruse Kenkyuusei

    Oct 4, 2009
    For encoding / distribution, I can certainly do both. Just need to click a few buttons and let computer do rest of the work... no biggie.
  15. wasabi

    wasabi Kenkyuusei

    Mar 16, 2012
    50 kb/s upload? What neck of the SoCal woods are you in? For a moment there I thought of 56 Kbps dialup. :p

    I was going to ask whether soft or hard subs but looks like the former is the way to go. I assume most of us here use the H!O tracker for our video files, so at least we have some uniformity in the source of our videos. Just need to confirm with filename and size as well.

    Would it be best to have a group Youtube or DailyMotion account to upload the finished subbed videos? Or just share the completed subtitle .srt, .ass, etc. files here and let the interested parties download for themselves? I guess it would depend in what form we'd want to share the finished work to be.
  16. Under The Ribbon

    Under The Ribbon Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    Let's start figuring out what roles people could be doing to contribute. I'll draft a list but feel free to offer suggestions on things that should be done differently.

    1. Translator [High Workload] [1 or 2 people at first]: Should be fluent in the language (kansai-ben since this is NMB). I think this role shouldn't be given to too many people because we want a consistent tone and word choices. It would be awkward to see a word translated in one way here but in a different way in another place.

    Translation double-checker [As many people as it takes]: Self-explanatory I think.

    2. Timing [High Workload] [As many people as it takes]: Get the translated script from the translator and figure out the timing of each sentence to be displayed, for example:

    14:30 - 14:31 Sayaka Sasayaka Sawayaka Sayaka! (crowd: Sayaka!)
    Write this in whatever format is appropriate for the subbing thing we're using.

    Experienced people would be better, but I think anyone can learn this quickly enough. It's obviously easier than actually learning Japanese. If we divide up a 2-hour long video into 12 little 10-minute-long segments, and give it to 12 different people to time, we'd be able to get things done pretty fast.

    Probably want Timing double-checkers too

    3. Encode-upload [Medium Workload] [Probably just 1 person with a fast computer/connection]
  17. joooooooooe

    joooooooooe Member Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles, CA
    I am in the "Time Warner sucks" neck of the woods. :asdfgh:
    (I wish FiOS came here. Meh. 50KB/s isn't standard?)

    The way I envisioned the workflow is this:
    -Decide on a project and the team members for the project (Timer/Translator/Encoder(if hardsub)).
    -Timer will roughly time all the subtitles using Aegisub, then upload the file to a shared server.
    -Translator will take the timing and subtitle it, then update the file. If softsub, make file available to the public.
    -If hardsub, encoder will QC for subtitles/keyframes, etc., then encode and upload.

    YT is pretty strict--they flagged my NaniNade subtitle right away when I made it public. We can put it on an H!O tracker, someone can throw it up on Dailymotion.

    I'll submit myself as timer. I can do translations but they're spotty at best, you'll see when I upload my B2 skit translation :lol:

    I think we just need a shared server with version control to get started.
  18. Smilodon

    Smilodon Kenkyuusei Retired Staff

    Feb 27, 2012
    I think we've generally agreed that we are going to begin with small YNN segments at first in order to see how the logistics of the subbing are going to work out. So I think Zero and Jeauexe, who mentioned they were doing Yuuri's games and a Mita Gahaku can continue their translation work initially, and we can start there.

    Since I'll be fulfilling prior commitments to Geinin 2, I'll be translating there until I finish the remaining 2.5 episodes left. In the meantime however, I volunteer to double check timing and the translations.

    As Joe just mentioned, we can have lines pretimed, and then have the translators put the lines in directly as well. That might be more convenient. I think DailyMotion and Vimeo would be the best options for streaming too. YT is strict and fast at catching copyrighted material.
  19. zeroshiki

    zeroshiki Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    We can probably create a Google Group and then use Drive to share files among ourselves. Much easier that way.

    Ok, I just created one. I guess PM me your google account or something so I'll add you.
  20. Under The Ribbon

    Under The Ribbon Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    Sorry to add more noise before this project even got going, but Geinin the Movie is coming out on DVD like... right now, actually! It's not going to be an entry-level project at all, but it would surely be a nice goal to set in the near future.

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