I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring too. It's been a long time since I've and sat translated anything however, so I think to start with I'll just help out with checking and corrections. Who know's it may inspire me enough to get out of this 18 month rut I've been in with studying Japanese.
Glad to have you aboard Give me your gmail addy or make one up. There's really not much movement outside of still just organizing ourselves at this point so people should feel free to chime in/join.
I think I'll get started on YNN - Kamieda Emika presents : I want to pet animals - part 1. I'm still pretty new to subbing so I'm gonna use this to get a better idea of how things work (there must be some shortcuts I'm missing... ). Hopefully in a day or so I'll have it done.
Haha, it's true. Whenever I feel like "Wow, I just got a lot done!" and then I look at the timer, I've only gotten through like 2 minutes of footage...
I got my Geinin Movie DVD and there are unfortunately no subtitles so it would take a lot longer than expected. I think it would be a fantastic project though. Still working on the timing for Maokyun special #1.
Update the google doc and the google group with ongoing stuff, everyone. It at least gives us an idea how things are going.
Anyway if you're trying to sub it by yourself, don't try to do everything at the same time. Translate on a .txt file and then import it to aegis and then time them. Or if you can find someone to time for you, it is much faster to translate onto a pre-timed file since you don't have to manually rewind multiple times if you didn't catch a line the first time through. Just my two cents.
I'd like to join too but probably around June. I still have commitments to seitansai and my personal project Regarding subbing, from my experienced, maybe we can do it like this: Order of talking is from top to down Sayaka: <insert conversation> Nana: <insert conversation> and so on... Then since we are all familiar with NMB members, it won't be hard to time them. The timer can then time based on translated script. 00:10 Sayaka 00:20 Nana and so on... This is so that the translator can concentrate on the translation, and timers can do timing. Then QC will check if timing and translation syncs. I think this is what lotsheep was talking about
Yes, but I'm assuming that the timers have at least a little bit of language knowledge to identify who's speaking what, so usually I don't even indicate who's the speaker, just the words to be displayed. If there are overlaps of speeches, then use \N - to break the lines up but still display them simultaneously so it looks neater. If the QC can check for TL sync that would be awesome, but if not, he can always request for the original translator to take a look at the file again if unsure. What's important is that there is constant communication between the different roles in the team so that it is easy to request for quick confirmation of any doubts. An instant chat group somewhere would be ideal. It is not uncommon for the subfile to change hands multiple times over different roles. In fact that's what takes the longest time to produce the subfile; the waiting time for the next person to take over. Just to be sure, everyone is using aegis right?
Lol just making sure everyone's in on this. Aidol once had a new guy use a different program before and the whole file became cranky.
As suggested by Gingerninja, we probably should have some kind of sub guidelines/dictionary regarding how to translate certain things. For example: 1. Referring to yourself in the third person; 2. Certain terms like Teppen Tottande, Nandeyanen, etc; 3. Made up words like Kanashirenapyon, Otsukarena etc While its still a little ways off, we should think about distribution too.
To add to that, I think it's a given we use East Asian naming convention (family name first) than Western style. Also, it shouldn't matter but either .ass or .srt formats should be fine, though the former while more complicated would be preferred as it's more flexible and configurable.
I agree that certain words don't need to be translated and rather just romanized, but that can be left up to the translator's discretion whether translating it or not would maintain or ruin the integrity/nuances of the original. When I do Geinin I translate 'Nandeyanen', but if I were to translate 'Nandeyanen, Idol' or something, I wouldn't change 'Nandeyanen' to 'Why' or whatever. I think most people are good about what needs to left as is and needs to be changed in order to make it understandable.
^ I see no problems with this and I agree. As long as we are able to properly convey what is going on, it should be enough. I'd also like to suggest that we avoid overtranslation of things. For example, calling kenkyuusei "research students" makes little sense. Kenkyuusei as a romanized word works for most of the fandom anyway and translating it sloppily like that only serves to add confusion.
I'd rather just focus on putting something out instead of talking about guidelines, we can worry about quality later. It's not like we have competition or anything
If it's an understood and used term ie Kenkyuusei / Senbatsu then it should be left as is. Although things like sousenkyo / election are fairly interchangeable. it doesn't need to be a solid list of stuff, as long as we all know roughly what and why the others are doing things, especially with multiple translators as everyone has a different way of phrasing/explaining things. So for example, Eastern naming conventions are standard here so they are fine. Referring to yourself in 3rd person should be removed unless there is valid reason (such as someone making a self indulgent rant.) Otherwise we're going to have the members coming across as if they're doing impressions of the Rock. "Ota Yuuri says to know your role and shut your damn mouth!" etc